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maverick106 2016-08-07 18:17

Re: New member, i have questions.
Thank-you all for the support! I was away on vacation, and saw a n800. I am now the proud owner of 3 Nokia tablets! I am enjoying all of the features of each, and now I have a hard time choosing which one to play with.
While on vacation, in the hotel, my 770 was able to get online. Slow, but really neat. Never got that far on my home network.

endsormeans 2016-08-07 19:03

Re: New member, i have questions.
I would suggest getting a couple of cards... at least an 8gb for the internal slot and a 32gb for the external slot on your n800...
go to my signature and head to "Pimp my n8x0"
ramp up your n800 ...
clone a pristine untouched diablo to the internal sd card...
get diablo turbo and all the bells and whistles running...on the card..
then you should be good to go...
You can do the same to your n810 to the external card slot as well.
the benefits from upgrading the stock os and cloning to card ...
are manifold.
you will find the system snappier, quicker, and will result in less wear on the onboard.... and much more bulletproof...
the walkthrough appears long...
but in reality once you do it a few times...
you will find it is actually very quick and painless process.

maverick106 2016-08-09 02:39

Re: New member, i have questions.
Thanks endsormeans! I actually had your signature in mind when I first stumbled upon this sight. I will take your advice and purchase the memory cards. I already have some 128mb rs-mmc cards for the 770 on its way from China. Looking forward to pimping out my Nokias!

endsormeans 2016-08-09 06:21

Re: New member, i have questions.
yeah ..they may not be as slick and flashy as new stuff out there now...
But what does run for them... runs. and for the most part runs real good...and has been running for almost a decade now...
There is a simplicity, elegance and charm to them...
just can't get enough of them...
and of course their putter-ability :D
lot of fun they are...
anyway have fun man....

endsormeans 2016-08-10 05:22

Re: New member, i have questions.
128 mb card? I do hope that is what you mean and not 128 gb cards...
the 128gb cards I consider non-optimal....
I would suggest sticking with 32gb max with the n8x0's ...
they tend to be less problematic. and more reliable.

pichlo 2016-08-10 07:37

Re: New member, i have questions.

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1512204)
the 128gb cards I consider non-optimal....
I would suggest sticking with 32gb max with the n8x0's ...
they tend to be less problematic. and more reliable.

...says the creator of this thread ;)

I am more concerned with this bit:


Originally Posted by maverick106 (Post 1512062)
I already have some 128mb rs-mmc cards for the 770 on its way from China.

I would be extremely careful with ordering anything even slightly over the bog standard from China, or indeed anywhere else that is not local to you. I have seen far too many fake high capacity cards that pretend to be 64, 128 or even 256 GB but are in reality only 2 GB.

If the deal looks too good to be true, it probably is.

endsormeans 2016-08-10 09:06

Re: New member, i have questions.
concerning the chinese cards ....agreed.
concerning the nature of having 128 gb cards in your n8x0...
I messed with it a lot...
it is a lot of time taken...
it takes a great deal of time for a n8x0 to deal with that much space considering the device's horsepower...
remember it is comparable to a pentium 2 in guts...
media scanning ...for example....will take a bit for cards so big...
it is do-able...
but after playing extensively ...
it just doesn't feel practical...

maverick106 2016-08-11 19:56

Re: New member, i have questions.
Nah, guys auto correct put "gb" instead of "mb". They should be 128mb. Sorry for the confusion.
As for my new toys, I know that technology had moved on to "new and better" things. I find older stuff doesn't really mean useless. It's finding ways to use them so that you can enjoy them. It's that innocent charm that they have that makes me want to know more about them. I keep finding myself interested in just past use things. Palm and pocket pc pdas,etc. I never truly am cutting edge. This is also a disadvantage of finding things like rs-mmc cards. They are not commonly found where I live. So, for the love of all things retro, I have to go where parts are.

maverick106 2016-08-22 12:23

Re: New member, i have questions.
Update time. I found the windows firmware updater on the n800 thread. I flashed different HE os, and settled on 2007HE. I could not get the sound working on 2008HE. I know about the issue, and I might look into it later. Thanks for all of your support and help!

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