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polarbear 2012-06-05 19:37

Re: 2012 Coding Competition
My take on the mp award:

The mp award only takes away from the competition that is designed to benefit Maemo devices and to provide quality 'apps'(I can't stand that word) to the community. The devices are meant to spur and promote current and future growth for Maemo, not other communities. If they want to enhance their platform let them provide their own devices for their own competition. We shouldn't be sacrificing the quality of our platform to benefit someone else's. Give the devices to the people that toiled away for the sake of the Maemo community.

qwazix 2012-06-05 22:00

Re: 2012 Coding Competition
It seems that the majority wants the mp award out the door. So let's kick it out. It seems that we still have to decide about the timeframe and ports policy and we are good to go. Please correct me if I missed any other significant matter.

My point about the timeframe is that as we can't police when or how coding started we should just limit the submissions to apps not already published. This does give a head start to people that decided to start develpoment early without releasing anything but I don't think we can do much about it.

Ported applications I think should be included as long there is a mobile friendly GUI written from scratch. This should be clearly stated on the wiki as a factor voters should take seriously into consideration. That way we don't have to reject any proposal but I think it will be clear which port is a real mobile port and which is some unhildonized gtk transplant, and voters can vote accordingly. This also encompasses hildon applications ported to QML either for the N9 or for both platforms.

beresk_let 2012-06-06 05:36

Re: 2012 Coding Competition
And what about "categories/no categories/what categories and how to distribute devices between them" discussion?

mmlado 2012-06-06 05:50

Re: 2012 Coding Competition
Don't remember if it was discussed... :(
Are proprietary apps also accepted, or only open source?
I think it should also be added to the rules.

rainisto 2012-06-06 06:23

Re: 2012 Coding Competition

Originally Posted by qwazix (Post 1218139)
Ported applications I think should be included as long there is a mobile friendly GUI written from scratch.

So you are trying to discriminate for example command line applications that don't have GUI at all from the competition?

qwazix 2012-06-06 06:47

Re: 2012 Coding Competition

Ported applications I think should be included as long there is a mobile friendly GUI written from scratch.
No I am trying to discriminate just recompiling ready made command line applications e.g. imageMagick from debian which is just


make install

in scratchbox

For new applications command line is perfectly fine.

rainisto 2012-06-06 07:19

Re: 2012 Coding Competition

Originally Posted by qwazix (Post 1218234)
No I am trying to discriminate just recompiling ready made command line applications e.g. imageMagick from debian which is just

Well thats a bad example since imagemagic is already in harmattan SDK repoes.

I would be just fine to see imagemagic as competition entry _IF_ a package for harmattan doesnt exist yet in SDK or community obs repoes, ie application would be new for harmattan. In this case imagemagic harmattan deb already exists so it would not be accepted.

beresk_let 2012-06-06 08:18

Re: 2012 Coding Competition
The main idea is that just recompiling existing CLI program for Harmattan is not "porting". Is it there in repos or not, it's not acceptable for this competition, I believe.

qwazix 2012-06-06 08:43

Re: 2012 Coding Competition

Originally Posted by rainisto (Post 1218247)
Well thats a bad example since imagemagic is already in harmattan SDK repoes.

I would be just fine to see imagemagic as competition entry _IF_ a package for harmattan doesnt exist yet in SDK or community obs repoes, ie application would be new for harmattan. In this case imagemagic harmattan deb already exists so it would not be accepted.

I know that IM is already there I just wanted to give an example of a program with good functionality but only cli. The point is that most cli programs are so easy to port they even just run if you unpack the debian package to /opt. Someone could hijack the competition by submitting 10 such applications that can be "ported" in less than an hour, I don't think it's fair. Building a nice UI on the other hand around IM or unison or rsync etc. is a valid entry imo.

rainisto 2012-06-06 09:11

Re: 2012 Coding Competition
Well you can just make 10 different helloworld QML GUI apps with creator and submit the apps too, and they would be valid entries. So imho if someone just ports 10 useless apps, then voters most likely wont vote for them, just like they wouldn't be giving much votes to helloworld apps. And anyways commandline ports most likely wont be receiving that many votes compared to apps with nice GUI, as people want to give votes to QT/QML apps, and dont want to see python, perl and other command line script hacks.

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