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ryu1 2011-10-03 18:16

new n900 owner need help
hello. I just bought a nokia n900 (from witch i am typing right now) second hand (but is like new).
-first i want to do a memory cleanup to delete all previos user data (pictures,contacts,etc)
-second i want to root the device (i had a nokia e90 before witch i use to hack)
-i want to install multiboot to run meego, android, power kernel (my phone has v20.2010.36-2)
-i want to apply speed patch,battery patch, overclock,etc.

I dont know where to start, what to do first.I don't want to break something. I wait your advices.
Thanks in advance

erendorn 2011-10-03 18:25

Re: new n900 owner need help
You can't break anything physically, you can only loose data and your time :) (well, excessive overclocking could damage your hardware)
This should take care of any data on the phone (flashing the whole memory).
rooting the device is super easy, check the wiki for 'root', 'extra' and 'devel'.
then you can play with the rest (see their respective wiki/threads)

ryu1 2011-10-03 18:42

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by erendorn (Post 1102002)
You can't break anything physically, you can only loose data and your time :) (well, excessive overclocking could damage your hardware)
This should take care of any data on the phone (flashing the whole memory).
rooting the device is super easy, check the wiki for 'root', 'extra' and 'devel'.
then you can play with the rest (see their respective wiki/threads)

is there any way to clean memory without flashing? (i don't have acces to a computer right now).
And another stupid question: if i have firmware v20.2010.36-2 that means i have pr 1.3 right?
I am really shame to ask this but how do i select the text to copy/paste using the built in browser?

shallimus 2011-10-03 18:50

Re: new n900 owner need help
To select text in the microB browser, slide in from off the left-hand side of the screen to just on the screen. An arrow icon will appear. Tap it, and you will then be able to select text in the browser as if with a mouse on a PC (i.e. click and drag to select text). Ctrl-C copies to the clipboard. Repeat the slide-and-tap-icon process to go back to normal mode.

If my explanation is deficient, please post back here and I or someone will try to help further.

ryu1 2011-10-03 18:56

Re: new n900 owner need help
it worked! thanks.
about that memory cleanup- is there any way to do it right here, right now?

tirtawn 2011-10-03 19:12

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by ryu1 (Post 1102031)
it worked! thanks.
about that memory cleanup- is there any way to do it right here, right now?

no, if you need it, then you need to flash it. learn how to flash.
its not difficult.

ryu1 2011-10-03 19:19

Re: new n900 owner need help
ok, what pr do i have? (if i have v20.2010.36-2 when dial *#0000#)

tuxsavvy 2011-10-04 07:54

Re: new n900 owner need help
PR information can only be found out if you visit the firmware downloads page on website.

I would advise warning on overclocking as you will shorten the life of your device, may make the device unusable at times. Even after overclocking and you have decided to stick with the normal speeds your device may not behave normally like it used to.

Its sad to see another quality N900 been laid to waste, just make sure to not buy it from this owner if he ultimately sells an overclocked (and now unusable) device.

retsaw 2011-10-04 08:35

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by ryu1 (Post 1102052)
ok, what pr do i have? (if i have v20.2010.36-2 when dial *#0000#)

That's PR1.3, the last one Nokia released, but if you want updates there is the Community SSU, which provides bug fixes and new features developed by the community.

electroaudio 2011-10-04 08:54

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by ryu1 (Post 1102031)
it worked! thanks.
about that memory cleanup- is there any way to do it right here, right now?

Go into the settings, then open the menu, and you have it there...
This will remove a lot of personal data but it wont wipe it as good as a reflash would have done.

erendorn 2011-10-04 09:37

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by tuxsavvy (Post 1102276)
I would advise warning on overclocking as you will shorten the life of your device, may make the device unusable at times. Even after overclocking and you have decided to stick with the normal speeds your device may not behave normally like it used to.


Originally Posted by tuxsavvy (Post 1102276)
Its sad to see another quality N900 been laid to waste, just make sure to not buy it from this owner if he ultimately sells an overclocked (and now unusable) device.

Much less fair. I'd personnaly buy an overclocked device before a random one if his owner has filed the pins of the charger's micro-usb connector, as this component is much more prone to fault.

geneven 2011-10-04 10:10

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by tuxsavvy (Post 1102276)
PR information can only be found out if you visit the firmware downloads page on website.

I would advise warning on overclocking as you will shorten the life of your device, may make the device unusable at times. Even after overclocking and you have decided to stick with the normal speeds your device may not behave normally like it used to.

Its sad to see another quality N900 been laid to waste, just make sure to not buy it from this owner if he ultimately sells an overclocked (and now unusable) device.

There is no evidence on the N900 for this overclocking warning. There is a thread thousands of messages long here with not one demonstrated instance of overclocking damage. Tell me how to damage my N900 with overclocking and I'll give it a try, just for you. The N900s come overclocked from the manufacturer. When you overclock, you are just deciding to try a different range.

ryu1 2011-10-04 12:25

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by tuxsavvy (Post 1102276)

Its sad to see another quality N900 been laid to waste, just make sure to not buy it from this owner if he ultimately sells an overclocked (and now unusable) device.

there is no way i'm gonna sell this device :)
(all this summer i have searched for the ultimate device, and n900 meet all my criteria + the last device with infrared port)

ryu1 2011-10-04 12:42

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by tuxsavvy (Post 1102276)
PR information can only be found out if you visit the firmware downloads page on website.

Ok, i wanna flash it, what should i download from there? Should i download pr 1.3 witch i currently have, or pr 1.2 ia better (i read that somwhere on this forum) ?

erendorn 2011-10-04 13:55

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by ryu1 (Post 1102422)
Ok, i wanna flash it, what should i download from there? Should i download pr 1.3 witch i currently have, or pr 1.2 ia better (i read that somwhere on this forum) ?

pr 1.3 is a very clear improvement on pr 1.2 (imho).

skykooler 2011-10-04 14:06

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by ryu1 (Post 1101997)
-i want to install multiboot to run meego, android, power kernel (my phone has v20.2010.36-2)

See my multiboot tutorial here.

ryu1 2011-10-04 15:02

Re: new n900 owner need help
ok, i flased it. now first how to root my device?
second- what is the latest/best power kernel(for OC, usb host, wep cracking)?
can i replace phone' default kernel with power kernel

danx 2011-10-04 16:05

Re: new n900 owner need help
i never installed the ssu. Everything goes great until i try to update. When i want to update i get a create a back up with no option to continue? any advise???

I just looked and it says Conflic twith application packages.

libqt4- test(4.7.0-git20100909-0omaemo1+0md)

Any advise now ??

Thank you

tuxsavvy 2011-10-05 07:29

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 1102347)
There is no evidence on the N900 for this overclocking warning. There is a thread thousands of messages long here with not one demonstrated instance of overclocking damage. Tell me how to damage my N900 with overclocking and I'll give it a try, just for you. The N900s come overclocked from the manufacturer. When you overclock, you are just deciding to try a different range.

No evidence on overclocking warning, sure its only me amongst other people that agrees its best to not overclock the device.

Sure there's no thread of one demonstrated instance of overclocking does damage but you could at least agree that with a CPU that has NO form of active cooling, is stuck inside a small little box could actually live long enough? Have you never heard of stories where with normal desktop CPU that one has not placed the heatsink on and that melted the CPU when the computer was turned on? Have you not heard of stories where people overclocked their desktop computers whilst running on stock heatsink and fan and noticed they started facing issues with lockups? Do you not think those would not affect a puny little handheld device like the N900?

I never denied that N900 came overclocked from the manufacturer, I'm just further advising against any more adjustments to increase that overclocked limit because you may (note the word MAY) shorten the lifespan of the device.

Also adjusting the higher clock frequency without actually utilising that frequency does not actually affect the device however under full load (remember, the device is not dumb enough to stick itself under highest frequency unless you chose to also increase the lower clock frequency).

ryu1 2011-10-05 09:28

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by tuxsavvy (Post 1103104)
No evidence on overclocking warning, sure its only me amongst other people that agrees its best to not overclock the device.

Sure there's no thread of one demonstrated instance of overclocking does damage but you could at least agree that with a CPU that has NO form of active cooling, is stuck inside a small little box could actually live long enough? Have you never heard of stories where with normal desktop CPU that one has not placed the heatsink on and that melted the CPU when the computer was turned on? Have you not heard of stories where people overclocked their desktop computers whilst running on stock heatsink and fan and noticed they started facing issues with lockups? Do you not think those would not affect a puny little handheld device like the N900?

I never denied that N900 came overclocked from the manufacturer, I'm just further advising against any more adjustments to increase that overclocked limit because you may (note the word MAY) shorten the lifespan of the device.

Also adjusting the higher clock frequency without actually utilising that frequency does not actually affect the device however under full load (remember, the device is not dumb enough to stick itself under highest frequency unless you chose to also increase the lower clock frequency).

I don't want to overclock it all the time, only when i play a game (psx emu), after i will set it back to default speed.
Right now i am working to to increase /home/ size for applications. I will set it to 10gb (to be sure it is big enough)

erendorn 2011-10-05 09:31

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by ryu1 (Post 1102522)
ok, i flased it. now first how to root my device?
second- what is the latest/best power kernel(for OC, usb host, wep cracking)?
can i replace phone' default kernel with power kernel

see my first post for rooting.
kernel power is a good, documented and maintained kernel, you can stick with it. (OC at your own risk, wep cracking illegal unless it's your own network)
If something goes wrong when playing with kernels, remember that you can always just flash the kernel part (commands are on the firmware wiki), so you don't loose data or programs.

ryu1 2011-10-05 09:37

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by erendorn (Post 1103174)
see my first post for rooting.
kernel power is a good, documented and maintained kernel, you can stick with it. (OC at your own risk, wep cracking illegal unless it's your own network)
If something goes wrong when playing with kernels, remember that you can always just flash the kernel part (commands are on the firmware wiki), so you don't loose data or programs.

When i'm done with repartitioning, i want to install kernel power.
Thw questions are:
-will kernel power replace my default kernel?
-What is the newest/best kernel power?

Makeclick 2011-10-05 09:50

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by tuxsavvy (Post 1103104)
No evidence on overclocking warning, sure its only me amongst other people that agrees its best to not overclock the device.

Sure there's no thread of one demonstrated instance of overclocking does damage but you could at least agree that with a CPU that has NO form of active cooling, is stuck inside a small little box could actually live long enough? Have you never heard of stories where with normal desktop CPU that one has not placed the heatsink on and that melted the CPU when the computer was turned on? Have you not heard of stories where people overclocked their desktop computers whilst running on stock heatsink and fan and noticed they started facing issues with lockups? Do you not think those would not affect a puny little handheld device like the N900?

I never denied that N900 came overclocked from the manufacturer, I'm just further advising against any more adjustments to increase that overclocked limit because you may (note the word MAY) shorten the lifespan of the device.

Also adjusting the higher clock frequency without actually utilising that frequency does not actually affect the device however under full load (remember, the device is not dumb enough to stick itself under highest frequency unless you chose to also increase the lower clock frequency).

You have read wrong web sites :). You can not melt any of new cpu.. They are protected.

My n900 is now way much cooler than normal voltage and MHz!! Device is quicker done tasking compared to the original frequency.. i do not see any negative side of overclocking IF you do it right!!!!

And welcome and good luck to the new phone Ryu1

You don't need to manualy format any of that partitions! Just flash eMMC image, DO NOT REBOOT and then flash fiasco image (pr1.3).

ryu1 2011-10-05 09:56

Re: new n900 owner need help
And welcome and good luck to the new phone Ryu1

You don't need to manualy format any of that partitions! Just flash eMMC image, DO NOT REBOOT and then flash fiasco image (pr1.3).[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I know that, but i want to increase the memory of programs (the default is 2gb)

Makeclick 2011-10-05 10:45

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by ryu1 (Post 1103193)
Thanks. I know that, but i want to increase the memory of programs (the default is 2gb)

Aaa.. ok. ;) hardcore user

ryu1 2011-10-05 11:35

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by Makeclick (Post 1103213)
Aaa.. ok. ;) hardcore user

Yeah, i haked and modified allmost anything in my nokia e90 communicator (i even get psx emulator working fullscreen but very slow)
And on my htc touch pro 2 i have both windows mobile 6.5 and android 2.3

ryu1 2011-10-05 11:37

Re: new n900 owner need help
Why nobody tell me what kernel power should i use? :confused:

ryu1 2011-10-05 14:38

Re: new n900 owner need help
ok, i have a problem with this repartitioning. I follow the instructions from:
but i cant get pass the step 2 (obtaining fdisk utility
this is what i get from xterm when input the code from there:

Nokia-N900:/home/user# mkdir -p /home/user/util-linux /home/user/bin
Nokia-N900:/home/user# cd /home/user/util-linux
Nokia-N900:/home/user/util-linux# wget
-sh: wget: not found
Nokia-N900:/home/user/util-linux# dpkg-deb -x util-linux_2.13.1.1-1_armel.deb root
dpkg-deb: failed to read archive `util-linux_2.13.1.1-1_armel.deb': No such file or directory
Nokia-N900:/home/user/util-linux# cp root/sbin/fdisk /home/user/bin/
cp: cannot stat 'root/sbin/fdisk': No such file or directory
Nokia-N900:/home/user/util-linux# cd ..
Nokia-N900:/home/user# rm -rf util-linux

What am i doing wrong?

ryu1 2011-10-05 14:52

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by ryu1 (Post 1103381)
ok, i have a problem with this repartitioning. I follow the instructions from:
but i cant get pass the step 2 (obtaining fdisk utility
this is what i get from xterm when input the code from there:

Nokia-N900:/home/user# mkdir -p /home/user/util-linux /home/user/bin
Nokia-N900:/home/user# cd /home/user/util-linux
Nokia-N900:/home/user/util-linux# wget
-sh: wget: not found
Nokia-N900:/home/user/util-linux# dpkg-deb -x util-linux_2.13.1.1-1_armel.deb root
dpkg-deb: failed to read archive `util-linux_2.13.1.1-1_armel.deb': No such file or directory
Nokia-N900:/home/user/util-linux# cp root/sbin/fdisk /home/user/bin/
cp: cannot stat 'root/sbin/fdisk': No such file or directory
Nokia-N900:/home/user/util-linux# cd ..
Nokia-N900:/home/user# rm -rf util-linux

What am i doing wrong?

Ok, i get pass this, please ignore my last post

mrwormp 2011-10-05 15:04

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by ryu1 (Post 1103249)
Why nobody tell me what kernel power should i use? :confused:

Try kernel power 48, being using it for couple of weeks now with no problem

ryu1 2011-10-05 16:43

Re: new n900 owner need help
What about v49, that is the latest one right?

woody14619 2011-10-05 17:10

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by ryu1 (Post 1103180)
When i'm done with repartitioning, i want to install kernel power.
Thw questions are:
-will kernel power replace my default kernel?
-What is the newest/best kernel power?

Sorry, just seeing this. I have a nice thread on some of the fun tweaks and toys available for the N900. Lots of info, some of it's a little old, but a good place for a "noob" to start. :)

The best kernel right now I'd say is either K46 (the last Titan kernel) or K48 (the last stable Pali kernel). K49 is nice, but it's still got a few glitches going on. K46 is rock solid, and far better than the stock Nokia kernel. K48 has lots of new tweaks, much better integration with h.e.n. and CSSU, and is relatively solid.

The only down-side of K48 vs K46 I've seen is that it does change something in the power management, so that some devices that used to run on the ultra-low voltage profiles no longer are stable with them. Frankly, I'd steer clear of trying to do excessive under-voltage anyway. The minor power savings doesn't seem worth the instability and the chance of data corruption on the device.

PS: I love that you're showing how this place should work. Lots of newbies come here demanding support or being rude. Most wind up getting very little because of their attitude. You came in asking politely and got tons of help rather quickly. It helps that you're clearly searching for info on your own too. Also, don't forget to thank people that help you! (Thanks button is lower right of each post!) :)

ryu1 2011-10-05 17:57

Re: new n900 owner need help
Thank you all for your help and advices.
Right now i am trying to flash emmc again becase something went wrong whn i repartitioned it and now i have 18.99 gb in my docs, and 78 mb memory for installable applications. The problem is that when i try to flash i get this now:

"C:\Program Files\maemo\flasher-3.5>
C:\Program Files\maemo\flasher-3.5>flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.
flasher v2.5.2 (Sep 24 2009)

Image 'mmc', size 255947 kB
Version RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA
USB device found found at bus bus-0, device address \\.\libusb0-0001--0x0421-0x0
Found device RX-51, hardware revision 2101
NOLO version 1.4.14
Version of 'sw-release': RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_MR0
Booting device into flash mode.
Suitable USB device not found, waiting."

ryu1 2011-10-05 19:22

Re: new n900 owner need help
Why cannot i flash vanilla anymore?
I keep getting the above error message

mrwormp 2011-10-05 19:51

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by ryu1 (Post 1103435)
What about v49, that is the latest one right?

Yea it is the latest one but it is not quiet stable yet

tuxsavvy 2011-10-06 06:34

Re: new n900 owner need help

Originally Posted by Makeclick (Post 1103190)
You have read wrong web sites :). You can not melt any of new cpu.. They are protected.

My n900 is now way much cooler than normal voltage and MHz!! Device is quicker done tasking compared to the original frequency.. i do not see any negative side of overclocking IF you do it right!!!!

And welcome and good luck to the new phone Ryu1

You don't need to manualy format any of that partitions! Just flash eMMC image, DO NOT REBOOT and then flash fiasco image (pr1.3).

I never mentioned NEW CPU, I think you misread me

There's no right way and wrong way to overclocking the device, you may ultimately shorten the lifespan of the said device when the CPU is running at a new higher frequency range than what it was.

ryu1 2011-10-06 09:53

Re: new n900 owner need help
A little help here maybe.
I still cannot flash emmc it gives me the mentioned error.
Is there any xterm command to format or restore original partitions?

ryu1 2011-10-06 12:33

Re: new n900 owner need help
whew, I managed to flash it with vanilla, and get everything back to normal (the problem was with my computer, so i go to my second computer and done it).

5his was scarry (i was afraid i will remain with 77mb for applications), but i'm not giving up. i will try another method to increase applications memory.

ryu1 2011-10-08 10:04

Re: new n900 owner need help
I increaseded app memory following this instructions
Now i have 9.04 gb available app memory, and 17.96 gb available in my docs.
currently i'm working on getting android on internal emmc

qwazix 2011-10-08 10:32

Re: new n900 owner need help
I thought that the device came underclocked from the manufacturer. The 3530 (am I right?) can be clocked up to 800Mhz and when I got my N900 (PR1.0 era) it had a max of 550.

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