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tetris11_ 2012-09-04 21:09

Re: [Announce] WatchDog - Motion Detector + Time Lapse

Originally Posted by fw190 (Post 1259751)
Will you put it someday in the repos?

I've been trying, but Maemos Assistant keeps rejecting my changes file. Should be up within the week though.


Originally Posted by recluse (Post 1259599)
1. Can you combine all features?
That is: Stream a timelapse over IP that only records when there is motion.
This would be useful for watching my guinea pigs.

2. Can you get it to work on Nokia N9 (Harmattan)?

1. So you want that app to motion detect your guinea pigs at long intervals and to deposit each frame on your PC precisely when it is obtained?

This can already be done by specfying a high max interval (of say 5 minites) and a high min interval (of say 45 seconds), and ticking the email option to email you the frame with the motion precisely when it is obtained. :D

2. N9 port is on the TODO

malfunctioning 2012-10-17 00:29

Re: [Announce] WatchDog - Motion Detector + Time Lapse
This is a very impressive application. Thank you for developing it! I will find some time to test this soon.

By the way, I think part of the lack of response might have to do with:
- The fact that many people are much less willing to install anything if it's not in the repos.
- This thread not reaching "critical mass."

Still, you prove that the N900 is an amazing machine, and capable of almost anything in the right hands.

Looking forward to future developments with WatchDog!

And thanks again :)

Muddy_physicist 2012-10-18 20:06

Re: [Announce] WatchDog - Motion Detector + Time Lapse
Great application! Thanks for making it.

impeham 2012-10-20 12:31

Re: [Announce] WatchDog - Motion Detector + Time Lapse
First - An impressive application :)

from command line i get many times the following error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc

i find it very inconsistent - there are times that i paste the same command line to x-term and it works and some other times it gives this error - maybe a parsing issue - might be related to email address.

for example - this command gives the error:

/opt/watchdog/bin/watchdog -m 20 -i /home/user/MyDocs/DCIM/MotionDetection/ -s 1280 960 -r 1 2 -t 00:01:00 -e '' 'Last image' 'Motion Detection' y

and this one doesn't:

/opt/watchdog/bin/watchdog -m 20 -i /home/user/MyDocs/DCIM/MotionDetection/ -s 1280 960 -r 1 2 -t 00:01:00 -e '' 'Last image' 'Motion Detection' y

the change is in the email address - i thought that it might be related to the length of the command but it isn't - i even tried shortening other values with no change - the error still happened.

tetris11_ 2012-10-21 19:40

Re: [Announce] WatchDog - Motion Detector + Time Lapse

Originally Posted by impeham (Post 1282925)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc

I used to get this alot too. And yes it is very inconsistent, to this day I still don't know why this is caused, but I believe it relates to a flaw in my pointer control in main class.

Have you tried:

PATH=$PATH: /opt/motiondetect/bin/
export PATH"

as suggested on Page 1?

Sometimes this fixes that bug.... not sure why.

@Muddy_physicist - thanks :)
@malfunctioning - I've been trying! Maemos Assistant keeps rejecting my changes file. I once toiled on this for 12 hours straight, only to find out that MA was down. I'll try again, but don't hold your breath.

fw190 2012-10-22 08:08

Re: [Announce] WatchDog - Motion Detector + Time Lapse
Maybe someone from the current council could hel you out with this?

PUNK 2012-10-23 06:27

Re: [Announce] WatchDog - Motion Detector + Time Lapse
great idea,keep going...

tetris11_ 2012-11-04 16:04

Re: [Announce] WatchDog - Motion Detector + Time Lapse
Well... I tried again.
Maemo Upload Assistant once again rejects my changes file. It even rejects an old changes file that it once accepted, so I'm stumped.

Scratchbox is too much of a buggy hassle to even bother with and my garage account is refusing my public key, so scp and dput are not going anywhere either.

If any admins can lend a hand here, I'd be grateful.
I can upload my source here, but I dont want anybody re-uploading to extras under their name

(I trust you guys for the most part, but it only takes one :P )

vetsin 2012-11-04 16:23

Re: [Announce] WatchDog - Motion Detector + Time Lapse
i think you should PM ivgalvez or other council members. :)
thanks for still developing for the N900.

tetris11_ 2012-11-05 22:28

Re: [Announce] WatchDog - Motion Detector + Time Lapse
Okay, well by a combination of:
  • Switching to Windows
  • Copying my source to ~\Desktop\watch\watchdog (important -- have a folder within a folder, Desktop is not writable)
  • Cleaning the build in Qt, running qmake,
  • Leave the rules file with all the 'Uncomment' parts LEFT uncommented.
  • Edit the desktop file for the appropriate display name
  • and finally using MADDE terminal to build:

    mad dpkg-buildpackage -sa -S -uc -us
autobuilder finally agreed to lift up its skirt and build the fricking app.

And to think it only took 19 <*~&@%$?> attempts and half my sanity... :o

TLDR: We are on the repos and good to go. Let the bug reports come streaming in ;)

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