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Addison 2011-02-22 08:26

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle

Thank you nic! :D

BryanLunduke 2011-02-22 14:30

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Thanks Venemo! SyncTerm is definitely the top app I wish I had on my N900... so this would rock the kasbah.

BryanLunduke 2011-02-24 04:30

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Anyone have any luck building for Maemo 5? I gave it a quick stab, but I ran into some issues myself.

If you get a chance to give it another swing, Venemo, you'll by my hero of the week.

Addison 2011-02-24 16:02

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle

N800 user here.

This is what I've done to have it run on my older tablet.

Installed libxmu6_1.0.3-1osso2_armel.deb
Then installed wmctrl_1.07-6_armel.deb

To start Syncterm:

wmctrl -r syncterm -b add,fullscreen
/usr/bin/ -iSF &
sleep 2
xkbd -geometry +722+65536 -k /media/mmc2/Keyboards/Rightfull.xkbd & wmctrl -r syncterm -b add,fullscreen

It takes up to two minutes for the display to stop twitching.

Once it settles though, it works perfect.

To focus input into Syncterm, I bring up the Task Navigator, and then I click anywhere on the screen outside of the pop-up, Diablo application menu.

It also flakes again when logging on to a site, but once the screen settles, Syncterm is rock solid. :)

This is pretty much the extent that I can offer in giving any suggestions for you guys. :)

BryanLunduke 2011-02-25 18:46

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Thanks for the help Addison. SyncTerm works great on my N810...just not the N900.

I suspect we'll need an N900/Maemo 5 build of SyncTerm to allow it to actually take keyboard input.

AapoRantalainen 2011-02-25 21:55

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Hi, I'm working with syncterm for N900.

I got it compiled and running, but it is not still useful.
(I have not used syncterm before so tell me what else is missing)

There are couple of different 'interfaces' (gui-modes), and they are behaving differently wrongly, so which is most used/important?

-iS (SDL): Screen is flickering many times per second and it is not ending within 5 minutes (but keyboard focus is working)
-iX (X11): Can't get focus. (minor issue: screen is only 640 width)
-iC (curse): Doesn't even try to start. (But can be started and used over ssh, so all functionality can be tested)
-iA (ansi): menu is buggy, but then it can be used.

I logged in on my N900 (I quit login when it asks address).

I got libcrypt compiled and there are no (easy) way to compile syncterm without it. But because libcrypt is not needed on phone, maybe it is compiled statically inside of syncterm. (I have never even heart that libcrypt).

This is sneak preview:
(2.8 Mega)

Code modifications so far (confirming gpl)
-seticon(syncterm_icon.pixel_data,syncterm_icon.wid th);
(I think this helps SDL-focus)

+typedef unsigned long long uint_64t;
(There are "Please define uint_64t as an unsigned 64 bit type in brg_types.h"
According this: , it means long long on 32bit machine.)

What are requirements for collecting this bounty?
*Installable from repository
*start-able from menu icon
*one truly working interface, which one (or more?)

Addison 2011-02-26 00:31

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
-iSF I would imagine is the most preferred.

And yeah, once the screen stops to flicker, Syncterm is definitely awesome.

Sometimes it stops flickering after just 5 seconds, and like you said, it might even be 5 minutes.

That's really the only thing that ever bugged me about this.

Addison 2011-02-27 03:21

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
I would love to see a new build of this for Diablo as well if it's at all possible.

Were you able to include SSH support?

In my version, Qwerty123 had left that out of the build.

Also, the author of Syncterm is like super awesome.

He'll straight up take the time to answer any questions you might have. :)

AapoRantalainen 2011-02-27 07:16

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
I do not have Diablo toolchain installed (anymore), but I will make instructions how Fremantle version is done, so it can be starting point for Diablo.

Yes, SSH is supported and working. It needs I will make package for it too. Tested it with -iA (even screen is somehow messed).

Addison 2011-02-27 08:55

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
What is causing the initial screen to flicker using -iSF mode?

Any clue on this?

It's such an odd behavior that I've never seen before in another app.

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