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hakan 2008-10-24 21:03

Re: minigpsd - 0.30-pre1 beta

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 236419)
hakan - Every NMEA sentence is saved in the KML file. You need to unzip the KMZ, but there is a XML comment with a millisecond counter (6 digit?), with a source letter - the internal n810 will have a, the BT has g - and the full NMEA text raw from the device. And the OBD if that is on. And I may add battery, ambient light, temp, iwlist scan output...

Thanks, I just had a look at the kmz file. I think a little bit of perl will do nicely for extracting the NMEA dump pushing it into my track management program. Especially that part about "full NMEA text" is a dream come true for me :)

And if you added "iwlist scan", the daemon would turn into a wonderful wardriving tool :p :p

By the way: What is the OBD? Would it be the car interface (like in 'Carman')? That would be the second part of the dream come true :D :D :D


tz1 2008-10-24 21:15

Re: minigpsd - 0.30-pre1 beta
Exactly like CarMan, except I have mine in a raw "dump data from powerup" mode - mine is from and you might have to ask for this version, and get a serial to BT adapter.

(I just checked the page and the integrated bluetooth version is out. I just sent an email with the inquiry to see about getting one with the right stuff)

One caution - if you save the data from google earth, it compresses things so the logging data will be gone (but the file will be much smaller). And perl should do a good job with extraction. There is a newfix1.c or something in the source tree which is my C post-processor.

My post processor takes the slightly cooked data (look in fixsub.c) and can produce rpm, gear, fuel info etc. from the j1850 stream from my harley, and I already have a preliminary python instrument cluster.

RPM gear - RETMA colors like resistors, brown=1st, red=2nd, etc.
Black means the clutch is in, gray means the ECM hasn't figured out the gear.

CarMan apparently uses standard OBD-II interrogations (it asks, the ECM responds).

I'd have to stretch it a bit to do the OBD-II send/receive, but it wouldn't be too hard.

And I have thought about Kismet - I could just go into monitor mode and look for (and record) beacons, but iwlist is probably as good or better if you don't need the actual packet contents and it doesn't require a special mode.

hakan 2008-10-24 21:51

Re: minigpsd - 0.30-pre1 beta

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 236443)
Exactly like CarMan, except I have mine in a raw "dump data from powerup" mode

Cool, this is getting better and better. My N810 is already a nice toy, but your minigpsd is turning it into the coolest gadget I had in the last years :p

btw: Where does your ODB adapter get its power from? Is it powered from the ODB bus (so I can simply plug it into the car and forget about it) or does it need batteries?


Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 236443)
And I have thought about Kismet - I could just go into monitor mode and look for (and record) beacons, but iwlist is probably as good or better if you don't need the actual packet contents and it doesn't require a special mode.

Another tought: Do you know whether a mobile phone can be asked (over bluetooth) for the telephone cell it is logged into? I have this idea about driving around and mapping the possible boundaries of telephone cells ;)


hvacengi 2008-10-25 00:35

Re: minigpsd - 0.30-pre1 beta
hey tz1,
so far I love the new gps daemon! Now that I've had a chance to see the built in logging, I think it is going to be very useful. I am planning on setting up a script to copy the log data to my work computer when I connect to the wirelss SSID.

I tried installing zmapper, but I keep getting a segmentation fault. Is there a way to debug the operation?

~ $ zmapper
Segmentation fault
~ $ /bin/sh: can't open /usr/bin/

(thats on 0.20, on 0.17 i just seem to get the segmentation fault)
(minigpsd is already running)

tz1 2008-10-25 00:38

Re: minigpsd - 0.30-pre1 beta
The OBD adapters I know get 12 volts through the 16 pin J1962 connector since it is supposed to go to the battery. I added a passthrough wire to power the bluetooth adapter (pin 9, 3-12v for aircable and many others). On my harley, it has a 4 pin connector, only 3 used, ground, switched 12v, and j1850. The problem with cars and "forget about it" is that it will still draw power - only a little, but enough you wouldn't want to leave it for a week.

Most mobile phones don't have cell data available - I think most of the RF sections are partitioned off and barring a special mode can't be seen as they switch cells. However I would look at BitPim as it can access the onboard filesystem and that sometimes contains interesting things.

tz1 2008-10-25 00:39

Re: minigpsd - 0.30-pre1 beta
Deleted as accidental duplicate post

tz1 2008-10-25 01:47

Re: minigpsd - 0.30-pre1 beta
I don't have anything to test with gpxview, but it is reading and showing "precise position" with correct lat/lon.

If someone could point me to a file or other info it would help, or just test (start minigpsd, then gpxview).

I also fixed a rather embarrassing bug in the lat/lon (I was splitting int/decimal degrees and tried to just do microdegrees, but didn't do it right).

tz1 2008-10-25 01:59

Re: minigpsd - 0.30-pre1 beta
Try "strace zmapper". You also need to install the qt3 libraries.

Also try launching from the Extras icon/menu entry (I think it may need to change directory), or launch from /usr/lib/zmap.

There is a launch script that sets some things, so try running /usr/lib/zmap/ instead (and maybe as root).

tz1 2008-10-25 02:39

Re: minigpsd - 0.30-pre1 beta
You may also need "wget" for zmapper to work. I think I forgot the dependency. Another red-pill only. (use dpkg and/or apt-get on the libqt and for wget).

(as root "apt-get install wget")

And create on the internal and/or external cards a "zmap" directory. Otherwise it will store things to /usr/lib/zmap and it can get full, but you can copy the state directories to the external cards.

hakan 2008-10-25 09:30

Re: minigpsd - 0.30-pre1 beta

Originally Posted by tz1 (Post 236481)
The OBD adapters I know get 12 volts through the 16 pin J1962 connector since it is supposed to go to the battery. I added a passthrough wire to power the bluetooth adapter (pin 9, 3-12v for aircable and many others). On my harley, it has a 4 pin connector, only 3 used, ground, switched 12v, and j1850. The problem with cars and "forget about it" is that it will still draw power - only a little, but enough you wouldn't want to leave it for a week.

Thanks for this detailed information. I would have thought that the power on the ODB adapter would come from the switched bus in the car. I think I'll experiment with a passthrough connector to have the adapter (as soon as I buy one, that is ;-) ) powered only when the car is running.

By the way, how does the bluetooth pairing work? I hope that the adapter doesn't have a factory default password, you wouldn't want to have some evil hacker reconfigure your harley while cruising on the highway :eek:


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