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Reffyyyy 2011-10-04 14:58

Re: [Announce/WIP] Aerofy - Subsonic Client for Maemo/Eventually Harmattan
If you can try this in terminal and let me know how it goes, that'd be great:

export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/opt/qtm12/plugins

Also, ensure that libqtm-12 is installed first.

I will eventually be updating the software to match the Harmattan version (using Qt Components). It'll be more optimised for the mobile screen size and will have quite a few new features.

Juice 2011-10-05 05:40

Re: [Announce/WIP] Aerofy - Subsonic Client for Maemo/Eventually Harmattan
Hi..still getting that error.
~ $ /opt/Aerofy/bin/Aerofy
file:///opt/Aerofy/qml/Aerofy/main.qml:2:1: module "QtMultimediaKit" version 1.2 is not installed
import QtMultimediaKit 1.2

If I change it to 1.1 it starts partially but hangs.

crisscross 2011-10-16 22:25

Re: [Announce/WIP] Aerofy - Subsonic Client for Maemo/Eventually Harmattan
Any progress on this? Subsonic or owncloud seems nice for having your own cloud...

Reffyyyy 2011-10-16 22:33

Re: [Announce/WIP] Aerofy - Subsonic Client for Maemo/Eventually Harmattan
This is the problem with so many different Qt versions. I don't actually have the newest CSSU so can't test it.


Apart from the QtMultimediaKit issues, it is a somewhat primitively functional application.

I also have CuteTunes for Harmattan that is fairly similar to Subsonic, but you upload your songs to the remote MP3Tunes servers to stream (if you're in the UK, this is far better than having a home server) .

As stated, I do promise to update this to match the Harmattan version. Right now, I have a whole bundle of college work. Luckily, I'll have a week or two off to do this after Friday, I hope.

Although, I have a job interview in the morning. If I get it, who knows what will happen. It's a great position considering my age.


I picked up my N900 again after a while of not using it. It is still my favourite device. I really don't think anything will compare for a long time.

petur 2012-01-05 11:15

Re: [Announce/WIP] Aerofy - Subsonic Client for Maemo/Eventually Harmattan

I'd really like to have this working on my n900 (kp49 + cssu (testing))

Anything I can do to help debug this?

sysedit 2012-02-09 20:49

Re: [Announce/WIP] Aerofy - Subsonic Client for Maemo/Eventually Harmattan

I would be very interested in testing aerofy for N9 (PR 1.2).
Any quick installation guide ?

Thanks for your work !

petur 2012-03-14 11:14

Re: [Announce/WIP] Aerofy - Subsonic Client for Maemo/Eventually Harmattan
Any update?

I found this related post:

if I set the QT_PLUGIN_PATH, it still says that QtMultimediakit 1.2 isn't installed, but looking in /opt/qtm12/imports I see QtMultimediakit is there... So the above post may be related?

Reffyyyy 2012-03-27 11:43

Re: [Announce/WIP] Aerofy - Subsonic Client for Maemo/Eventually Harmattan
Have begun rewriting it in Qt(C++) and have file selection and playback working, functional, and being great (unlike QtMultimediaKit). Am using Phonon, so we shouldn't get any more issues with playback.

I need to know which features are most important for people so I can prioritize. I'm satisfied with just playing locally, but I know most others aren't. It's going to behave quite similarly to the N900 default media player in terms of UI. No more QML for me.

petur 2012-03-27 11:49

Re: [Announce/WIP] Aerofy - Subsonic Client for Maemo/Eventually Harmattan
Great news, if you have anything to test on n900 just shout...

What do you mean with local playback? Files on the n900? Don't need that, I need to play the stuff that's on my NAS (running subsonic). No need for radio streams either, the build-in mediaplayer can handle that too.

Thanks for the work!

sysedit 2012-03-27 12:30

Re: [Announce/WIP] Aerofy - Subsonic Client for Maemo/Eventually Harmattan
Yep, really good news.

Same for me, I would love to be able to connect to my subsonic server (https if possible, with specific port) and play either single file or a full directory streamed form the server.

An important feature for me would be to have an option to select server media re-encoding, as I've ripped my CDs using FLAC and unfortunately my upload bandwidth is a bit limited for streaming FLAC.

Anyway, thanks for the work, would be happy to help and test (I'm a Qt developer too, mostly on desktop but have Qt Sdk ready to test on my N9).

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