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mosen 2017-02-16 18:43

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1523591)
@mosen, @nthn, @matemana;

Note that it is NOT @salyavin who is bashing SFOS here.
He's just quoting from the osnews article he linked to... :)

Yes, i hope i made clear i meant the OP of the article! Thanks @salyavin for finding and sharing!

nthn 2017-02-16 21:24

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1523591)
@mosen, @nthn, @matemana;

Note that it is NOT @salyavin who is bashing SFOS here.
He's just quoting from the osnews article he linked to... :)

Absolutely! I wanted to post my comment on that site, but comments had already closed. At least a couple of other people already made some remarks.

clovis86 2017-02-21 14:07

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
Does anyone know if it's possible to change the general threshold of swiping.
IMO, It's harder to swipe from every border of the screen since last EA SFOS update.
Is it just me ?

Jaracz 2017-02-21 14:28

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
No, it's not just you. It's really harder..

clovis86 2017-02-21 14:34

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
I'm asking this because Coderus did a settings in patchmanager V2 to modify the behaviour of the swipe down ( thresold )

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1523823)
Published v1.5.0 with patch options to enable/disable swipe to lock feature and change it threshold.

pichlo 2017-02-21 14:46

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by clovis86 (Post 1523836)
Does anyone know if it's possible to change the general threshold of swiping.
IMO, It's harder to swipe from every border of the screen since last EA SFOS update.
Is it just me ?


Originally Posted by Jaracz (Post 1523838)
No, it's not just you. It's really harder..

Are you two on Jolla C? There have been previous reports to a similar effect.
I have not noticed any difference on my Jolla 1.

clovis86 2017-02-21 14:50

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
Yes, I'm on Jolla C

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1523205)
I have some serious troubles with swiping up, like the app drawer.
This happened after the update, and only effecting to my Jolla C.
My old Jolla does not have this problem....

Am i the only one having this issue?

No, you're not alone ! :)

nthn 2017-02-21 15:59

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
It's a known issue on Jolla C and Aqua Fish. No problems on any other devices as far as I'm aware.

mrsellout 2017-03-23 13:46

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA just popped up. 110MB (coming from EA).
Release notes from TJC
2017-03-23: Early access release for Jolla 1, C and Tablet. Fixes for instance for camera ticking and CalDAV sync issues.

velox 2017-03-23 14:13

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by mrsellout (Post 1525869) just popped up. 110MB (coming from EA).

Funny, on my Jolla1 on EA it says only 20MB.

edit: Although i thought something might've been corrupted I've tested it for you: No problems whatsoever, fastest SFOS update I ever did. Forgot to undo my patches, though, but you can't blame the update for that. :)
edit2: None of the patches were really affected... I now disabled and re-enabled them, restarted lipstick and everything is nice again.

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