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Dave999 2018-11-29 22:36

Re: What the hell!
I have a plan!

Some threads are more intriguing for the bots and they read em longer. Why is that?? If we figure out the words they are looking for and make sure all of them join one specific thread...


We delete that thread and all the bots within it. BOOM. Case closed! Next.

endsormeans 2018-11-29 22:56

Re: What the hell!
a botplosion!


a flytrap

a honey pot for the bot.

endsormeans 2018-11-29 22:58

Re: What the hell!
we need an uber thread....

do we have a candidate?
can we use a whole subforum as bait?
I suggest something along the lines of a Jolla or Sailfish ....
Who will miss it ?...

theonelaw 2018-11-30 03:23

Re: What the hell!
If such a thread were made,
how could the initial poster be sure to get participation from the gang here ?

Without sufficient support it might get abandoned very quickly...

Maemish 2018-11-30 04:12

Re: What the hell!
They are interested on me as a weapon. I'm unstable and unpredictable destructive power where ever I go and and to what ever I'm in contact with. But let's leave it there and not to open that pandoras box. It is enough if they have noticed what has happened to my parents cars when they have borrowed them to me... To be able to guide that destruction to some hostile country... What agency would not try to be the one in cotrol. I will tell you later today an example and then you will understand.

endsormeans 2018-11-30 05:21

Re: What the hell!
It seems to me that perhaps Captain America ...or Iron Man could REALLY use your super powered help there Maemish.

Maemish 2018-11-30 07:03

Re: What the hell!
One answer for the traffic which I would really like is that I googled maemo devs and ended up with contact one guy who is in charge some opensource coding projects in finland and online. Asked if he would know maemo developers and if they would like to help with Leste. Later send a letter where described the challenges at hand and put also links to github and youtube presentation. If that took air under wings and got viral among the hidden and secret maemo dev community which has been hiding from Elop in the middle of the earth... and now they thought it's time to come in light and expose themselves to the world...

endsormeans 2018-11-30 10:05

Re: What the hell!
totally agree with you a 100%...
in fact...
they are doing a documentary about it.
here is the Trailer.

I saw the first one, very entertaining.

It makes complete sense to me that a good 15 000 "embedded" ex maemo devs have been hiding at the center of a hollow Earth, with a Reptilian species and clones of Hitler ....
just waiting for their chance to come and "ghost" us here.
In fact,
If you look close in the Trailer I think you can pick a few of the devs out.


endsormeans 2018-11-30 10:28

Re: What the hell!
Here is a more likely scenario.

In the entire history of more than 20+ years having the exact same email account, which is used for this place, on average my daily spam has never been higher than 10 ....
10 pieces of garbage I had to flush away on a daily basis.

I JUST flushed my daily spam folder in my email now...
with a count of 259 pieces of spam.
Never ever ever have I had to deal with anything of that magnitude.
I think our fictitious "guests" had a reason and I don't believe they were here to "help" us by "ghosting" us.
They came, found ways around things here,
got info on us,
and are using it.

That seems far more likely than 15 000 hollow earth- living maemo devs.

endsormeans 2018-11-30 10:31

Re: What the hell!
My bet is on the Russian, Chinese, NDPK, or Americans...
and I DON'T mean any 3 letter branches..
Just the run of the mill cyber divisions looking for whatever they can..

considering the scope of the work that was just done on this place.

and even STILL
it is a pretty far fetched possibility.

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