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cddiede 2013-07-25 22:02

I'm so just DONE
I don't know what's happened with my N9. Where to start:

Facebook feed on feed screen is a month old and won't update

Camera when used once, will not start again without a reboot since it reports "Camera is busy try restarting"

Can't share any photos, share application closes immediately when "Send" is hit without sending anything.

All messages are gone. Yes this happens a lot, but this time a mere reboot or tracker restart does nothing to bring them back.

All contacts gone. Reboots and tracker restarts do nothing. Attempts to import backups in vcard format look like they work, but still no contacts appear in dialer or contacts app.

Attempts to manually create new contacts entries fail. Hit the "Save"button and the contact app just hangs there forever and must be force closed.

I've been on the forums since 2007, a Nokia user since 1999, and an avid Linux phone enthusiast for a long time. But I just feel freakin' DONE.

I'm just tired of fighting, tired of feeling like the entire world is kicking me in the teeth because I don't use an iPhone or Android phone. Tired of websites not displaying correctly or mistaking my user agent for something else and directing me to non-existant app store.

I'm tired of services like Google Mail or Exchange sync, Pandora, WhatsApp and countless others suddenly removing support that I relied upon to get those services working on my Nokia.

I'm broken and done. I was a smartphone user back when most people didn't even have dumb phones, and now in a world where the internet is designed to punish anyone not using an iPhone or Android device, I'm seriously considering getting a dumb phone for emergencies only and just giving up.

Does anyone wanna buy a Black 16GB N9? I don't think I have the fight left in me to own it anymore. The bastards have won.

AMD 2013-07-25 22:08

Re: I'm so just DONE
Well these problems never happened to me and everybody on TMO knows that I used to have the weirdest issues ever, maybe it's a used one? Did you buy it from a place you trust? Because this does not seem to me like a new or a 'final product'. These issues are very weird and especially if all of them at once.

cddiede 2013-07-25 22:14

Re: I'm so just DONE
I bought the phone new from Nokia back in November of 2011, I'm the only owner.

It's worked fine besides the overall unfair treatment I've received from Nokia (non-support) and the rest of the internet world at large (punished for not using a popular platform).

Coming from the N900 and N800 before that, I'm used to a limited app ecosystem, what's getting me now is more and more websites closing their API's to home brew apps and more and more websites being "optimized" for competing platforms leaving N9 users with few options outside a constant war of attrition just to keep basic services running.

I know there's nothing stopping me from just re-flashing it to fix the current problems and starting over, but I'm so depressed right now I can't bring myself to do anything more.

wook_sf 2013-07-25 22:19

Re: I'm so just DONE

Originally Posted by cddiede (Post 1362154)
... I'm seriously considering getting a dumb phone for emergencies only and just giving up.

... I don't think I have the fight left in me to own it anymore. The bastards have won.

We can fix it! :)
You need to accept that you, beside this "nice" community are on your own and your device can do some but can't other things.
You need to accept that it really will not replace desktop/laptop and you need to let it be.
Do you want help? :)

cddiede 2013-07-25 22:44

Re: I'm so just DONE
wook_sf, you enthusiasm is infectious and appreciated. I know that many people have written on TMO about the contacts vanishing but I'm a bit stymied about not being able to restore a vcard backup, nor being able to add new contacts manually.

Maybe gettings contacts fixed would be a start, but I'm just out of ideals.

ZackMorris 2013-07-26 00:00

Re: I'm so just DONE
cddiede - Wow we are in the exact same boat right is messed up, phone and contacts wouldn't load, and I'm stuck in the process of flashing it and its annoying and frustrating and I echo your sentiment. I think I'm just going to get a boring Galaxy of some kind put Cyanogenmod on it and just wait it out until the Jolla device comes out. However I think this is my last I went thru a lot with this device, having the screen cracked a month or so after getting it when the device came out (remember the broken device from the meetup in Maryland), having to wait almost 2 months for a replacement screen to get delivered, installing that, dealing with the lack of support, and now this flashing issue...sad times.

wook_sf 2013-07-26 11:57

Re: I'm so just DONE
All issue is in user-dirs.dirs, this is probably due to changes in xdg or something, I know that some package on harmattan's repo contains wrong user-dirs.dirs and that thingy "corrupts" all data.
I would doo clean reflash (with emmc too) and start all over.
Asap ScreenshotMee creates first screenshot in /home/user tracker start making problems. So, it would be nice to checkout user-dirs.dirs before taking any screenshots + to verify path of saved screenshots.

cddiede 2013-07-26 12:55

Re: I'm so just DONE
I think like Zack, I would have to at least flash my phone to fix the contacts bug. If I'm going to flash it, I might as well sell it.

Maybe I'll get my stamina back and find the courage to upgrade to a 64GB N9 and start again.

But I'm still pissed. I shouldn't need stamina for my smart phone. I shouldn't feel ostracized, or made to suffer since the rest of the world has decided to go in another direction.

They decided that the best phones on the market were a burning platform, and now I'm the one on fire.

I'm just gonna flash my 16GB N9 and put it on eBay. I hope I use the money to go toward another community centric linux device, but I think I'm feeling too burned to make that decision right now.

cddiede 2013-07-26 12:58

Re: I'm so just DONE
Just to be clear, no matter which way I go, I wanna keep lurking on these forms,and helping other users when I can.

For six years, this community has been the best and the sympathy and support I've received on my very whiny sounding thread here is proof of that.

Thanks again, guys.

wook_sf 2013-07-26 13:17

Re: I'm so just DONE
I am hardcore symbian user and I still use E7 as primary phone (even it runs on crappy QT belle), I think I was there where you are now..while ago...
Just reflash, don't restore backups until remove all files except contacts and that would be good I think.

mscion 2013-07-26 13:24

Re: I'm so just DONE
Gee, I'm really sorry to hear about your N9. The Maryland meetup was really fun and I enjoyed the enthusiasm everyone had. I certainly learned quite a bit. As it turned out, shortly after that meetup I decided to put my N9 back in it's box. Even though it is beautifully designed and this community is great, Nokia's support was basically nonexistent and I didn't want to tackle all the security issues that made easy Debian difficult to implement. I also felt burned because Nokia scrapped the version with the hardware keyboard which is what I really wanted in the first place. So for now I use the Galaxy Note 1 and 2. It's not the same as a "community centric linux" device but they are quite capable devices and the XDA folks have done some really nice work you can take advantage of. I had never used android before so I looked at it as an opportunity to learn something new. There are pluses and minuses to most things you try and there are certainly things I do not like about android. Most of that has been discussed here on maemo but I still considered it a good experience overall. Maybe I'll try Jolla or Ubuntu or just get a Note 3 next year. Whatever I choose I hope to have fun with and learn more, albeit at my slow pace...

mikecomputing 2013-07-26 21:23

Re: I'm so just DONE
#fightthefuture dont go android or Iphone they are doomed and probadly has similar issues. Today the world is nuts and companys want us to buy new devices after a year.

I do think you and others issues is that those stupid company, named Nokia, did buy the cheepest MMC memorys they got and put them in the nokia N9. I know some more people who got problem wihtheyr N9:s lattely (responstime with SMS etc...)

And that in combination with tracker indexing makes the memory gets corrupt and MMC dies way before it should :(

Someone should check the output of syslog or dmesg maybe there is a hint...

MeeNu 2013-07-26 23:31

Re: I'm so just DONE
Theres nothing a good'ol flash wont cure.

Estel 2013-07-27 00:31

Re: I'm so just DONE

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1362160)
You need to accept that it really will not replace desktop/laptop and you need to let it be.

It's quite funny, as N900 really does replace laptop for all my traveling needs, and I know people that use N900 as desktop, even.

So, I guess, it's rather matter of choosing wrong device ;) Or wrong services - if I would start to care for "whatsapp" and friends, jumping from the bridge would become really tempting option.


wook_sf 2013-07-27 11:55

Re: I'm so just DONE

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1362468)
It's quite funny, as N900 really does replace laptop for all my traveling needs, and I know people that use N900 as desktop, even.

So, I guess, it's rather matter of choosing wrong device ;) Or wrong services - if I would start to care for "whatsapp" and friends, jumping from the bridge would become really tempting option.


It's quite funny how n9 can't compete with n900 from few aspects main one is qwerty and software, It's funny how n900 is so outdated that there's only few working. It's quite funny that I use my n950 on daily basis :-O and it replaces everything except:
:-O yes, I use sms and Irc-Chatter and GTalk (I have that on symbian / android... too)

mikecomputing 2013-07-27 12:06

Re: I'm so just DONE

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1362551)
It's quite funny how n9 can't compete with n900 from few aspects main one is qwerty and software, It's funny how n900 is so outdated that there's only few working. It's quite funny that I use my n950 on daily basis :-O and it replaces everything except:
:-O yes, I use sms and Irc-Chatter and GTalk (I have that on symbian / android... too)

So his problems is because he has no HWKBD :eek: now thats a wierd conclusion...

jellyroll 2013-07-27 13:33

Re: I'm so just DONE
If most of the time you only text edit behind the desktop a N900 would be the best replacement.
Alot of funstuff can't be don on a android device before rooting and use one of those (crappy) costum kernel.

If I were you I would reflash the device or just go for John's phone.

wook_sf 2013-07-27 14:23

Re: I'm so just DONE

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1362554)
So his problems is because he has no HWKBD :eek: now thats a wierd conclusion...

Hahahahaha, if you interpret it like that.
However, once you got used to HWKBD you don't trow it away so easily...

cddiede 2013-07-27 14:25

Re: I'm so just DONE
I did use my N900 as a laptop replacement. Back then there was nothing it could not do with it's little CPU. Back then, the flash plugin was totally up to date so all online content was available. The browser was unprecedented, it's cursor mode ensured compatibility with anything on the web.

But then the web "moved on". Flash was updated every few month if nothing else then just to increment the version string in the hash so as to exclude devices like the N900. Then with the half assed moves many sites made to HTML5, the browser just worked less and less well (but still better then all other mobiles)

My desktop/laptops got dust on them when I was an N900 user, but in the end it was just too much to carry around as a daily phone. Yeah, mine had an entire Gnome desktop with Easy Debian and over 40GB of iso ROMs to emulate any game I'd ever played in my youth, but it took 30 seconds for the dialer app to respond sometimes.

So I got the n9. It was never gonna be an N900, I knew that. But now it can't even be a phone that I don't' need to flash every few months. I didn't leave Nokia. Nokia left me.

Estel 2013-07-27 16:07

Re: I'm so just DONE
Ever heard of VNC? ;)


Originally Posted by cddiede (Post 1362585)
Yeah, mine had an entire Gnome desktop with Easy Debian and over 40GB of iso ROMs to emulate any game I'd ever played in my youth, but it took 30 seconds for the dialer app to respond sometimes.

While I generally understand you (rest of the post) and got what you mean, I think that this exact part suggest lack of proper system management. I feel it funny, when people report those dialer problems - fixing them is as easy as have swap on correct place (sd) and few small commands. During all my years with N900, I never, ever, missed any call (including ones, where I was in middle of packaging 3GB file into tar.lzma...), nor had dialer delay.

Same apply to other parts - why on earth you would need to use gnome (bloat king), if LXDE gives all you may even need, + even some doze of bloat? And so goes on. If site moves to dirty tricks with flash user agents etc, I stop using that site - they're for me, not I for them, FFS. Only proper way of enforcing good standards, is to "vote by your legs" - use only services that are worth supporting (either directly, or via money they get from ads, etc).

And if I *really* need to use some sh|tty website for <whatever> Very Important reason, then:
a) there is almost nothing microB can't handle
b) if it doesn't, latest chromium via EasyDebian can for sure. And with proper config, does it blazing fast - well, even now, I'm writing this very post via it, due to spell-checker and tab support. Yes, for comfort. N900 handles "comfort" without any problem, if user did his homework properly.

As said, I get what you mean by Nokia leaving you. My point is "f**k Nokia" - I don't think Nokia owns this device or it's development for AGES. Believe me, when I think "N900" or "Maemo", Nokia isn't coming to my mind at all (anymore). Unlike with N9 or N950, which were, IMO, big mistake - mainly on side of users jumping into Harmattan bandwagon.

I think it's about how much device (it's software possibilities, etc) is "liberated" into hands of Community - N9/50 can't compare to N900 in that matter, it's totally different league. It's almost like comparing any random android phone to your desktop running your favorite flavor of GNU/Linux. Sure, some seems to call Android a "Linux phone", but, let's be serious...


// Edit

I've said earlier, that my N900 replaced my mobile laptop usage for all intents and purposes. It's worth to add, that I'm by no means forced to do so - actually, my laptop is ultra-light (0.9 KG + battery) Core2Duo 2.6GHZ 6MB L2 cache, nVidia 8600GT 512MB DDR3 dedicated, 4GB RAM "monster". So, I definitely "do" have what to use as laptop (as I travel very much, I used that computer as my main unit, connecting it to DIY docking station,when at home).

Then, shortly after getting N900 - naturally and without any "ideology" behind it - I found less and less need to carry notebook with me, until it got re-purposed as 24/7 desktop, never leaving mentioned docking station (and will get sold on first occasion, using gained money to buy cheaper, yet more powerful, real desktop). The process was in direct proportion to me learning what I can really do with N900, and how to do it *right*.

If such picky user of mobile computing power as me, can rely on N900 for laptop purposes, I'm sure almost everyone could. It's just that sometimes, instead of improving our skills, we're tempted ot go "easy way" of spending insane money on shiny new toys (N9, I'm looking at you), that are supposed to think for us - and there, great disappointment comes, sooner or later.


wook_sf 2013-07-29 19:21

Re: I'm so just DONE

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1363608)
It is not related. I've already said : even a Nexus 4, with excellent CPU (quad core Snapdragon Krait @ 1.5 GHz) and 2GB of RAM shows the Android 4.2.2/4.3 multitasking limitations after some (2, for exemple) hours of use, when some softwares (including native ones) are closed or restarted by the system.

While a Psion with ARM CPU @ 36 MHz and 16 MB of RAM could/can multitask a lot better. Because Epoc 32 was designed with pre-emptive multitasking as a main requirement.

Setter still have some Psion machine...:)

setter 2013-07-29 19:23

Re: I'm so just DONE

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1363610)
Setter still have some Psion machine...:)

Yes!! Awesome machines, I still love them :D

rcolistete 2013-07-29 19:33

Re: I'm so just DONE

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1363610)
Setter still have some Psion machine...:)

My 1st one was Psion Siena 512KB, then Psion 3MX (was stolen after some months with my notebook... :mad: ), finally Psion Revo+. Great machines, fantastic mobile OS. Symbian, in comparison, was a dumbed-down version of Epoc 32 adapted to cell phones. So Android, iOS, Windows Phone are just dumbed-down^2 mobile OS compared to Epoc OS :cool:

Some mobile OS history about Psion, worth reading :

Don't visit this site with your credit card... :

setter 2013-07-29 19:36

Re: I'm so just DONE
I had 2 Psion 5mx, I really loved them, could do anything with them that the others couldn't do with their PC:s :) I still have three bodies around but only one screen that works. What I loved the OS, EPOC was awesome and totally open.

rcolistete 2013-07-29 19:40

Re: I'm so just DONE

Originally Posted by setter (Post 1363625)
I had 2 Psion 5mx, I really loved them, could do anything with them that the others couldn't do with their PC:s :) I still have three bodies around but only one screen that works. What I loved the OS, EPOC was awesome and totally open.

With OPL programming on device... while waiting during shopping, etc.

So, cddiede, this is our advice, get one Psion (5MX, Revo+, etc) and a dumb phone : ;)

daperl 2013-07-29 21:24

Re: I'm so just DONE

Originally Posted by wook_sf (Post 1363591)
LMAO, it's really obvious who don't know wdf are they talking about.

Sorry about that; you were somewhat right and that's why I deleted the post. Please accept my humble apologies. Here are three very good reads:

But with that said, here's a simple example of Android background processing: Open two shells in the IDE Terminal app (you can have up to four) and type one of the following scripts in each, then remove the app from the task manager. At this point you can open and run any combination of Android apps that you like, because if you later restart the IDE Terminal UI, your outputs will be the same as they would be from any multitasking OS consoles.


while true; do
  sleep 5


while true; do
  sleep 7


Artyom 2013-07-29 22:16

Re: I'm so just DONE
This boggles my mind. Can somebody answer it:
Is the "linux based" Android OS and it's apps basically runs and communicates with the hardware through a native linux app called dalvik?
Is there any way to develop a completely native app for android instead of java?

daperl 2013-07-29 22:39

Re: I'm so just DONE

Originally Posted by Artyom (Post 1363669)
This boggles my mind. Can somebody answer it:
Is the "linux based" Android OS and it's apps basically runs and communicates with the hardware through a native linux app called dalvik?
Is there any way to develop a completely native app for android instead of java?

Maybe start at these two links:

chemist 2013-07-29 23:16

Re: I'm so just DONE
I hope no-one got hurt in the process but there was a little cleanup and some infractions for free today, if this thread gets heavily derailed again there might be serious consequences... stay focused and do not answer to trolls or you may find some infractions yourself.

Viqsi 2013-07-29 23:41

Re: I'm so just DONE

Originally Posted by Artyom (Post 1363669)
This boggles my mind. Can somebody answer it:
Is the "linux based" Android OS and it's apps basically runs and communicates with the hardware through a native linux app called dalvik?
Is there any way to develop a completely native app for android instead of java?

In theory, it's possible. In practice, while Google didn't quite go in with malicious intentions to make it impossible, they didn't exactly bother to do the little things that would have made it fairly straightforward either. The kernel interfaces are the same (duh), but the libc (which most folks will be concerned with) is reportedly some sort of twisted mutant (a BSD libc hastily ported to the Linux kernel) that will sometimes be familiar and comfortable until it abruptly backstabs you as soon as you get complacent.

I can only assume cyanogen and similar mods either have one heck of a fun time handling that... or they bit the bullet and ported (e)glibc over or something.

Frankly, though, I don't think that addresses the real issue with Android as a migration target. For example - I managed to turn my n900 into a bluetooth network hotspot (see here: I have real doubts that something similar could be done with Android without running a bunch of extra "helper" glue code bits that run on Dalvik. By contrast, putting together that was easy - all I had to do was familiarize myself with how to do it on a real GNU/Linux desktop (about an hour's worth of reading) and then adapt it to the phone (about another hour).

whayong 2013-07-30 00:34

Re: I'm so just DONE
OP: If going back to a dumb phone is the next step for you, why not just flash the damn thing and use it as a dumb phone only? no hacks, tweaks, apps, etc... Just BONE stock from a fresh flash and in dumbphone mode.

wook_sf 2013-07-30 01:27

Re: I'm so just DONE

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 1363663)

Really no need to apologize.
Running android in background requires "service" as I mentioned before, something that music player do and similar applications...
However, regular applications do not use "multitasking" they are just frozen.

cddiede 2013-07-30 03:12

Re: I'm so just DONE
Okay, here she is, all re-flashed. I'm thinking since I'd have to re-flash and start from scratch anyway, I might as well use the proceeds from this to upgrade to a 64GB model.

chemist 2013-07-30 08:54

Re: I'm so just DONE
If you need the 64GB, I got used to 16GB over time but could make use of it pretty fast ;) so go for it!

geektech 2013-07-30 15:06

Re: I'm so just DONE
cddiede, pm me, i'm interested and i can meet you around DC, to pick it up.

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