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stickymick 2011-05-07 06:56

Re: [Annnounce] Sociality | Facebook client in Qt
Should be possible to create an icon in terminal, shouldn't it?

@ MoAG: If you're still looking for a better name for this app, how about something like QTFace (pronounced cuteface) or QTFace900.

stickymick 2011-05-07 07:22

Re: [Annnounce] Sociality | Facebook client in Qt
Works fine for me.
But cripes, that font is small @.@.
Hope a bigger font is on the to do list.

Great little app though. Keep up the good work MoAG.

Dark_Angel85 2011-05-07 07:57

Re: [Annnounce] Sociality | Facebook client in Qt
erm... tried starting it via terminal /usr/bin/sociality

a window popped up saying Login to Facebook

but nothing seems to happen? did I miss a step?

droll 2011-05-07 08:10

Re: [Annnounce] Sociality | Facebook client in Qt
if i'm not mistaken, this is part of facebook's security. just sign in to grant sociality access to your data. if you decide to uninstall sociality, log back into facebook and remove that app.

MohammadAG 2011-05-07 08:27

Re: [Annnounce] Sociality | Facebook client in Qt
Meh, I forgot to install the icon (it was in the sources), should be fixed in the next upload.

The white window is an embedded browser, it should direct you to the login page, I actually tried to have a custom login window but it's against facebook's rules (since I could store the password that way...), if it's not working for some reason, try apt-get --reinstall install libqt4-webkit

About the name, it was actually called qtbook at the start, but facebook's policies don't allow "face" or "book" in the name so I had to go with something else.

Dark_Angel85 2011-05-07 08:42

Re: [Annnounce] Sociality | Facebook client in Qt
hmmm.... still doesn't seem to do anything after reinstalling libqt4-webkit.

It just stays in the page saying Login to Facebook and nothing seems to happen. I tried logging into facebook via Microb to see if the permission page appears but nothing happens

poogash 2011-05-07 08:55

Re: [Annnounce] Sociality | Facebook client in Qt
as per MAG its great it looks like it has real potential to be the number one fookbace app on the N900

@mag are the icons easily changed i wouldnt mind having a little play with them but i wouldnt want to have to bother you with all my ideas just the finished set

stickymick 2011-05-07 09:16

Re: [Annnounce] Sociality | Facebook client in Qt

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 1001549)
About the name, it was actually called qtbook at the start, but facebook's policies don't allow "face" or "book" in the name so I had to go with something else.

Sheeesh!!! Who does he think he is, Steve Jobs.

OK how about this: "Fizzog" - N900 Facebook Client, "QTFizzog" or "QTMug."

Taken from the Urban Dictionary~


Front of head from forehead to chin; face.

"Look at the fizzog (face) on that!"

phizog; face; facade; mug; boat race.

pusak gaoq 2011-05-07 09:17

Re: [Annnounce] Sociality | Facebook client in Qt
ok the latest update now working with icon appearing on the menu....
no problem on login to facebook....
got only one bug since i installed the latest version....

somehow this apps suddenly turn off by itself after a few minutes online....

JohnLF 2011-05-07 09:36

Re: [Annnounce] Sociality | Facebook client in Qt
Seeing as Mug is slang for face, and Mag is short for magazine, a type of book (Oh, and also your initials) ... about MugMag


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