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aRTee 2012-02-10 21:24

Re: [Announce] Marble - "Find Your Way and Explore the World" on Harmattan
Hi earthwings, thanks a lot for your complete answers!
BTW apologies for my attempt to answer questions that were directed at you, please correct my comments as required - I just wouldn't want to keep you from coding. :)


Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1162876)
Currently pedestrian and bike offline route data is only available for Germany for direct install in Marble. If you have an Internet connection, calculating pedestrian routes in Switzerland and cycle routes in Netherland work directly (OpenRouteService delivers them in 1.3.1 and in 1.3.2 additionally MapQuest). If you're interested in offline routing for those regions, you have to convert the data yourself at the moment. This is not too complicated, but so far we don't have a tutorial on it. In short, you need to install the monav-preprocessor (easiest on a Linux desktop system), download a osm.pbf file for the regions you're interested in (e.g. From, preprocess it with monav-preprocessor and create a marble.kml file (use an existing one as a base). Then copy that to the N9 (place it in /home/user/MyDocs/.local/share/marble/maps/monav/).

Ok, I'll have a look if I can manage. Got the Linux system, no problem there. If I have trouble, I'll post back here, if not, I'll see if I can write a bit more tutorial alike text.


Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1162876)
Clearing the search result (cross icon in the search field) should remove the markers. You can get rid of the popup by clicking on the popup (except the route button of course). Maybe I find a way to close them when clicking anywhere else as well.
There's a bug report about the search markers appearing at the wrong place when the virtual keyboard is open. Is that what you see maybe as well?

No, I was just switching between different views (don't recall, probably between search, route and navigate..), and zooming in and out.
BTW thanks for the info on how to get rid of things; all logical on second thought - and I figured some out today, except for the popup where one has to click on it, but not on the route button...
I think that's not so intuitive to have to click the popup, but just around the button... on a resistive screen like the N900 or my old N700 that would be fine, but capacitive touch needs more leeway IMHO...


Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1162876)

Originally Posted by aRTee
Even when setting offline mode, I get the request for internet connection a lot...

That should only happen in the preferences dialog, but nowhere else. Can you elaborate when it happens (which activity?)

Well, I think it was about everytime I passed by the general overview, not sure now, and today I used a sim card with data, so just kept data on. I'll try again and will let you know if it's not related to the preference dialog.


Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1162876)

Originally Posted by aRTee
Also, the openbusmap data would be cool.

Can you file a bug at please so I don't forget about it? Thanks :-)


Some more questions and comments:
- the show satellite option on the space view seems to show a lot more than just geolocation sats (think I saw good ole Astra on the list, etc), and I guess that data comes from the web.
If there's no data connection, will it show the GPS sats that the system has ephemeris data for (as soon as it has data, even before a fix)?
That would be much much cooler than the regular spiderweb view, especially if some kind of colour change would indicate the sat reception strength and whether it's momentarily in use for GPS positioning...!

- when moving in space view with show sats to venus or so, the sats are happily flying around venus... I guess when changing away from Earth, the show sats and clouds should be off...

- when setting up a route, one can edit a point as per the "current location", or "select in map" (btw I think it should be 'select on map' but I'm not a native speaker...). I figured out that the various views from the general menu are all very linked, so one can choose 'select on map', then go back to the general menu, then into Search, then find a street/place with the search function, then click one of the search results (which shifts the map to that point), then choose the appearing route button, or just go back to the Route section, where the previous map is then in view, and touch a place on the map to be used.
I think alongside the Select on map and Current location, it would be good to have a third option Search, which would have one jump directly to the search section, and after seaching, when going back, have the view come back directly to the Route view...

- if one installs maps of adjoining regions, say Germany, Switzerland and Italy, can Marble / Monad then route all across?
(I once asked Navit devs this question about Navit, which can't do route across different maps...)
From how things are set up, I'm guessing it should be ok also with offline routing data, but it would be good to have confirmation...

- I was navigating earlier today, and when turning on the height profile, then turning it off again, the white position/directional arrow disappeared, as well as the signal precision red halo.
Going out and coming back (also doing a route from current location) brought things back...

- is there any place from where I can download current / latest versions other than Ovi Store? Perhaps it's good if some people test the waters..?

Paul Ortyl 2012-02-12 09:11

Re: [Announce] Marble - "Find Your Way and Explore the World" on Harmattan

How can I specify where map data is stored/cached?

At the moment it is hardcoded on MyDocs vfat partition, it means, that I cannot use symlinks to specify, where the data should land. I would like to use the same cache shared between many applications.



YavkatA 2012-02-12 10:32

Re: [Announce] Marble - "Find Your Way and Explore the World" on Harmattan

Great work!! I have a small feature request:
Can you include the option to download tiles for the visible region for a range of zoom levels, like on the n900?

Paul Ortyl 2012-02-12 18:27

Re: [Announce] Marble - "Find Your Way and Explore the World" on Harmattan
Another bug...

The routing daemon does not quit when marble quits. As a result you cannot use N9 as a USB mass storage device, because the routing daemon is using data from ~/MyDocs and therefore the vfat partition cannot be unmounted in order to switch to the mass storage mode when USB connected.

Solution 1: kill routing daemon when marble quits
Soultion 2: (additionally to #1) let the user decide where the routing and map cache data is stored. Use directory in ~/.local/share/marble/.... and make soft link to ~/MyDocs/.local/share/marble/...


aRTee 2012-02-13 20:12

Re: [Announce] Marble - "Find Your Way and Explore the World" on Harmattan
what if you stop routing first, then quit marble?
I mean, until the bug is fixed, with your proposal Solution 1, that is...

BTW the solution 2 you propose is not very acceptable, since the ~/.local data is on a relatively small partition, not one where the user will be happy to have 100s of MB of map data...

Another point/feature request: for routing, if one drags the route, there will be a new waypoint inserted and the route will pass along that new point - as soon as there are 3 points, it would be good if each of those could be deleted individually; now if one clicks the edit pen symbol, one gets the choice for select on map and current location, it would be good to get an additional option: delete point.

earthwings 2012-02-13 22:42

Re: [Announce] Marble - "Find Your Way and Explore the World" on Harmattan

Originally Posted by aRTee (Post 1163302)
Hi earthwings, thanks a lot for your complete answers!
BTW apologies for my attempt to answer questions that were directed at you, please correct my comments as required - I just wouldn't want to keep you from coding. :)

No, your answers are appreciated ;-)


Originally Posted by aRTee (Post 1163302)
BTW thanks for the info on how to get rid of things; all logical on second thought - and I figured some out today, except for the popup where one has to click on it, but not on the route button...
I think that's not so intuitive to have to click the popup, but just around the button... on a resistive screen like the N900 or my old N700 that would be fine, but capacitive touch needs more leeway IMHO...

I changed it to close on the next click now. Currently that also closes it when panning, I hope I can fix that until the next release.


Originally Posted by aRTee (Post 1163302)
Some more questions and comments:
- the show satellite option on the space view seems to show a lot more than just geolocation sats (think I saw good ole Astra on the list, etc), and I guess that data comes from the web.

It shows "100 (or so) brightest" from
Marble's Desktop version let's you configure further which satellites are visible.


Originally Posted by aRTee (Post 1163302)
If there's no data connection, will it show the GPS sats that the system has ephemeris data for (as soon as it has data, even before a fix)?
That would be much much cooler than the regular spiderweb view, especially if some kind of colour change would indicate the sat reception strength and whether it's momentarily in use for GPS positioning...!

That's a cool idea. Can you file a bug report (wishlist)? Would also be nice to have that for the Desktop version.


Originally Posted by aRTee (Post 1163302)
- when moving in space view with show sats to venus or so, the sats are happily flying around venus... I guess when changing away from Earth, the show sats and clouds should be off...

That should be fixed in 1.3.2 already. If not, in 1.3.3, the version on my N950 already has the fix at least.


Originally Posted by aRTee (Post 1163302)
- when setting up a route, one can edit a point as per the "current location", or "select in map" (btw I think it should be 'select on map' but I'm not a native speaker...). I figured out that the various views from the general menu are all very linked, so one can choose 'select on map', then go back to the general menu, then into Search, then find a street/place with the search function, then click one of the search results (which shifts the map to that point), then choose the appearing route button, or just go back to the Route section, where the previous map is then in view, and touch a place on the map to be used.
I think alongside the Select on map and Current location, it would be good to have a third option Search, which would have one jump directly to the search section, and after seaching, when going back, have the view come back directly to the Route view...

Yes, indeed. I couldn't decide how to implement it nicely so far.


Originally Posted by aRTee (Post 1163302)
- if one installs maps of adjoining regions, say Germany, Switzerland and Italy, can Marble / Monad then route all across?
(I once asked Navit devs this question about Navit, which can't do route across different maps...)
From how things are set up, I'm guessing it should be ok also with offline routing data, but it would be good to have confirmation...

Monav can't handle that currently unfortunately. You'll either need larger maps or route to the borders.


Originally Posted by aRTee (Post 1163302)
- I was navigating earlier today, and when turning on the height profile, then turning it off again, the white position/directional arrow disappeared, as well as the signal precision red halo.
Going out and coming back (also doing a route from current location) brought things back...

Thanks for reporting, I know what's wrong and added it to the todo list.


Originally Posted by aRTee (Post 1163302)
- is there any place from where I can download current / latest versions other than Ovi Store? Perhaps it's good if some people test the waters..?

Yes, here. Currently it's building an intermediate version with initial, incomplete bookmark support. Feel free to test, but note that this gets updated with very little testing, so there'll be more bugs than in the version in the Ovi store.

To use it, open a root terminal on the N9/N950 (devel-su, password rootme on the N950) and create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/marble-experimental.list with the content (one line)

deb ./
Save and run

apt-get update
apt-get install marble

If the version from the Ovi store is installed, you need to remove it first via

apt-get remove marble
because otherwise it will refuse to install the package from the "untrusted" location.


Originally Posted by Paul Ortyl (Post 1163814)
How can I specify where map data is stored/cached?

At the moment it is hardcoded on MyDocs vfat partition, it means, that I cannot use symlinks to specify, where the data should land. I would like to use the same cache shared between many applications.

It's possible to change the .dgml file associated with a map theme in /opt/marble/share/... to cache the data in an absolute directory of your choice. That's how we use a shared "OpenStreetMap I" directory on the N900 (via a post-install hook in the packages).
Is there some similar common directory on the N9 used by several applications?


Originally Posted by YavkatA (Post 1163833)
Can you include the option to download tiles for the visible region for a range of zoom levels, like on the n900?

I left it out for 1.3.2 to think a bit more on the user interface. The best solution I have in mind so far is to integrate it in the "Prepare offline usage" dialog in the Routing activity (so you can either download along the route or the currently visible region). The drawback is that people might expect it elsewhere as well (I'd expect to download tiles along the route only in the routing activity, but downloading tiles for the visible region would suit in other activities as well).


Originally Posted by Paul Ortyl (Post 1164073)
The routing daemon does not quit when marble quits. As a result you cannot use N9 as a USB mass storage device, because the routing daemon is using data from ~/MyDocs and therefore the vfat partition cannot be unmounted in order to switch to the mass storage mode when USB connected.

Solution 1: kill routing daemon when marble quits
Soultion 2: (additionally to #1) let the user decide where the routing and map cache data is stored. Use directory in ~/.local/share/marble/.... and make soft link to ~/MyDocs/.local/share/marble/...

Marble already implements Solution 1, the routing daemon is terminated when Marble quits and that works reliably on my phone. I know of a bug that can lead to Marble not quitting correctly, but sitting idle in the background waiting infinitely for some network connection that failed. It might be related to that. Are you using a N9 or N950? Which software version?


Originally Posted by aRTee (Post 1164595)
Another point/feature request: for routing, if one drags the route, there will be a new waypoint inserted and the route will pass along that new point - as soon as there are 3 points, it would be good if each of those could be deleted individually; now if one clicks the edit pen symbol, one gets the choice for select on map and current location, it would be good to get an additional option: delete point.

So far I deactivated that feature because it triggers a crash; I think it's a bug in QML as it's easy to reproduce (a MouseArea in a ListView delegate that triggers its own deletion leads to a crash). I didn't find a sane fix so far.

YavkatA 2012-02-13 23:38

Re: [Announce] Marble - "Find Your Way and Explore the World" on Harmattan

Originally Posted by earthwings (Post 1164672)
I left it out for 1.3.2 to think a bit more on the user interface. The best solution I have in mind so far is to integrate it in the "Prepare offline usage" dialog in the Routing activity (so you can either download along the route or the currently visible region). The drawback is that people might expect it elsewhere as well (I'd expect to download tiles along the route only in the routing activity, but downloading tiles for the visible region would suit in other activities as well).

The first place I looked for this option was in Offline Data, under Data Management in the Preferences dialog. I think that this might be a good place to offer this option, because, as you say, people might expect to see it elsewhere and not only in Routing.

aRTee 2012-02-14 15:24

Re: [Announce] Marble - "Find Your Way and Explore the World" on Harmattan
Thanks again earthwings for all your efforts!


Originally Posted by earthwings

Originally Posted by aRTee
If there's no data connection, will it show the GPS sats that the system has ephemeris data for (as soon as it has data, even before a fix)?
That would be much much cooler than the regular spiderweb view, especially if some kind of colour change would indicate the sat reception strength and whether it's momentarily in use for GPS positioning...!

That's a cool idea. Can you file a bug report (wishlist)? Would also be nice to have that for the Desktop version.


I got the preview version installed, no problem. Pinch zooming etc is ok now, thanks. Didn't have much time to try out other things, hope to have more time tonight...

Another thing I noticed is that the elevation profile starts at 0 (y-axis scale); living and moving around in Switzerland / Zurich area this makes it hard to distinguish altitude variation nicely,...
For cycling / jogging, up and down by 50 m is quite a bit, but if the base is around 400m, 50 m delta is hardly a blip...
Since 0m is also a relatively arbitrary level, I would say the y-scale should fit to the range. That would also make it easier to read the min and max elevation of a track.

aRTee 2012-02-17 09:59

Re: [Announce] Marble - "Find Your Way and Explore the World" on Harmattan
Something else: the satellites are shown in a very unrealistic way: much to close to the earths surface. shows the GPS altitude, and geosynchronous orbits (such as for Astra) are shown nicely here: and on wikipedia.

But then again, I'm not sure what kind of realism is desirable/doable.
I also don't know for which satellites (of the top100) altitude data is actually available.

Edit: see this page with real view:

tackat 2012-02-20 09:55

Re: [Announce] Marble - "Find Your Way and Explore the World" on Harmattan

Originally Posted by aRTee (Post 1166148)
Something else: the satellites are shown in a very unrealistic way: much to close to the earths surface.

The positions provided in Marble are realistic and correct:
Actually the top 100 satellites/spacecrafts _are_ "close" to the earth's surface: Take the ISS for example which orbits at a height of 380 kms above earth (which equals about 3% of the earth's diameter) . Same for the HST which travels at a height of about 550km around our shiny blue Marble.
Many of the bright satellites are just orbiting closely to the atmosphere which is just a very thin layer on top of the earth's surface.


Originally Posted by aRTee (Post 1166148) shows the GPS altitude, and geosynchronous orbits (such as for Astra) are shown nicely here: and on wikipedia.

For the geostationary orbit (like GPS satellites) the situation is different indeed. However those are not enabled in Marble by default. If you enable them (this might only be possible easily in the desktop version) you'll see that the GPS satellites are indeed rendered by Marble just like in the pictures you show: at a height of about 35800 km.


Originally Posted by aRTee (Post 1166148)
But then again, I'm not sure what kind of realism is desirable/doable. I also don't know for which satellites (of the top100) altitude data is actually available.

We verified the positions and altitudes for a few satellites (we had this verified even by people who do this satellite stuff professionally) and so far up to our knowledge the positions are correct (except for the rare case of very elliptic satellite orbits where there is a slight minor difference to the actual position). If you still think that you have found some bug regarding the position of a certain satellite please tell us the name of the satellite and the time for which you tested and we will check.

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