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Stskeeps 2010-02-14 18:47

Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
Since there still seems to be some representation of N800 and N810 users on the forums as they haven't been scared away completely by the horde of N900 users..

I'm personally wondering what you would like to see happen on OS and community side for your devices. If you're still interested in contributing or just hoping for things to happen, please pitch in, let everyone know you are still here and let's see what projects we can start up.

Please use this form:

* I have a (N800 or N810 or N810W)

* I'm interested to see and use (fill in) on my device

* I'm willing to contribute with (finish the sentence)

* If (fill in) would happen, I would then be able to do (fill in)

For me personally:

* I have a N800 and a N810
* I'm interested to see the community SSU happening and Qt4.6 on my N800 & N810.
* I'm willing to contribute with (rather, I have to): Mer which is much closer in nature to Maemo5 architecture and has a lo-fi desktop and other things I can do as distmaster.
* If this would happen, I would hope we can get permission to recompile some closed source parts of Maemo5 and get it on our N8x0's.

fatalsaint 2010-02-14 19:09

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
I have an N810
I also would like to see Mer fully functional
I'm willing to contribute however I'm needed. I can code, test, cross-compile, whatever.
Hopefully, Mer can be done in such a way that newer N900 apps could be run on these older devices with a simple re-compile (due to CPU, no way around this I don't think.) -- Maybe, one day, we might be able to automate something to traverse the Fremantle/Hermattan repo's and automatically cross-compile software for mer... I know - I'm dreaming :D

I personally plan to be upgrading to an N900.. so it won't benefit me too terribly... but I am more than willing to help if I'm needed keep these devices useful for their Fans.

cpfl 2010-02-14 19:11

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
Definately! There is plenty of life in the old dog yet. :-)

* I have an N800.

* I'm interested to see and use the community SSU and accelerated graphics drivers on my device.

* I'm willing to contribute in any way I am able, which may be very limited.

* I want to keep the N8x0 platform alive for as long as possible.

hordeman 2010-02-14 19:24

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
Please use this form:

* I have an N810

* I'm interested to see a fully functional version of Mer running on it which would undoubtably add YEEEAAAARSSSS of life to the device

* I'm willing to contribute with testing Mer (when it can co-exist with Diablo)

* If this could would happen, I would then be able to do this as soon as I'm able to

Also, I would like to point you to this thread to show that we N800/ N810 owners are alive and well on this board and have not been scared off:

wdehoog 2010-02-14 19:27

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
* I have an N800
* I am interested in mer and more games
* I would like to help with this mer thing but I fear the time needed to get up to speed with it is too much for me

Thesandlord 2010-02-14 19:34

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
* I have a N810

* I'm interested to see and use everything possible on my device

* I'm willing to contribute with testing (Android or Mer)

* If Mer would happen, I would then be able to do run n900 apps!

gazza_d 2010-02-14 20:02

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
I have an N810 and an N800, and a 770 in a drawer.

I am interested in seeing the community SSU released, also to see Mer bring added value to the N8x0s in terms of new and improved apps and features such as improved A2DP, and AVRCP etc., not to mention a/the panaramic desktop.

I would like to see a image app similar to Maemo5's which allows for tagging, editing, and then uploading to sites such as twitter, facebook, picasa, flickr etc. If Nokia permitted, or compiled themselves, the maemo5 app for Maemo4, or Mer, then that would be great. I would also like to see the new media player backported to either Mer or Maemo4.

Also the recent announcement of Wayfinder abandoning the Map app for Maemo4 is very disappointing. It would be cool if the licences could be opened for it. Or for the community to get behind an alternative like Navit. I have a wayfinder licence valid for another year, but am playing with Navit as a possible alternative.

I am willing to assist with testing of said SSU, Mer or anything else. I have been installing the testing builds of mer on my N800 as they have been released, and will happily continue to do so. as I have 2 NITs I can dedicate one for testing and experimentation. also spend a lot of time lurking here so can report back. I could never lay claim to being a coder, but am an avid tinkerer, and could knock up a scratchbox env and compile if required.

So far there does not seem to be a lot that Maemo 5 can currently do which the N8x0s would not be capable of apart from the phone stuff.

I absolutely love the N810, and consider it the highpoint so far of the tablets in terms of hardware . Yes the 900 is faster, and has a phone, but has a smaller screen, and worse physical keyboard. It is a shame, and almost a crime that Nokia did not bring more updates to the platform. the A2DP shows that the tablet can handle it, (better tham my s60 phone which supports it officially). updating of media player, the image app, and IM/email should all have been carried out, and would could keep the N8x0 alive and current for a lot longer.

sorry to go on...

luca 2010-02-14 20:10

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
* I have an n800
* I'm interested in a usable mer as a way to tap into the huge debian/ubuntu repository, and as a mean to use some fremantle/qt apps, not interested at all in 3d desktop effects and snazzy animations.
* I can contribute with testing
* I don't have an answer for the last question

elimoon8 2010-02-14 20:41

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
* I have a N810.

* I'm interested to see and use a finger-friendly, portrait-style keyboard on my device (so that mobile optimized websites, such as those for the iPod touch could be used).

* I'm willing to contribute with any graphics necessary (for the keyboard keys, icon, etc).

* If Nokia would open up more of the operating system, I would then be able to expect that it would be possible for such a keyboard to exist.

gerbick 2010-02-14 20:58

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
I have, I use daily a N810
I'm definitely interested in seeing the life of this product extended be it via community SSU, Mer w/ 3D drivers with Tear as the default browser.
I can offer my services to graphics, but as a Flash/Flex dev mostly, as well as .NET, my ability to help code-wise is limited. I am, however a 17 year user of Photoshop.

mafranklin 2010-02-14 21:44

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
I have a N810 WiMAX on Clear's 4G in Chicago

* I'm interested to see WiMAX support in Mer on my device

* I'm interested to see and use (Fully Functional Mer with Accellerometers) or a Fremantle Hacker's Edition (I know not possible, but you asked what I was interested in) on my device

* I'm willing to contribute with testing, detailed feedback,

* If a functional and accelerated Mer would happen, I would then be able use my N810 WiMAX throughout Chicagoland as my computer and mobile phone on Clear's 4G via VOIP, Skype, Fring, etc... (with a back up N97) for those rare occassions I leave the city. The N810 is not robust enough for the multi-tasking I currently do - hence it does not get used.

For me personally:

* I have a N810 WiMAX
* I'm interested to see the community SSU happening and Qt4.6 on my N800 & N810.
* I'm willing to contribute with (rather, I have to): Mer which is much closer in nature to Maemo5 architecture and has a lo-fi desktop and other things I can do as distmaster.
* If this would happen, I would hope we can get permission to recompile some closed source parts of Maemo5 and get it on our N8x0's.

Kroll 2010-02-14 21:52

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
* I have a N810

* I'm interested to see and use a lot of great applications wich is optimized for my device. And i really want to have a good OS on my n810 like Mer.

* I'm willing to contribute with testing, because i don't know much in Linux and developing

* If Mer would happen, I would then be able to use some new applications.

Thanks for your work!

geneven 2010-02-14 22:13

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
This is funny. The ITT site is shut down and everything is done but use beaters and dogs to drive away tablet users and then a survey is taken to see if anyone is left.

Sure you won't shoot me if I respond?

I have an N800, N810 and N900.

I can test. I would like to run MER but now that the old community has been decimated, maybe giving up and just doing more Diablo development is more practical.

I think that what really SHOULD happen is that the ITT site should be reestablished for people who are fans of tablets whether from Nokia or not.

But that's just me.

mrlanrat 2010-02-15 00:15

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
I have an N810
Im interested in MER becoming the replacement for maemo 4 (without loosing any abilities)
Im willing to contribute time for testing, and some limited programing

Vid 2010-02-15 00:47

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
* I have a N810
* I'm interested to see continued application software updates. This could either be for Diablo or Mer, as I'm more interested in the applications than the underlying OS. Apps that are important to me include pidgin, pidgin-otr, claws-mail, OpenSSH, and a web browser (any of Tear, MicroB, or Fennec/Firefox Mobile would work).
* I'm willing to contribute with application and OS testing, and application maintenance for abandoned ports. Fixing problems with the build environment is more than I can cope with, however.
* If the community SSU would happen, I would then be able to use my N810 forever ;)

Rebski 2010-02-15 00:56

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
N800 owner here. I keep an eye on ITT purely for the Competitors information and comments on the technology. Contributors on this forum are among the most knowledgeable and articulate to be found anywhere

My disenchantment with Nokia's support for the Tablet drove me to buy an iPhone and I am never going back. To Nokia that is. The iPhone is all and more that I wanted from the N800 (apart from openness).

So maybe development continues for the N800, so what? I shall still continue to use the iPhone instead.

This is just too much like flogging a horse that has had its day, never fulfilled its potential and now is just too old. A great shame because it could have been a contender.


I think that what really SHOULD happen is that the ITT site should be reestablished for people who are fans of tablets whether from Nokia or not.
Brilliant suggestion.

FRZ 2010-02-15 01:25

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
* I have a N810

* I'm interested to see and use a community ssu on my device

* I'm willing to contribute with testing and complain, I mean give feedback.:D

* I am not interested in the small N900 as an internet tablet so I really do hope the community keep the N810 device alive in support until a N820 comes out or something similar.

lancewex 2010-02-15 01:38

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
I have an N900 but still have and use an N800. I have used the h*ll out of it, and will be sad if/when it stops working. I hope development of any kind still continues. I must admit I am not sure what this MER/Mer (?) stuff is about. An entirely new OS? I don't get it. Just more applications and more polishing of what is there is all that's needed. But I obviously don't know the big picture.

lma 2010-02-15 01:57

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
* I have an N800 and an N810 (and a 770 but that's off topic here I guess)

* I'm interested to see the community SSU happen in the short term and a usable Mer for the long run. Fremantle certainly has some interesting stuff under the hood and some cute bling on top, but it still has a long way to go to achieve feature parity with Diablo. So, for the time being at least Diablo simply suits my needs better and if we can fix some bugs why not?

* I'm willing to contribute with evaluating and packaging patches, testing, etc (if anything comes to mind, just ask).

* If the above would happen, I would then be able to (hardware willing) extend my devices' usability until something better comes along (the N900 ain't it). Or, in the "I would hope" category: get some abandoned Diablo goodies back into Mer/Fremantle. 2010-02-15 02:32

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
Seems of interest...

* I have a N810

* I'm interested to see and use various of the Maemo 5 software on my device

* I'm willing to contribute with ... erm... I'm not quite sure. I tend to be involved with server-side development, not client side.

I suppose it would be keen to get SQLite working well as a storage substrate for applications, along with capability to push/pull data to desktop/server.

I have been watching N900 deployment with interest; I finally saw units "in person" yesterday, and lost some of my would-be enthusiasm, as it's not quite as robust-looking a unit as I'd have hoped. I always worry about fragile phones in pockets...

ForeverNewb 2010-02-15 02:33

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
I have an 810 which I use daily. The N900 does not appear a path forward to me.
I would welcome new apps such as PIM, calculator/solver, and graphical geography tools. The Garnet VM is single most critical app to me as I still use a lot of Palm OS apps to provide these functions in absence of Maemo equivalents..
I can contribute to testing.

qole 2010-02-15 02:55

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
* I have two well-worn N800s and I wish someone would donate a N810 to me.

* I'm interested to see and use the community SSU on my device, and the GLES 1.1 drivers working. I am also interested in squeezing every last drop of speed out of the 2D video...

* I also would love to see a turnkey file server solution for the N8x0 devices, optimised for easily serving removable media (like USB flash drives) over any kind of network (including ad-hoc).

* I'm willing to contribute with testing and pestering.

* If the file server would happen, I would then be able to serve files on a USB key or portable HD plugged into my N800 to any other device, even ones with no USB support ;)

* I am also interested in some kind of Mer / Maemo 5 release as a desktop / app set of Ubuntu, mainly because it would be nice to have a new kernel and new libraries (and big, maintained repositories) under the system.

Darius2006 2010-02-15 03:16

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
only 770 is a real Nokia Internet Tablet
like iPod Touch
any chance for Carman + gps to run on 2008He ?

Laughing Man 2010-02-15 03:21

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
* I have an N800.

* I'm interested in running Mer on the device. And would love to see my favorite gadget have its lifetime increased. Especially if then I could run the same QT based app on my N900 and my N800 at home (since it has a bigger screen and would be closer to an outlet at home since the N800's battery is dying).

* I'm willing to contribute with testing (when I have the time). Sadly as of now graduate school and work take up most of my time.

fragos 2010-02-15 03:23

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
I use an N810 every day for PIM function with the GPE aps, Notecase and Mileage. I was disappointed when the tablet morphed into a phone with a smaller screen and the deletion of important feature to me like the USB host mode. I bought the N810 in part because it isn't a phone that brings control by carriers to fill their pockets and limit the user. Fixed in Frematle is now an excuse for not fixing terrible bugs like the failure to properly support a Bluetooth keyboard. I wanted to use the N810 to draft documents but the keyboard situation has made that use impractical. At this time Mer isn't an answer. I'm not going away nor is my N810 until it finally gives up the ghost. I'm willing to test and have writing skills that can be put to use. My Maemo Mapper HowTo is an example. Being a long time Linux user, I'm not use to seeing hardware abandoned by the development community.

qole 2010-02-15 05:58

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
Ok, after my last post about USB host, I had to actually try making my N800 into a USB host for both a 250 GB HD and my N900...

Here's the post with the details... :D :cool:

u2maemo 2010-02-15 07:23

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
* I have an N810 and I use it everyday for surfing the web pdf and ebook reading. And 4.1" screen is great and battery is also excellent.

* I'm waiting for the community SSU and 2D and 3D acceleration driver so I can do more on this magic device.

* I'm willing to contribute all I can include recompiling and testing.

* I will keep the N810 alive and It is my best friend now.

Stskeeps 2010-02-15 07:26

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 526510)
This is funny. The ITT site is shut down and everything is done but use beaters and dogs to drive away tablet users and then a survey is taken to see if anyone is left.

Sure you won't shoot me if I respond?

My purpose is to see how much of the tablet community is still around and what we can accomplish. I lost track when all the new people came in too :)

icke 2010-02-15 08:01

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
Just celebrated my one year membership. I am still using the my n810 for a multitude of purposes. However, family, work and skill constraints limit my ability to contribute. So this post is more directed at saying there're are still dedicated users left.


P.S.: My resolution for February. Assess my notes on feedelity and compile some sort of "test report"

timoph 2010-02-15 08:09

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
* I have a N810

* I'm interested to see and use mer on my device

* I'm willing to contribute with mer testing

* If miracles would happen and had more free time, I would then be able to contribute more

Thesandlord 2010-02-15 08:23

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?

Originally Posted by qole (Post 526890)
Ok, after my last post about USB host, I had to actually try making my N800 into a USB host for both a 250 GB HD and my N900...

Here's the post with the details... :D :cool:

Wow, N800 hosting a N900. Thats like pedo incest! :D:D

lidow 2010-02-15 08:37

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
* I have N810, still trying to use it for everyday tasks.

* I'm waiting for QT and communication programs upgrade. I will appreciate more business/PIM software. So better calendar/address book/contacts/gps/mail/chat well integrated and syncable outside the device.

* I'm willing to contribute, although I'm still too busy to share some time, but I'd like to develop and design the software I need.

* I still give chances to my N810, I like the big screen and hardware keybord. Fabulous hardware, not so shiny software....

attila77 2010-02-15 08:41

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
* I have a N810

* I'm interested to see and use a community SSU supporting Qt (4.6 if possible) on my device, and hopefully some Mer on the side :). Also, for non-cloned setup N8x0 users, a /opt mounted loop file (or internal MMC) would be a good approximation of the N900 setup to allow the painless install of more applications.

* I'm willing to contribute with the above, both in terms of coding and testing.

* If the would happen, I would then be able to more easily port things to the N810

Rider 2010-02-15 12:51

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
I have a N810.

Use it daily for several hours: browsing, email, ebook (pdf), MP3. Notebook substitute (with BT keyboard) when travelling. It is still more in use than my real computer.

Like to see the community SSU update. Would like TEAR to be a full alternative to the standard browser, but it seems development has ceased there too.

If my N810 got stolen/lost/broken, I don't know how what to buy then. It would not be a N900, for sure.

megaphone 2010-02-15 13:00

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
Meego for the N8X0 Series?

Stskeeps 2010-02-15 13:10

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?

Originally Posted by megaphone (Post 527297)
Meego for the N8X0 Series?

I can only say that I think Fremantle can run, with a replaced desktop. I highly doubt Harmattan or Meego, but let's see?

ARJWright 2010-02-15 13:45

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
Nice post; worth thinking about:

I have a: N800 (just gave away my N810 this weekend)

I'm interested to see and use:
- mainly audio and car-enhancing features. Occasionally, I just like to play and test, and its now a teaching device for others whom I hope to see more often with their tablets.

I'm willing to contribute with:
- Mer
- educational software (meaning software which helps to create new developers, software for targeted markets like religion, youth/edu, and accessibility)

If the educational software point mentioned above would happen, I would then be able to use the software and community here as an example to the faith and education-based communities that I am around on a more frequent basis. Its not so much that I'm looking for the devices/platform to last, but I'd rather see these devices push towards "enablement" since they are now at a more stable point. Something of keeping with the "tinkerer's mindset" that they were originally developed with, but with the lessons and better tools so that folks could tinker and really develop some neat stuff.

kirangp 2010-02-15 13:52

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
After today's announcement regarding Meego the thread title should be changed to "Who's still around and interested in N800/N810/N900?" (joke :P)

N8than 2010-02-15 13:56

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
* I have a (N800 or N810 or N810W).....N810

* I'm interested to see and use (fill in) on my device...would like to use it for Geocaching and highway navigation but...if I don't have wireless access where I am at the time I can't get maps for Maemo Mapper and the other program(s) seem to either quit working or there supposedly is not enough room on my 4 gig card for a map of half the USA. Don't not anything about Mer but heard Android isn't worth putting on the N810.

* I'm willing to contribute with (finish the sentence)...not a techy so can't help much

* If (fill in) would happen, I would then be able to do (fill in)...Nokia support for the N800 and N810 .... enjoy using this more than I do. Right now mine is more of a back up battery pack for the wife when we are on the road and her battery in her N810 dies. She uses hers more than I do.

GeraldKo 2010-02-15 13:59

Re: Who's still around and interested in N800/N810?
I have an N800 and an N810, but I prefer and use much more my N800.

I'm off sailing for the next few weeks, so I'll have to wait to answer the rest of stskeeps' questions. But I wanted to raise my hand and shout out: ME AND MY N800 ARE HERE, TOO!

Thanks for asking!

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