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cferrism 2010-08-11 17:01

XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
1 Attachment(s)

Its taken me a couple of days to find the time but I have successfully ported my first app and uploaded to extras-dev (getting the desktop file working proved the biggest pain in the @ss, and I get the feeling there would have been a better way to do it). This is a port of xblstatus made by people a lot cleverer than me to view xbox live friend activity. I take no credit other than porting it across to maemo, mainly for my own benefit, and also to see the process from beginning to end.

Now that I have it working for me through the repository, I'm not in a rush to make any immediate changes, but some things that could be looked at further down the line:
  • Making layout more maemo friendly
  • A way to group notifications so they dont take over as friend activity changes
  • More friend info from ie gamerscores
  • A page displaying your profile info and achievements gained.
  • Send/View messages via
  • Portrait Mode
  • Numerous bug fixed

All these should be do-able but Im still on a learning curve of the python coding process so prob won't be a quick implementation if at all.

Give it a whirl and let me know if it works for you but got to say Im pretty damn proud of myself to have gotten this far. Still learning so any probs/advice/abuse....go easy :p

P.S Cheers to the guys in my previous thread who helped me get to this point!

cferrism 2010-08-11 19:28

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer

Make sure you do File/Quit to exit the application and dont just close the window otherwise the process will keep running in the background.

Not sure if this could be resolved via the desktop file itself (I think it could as like I say the way I set it up probably wasn't the best) or something that needs added to the app.

Quick way round it for now anyway.

xuggs 2010-08-11 19:43

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
The app opens and tried to load but then exits by itself :(
Running PR 1.2

Marcus 2010-08-11 19:47

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
Try to run it via XTerm xuggs, and let cferrism know what the output is.

cferrism 2010-08-11 19:55

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
could be I missed a dependency in the package. if you run it manually via xterm by typing:

python /opt/xblstatus/

let me know what it complains about.

leetut 2010-08-11 20:11

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
app opens fine for me (the non xterm way)
but just see this black screen:

logged in as
is this correct?

cferrism 2010-08-11 20:24

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer

Originally Posted by leetut (Post 783432)
app opens fine for me (the non xterm way)
but just see this black screen:

logged in as
is this correct?

This happens if the username and pass are wrong (username should be the email address you use to sign in to xbox live), still connects but no details to find. The username and pass are case sensitive but one issue you may find is that the dialog box wants to add a capital letter to the beginning of your username and password. (Yet another quirk that i havent figured out). If you space forward once and type the first letter so that it is lowercase and then delete the space and continue the rest of your username/pass it should work and show you your friends.

Luckily you only have to do this once as it will save your username/pass from then on.

scoobydoo 2010-08-11 21:36

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
good start my good sir this is something i've hoped for on our beloved n900 i would like to help but have no experience making apps. if you know of any useful site to guide me i would appreciate it thanks in advance

cferrism 2010-08-11 21:57

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer

Originally Posted by scoobydoo (Post 783524)
good start my good sir this is something i've hoped for on our beloved n900 i would like to help but have no experience making apps. if you know of any useful site to guide me i would appreciate it thanks in advance

Cheers mate. Like I say I'm no expert and this is essentially my starting point. I only did it because I have a week off, my daughter was at the park, I was bored and I wanted an xbox live application on my n900. :p

When it comes to coding there are better people out there to help you than me. Im fine at reading it, and manipulating whats already there to get it to do what I want, but have a long way to go on the writing from scratch front. I've never been one for the 'hello world' school of thought. I prefer to get my teeth into something a bit more complex and figure it out as I go.

As for the rest, running your code on the n900, packaging and getting it to a wider audience. Everything I needed was on this site already.

DJRedline 2010-08-12 07:32

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
Installed from App Man but doesnt show any icon in menu.

scoobydoo 2010-08-12 08:44

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
only tiny bother at mo is you have to sign in each time you use app but very good start look forward to seeing more all the best of luck with it

Jezz 2010-08-12 08:45

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
Working fine here :)

xuggs 2010-08-12 09:07

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
So i ran from xterm:
python /opt/xblstatus/

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/xblstatus/", line 41, in <module>
import gnome
ImportError: No module named gnome

DJRedline 2010-08-12 09:16

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer

Originally Posted by xuggs (Post 783893)
So i ran from xterm:
python /opt/xblstatus/

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/xblstatus/", line 41, in <module>
import gnome
ImportError: No module named gnome

uninstalled and then reinstalled, still no icon in menu
ran from xterm and receive same message.

cferrism 2010-08-12 09:26

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
Yo Folks,

Not sure about the icon issue. This was a problem with a previous build that caused the icon to dissapear so all I can suggest is you uninstall, refresh the app manager catalogues and make sure its 0.1.0-6 you are installing. I have tried it with and without catorise installed and its fine at this end.

As for the gnome issue try typing the following as root into the xterm:

apt-get install python2.5-gnome

if that solves the issue I will add it to the dependecy list and upload updated package when I get the chance.

aanckar 2010-08-12 10:03

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
I really appreciate your effort into porting this. I've longed for an app like this for a long time...

As the app is in a very crude state I can only hope that you continue to develop it. As I'm no developer I can't really help you other than testing the app and reporting bugs etc.

Thanks very much!

DJRedline 2010-08-12 11:21

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
apt-get install gnome-python works

now opens from menu

cferrism 2010-08-12 11:31

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
Glad to hear it!

scoobydoo 2010-08-12 13:26

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
no probs here with icons. but realised that if you open xblstatus.conf with midnight commander then you can change default user name and password so yours come up every time though this is only really useful for single gamertag but like its simplicity and looking forward to update as and when ready again thanks

leetut 2010-08-12 20:59

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer

Originally Posted by cferrism (Post 783448)
The username and pass are case sensitive but one issue you may find is that the dialog box wants to add a capital letter to the beginning of your username and password

cheers for the 'using email addr tip, works great now, i turned off auto capitalization in settings a long time ago as a few other apps were giving me those user/pass caps probs, so i didnt experience that with this app, thanks for your work and help mate:D

The Arsonist 2010-09-20 23:50

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
Just wanted to stop by and thanks for making this app! I literally started a thread attempting to get this app made and I just happened to stumble across it in the Repos one day. I'm just wondering if there was any plans on expanding the app or possibly switching to QT or anything. I'm totally down to test the app for you and possibly be of some assistance if you need it. I haven't programmed an app myself, but I'm surely interested in getting involved and learning how to. Hope to hear some good news! Congrats again!

(this is the thread, there may be some useful ideas in there somewhere)

cferrism 2010-09-21 20:02

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
@The Arsonist. Cheers for that mate, much appreciated!

Ive been fairly hectic with real job/family stuff recently but I did download QT and start looking at transferring it briefly as this is defo where I was planning to take it and seems pointless to spend time trying to improve it in its current form. I havent given up on it as it was/is a good learning tool for me but even porting it during my week off seemed like a lot of hard work and tech support (not complaining, quite enjoyed it) so will need to wait until I have some time to sit down and look at it properly. No timeline or anything Im afraid but when I get round to it and if no-one has created a better one by the time I get there I will keep you all posted.

mrbiggzz79 2010-09-21 20:20

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
thanks for showing the 360 some love hoping to find more apps

Dazza 2010-09-22 17:17

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer

Originally Posted by mrbiggzz79 (Post 822727)
thanks for showing the 360 some love hoping to find more apps

Nice to see the Xbox live owners get similar treatment to the PS3 owners.

leetut 2010-12-11 07:19

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
app wont open (now on pr1.3)
apt-get install gnome-python says newest version already installed
what to do?

Puffduff 2011-01-08 10:07

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
Hi, I installed this app but it wont run it just loads and then it crashes. I tried launching it via xterm nut got this error

/home/user # python /opt/xblstatus/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/xblstatus/", line 50, in <module>
from NotifyLibnotify import NotifyLibnotify
File "/opt/xblstatus/", line 24, in <module>
import pynotify
ImportError: No module named pynotify
/home/user #

I'm using pr1.3 if it helps.

cferrism 2011-01-08 10:18

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
Thats weird. Havent had any issues with it after upgrading to pr1.3.

@Puffduff try installing the module manually. I think you want to type the following into xterm (as root)

apt-get install python-notify

Let me know if that helps.

Puffduff 2011-01-08 14:18

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer
Hi, thanks for the solution this fixed my problem with starting the app. Now I seem to have a new problem the app just says connecting and doesn't really seem to do anything else. I put my login email as it is on the account into the preferences but it won't connect me.

The Arsonist 2011-01-08 18:43

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer

Originally Posted by Puffduff (Post 914919)
Hi, thanks for the solution this fixed my problem with starting the app. Now I seem to have a new problem the app just says connecting and doesn't really seem to do anything else. I put my login email as it is on the account into the preferences but it won't connect me.

Read this post, it may help you.

peteymaemo 2011-06-20 13:08

Re: XBLStatus - Xbox Live Friend viewer

Originally Posted by Puffduff (Post 914919)
Hi, thanks for the solution this fixed my problem with starting the app. Now I seem to have a new problem the app just says connecting and doesn't really seem to do anything else. I put my login email as it is on the account into the preferences but it won't connect me.

Did you get this fixed ? I've got the same issue - made sure my username and password are correct by fixing the capital letters issue but just says connecting and doesn't connect. tried several wifi access points and the same thing happens. Anyone got any ideas ? Many thanks.

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