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Amusegt1 2011-01-06 09:52

Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
Just saw this on engadget. The new motorola atrix 4g was announced at CES. It has the ability to dock with hdmi/usb and act like a pc.

I would love to see something like this for the N900. I originally thought about integrating the n900 with a larger touch screen but that didnt seem possible at the time. With USB hosting now working, is this possible to do?

Kamen 2011-01-06 10:09

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
I think it already is lol . Althought the HDMI is out the question, it'll have to be composite (Yellow, Red, White) for the video which I think all compisite connectors only put out 640 x 800 because of some reason I think that could be 576p or maybe I'm getting things mixed up.

As for the USB hosting maybe if there could be some form of adaptor to allow 4 usb devices to be plugged in (Obviously with a external power supply for the USB expansion)

As for the keyboard and mouse I'm sure you can connect a bluetooth keyboard/mouse to the phone too.

The only main problem you'll have is the terrible resolution.

retsaw 2011-01-06 10:20

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
I think there are a few USB monitors (maybe with touchscreens) and USB graphics cards that work under Linux, so I guess it would be possible.

Kamen 2011-01-06 11:30

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
Yes USB monitors are avalible but then you have the problem of getting the screen to work with the n900 (Drivers) so that would be a massive hastle. Not being a dick or anything but, I can't see no one going through all that trouble just for one person who may not buy the monitor..? If it was high demand then maybe a yes.

retsaw 2011-01-06 11:39

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
That is the beauty of open source, you have the source code so you don't need to rely on the manufacturers to port the drivers to the N900, you can do it yourself. I personally wouldn't bother because the N900 is quite underpowered compared to a netbook, so I might as well just use my netbook or something else when I need the extra screen space and it will be faster and a lot less hassle to set up too. But some people like doing things just because they can, this can be done if anybody wants to put the work into doing it.

Amusegt1 2011-01-06 12:29

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
agreed, What I really liked about that atrix setup was that when connected to an external screen/keyboard. it ran a different UI, that was also capable of running a full web browser with flash support. I guess the N900 doesnt have the horsepower to do that. I still love my phone, but after seeing the atrix setup. Its something i've always wanted/dreamed of. Having an all in one device. Hopefully Nokia will release something soon. I know they have been working on something similar since they displayed terminal mode with volkswagen.

Having a dock on my nightstand while the phone is charging, kind of like the Sony dash.

Then taking it to my car dock. then to work as my pc/desktop. A true all in one device. That can also dock to my tv to display HD movies. Have all your digital content available 24/7 in your pocket.

cenwesi 2011-01-06 13:22

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
The Atrix seems to be the best phone so far. Not even the LG Optimux 2x can touch it unless they come out with a docking station of some sort. I am now leaning more toward the Atrix.

PS: Is Nokia even at CES? Is Meego even still possible this year with all???

mikec 2011-01-06 13:22

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
N8 doing it without a dock

Amusegt1 2011-01-06 13:40

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
The N8 isnt functioning as a pc though. I guess the atrix is the next step up from that. I'm hoping the next Nokia Meego device will make this come all together. The biggest negative to me, is the atrix is on AT&T. I'm hoping for a T-mobile version, but T-mobile keeps getting the crappy Cliqs.

tzsm98 2011-01-06 14:41

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?

Originally Posted by cenwesi (Post 913184)
The Atrix seems to be the best phone so far. Not even the LG Optimux 2x can touch it unless they come out with a docking station of some sort. I am now leaning more toward the Atrix.

PS: Is Nokia even at CES? Is Meego even still possible this year with all???

Nokia is at CES. From what I've read Nokia are using a diffuse approach to CES rather than a booth focused approach. They have their devices showing off at other exhibitor's booths. Nokia Conversations has some information of Nokia at CES.

chris102 2011-01-06 17:13

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?

i'm on it since a few weeks... with a displaylink usb adapter but it's not yet working. Sadly the processor of the n900 will be a bit slow powering a desktop compareable to the motorola one...

But with the debian changeroot i tihink it's possible if we get the dislpaylink drivers to work...


sarahn 2011-01-06 18:17

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
Working on it; I have an adapter that should work in theory but it uses a different driver.

Here is the link to the SW project:

I'm extremely bitter though because nokia should have had this a long time ago. And what I heard about meego says it will be no better about openness, that's the price of admission for a subsidized phone I guess.

If it's possible to root the device maybe I will have to vote with my dollars and make the switch to android.

cenwesi 2011-01-06 22:24

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
I NOT waiting for meego. Come March/May this year I will be on Android. Just waiting to see what come out then.

sjgadsby 2011-01-06 23:03

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?

Originally Posted by cenwesi (Post 913184)
PS: Is Nokia even at CES?

Woah there! CES is held in North America. You can't mix North America and Nokia marketing. That's like sunlight and vampires. And why Peter Schneider sparkles.

lwa 2011-01-06 23:20

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
A lot of people seem to be confused about the dock, saying the n900 / n8 whatever else can do this...

TV out isn't what this phone does.

It runs a desktop UI including a fully fledged desktop version of firefox when docked, whilst maintaining the phone in a window on the desktop (that is able to be full screened etc) and all applications are able to be run in tabs in windows...

Sure the n900 may be able to run a desktop UI through windows98 which may or may not work with tv out, but it doesn't really compare to having an off the self product that is able to function as a phone, TV media centre with remote, netbook and desktop, across 3 different UI's, and that is more powerful than my msi wind...

I'm not a huge fan of Motorola and the motoblur ui is inferior to stock android, but props where props are due, this thing is leaps and bounds ahead of what other people are doing and as long as the accessories are priced right, this thing will change the way phones are used, and I imagine as of yesterday, every other phone maker is trying to recreate this...

I'm still waiting to see what the n9 is going to be before I upgrade from my n900, but my doubts are growing and I think are summed up perfectly by:


Originally Posted by cenwesi
PS: Is Nokia even at CES?

sjgadsby 2011-01-06 23:41

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?

Originally Posted by tzsm98 (Post 913265)
Nokia is at CES. From what I've read Nokia are using a diffuse approach to CES rather than a booth focused approach. They have their devices showing off at other exhibitor's booths.

If Nokia don't have a MeeGo device ready to show, this is likely a wise choice. Given the guffaws the very thought of Symbian inspire in most American tech journalists, an expensive booth for the N8 and E7 would be a waste.

deyons 2011-01-07 05:29

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
So what happens when I get a call? I stop surfin the internets to talk to my boss whos convo will be under 30 seconds? Then I dock and boot it back up to have my girl friend call and talk me to death cause I got no computer to fuq around with as she blabing about work. Its a cool concept but it wont replace a computer. About docking the n900 to your computer....just VNC to the N900

sarahn 2011-01-07 05:50

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
How about a bluetooth headset deyons?

What I really want is one of these in my purse:

sarahn 2011-01-07 05:59

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?

Originally Posted by lwa (Post 913760)
I'm not a huge fan of Motorola and the motoblur ui is inferior to stock android, but props where props are due, this thing is leaps and bounds ahead of what other people are doing and as long as the accessories are priced right, this thing will change the way phones are used, and I imagine as of yesterday, every other phone maker is trying to recreate this...

It's amazing to me this hasn't happened before on a grand commercial scale.

Further innovating theoretically did this a long time ago but they are trying to target the OEM market not the general public. I can't tell if they've actually shipped a product.

It's not clear to me if the phone is driving the netbook or if there's a separate processor and the netbook could theoretically operate without the phone. I would assume the former but that's not guaranteed.

But -- this breaks the ice for the market!

sarahn 2011-01-07 06:15

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
Oh yeah, maybe something like this too:

lwa 2011-01-08 04:13

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?

Originally Posted by sarahn (Post 913928)
Oh yeah, maybe something like this too:

The future is now...


qole 2011-01-11 06:02

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
I think the Atrix idea is a great one. Now if only Android was a real OS... I'm tired of all these "kiosk" OSes running on beautiful, powerful hardware. Where's my MeeGo dockable handset?

cenwesi 2011-01-11 13:00

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
meego is dead! Nokia & Intel had their opportunity last year and they blew it. Trust me, they will have to come out with something more than what Apple/Android is doing now to really have a chance and they can NOT leave simple things out of their phone/OS once it comes out.

Amusegt1 2011-01-13 16:13

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?
Someone managed to get the iphone to work with a touchscreen. Really shouldnt be any reason we cant do this.

slender 2011-01-15 10:13

Re: Atrix 4G docking capabilities. Is it possible on N900?

Originally Posted by sarahn (Post 913922)
But -- this breaks the ice for the market!

True. And it gives nice benchmark to Motorola and its rivals if this really is hit or miss. Is there big enough market for these kinds of devices? How big are profits? Nokia and many other companies hold huge amount of stuff that would make most of us **** our pants but reality is that itīs not profitable to make devices that cost lots of money if market is small. On the other hand someone could say that even-thought it cost lot of money and might end up being not profitable to company itīs more about marketing the brand. We will see and I like this trend but then again Iīm gadget freak and I belong to niche market compared to most of my friends and people around me.

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