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WilliePre 2012-10-20 08:28

Re: [Council] Board Election Results and Council Election Cycle Update
Congratulations to Maemo's very 1st board of directors.

lma 2012-10-20 10:07

Re: [Council] Board Election Results and Council Election Cycle Update

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1282810)
The old cycle had selfish people that rewarded themselves. The new cycle is the only one that you have problems with?

Please stop reading your own pet peeve into messages which have nothing to do with it.

The fact is that with Texrat's late withdrawal we're left with a two-member board which cannot function and according to the bylaws we must have a new election.

Of course that takes us into December at best before we can have a functioning foundation, which makes the handover of assets from Nokia before the plugs are pulled even less likely. C'est la guerre...

Estel 2012-10-20 15:12

Re: [Council] Board Election Results and Council Election Cycle Update

Originally Posted by lma (Post 1282803)
I'd like to offer my congratulations too, but I don't believe we have a board after this. The bylaws clearly call for a new election cycle in these circumstances.

"This" = :


Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 1282399)
EDIT: you know what? It's not worth it. Strike me from the Foundation.

I must admit, that I have missed this Edit sentence from Texrat, and now, after reading it from lma quote, I really chuckled - it looks quite the same as with joerg_rw's withdrawal of his candidacy, except for fact, that Randall did it just *after* election, when 86 people put trust on him, via their votes.

Honestly, I don't know what to say here. Generally, it would be very bad for Board to have members that take their toys apart, due to small critic (like Texrat got criticized for idea of putting our assets under Jolla wings - frankly, he got criticized due to good reasons, BTW).

OTOH, I just hope that it was just burst of unnecessary emotions. Sure, stepping down isn't something that you should do due to emotions (and I know something about it - I've though about stepping down for a month, before I actually did it), and considering time of "cadence", Texrat seems to set new, short record... On the other hand, again, he got mandate of 86 votes (before his unfortunate idea about Jolla and declaration of stepping down).

I'm quite sure, that it require, most of all, clarification from his side. Immediate one, I would even say. It would be nice to know, if we're proud of electing 1st Board (that won't go away due to feeling offended, on average rate of 1/week), or in total limbo and need for new election.


SD69 2012-10-20 17:29

Re: [Council] Board Election Results and Council Election Cycle Update

Originally Posted by lma (Post 1282882)
The fact is that with Texrat's late withdrawal we're left with a two-member board which cannot function and according to the bylaws we must have a new election.

Of course that takes us into December at best before we can have a functioning foundation, which makes the handover of assets from Nokia before the plugs are pulled even less likely. C'est la guerre...

First, let's wait to see if what Texrat said was an official resignation. I'm not sure I understand his reasoning or if he understands the circumstances.

But also, neither more than 2 Directors nor elections were ever a requirement for a functioning foundation. Only one Director needs to sign the document for handover of from Nokia. The holdup on that is Nokia/Nemein. The bylaws are not in effect yet and it's easy to adjust for a resignation now if there is one so we can proceed. We need to proceed now, not for, but for working out the cooperation with Jolla before Nov. 21.

gerbick 2012-10-20 18:39

Re: [Council] Board Election Results and Council Election Cycle Update

Originally Posted by lma (Post 1282882)
Please stop reading your own pet peeve into messages which have nothing to do with it.

You just did the exact same thing. You don't like the tone of something said, so you brought your own pet peeve to the table.

Simply stated, don't be a hypocrite.


The fact is that with Texrat's late withdrawal we're left with a two-member board which cannot function and according to the bylaws we must have a new election.
Confirm or deny he pulled out before stating it like a fact.


Of course that takes us into December at best before we can have a functioning foundation, which makes the handover of assets from Nokia before the plugs are pulled even less likely. C'est la guerre...
If the last council had gotten all of their stuff sorted before the in-fighting, before the public fighting, we'd not be in the emergency of trying to recover the wasted time as such.

Time was wasted. That's my true prob. And all we have to show for it a community that doesn't trust the board fully, a community that's fractured and nothing but a few people that have picked sides and ultimately do nothing but add fuel to the fire.

Things need to be resolved. We don't need people that are only out to line their pockets or further their own agendas. You want to fight for that, be my guest.

I'll have none of that.

Estel 2012-10-20 19:25

Re: [Council] Board Election Results and Council Election Cycle Update

Originally Posted by SD69 (Post 1283044)
The bylaws are not in effect yet and it's easy to adjust for a resignation now if there is one so we can proceed. We need to proceed now, not for, but for working out the cooperation with Jolla before Nov. 21.

Seriously? Just before election of board, such active, friendly, and respected person as Mentalist Traceur was denied candidacy, just to be strict with rules. Now, when one Board member turn out to be irresponsible even before he actually start duty, you're telling us, that rules are not set in stone?

While I was as much shocked by Texrat's decision, I don't see reason why we should bend rules for him, in this *negative* context, if we didn't wanted to bend rules (by accepting nomination few hours late) for *positive* case, with person willing to become Board member, and do the hard job.

As for gerbick, it's not worth much comment, so I'll just quote him:


Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1282802)
people that have been disruptive step aside and practice reticence

I hope, that one day, you will apply it to yourself, and finally fulfill your empty (yet, repeated periodically) declaration of being "out of this business". In contrast to productive people like lma, I have never seen you doing *anything* for benefit of community - other than talking much (nonsense, in most cases).


don_falcone 2012-10-20 19:57

Re: [Council] Board Election Results and Council Election Cycle Update
Seriously people, stop it. Most of those arguing here act a bit like my ex - when, then blaming while presenting always the same "reasons". That's just resulting in senseless chitchat / accusations, which are a waste of air & electrons. Maybe finally learn to co-op and 'fix' things / issues, than to further "dilute" this community and driving people away, hmm?

Texrat 2012-10-20 22:55

Re: [Council] Board Election Results and Council Election Cycle Update
I apologize for the outburst. I shouldn't have posted in the first place after going through the argumentive posts here. Just got really worked up by the in-fighting and then running across the reaction to my Jolla comment was icing on the cake.

I won't resign. But at the same time I would appreciate the benefit of the doubt here. I think I've earned it.

qwazix 2012-10-20 23:04

Re: [Council] Board Election Results and Council Election Cycle Update
** sigh of relief **

lma 2012-10-21 00:50

Re: [Council] Board Election Results and Council Election Cycle Update

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1283075)
You don't like the tone of something said, so you brought your own pet peeve to the table.

I don't care about tone, I simply didn't like you changing the subject.


Confirm or deny he pulled out before stating it like a fact.
The statement was directly from the candidate, not hearsay. I thought we were all adults here and mean what we say, but in this case I'm glad he changed his mind because we probably wouldn't survive another delay.


If the last council had gotten all of their stuff sorted before the in-fighting, before the public fighting, we'd not be in the emergency of trying to recover the wasted time as such.
Sure, there was a lot of arguing that could perhaps be done more privately but at the end of the day without the current council, and SD69 especially, there would be no Hildon Foundation and everything else would be moot.

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