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Mohammed Muid 2012-03-21 14:18

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v50 in Extras-Devel
i had the same set of application when i had kp49. exactly same. why would this happen now. i experienced wonderful batterylife with kp49. without batterypatch. then i flashed rootfs and emmc. then installed kp50. and exactly those applications when i had kp49. i am really confused. ok i will post the output of top here once my battery is fully charged.

freemangordon 2012-03-21 14:40

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v50 in Extras-Devel

Originally Posted by Mohammed Muid (Post 1182371)
i had the same set of application when i had kp49. exactly same. why would this happen now. i experienced wonderful batterylife with kp49. without batterypatch. then i flashed rootfs and emmc. then installed kp50. and exactly those applications when i had kp49. i am really confused. ok i will post the output of top here once my battery is fully charged.

No need to wait for battery to be charged to run top, it just shows active processes and their MPU usage, battery charge does not matter. And no need to post top output here, just check if there is some process which constantly uses MPU.

The other tool you could use is powertop (google a bit how to install and use it)

Did you check your wifi power settings? Because if wifi is running without power management enabled, the battery will be flat in a matter of 4-6 hours and the device will become hot.

I will ask you once again for dmesg output. To get it:

- open terminal
- cd /home/user/MyDocs (type it exactly how it is here, with capital M and D in MyDocs)
- type "dmesg >dmesg.txt"

Then upload dmesg.txt here. You will find it in main(Nokia N900) folder in File Manager.

BTW I am experiencing the same(if not slightly better) battery life with KP50 as with KP49.

ricardo8 2012-03-21 15:14

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v50 in Extras-Devel
opera mobile is not working after the update.

Mohammed Muid 2012-03-21 15:14

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v50 in Extras-Devel
1 Attachment(s)
here is the file. although dint understand a single thing :p. my wifi power saving was set to max.

ivanrajkovic 2012-03-21 15:26

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v50 in Extras-Devel

Originally Posted by Mohammed Muid (Post 1182371)
i had the same set of application when i had kp49. exactly same. why would this happen now. i experienced wonderful batterylife with kp49. without batterypatch. then i flashed rootfs and emmc. then installed kp50. and exactly those applications when i had kp49. i am really confused. ok i will post the output of top here once my battery is fully charged.

Maybe a shot in the dark, but I had a similar problem after upgrading to pre50 kernel. Script /etc/event.d/fmtxpower was making some problem, and there was bash instance that was constantly using 100% of cpu time, until I killed it manually. I've just moved this file from event.d folder so it's not executed at boot and everything is fine.

As already suggested, start 'top' and see if you have some process that is using cpu; if it is someting starting with 'bash echo ...', you might have the same problem as I did.


ed_boner 2012-03-21 16:01

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v50 in Extras-Devel
proceeded as you reomended in PM.
problem is not thing i noticed is that the reboot is more frequent if i open lens cover while in portrait mode..the layout of the camera-ui appears for a second all weird...another second of black screen..and then reboot..
this is a link to the file you asked, hope it helps, and you can help me:)
...another issue is the red light and the 0 always coming back after a reboot..its a pain really and makes no sense it just from my device?is a decision on cssu team? any way to make the 1 stay forever?
tks a lot for your availability to help out.

ammuvi 2012-03-21 16:12

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v50 in Extras-Devel
kp50 working fine for me.
THANKS to the team who have devoleped kp50.

JanW 2012-03-21 16:41

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v50 in Extras-Devel

Originally Posted by ricardo8 (Post 1182386)
opera mobile is not working after the update.

Working for me...


pawelstryju 2012-03-21 16:49

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v50 in Extras-Devel
using kp50 for 3 days and almost everything works fine:
opera working
hd record - fine, better (smoother) than kp49
hd playback - fine, video is loaded much faster!
red led disabled :D
...and reboot problem still exists :(

tomorrow i check how about bluetooth headset.

Sphinx780 2012-03-21 17:51

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v50 in Extras-Devel
Running default profile with SR enabled. KP50 is working great, for me battery life is much improved over KP49 with my usage.

KP49 drained the battery quickly when running media player on my device , KP50 does not. I didn't bother digging into why 49 did this.

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