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auouymous 2012-08-07 11:53

Re: [Announce] Telescope: Graphical task switcher with thumbnails

Originally Posted by Mitrandir (Post 1248646)
3) I haven’t seen these gcc errors about “dereferencing type-punned pointers” neither on N8x0 nor on desktop. Seems like Fremantle’s GCC is configured more strictly about pointer aliasing. If you can find some good solution, please send me a patch

Try -fno-strict-aliasing

AapoRantalainen 2012-08-08 09:59

Re: [Announce] Telescope: Graphical task switcher with thumbnails
Now switcher and launcher are almost working on N900. There are still some crashing, so it can't yet replace hildon-desktop, but now I'm sure Telescope will be replacement of hildon-desktop.

I can make branch on bitbucket, but I will first post some ideas here.

Place of .menu (this is trivial)

-#define APPLICATION_MENU        "/home/user/.osso/menus/"
+#define APPLICATION_MENU        "/etc/xdg/menus/"

MenuReader::processMenu has several 'return NULL' without error message (and skipping cleaning/freeing).


Compiler flags (as suggested in #351)

-CFLAGS += -Wall -Werror -O2 $(DEFINES) `pkg-config --cflags $(DEPS)` -pthread
+CFLAGS += -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -O2 $(DEFINES) `pkg-config --cflags $(DEPS)` -pthread

(stock) Maemo5 has file:

cat /usr/share/applications/hildon/intellisyncd.desktop
[Desktop Entry]

It doesn't have 'Name' at all. So (Application.cpp:115)
_appName = gettext( g_key_file_get_string ( keyFile, group, "Name", NULL ) );
will set _appName=NULL, which will seg fault later, because of strlen(_appName).

Seems this could affect on Maemo4 version also, if user install application with wrongly made .desktop.
Maybe something like:
if (_appName == NULL) {
I think every .desktop has 'Exec'.

I have problems with localization on Launcher, i.e. it doesn't use localized strings.
I checked how hildon-desktop does it, and it has:

  define GETTEXT_PACKAGE "maemo-af-desktop"

  setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
  bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "/usr/share/locale");
  textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);

Seems very same than what telescope has.
On launcher, how to scroll icons? I didn't find any video showing how to use launcher. I have more icons than fits in one screen (no subcategories/submenus)


Originally Posted by Mitrandir (Post 1248646)

dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.telescope /Launcher org.telescope.Launcher.Show
Or you can rebind hotkey from F5 to other key by specifying

hotkey = <keyname>
in /etc/telescope.conf

N900 doesn't have any equivalent for F5 (or any other functionkeys). Can I use combination of key and CTRL? And what is format of e.g. CTRL+Backscape?


Originally Posted by Mitrandir (Post 1248646)
4) dbus_watch_get_fd is used if DEFINES = -DMAEMO4 is specified in Makefile. It was renamed to dbus_watch_get_unix_fd in later D-Bus versions.

Yes, without this defining -Werror can be used.

Mitrandir 2012-08-08 10:09

Re: [Announce] Telescope: Graphical task switcher with thumbnails
.desktop-files parsing code is very-very dirty and poor at error checking

I think .desktop file might not contain Exec if it uses pure D-Bus-driven execution

Unfortunetely, there is no scrolling in Launcher at all :(
Currently, it just creates more than one category icon on bottom panel if the category contains more icons than screen can hold.

If you want hotkey with Control or other modifier, you’ll need to modify source code that binds this key (look for XGrabKey in TeleWindow.cpp). I think it will look like this:

    XGrabKey(_dpy, _hotKeyCode, ControlMask, _rootWindow, False, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync);
    XGrabKey(_dpy, _hotKeyCode, ControlMask | Mod2Mask, _rootWindow, False, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync);

(Mod2Mask is NumLock, it is needed for desktop)
Ideally, we need to add a flag in settings indicating whether Ctrl is used with hotkey.

auouymous 2012-08-09 04:50

Re: [Announce] Telescope: Graphical task switcher with thumbnails

Originally Posted by AapoRantalainen (Post 1249047)
Now switcher and launcher are almost working on N900. There are still some crashing, so it can't yet replace hildon-desktop, but now I'm sure Telescope will be replacement of hildon-desktop.

I've never used an n900 but I thought Telescope was made to mimic the n900. Is this not how the n900 works?

If you remove hildon-desktop on n8x0 you lose the desktop image, desktop widgets, statusbar and I think notifications. Telescope does not replace any of those.

AapoRantalainen 2012-08-09 06:03

Re: [Announce] Telescope: Graphical task switcher with thumbnails

Originally Posted by auouymous (Post 1249362)
I've never used an n900 but I thought Telescope was made to mimic the n900. Is this not how the n900 works?

Launcher on N900 is scrollable. (i.e. there can more icons than fits on one screen, but they are not in submenus)


Originally Posted by auouymous (Post 1249362)
If you remove hildon-desktop on n8x0 you lose the desktop image, desktop widgets, statusbar and I think notifications. Telescope does not replace any of those.

Maemo5 has hildon-desktop, which handles:

and hildon-home, which handles:
*desktop image
*desktop widgets

AapoRantalainen 2012-08-17 09:59

Re: [Announce] Telescope: Graphical task switcher with thumbnails
I started own branch ('fork') on bitbucket. I sent first pull request relating running telescope better from working directory (hopefully it speeds developing).

I'm plannig to add support for scrollable application menu (as Maemo5 PR1.3 has).


Why it is preferred to not compile Launcher when compiled for desktop? Not tested/working?

Opening post doesn't have info about bitbucket repo.

There are images for category-icons, but seems code are not using them but hey are put in deb. Is that correct?

auouymous 2012-08-17 10:50

Re: [Announce] Telescope: Graphical task switcher with thumbnails

Originally Posted by AapoRantalainen (Post 1252886)
I'm plannig to add support for scrollable application menu (as Maemo5 PR1.3 has).

I can't wait for this to get into the Diablo port.


Originally Posted by AapoRantalainen (Post 1252886)
There are images for category-icons, but seems code are not using them but hey are put in deb. Is that correct?

It does use the images, you have to hold down on the category button and a bar appears to select an image.

Mitrandir 2012-08-17 12:29

Re: [Announce] Telescope: Graphical task switcher with thumbnails
But I'm leaving to vacation right now. I'll be back on next weekend and will check out your pull-request.

Yes, Launcher had never been tested on desktop and probably won't work without fixing.

I will add bitbucket repo to the first post, thanks for noticing

Category icons are used by Launcher. If you can't find filenames in source, please check, they can be used by indirect filename

AapoRantalainen 2012-09-25 20:17

Re: [Announce] Telescope: Graphical task switcher with thumbnails
I released first version for Fremantle:

Code works also with Ubuntu (Switcher and Launcher):

Mitrandir 2012-09-26 04:26

Re: [Announce] Telescope: Graphical task switcher with thumbnails
Thank you! Looks so cool!
Sorry that I haven't pulled your pull request at bitbucket. I certainly will do.

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