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endsormeans 2019-06-21 11:59

Re: OS2008 Garnet Vm deb's anyone?
Did you read the last couple paragraphs of my post....before you just posted...?
Did you read the last couple lines carefully?
Do you understand the concept of a "double negative"?
I don't know how much more bloody obvious I need to be without actually saying it directly.

endsormeans 2019-06-21 14:30

Re: OS2008 Garnet Vm deb's anyone?
Considering you don't have PM enabled CaC..
I cannot PM you.
So it is completely up to you how... or if wish to privately message.

I have done my utmost all things considered.
That is the absolute end to how far I will go out of my way concerning this topic.

iHaveNoNames 2020-11-09 22:51

Re: OS2008 Garnet Vm deb's anyone?
Lol, I just read your post. You are talking about a dead techno which was natively free and targeting a currently outdated device. Garnet itself is dead now and no one in ACCESS remember of this piece of software, and so what ? firstly the program is not store on your server but mine secondly, in my country, software obtained under a defined licence agreement is not concerned by afterwards licence modifications.

endsormeans 2020-11-09 23:24

Re: OS2008 Garnet Vm deb's anyone?
Good for you ...glad litigation cannot touch you in your country concerning the issue.
That isn't the case elsewhere.
For your sake, I do hope you are certain of your immunity under the law.

There are precious few bits and pieces for Maemo that are proprietary and this happens to be one of precious few.

Regardless who owns the rights, the owner does have the legal option to pursue litigation.
That is the whole point of proprietary ownership.
Likewise, the passage of time means nothing.
What matters is who owns it and what mood any given moment may be concerning infringement.

Its fine with me.. whatever anyone does ..with said software..
Want to share it ...go for it...
Want to share it here directly and thereby threaten the possibility that at any time litigation may be directed towards you and towards for allowing its dissemination on its site...
My personal care and concern are minimal, I have pretty much everything here for maemo4 and maemo5 backed up...
The loss of the forum would be the sad part...
But things change ...and nothing is I personally am fine with that as well.

Why not spend your time poking at current posts and threads, instead of grave digging this necro thread.
Since as you said...
It is for outdated software for outdated hardware...

iHaveNoNames 2020-11-10 00:02

Re: OS2008 Garnet Vm deb's anyone?
Actually time is counting, and renew registered patent even more but, less than orginal distribution licence which, there, was, at this epoch, widely open.
The site only has an anonymous link, it is not concerned by the target, it can even not be sure of the target.
Finally, that is somewhat curious that someone whom stated that time does not count, ultimately does criticism about a digger of necro thread... But, an answer can transcend time, no new thread is needed to this.
And yes, I am pretty sure of my immunity, by the laws, and by total no gain expected.

endsormeans 2020-11-10 23:06

Re: OS2008 Garnet Vm deb's anyone?
You speak of criticism pertaining to time...
Yes...some things do transcend time...
Such as rightful ownership of proprietary products.
Speaking of time...
What my feelings, opinions, thoughts and stance were...
Days, weeks, months and years ago...
Are most certainly not what they are now...or will be tomorrow ...
So yes ..time does play a my present opinion and your very skewed view ...of my current opinion...
Since you seem to be thinking I have some concept of care and concern on the topic the present..
Years ago...sure... at all...

You are mistaking me for some one who cares and gives a f*ck.

iHaveNoNames 2020-11-11 02:48

Re: OS2008 Garnet Vm deb's anyone?
Of course property is important (that is a fundamental concept of our occidental society which I do not deny) but, we have to be reasonnable in this reading as for example for a software that is no longer under commercial exploitation, technically outdated but useful for some third other party without other option. In this case the more important is to respect the owner name and the integrity of the software, legally, here, we are with an abandonfreeware with a permissive licence, you did report it but it is still there and nothing happened then... Approximately all the world don't give a f*ck, and me too, I uploaded this for historical purpose, Indeed, virtually it costs me some buck to keep it on total free access.

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