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mosen 2017-10-10 17:02

2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (Early Access)
1 Attachment(s)
EDIT, official EA since 20171031.


Originally Posted by KylliOrvokki (Post 1537997)

Original Post:
busy week for Jolla :D

coderus "leaked" a new versionnumber.

Update from worked without issues on Jolla1, C and Tablet for me. Happy DIY changelogging everyone.

coderus 2017-10-10 17:31

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)
You know, latest available public version in always automatically pulled out to here:

LouisDK 2017-10-10 17:32

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)
I guess that this has something to do with the Accione device to be presented on friday:

coderus 2017-10-10 17:38

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)
Or with Xperia image to be available tomorrow?

m4r0v3r 2017-10-10 18:00

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)
works fine on the X as well

Japsi 2017-10-10 18:20

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)
I am living by the river Kymijoki so I have already waited this update :D

deprecated 2017-10-10 20:37

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1536241)
works fine on the X as well

Is that on the community build? Just curious before --dup, lol.

Dave999 2017-10-10 20:47

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1536234)
You know, latest available public version in always automatically pulled out to here:

Ooooo love a good leak.

Every leak means playtime!

mosen 2017-10-10 22:08

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)
Can someone with version earlier than check jolla tablet hardware adaption version?!?
On and it is but i could swear it was not so long ago.
Is Jolla touching the tablet again? Chen? You got them going? :D

DrYak 2017-10-10 22:32

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1536236)
Or with Xperia image to be available tomorrow?

Or, as some Jolla officials have mentioned (forgot where... blog ? TJC ?), the "upcoming any time now" 2.1.2, that fixes the called back 2.1.1 blunders (and is probably tomorrow's Sailfish X version ?) DOES NOT have the fixes for Blueborne yet in.

Thus 2.1.3 is going to be speedily released before the month.
Hence another reason for 2.1.3 to already appearing in alpha/pre-early form.

(Also, there was a call for translators for 2.1.3 on TJC)

pichlo 2017-10-11 07:36

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)

Originally Posted by mosen (Post 1536231)

What a shame I do not have a RISC machine :)

mautz 2017-10-11 07:40

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1536281)
What a shame I do not have a RISC machine :)

What about your phone :p

meemorph 2017-10-11 08:12

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1536234)
You know, latest available public version in always automatically pulled out to here:

can you pull a "date -R" also?

DrYak 2017-10-11 09:02

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1536281)
What a shame I do not have a RISC machine :)

Whoa, you have an *Intel Atom* based smartphone ?!~

pasko 2017-10-11 11:16

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)

Originally Posted by Japsi (Post 1536243)
I am living by the river Kymijoki so I have already waited this update :D


First it was Kiiminkijoki and now Kymijoki: this is getting complicated for non-Finish people :D:D


deprecated 2017-10-11 13:05

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1536281)
What a shame I do not have a RISC machine :)

You can borrow mine :D

pichlo 2017-10-11 13:11

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1536283)
What about your phone :p

Good call!


Originally Posted by Wikipedia
ARM, originally Acorn RISC Machine, later Advanced RISC Machine, is a family of reduced instruction set computing (RISC) architectures <snip>

One lives to learn :D

mosen 2017-10-11 14:59

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)
TMO is when typos explode into nerdgasms :cool:

pisarz1958 2017-10-12 20:55

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)
Are there any notable changes in this release? The only thing I noticed is scaling being completely wrong on AquaFish/Jolla C and a new ambiance.

DrYak 2017-10-13 00:18

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1536236)
Or with Xperia image to be available tomorrow?

Just to confirm for people not jumping on the Sailfish X bandwagon :
Yes, 2.1.3 was released for Xperia X F51xx

explit 2017-10-15 09:59

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)
I updated all my devices to
Jolla 1, Jolla Tablet, Jolla C. Xperia X was oob
I see no problems so far. I have no Scaling problems, maybe because i don't use custom themes

mosen 2017-10-31 12:11

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial) emerged:
(thx to Cermit3273 for hitting f5 fastest)

Install (25 packages)
- aliendalvik;1.0.82-1;armv7hl;aliendalvik
- buteo-syncfw-qt5-msyncd;0.8.12-1.36.2;armv7hl;jolla
- buteo-syncfw-qt5;0.8.12-1.36.2;armv7hl;jolla
- droid-config-f5121-bluez5;0.5.2-10.10.1.jolla;armv7hl;adaptation0
- droid-config-f5121-flashing;0.5.2-10.10.1.jolla;armv7hl;adaptation0
- droid-config-f5121-policy-settings;0.5.2-10.10.1.jolla;armv7hl;adaptation0
- droid-config-f5121-preinit-plugin;0.5.2-10.10.1.jolla;armv7hl;adaptation0
- droid-config-f5121-pulseaudio-settings;0.5.2-10.10.1.jolla;armv7hl;adaptation0
- droid-config-f5121-sailfish;0.5.2-10.10.1.jolla;noarch;adaptation0
- droid-config-f5121;0.5.2-10.10.1.jolla;armv7hl;adaptation0
- droid-hal-version-f5121;0.0.1-10.2.18.jolla;armv7hl;adaptation0
- droidmedia;0.20170921.1-10.5.1.jolla;armv7hl;adaptation0
- feature-jolla;0.0.8-10.6.5.jolla;noarch;customer-jolla
- jolla-startupwizard;0.3.35-10.61.1.jolla;armv7hl;jolla
- mce;;armv7hl;jolla
- ofono;1.19+git34.1-1.56.1;armv7hl;jolla
- pulseaudio-modules-droid-common;8.0.62-10.5.1.jolla;armv7hl;adaptation0
- pulseaudio-modules-droid;8.0.62-10.5.1.jolla;armv7hl;adaptation0
- qt5-qtwebsockets;5.7.0-10.24.1.jolla;armv7hl;openrepos-coderus
- rockpool;1.3-2;armv7hl;openrepos-abranson
- sailfish-browser-settings;1.16.1-10.9.1.jolla;armv7hl;jolla
- sailfish-browser;1.16.1-10.9.1.jolla;armv7hl;jolla
- sailfish-version;2.1.3-10.45.7.jolla;noarch;jolla
- tar;1.28-1.15.1;armv7hl;openrepos-NielDK
- wpa_supplicant;2.6+git3-1.18.1;armv7hl;jolla

REBOOT NOW unless you need to investigate update
issues or know what you are doing (or both).

All bugs encountered until reboot are features.

KylliOrvokki 2017-10-31 13:13

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)
2017-10-31: released to Early Access subscribers

Couple links:

mariusmssj 2017-10-31 13:56

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (unofficial)
At least now, this brings the SailfishX and normal SailfishOS to a common point.

mosen 2017-10-31 14:16

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (Early Access)
Title and first post updated to Early Access

deutch1976 2017-10-31 15:30

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (Early Access)
Launcher combined patch not working on my intex (Jolla C) firmware updated to

mautz 2017-10-31 18:01

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (Early Access)

Originally Posted by deutch1976 (Post 1538015)
Launcher combined patch not working on my intex (Jolla C) firmware updated to

Working fine here on Nexus5 and

deutch1976 2017-10-31 18:04

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (Early Access)

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1538025)
Working fine here on Nexus5 and

Rolledback to and now works fine again. Tried pkcon refresh but nothing seemed to work.

BluesLee 2017-10-31 18:24

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (Early Access)
Leszek is fast, a short summary on Youtube: SailfishOS Update Early Access

Ahti30708 2017-11-01 05:20

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (Early Access)

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1538025)
Working fine here on Nexus5 and

Launcher combined patches works fine on Xperia X (Community), installs but doesn't get applied on Jolla 1 (two phones).

jakibaki 2017-11-01 06:23

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (Early Access)

Originally Posted by deutch1976 (Post 1538015)
Launcher combined patch not working on my intex (Jolla C) firmware updated to

You'll need to replace the unified_diff.patch with this one until coderus tests and merges my pull-request.

BluesLee 2017-11-01 09:11

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (Early Access)
Just out of curiosity: How one would generate an rpm package based on such a patch source repository in general, using the SDK and downloading sources for the stuff one wants to patch? Is there a howto?

pichlo 2017-11-01 09:23

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (Early Access)

Originally Posted by BluesLee (Post 1538044)
Just out of curiosity: How one would generate an rpm package based on such a patch source repository in general, using the SDK and downloading sources for the stuff one wants to patch? Is there a howto?

jukk 2017-11-01 11:34

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (Early Access)

Originally Posted by BluesLee (Post 1538044)
Just out of curiosity: How one would generate an rpm package based on such a patch source repository in general, using the SDK and downloading sources for the stuff one wants to patch? Is there a howto?

I haven't done this in Sailfish, but I'm doing it a lot in GNU Linux. Short instructions that should apply mostly in Jolla, too:
  • Setup the rpm build environment (see guides).
  • Grab the source rpm, install it as user (not root!).
  • Put your new patch file in rpmbuild/SOURCES.
  • Edit the spec file in rpmbuild/SPECS.
  • In the beginning, after Sourcex: rows, add "Patch0: <name_of_patch_file>.patch"
  • In %prep section, add a new row at the end of the section "%patch0 -p1" (depending on the patch, adjust -p0, p1 etc.)
  • Run "rpmbuild -ba <spec file>" as user and Bob's your uncle.
(don't know why people are a pain in the *** and advices to build rpms as root. Don't do it. Just don't.)

If you need to replace the whole source, you are a bit on your own. You need to compare the upstream or patched code to the one downstream in the rpm. Does the rpm contain other patches etc. If no patches at all, it could work right away.

deutch1976 2017-11-01 15:08

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (Early Access)
Since and i am unable to connect my aquafish to a Bluetooth speaker i used to connect before. Any ideas? I can still connect to a Bluetooth headphones i used more than once

Heik 2017-11-01 17:02

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (Early Access)

Originally Posted by deutch1976 (Post 1538052)
Since and i am unable to connect my aquafish to a Bluetooth speaker i used to connect before. Any ideas? I can still connect to a Bluetooth headphones i used more than once

Phone do not let you give PIN code? if so. maybe this helps also in speaker case:

deutch1976 2017-11-01 18:37

Re: 2.1.3.x / Kymijoki (Early Access)

Originally Posted by Heik (Post 1538055)
Phone do not let you give PIN code? if so. maybe this helps also in speaker case:

The problem is that connection to the speaker is made but after 3 seconds it disconnects. With headphones it does not happen

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