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misiak 2014-02-01 00:29

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1410177)
OK, first of all, sorry for not providing terminal output, while reporting for the first time (it should be first thing to do *faceplam* - for reasons unknown, I was sure that the bug must be happening for everyone and is easy to reproduce) - to make it a more proper bug report (sorry for little messy way last time), I'm using version 0.5.2-6.

The relevant error messages from terminal (from while clicking on cover art that I would like to set):

[...large portion of code...]

If you're not able to reproduce this error, maybe it is something in my setup broken? If that would be suspected case, what should I attempt to reinstall?


Could you also post your version of python? Is it pure, stock Maemo python or some upgraded version?

Estel 2014-02-01 04:06

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
Sure - here is list of everything python-related that I have installed, including versions:


gnome-python 2.18.0-2maemo6
hildon-desktop-python-loader 0.1.0-1maemo3
python 2.5.2-3maemo4
python-all 2.5.2-3maemo4
python-cairo 1.4.12-1.2maemo2
python-conic 0.1-6
python-crypto 2.0.1+dfsg1-4maemo0
python-dbus 0.83.0-1maemo3
python-evolution 0.0.4-maemo2
python-gconf 2.26.1-1maemo1
python-glade2 2.12.1-6maemo10
python-gobject 2.16.1-1maemo2
python-gst0.10 0.10.14-2maemo5
python-gtk2 2.12.1-6maemo10
python-gtkhtml2 2.19.1-2maemo2
python-hildon 0.9.0-1maemo18
python-hildondesktop 0.1.0-1maemo3
python-imaging 1.1.6-3maemo2
python-location 0.2-1
python-lxml 2.2.6-1maemo1
python-minimal 2.5.2-3maemo4
python-mutagen 1.14-2
python-notify 0.1.1-2maemo1
python-numeric 24.2-9maemo4
python-numpy 1:1.4.0-1maemo4
python-osso 0.4-0maemo5
python-protobuf 2.4.0a-0maemo1
python-pygame 1.9.1release-0maemo1
python-pyside.qtcore 1.0.5-1maemo1
python-pyside.qtdeclarative 1.0.5-1maemo1
python-pyside.qtgui 1.0.5-1maemo1
python-pyside.qtmaemo5 1.0.5-1maemo1
python-pyside.qtnetwork 1.0.5-1maemo1
python-pyside.qtxml 1.0.5-1maemo1
python-qtmobility12 0.2.2-0maemo1
python-qtmobility12.connectivity 0.2.2-0maemo1
python-qtmobility12.contacts 0.2.2-0maemo1 0.2.2-0maemo1 0.2.2-0maemo1
python-qtmobility12.location 0.2.2-0maemo1
python-qtmobility12.messaging 0.2.2-0maemo1
python-qtmobility12.multimediakit 0.2.2-0maemo1
python-qtmobility12.organizer 0.2.2-0maemo1
python-qtmobility12.publishsubscribe 0.2.2-0maemo1
python-qtmobility12.sensors 0.2.2-0maemo1
python-qtmobility12.serviceframework 0.2.2-0maemo1
python-qtmobility12.systeminfo 0.2.2-0maemo1
python-qtmobility12.versit 0.2.2-0maemo1
python-scapy 2.0.1-1maemo2
python-simplejson 2.0.9-1maemo1
python-support 1.0.6maemo1
python-sympy 0.7.3-3maemo3
python2.5 2.5.4-1maemo6
python2.5-minimal 2.5.4-1maemo6
python2.5-qt4 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-qt4-common 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-qt4-core 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-qt4-dbus 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-qt4-gl 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-qt4-gui 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-qt4-maemo5 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-qt4-multimedia 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-qt4-network 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-qt4-phonon 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-qt4-script 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-qt4-sql 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-qt4-svg 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-qt4-test 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-qt4-webkit 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-qt4-xml 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-qt4-xmlpatterns 4.7.5-maemo2
python2.5-sip4 4.11-maemo0
python2.5-webkit 1.0.2-4


Android_808 2014-02-01 12:34

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
os.rename error has been mentioned before. I'll take a look later today. If I can find a possible solution I'll upload a test version here before pushing to repo.

0.5.2-6 vs 0.5.2-8 is only 3 changes in search code for initial results displayed. Just looks to see if any results were returned for search and moves to a different term. -7 had a broken attempt at optifying.

Android_808 2014-02-01 22:48

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
I don't get the "None None" near the thumbnail: section of the console output when run, but it may be because all my albums have artwork. I'll have to transfer more from PC when I get a chance and see what happens.

os.rename does have issues when files are on different devices. For mussorgsky both source and dest reside in /home/user/ (.cache/mussorgsky, .cache/media-art/*, and .thumbnails/cropped/).

Just to make sure, please try the attached deb. It won't fix the issue but should print variables (img_path & filename then thumb_path & thumbnail) before attempting os.rename() to see if they're at fault.

Edit: None None does't appear for me with no artwork set. :( I'll try to go through some more code tomorrow as your also missing alternative-0 lines.

Edit: Remove old test build.

Estel 2014-02-02 07:24

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
Thanks, Android_808 - just to confirm it, it is still relevant to check .deb you've attached and provide output, after your edit?

Android_808 2014-02-02 09:02

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
yeah. try it using different buttons/covers as well. are there any other blank buttons other than the far right with popular albums?

i've only just got up. got a couple hours this morning then out till late afternoon. i'll take laptop with me but web connection is poor so it may have to wait till later.

Edit: None None output is produced when theres not enough results. I managed to reproduce it with Him - And Love Said No that only gives 4 out of 5 results plus the remove option. That's one possibility down :p

Estel 2014-02-02 10:31

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
Here is output from using debug-enabled version:

As for blank buttons - even for very popular albums, it looks like this (still, only the right-most button work, the "small disc" doesn't):

For less popular albums, sometimes, the "small discs" (big dots) replace 2 or three covers from the right. Just like with popular albums, clicking on the "small discs" doesn't work - the far-right "default album art" is the only one working.


Android_808 2014-02-02 18:56

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
1 Attachment(s)
Thumbnail: /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-1thumb is missing which would be causing the None None here. This would be the cause of the small disc. I don't get why yet as there are more results as using same search term on Google site provides more.

Small disc has never been clickable so that appears Ok.

**** CRITICAL **** image in path error is fixed in this build. There was a check of two img_path and thumb_path to see if they exist, which if not was trying to print the **** CRITICAL **** message using a non existant variable called "path". I've split it into 2 checks so it can output either img_path or thimb_path as necessary.

Side note: Long term goal I think should be a C++ Qt replacement. There are some issues I have found such as metadata/tags not editable for mp4 files. I would also like to offer other services to look up artwork such as Amazon. If I could use boo scripts I could just reuse those from AlbumArtDownloaderXUI and allow automated updates when they fix scipts.

Android_808 2014-02-04 07:47

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
any feedback on latest build estel? i have another i'm testing at the moment.

can anyone having trouble confirm /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky is on same partition as /home/user/.thumbnails/cropped and not symlinked elsewhere.

Estel 2014-02-04 13:47

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
You may have just hit the "bingo!". My /home/user/.thumbnails is on encrypted partition, symlinked from there (of course, it is mounted and transparently decrypted during usage, but the point is, that it's on different partition).

As for feedback from latest build (just had time to test it, sorry that it took a little longer than I expected):

Now, I don't get the "empty" small disc, all result placeholders are "filled" (except for the last one that set default no-album-art image, but that it's expected and desirable, I think). After the *second* tap on any artwork, the dialog closes - although, selected image is *not* set, dialog just closes. first tap does nothing (except for throwing error'ish lines in terminal).

Output (first tap, that does nothing):

~ $ mussorgsky
Tracker backend up
Searching (album + artist):
Working 0
Working 3
Working 4
Working 2
Working 1
None None
Thumbnail: /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-4thumb
Thumbnail: /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-2thumb
Thumbnail: /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-0thumb
Thumbnail: /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-1thumb
Thumbnail: /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-3thumb
/home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-1 /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-1thumb
Setting /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-1thumb as image
/home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-2 /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-2thumb
Setting /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-2thumb as image
/home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-3 /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-3thumb
Setting /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-3thumb as image
/home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-4 /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-4thumb
Setting /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-4thumb as image
Debug: img_path: /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-2 filename: /home/user/.cache/media-art/album-7215ee9c7d9dc229d2921a40e899ec5f-79e732a8e74d1d03a06059bfa004a015.jpeg
Debug: thumb_path: /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-2thumb thumbnail: /home/user/.thumbnails/cropped/a7e2377a11b65947e7a7c2558ff11a42.jpeg
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/mussorgsky/", line 167, in click_on_img
  File "/usr/lib/mussorgsky/", line 164, in save_alternative
    os.rename (thumb_path, thumbnail)
OSError: [Errno 18] Invalid cross-device link

After second tap:

**** CRITICAL **** image in path /home/user/.cache/mussorgsky/alternative-2 doesn't exist!

Android_808 2014-02-04 20:57

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
1 Attachment(s)
The multiple partitions theory was something I'd been thinking for several days as it is the usual cause of the os.rename error but couldn't understand why it would be the case. Coincidently, I built a version late last night that uses shutil.move instead that I've been testing but should, theoretically, solve the issue. I didn't really want to do so until I'd determined why there was an issue on one n900 but not another. It is probably better this way for handling specialised setups like yours.

I transferred some newly ripped albums earlier this evening and added album art with this new version without any issue. I'm still getting some small disc/dots/blanks in some searches so that needs solving at some stage. The error handling, although a little better, is also in need of some work.

When I get back to laptop, probably tomorrow morning, I'll upload this one for you to test.

Incidentally, is there not anything under .cache that you would want encrypted? Tracker databases??

Edit: Had to wait for PS4 to update so here's latest test build

Estel 2014-02-04 22:54

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
Thanks, I'll test it ASAP (probably tomorrow). As for things from .cache I wanted encrypted, IIRC, it was about .thumbnails - I have all photos/videos took via device's camera automatically saved to encrypted partition (one that I mount at boot). Considering, that I have lock code set for 5 minutes and rather safe SSH setup, in case of losing device, there shouldn't be humanly way to get into filesystem without at least one reboot, so personal photos/videos/files should be safe from potential 3th party. Considering this, having all photos thumbnail'ed in unencrypted partition and even cached in img viewer seemed silly ;) I didn't wanted tracker to spoil things by it's database too, as you presumed.

Generally, I've moved everything sensitive, yet required-during-normal-device-usage to such partition mounted at boot (addressbooks, mail settings, etc) and I've everything symlinked, but I've never, ever, encountered any problem/complains from any program - I thought that symlinks are transparent enough for underlying apps.

Of course, I should have mention it earlier, but frankly, I've established my encryption setup so long ago, that I've totally forget putting .thumbnails there, including the reason - to the point, that for a while, I was actually surprised to see symlink as result of ls'ing things You've asked about. Memories of setting it returned half a second later ;)


Android_808 2014-02-13 08:40

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
any feedback? if it works for you now i'll push to repos.

Estel 2014-02-13 21:19

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
Sh|t, I was sure I've posted feedback few days ago, but it seems, that browser chuckled while sending it and it never went through :/ Sorry.

It works now for changing art, thanks! Surprisingly, the "last image empty result" seems to return and disappear randomly. Sometimes my proposed images result list is full, sometimes, there is "small disc" as last result. Terminal doesn't say anything interesting (just 'none none' when there is empty result). Of course all of this for popular albums, that have thousands of results.

Anyway, I'm glad that you've squashed critical (for me) bug with things save din other physical medium. Sorry that I wasn't able to suggest probable case earlier, saving you some work.


Android_808 2014-02-13 23:03

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
i'll push to repo as 0.52-9 or 0.53 then at some stage.

results with little dots is going to need more investigation.

gianko 2014-03-01 14:38

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
optified version will prevent to use rootfs ( /home/user/ (.cache/mussorgsky, .cache/media-art/*, and .thumbnails/cropped/) ?

misiak 2014-03-02 17:55

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?

Originally Posted by gianko (Post 1414969)
optified version will prevent to use rootfs ( /home/user/ (.cache/mussorgsky, .cache/media-art/*, and .thumbnails/cropped/) ?

/home/user is not in rootfs, in fact whole /home and /opt are on the same partition (/opt is in really /home/opt).

Android_808 2014-03-02 18:05

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
Finally got around to pushing 0.5.2-9 with the fix for Estels issues to repo. It is the same as the last test version.

gianko: If I get time I'll try to see if it is an option. There is the small issue of where tracker looks for them and permissions. .cache/mussorgsky should only ever contain 5 files max. It is the temporary store for the choices given in UI.

I've been trying to move python files over to /opt but pycentral (IIRC) doesn't seem to like it at the moment. As for metadata side, I haven't looked too much into that yet.

gianko 2014-03-05 16:15

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?

Originally Posted by misiak (Post 1415128)
/home/user is not in rootfs, in fact whole /home and /opt are on the same partition (/opt is in really /home/opt).

right! i tought it was /usr/.cache LOL

so optified version should only move /usr/lib/mussorgsky to /home/opt/usr/lib/mussorgsky ?

if /home/user/ (.cache/mussorgsky, .cache/media-art/*, and .thumbnails/cropped/) doesn't fill with too much files is fine, orelse a "clear cache" option can also be added

Android_808 2014-03-05 16:47

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
When optified, files in /usr/lib/mussorgsky will move to /opt.

.cache won't fill more than 5 files AIUI. media-art and thumbs will depend on how many covers you have. Relocating these depends on whether tracker supports the relocation.

I pushed latest -devel version to testing. If it gets enough votes I can get rid of the broken version in extras.

gianko 2014-05-17 15:44

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
can this py2deb guide help in putting the files from /usr/lib/mussorgsky to /opt/mussorgsky ?

but maybe some modifications are needed like /usr/bin/mussorgsky script, etc.

Android_808 2014-05-17 18:21

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
I'm slowly working it out. Marmistz recommended looking at Resistance to see how it was done there. Having tried a few options, this is currently showing the most promise.

I have files installed to /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Mussorgsky which means it will actually install within /opt/pymaemo/usr/lib/python2.5. Part of the issue I'm having is some of the scripts have some stand-alone functionality as well.

Hopefully I should be able to upload it soon.

Android_808 2014-07-07 21:26

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
1 Attachment(s)
Testing time:
  • *.py files are now installed to /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages (which is actually on /opt)
  • Other files remain on /usr/share and /usr/bin. This equates to about 18kb in total. maemo-optify would only move the icon and a changelog.
  • /usr/bin/mussorgsky now runs script via command line using python2.5 -c. It retains scratchbox detection.

I can replace the rules file to move the remaining files if desired, saves ~7.3kb IIRC. Looking for some feedback before pushing to -devel.

elcaito 2016-11-22 06:50

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
Hi. I've downloaded latest version (link above this post) and it still won't work for me. I cannot download any images/album art. I've run the program via Xterminal and attempted to download an album "Santana Abraxas". I can see the URL it built (, which works perfectly when I've copied it over to my browser. The images are there! But Mussorgsky just does not want to play ball.
Any ideas?
Any alternatives?

Android_808 2016-11-22 07:20

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
i'll have a look. probably changed page layout so parsing won't work.

Android_808 2016-11-22 08:22

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
Need to update the script to look at json code. In particular it looks like:


I'll take a proper look at the code at some stage soon.

elcaito 2016-12-02 02:45

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
1 Attachment(s)
Any chance you could get Mussorgsky working again please?

I've had to port my music collection over to another N900 (found 2nd hand) as my 1st N900 died due to water damage. But I've lost most of my album covers. Now I have a mix of albums with and without album covers and it's just ugly. At this rate I am thinking of throwing this phone into the bin and just going with a Samsung and having a working media system in Android. Just so over the trackerd suddenly losing album covers and finding them again another scan or losing tag information and having to use Mussorgsky to re-create tag information.

Please get Mussorgsky working or it's the end for this N900! :(

Here is what I get when I run it from xterm... no Albums found, yet when I run the query directly on a web browser I can see the album covers!


Android_808 2016-12-02 09:27

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
1 Attachment(s)
Please give this a try. If it works I'll push to extras-devel.

On a side note, if you have unknown-album coming up and you know that the tags are present, you can avoid a full tracker reset. Move the album folder, preferably to somewhere tracker does not scan, wait a while to tracker notices that the files no longer exist and then move them back.

For tracker itself, I find it picks up tags best if left with original config file, not using the settings listed elsewhere to reduce CPU usage. When copying a large quantity of files, remove USB and then do nothing, at most open media player and leave it on the first screen until the media scan has completed. Using the device during this time seems to increase the number of missed tags.

Finally, the reason I haven't updated this in a while is because I haven't needed to use it. Until a few years ago, the only commercial (paid) software I had, except games, was Windows. Everything was free or open source be it OpenOffice>LibreOffice, Mozilla>Firefox (from Phoenix days), CodeBlocks>Visual Studio Express and so on. My music solution was EAC but that changed to dbpoweramp, the first and only commercial app I own. It has a very good tagging solution (although I had to change multiple artist tagging in latest version back to ; delimited list in options) and embeds all artwork in the files and optionally save a folder.jpg/cover.jpg (a pain for Maemo as the gallery would fill up with the artwork images). It just makes it easier to edit once and get it to spit out FLACs for preservation as well as a folder of aac files for the N900 and the car audio system. I'm sure there are free alternatives that do a good job of embedding the art, tagging etc. so I'm open to another open source replacement if there are suggestions.

justmemory 2016-12-02 11:35

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?

Originally Posted by Android_808 (Post 1519813)
Please give this a try. If it works I'll push to extras-devel.


thanks for the update; I was facing the same problem and now it is working fine for me.


elcaito 2016-12-02 21:35

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
Yes it works perfectly now! Straight out of the box! Thank you so much. Is there any chance you could add more tagging options like genre, track number, Album Artist, and is there a way to run it in a loop to simply get all album covers in one hit? It won't be accurate but it will save a lot of time doing one album at a time? Thank you again

Android_808 2016-12-02 22:35

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
there is an option from top menu to download automatically. never used it so i can't say if it works. i'm not the original author, just decided to maintain it when original uploader stopped.

tagging is in need of a lot of work. it only works for certain file formats at the moment. i had planned on building something to replace or improve mussorgsky but other projects have taken all my time.

Android_808 2016-12-25 11:44

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
The fix I attached recently is now built and awaiting import to extras-devel. When it gets there, I'll push to testing.

Merry Christmas.

Wikiwide 2017-01-01 06:21

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
Thanks a lot! Happy New Year, too.

I think that the tracker and mediaplayer and such use libid3tag0, so would be neat to have something based on this.

I tried to install something from Debian repositories

id3 0.15-3 An ID3 Tag Editor
ii id3v2 0.1.12-2 A command line id3v2 tag editor
ii libid3-3.8.3c2a 3.8.3-13 A library for manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags
ii libid3-tools 3.8.3-15 ID3 Tag Library: Utilities

One of the difficulties I encountered was related to non-ASCII metadata.

Thank you. Good day, good night, and good luck.

Android_808 2017-05-21 09:16

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
Just tried app out of curiosity. it appears to be broken again. I'll try to take a look at some stage if anyone still using it

Xagoln 2017-05-22 01:05

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
I still use it, or would if it worked.

Wikiwide 2017-05-25 01:21

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
Mussorgsky works around here. I mostly edit Metadata, but Album art works, too.

Best wishes. Thank you.
Per aspera ad astra...

Android_808 2017-05-25 06:37

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
Hmm. Strange. I'll recheck it my end

justmemory 2017-06-22 13:53

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?

I still trying to use it; it works, but... I cannot edit the metadata of some files, especially those that I downloaded from youtube and used ffmpeg to have only audio...
I used easytag on linux to manually add title, album, etc., but mussorgsky still doesn't "see" these and cannot edit.
When open media player plays these manually edited taged songs, it "sees" the metadata but only when playing the song and not when the song is in the "all songs" list or whatever. Then it sees the songs as "unknown artist/unknown album"...

Anybody has an idea how to "bind" these things together...?


EDIT:// OK, answering my own question...: moving the directories changes these issues (maybe tracker refreshes...?) and now both mussorgsky and omp sees the artist/title (still cannot edit metadata with mussorgsky though)

Android_808 2017-06-22 20:42

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
It's a limitation from the original developer. The metadata function only supports certain file types, something I had intended to look at but haven't found the time.

Artwork is working ok.

Wikiwide 2017-11-23 00:18

Re: Is MussOrgsky still working ?
How is it going? Ideally, Mussorgsy would support the same file types as tracker (and extend its capabilities accordingly when user has tracker-extractor-mod or something installed), but it may require a radical rewrite of Mussorgsky. python-mutagen used by Mussorgsky is different from id3 libraries being used by tracker if I remember correctly. I wonder, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using python-id3lib?

Thank you. Best wishes.
Per aspera ad astra...

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