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nodevel 2017-02-08 13:52

2.1.0/Iijoki EA
New Early Access release has been made available!

Release notes


Main highlights include:
  • Qt 5.6 (!)
  • Bluez5 (JollaC/Intex Aqua Fish only, not yet enabled by default)
  • Built in VPN support with GUI (in beta)
  • Support for ARM 64bit
  • Text selection in browser
  • Facebook microblog and notifications removed, as Facebook will eliminate this functionality from public API by the next month
  • Annotation feature for PDF documents
  • QML live coding support for the SDK
  • Setting for changing font size in the OS (normal/large/huge)

Release history:
  1. 2017-02-08: Early access release

It hasn't shown up on my device yet, but I am looking forward to first hand experience from others - this is one of the biggest releases SailfishOS has ever seen so I expect some bugs to be present at this stage.

EDIT: Added Text selection feature mention, thanks to the heads up from Feathers McGraw. I missed that one.

Feathers McGraw 2017-02-08 14:01

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
Text selection in the browser! That should make a lot of people happy (less grumpy, at least!)

pichlo 2017-02-08 14:05

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
1 Attachment(s)
It would, except...

Attachment 39038


itdoesntmatt 2017-02-08 14:19

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
this is the first updated of which i am able to pronounce the name :)

nthn 2017-02-08 14:28

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
Turns out the tablet has only 2,3GB system memory (who thought that was a good idea?), of which 1,9GB is in use. Trying to download the system update tells me I need 500MB free space. What can I do? Looking for this problem on TJC only gives me someone with a Turing phone who had the same problem and bricked his device trying to fix it.

nodevel 2017-02-08 14:32

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by nthn (Post 1523057)
Turns out the tablet has only 2,3GB system memory (who thought that was a good idea?), of which 1,9GB is in use. Trying to download the system update tells me I need 500MB free space. What can I do? Looking for this problem on TJC only gives me someone with a Turing phone who had the same problem and bricked his device trying to fix it.

I had the same problem on JollaC with the last update (2.0.5) - had to remove almost all apps (including AlienDalvik) to be able to proceed. As each update is bigger and bigger, this is bound to get worse over time.

I haven't seen any reports of this kind on TJC, but I will report it if it happens with this update as well.

nthn 2017-02-08 14:48

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by nodevel (Post 1523058)
I had the same problem on JollaC with the last update (2.0.5) - had to remove almost all apps (including AlienDalvik) to be able to proceed. As each update is bigger and bigger, this is bound to get worse over time.

I haven't seen any reports of this kind on TJC, but I will report it if it happens with this update as well.

Wow, no way I'm doing that. I've made a post, feel free to edit it with more information:

mscion 2017-02-08 14:53

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
Can't update be broken up into smaller ones by Jolla?

mosen 2017-02-08 15:42

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
1 Attachment(s)
updating :cool:

velox 2017-02-08 15:44

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
I'm not usually updating my SDK directly, so… does anyone know how soon after the OS the (early access) binaries of the new SDKs are usually released? Currently, and only point to 1611, which is to be expected, but I really want to check that out.


mrsellout 2017-02-08 18:05

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by nodevel (Post 1523058)
I had the same problem on JollaC with the last update (2.0.5) - had to remove almost all apps (including AlienDalvik) to be able to proceed. As each update is bigger and bigger, this is bound to get worse over time.

I haven't seen any reports of this kind on TJC, but I will report it if it happens with this update as well.

I used to have issues on the original Jolla phone (with is notorious for its BTRFS balancing issues), but I haven't had it on the JollaC. I now use an sd card, and make sure that the camera stores pics in there, and have also moved any docs over.

Some general housekeeping like deleting browser cache (and maybe from some android apps too) might help to.


du -h --max-depth=1 | grep M
will give you the disk usage of each directory in the current location, and is a good starter for tracking down the guilty apps.

On my desktop PC a program called Acestream had gigabytes locked up in useless cache files.

cy8aer 2017-02-08 18:42

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
patches that work:
  • Ambience Powermenu2
  • Extendex volume control patch
  • Launcher combined patch
  • Lockscreen analog clock

patches that do not work:
  • Upcoming events in calendar
  • Ultimate statusbar patch (uninstalled with upgrade)
  • Voice call combined patch (uninstalled with upgrade)

nthn 2017-02-08 19:03

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
Swipe to lock also works.

nodevel 2017-02-08 19:52

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by mrsellout (Post 1523068)
I used to have issues on the original Jolla phone (with is notorious for its BTRFS balancing issues), but I haven't had it on the JollaC. I now use an sd card, and make sure that the camera stores pics in there, and have also moved any docs over.

Some general housekeeping like deleting browser cache (and maybe from some android apps too) might help to.


du -h --max-depth=1 | grep M
will give you the disk usage of each directory in the current location, and is a good starter for tracking down the guilty apps.

On my desktop PC a program called Acestream had gigabytes locked up in useless cache files.

The problem is that both user data (pics, browser cache) and Android apps are on different partitions than the one we have problem with.
I have 4.5GB free space on /home/nemo and also deleting Android apps has no effect on the system partition (where I had ~300MB of space available before this update). I had to delete Kodi, /opt/sdk and AlienDalvik this time in order to get to the required 500MB of free space.
Of course, there could be some logs taking space, but needless to say, whatever you do with it, ~2.5GB for the system partition is far too small.

nthn 2017-02-08 19:57

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
I somehow managed to check for updates again by deleting ~/.cache/store-client/os-info and pkilling store-client, and now the update is downloading! I didn't get the 500MB warning again, even though nothing changed and there is still less than 500MB available in the system partition. Either way, even if this works around the issue, it isn't solved yet because with a couple of big applications and logs here and there, it's immediately full.

nthn 2017-02-08 20:11

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
Well, after downloading I'm back to square one, less than 500MB available so it won't install.

karlos devel 2017-02-08 20:39

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
I updated all my devices. All was a success! SFOS ...EVER = )

Bundyo 2017-02-08 20:47

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
OnePlus X updates all packages correctly and fails to boot lipstick.

MartinK 2017-02-08 20:52

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
Well, the system and data partitions are LVM Logical Volumes formatted with EXT4. As EXT4 can be both shrunk and grown, it shoulw be possible to first shrink the data LV filesystem, then shrink it's LV to free up space in the Volume Group (the volume group is full by default). Then just make the system LV bigger and grow it's filesystem.

The only issues should be that while you can grow a mounted EXT4 filesystem, you can only shrink an EXT4 filesystem that is not mounted. So it would have to be done from a recovery shell or something similar.

Another possibility might be to create another Physical Volume on a uSD card partition and add it to the VG, to add more space. Then resize the system LV and then grow it filesystem. But note that by this the uSD card basically becomes part of the - part of the system partition data will be located on it and the device might not boot if it can't find the card at boot time (or if the card dies). Or it might not boot anyway if for example the card shows up much later than the internal storage during boot or if the initrd has some issues finding the PV on the card during boot.

The shrink-data LV, grow-system LV method should be definitely the safer one. And still always backup first before attempting anything like this!

pichlo 2017-02-08 21:00

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
1 Attachment(s)
Mmm. Updated without issues. Everything seems to run much faster. Including the battery. Starting from about 84%; this jumped to 100% after the reboot. Now, less than 30 minutes after the update, I am down to 47%.

Attachment 39045

MartinK 2017-02-08 21:27

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1523087)
Mmm. Updated without issues. Everything seems to run much faster. Including the battery. Starting from about 84%; this jumped to 100% after the reboot. Now, less than 30 minutes after the update, I am down to 47%.

Attachment 39045

Maybe it's updated tracker reindexing stuff ?

juiceme 2017-02-08 22:08

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by itdoesntmatt (Post 1523051)
this is the first updated of which i am able to pronounce the name :)

I'm sorry to tell you but you're probably a bit over-optimistic there.

"iijoki" is not pronounced "ai-joki" like it would be in english. The double-i is pronounced something like the first vowels in "even" or "evening", only for a bit longer sound.

gerbick 2017-02-08 22:22

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1523091)
I'm sorry to tell you but you're probably a bit over-optimistic there.

"iijoki" is not pronounced "ai-joki" like it would be in english. The double-i is pronounced something like the first vowels in "even" or "evening", only for a bit longer sound.

Scary, I guessed it was a harder "e" sound and I barely know any Finnish. Makes sense though...

Carry on...

willi6868 2017-02-08 22:43

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
If someone depens on Sailorgram, then be aware that after updating to SFOS Sailorgram won't start anymore with the current version 0.80-2.

kaari 2017-02-08 23:48

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
Also Cutespot don't work. Starts, but don't play music.

wormdrummer 2017-02-08 23:53

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
I guess every new update will have issues.

kaari 2017-02-09 00:05

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by wormdrummer (Post 1523096)
Would seriously recommend holding off on this upgrade. It breaks alot of stuff. eg. Sailorgram, Mazelock, heaps of graphical glitches.

I've hung on to sailfish as long as I can, sick of every update meaning a full reset.

Don't no nothing about coding, but I believe programs just have to be updated to use Qt 5.6.? Also it's early access, and have been few hours available. So you can't wait everything to be working right away.

MartinK 2017-02-09 00:29

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by wormdrummer (Post 1523096)
Would seriously recommend holding off on this upgrade. It breaks alot of stuff. eg. Sailorgram, Mazelock, heaps of graphical glitches.

I've hung on to sailfish as long as I can, sick of every update meaning a full reset.

Well, in any case modRana works just fine with Sailfish OS 2.1 & Qt 5.6. ;-)

pichlo 2017-02-09 05:38

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by MartinK (Post 1523088)
Maybe it's updated tracker reindexing stuff ?

Maybe. It continued going steadily downwards for another hour so I rebooted it. The battery status shot up immediately back to 100%, then resumed it steady downwards trend. This time I let it be, suspecting that the system may have lost the calibration data. I thought, maybe I will wake up to a dead phone, but it is worth trying. But it seems to have stabilized itself at 46%.

EDIT: One thing that steered me towards the bad calibration was that despite the apparent fast battery drain, the phone was cold and 'top' did not show anything suspicious. Looks like I was onto something.

pichlo 2017-02-09 05:44

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1523091)
I'm sorry to tell you but you're probably a bit over-optimistic there.

"iijoki" is not pronounced "ai-joki" like it would be in english. The double-i is pronounced something like the first vowels in "even" or "evening", only for a bit longer sound.

Is the 'j' pronounced like in English, then? I would pronounce Iijoki as 'ee-yo-ki'.

explit 2017-02-09 06:46

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
I have a problem to update my Jolla Tablet over terminal.

[root@Sailfish ssu]# ssu re
Device release is currently:
[root@Sailfish ssu]# version --dup
Refreshing: 97% (remaining: 5s)
Message: adaptation0: Store credentials not received. Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
adaptation1: Store credentials not received. Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
aliendalvik: Store credentials not received. Failed to activate service 'com.jolla.jollastore': timed out
customer-jolla: Store credentials not received. Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
sailfish-eas: Store credentials not received. Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
store: Store credentials not received. Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
xt9: Store credentials not received. Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

Finished transaction (status=1, runtime=373300ms)
Finished transaction (status=1, runtime=3306ms)

NO UPDATES FOUND. Try again later.

What is wrong here?

My Jolla credentials a re in /etc/ssu/ssu.ini
I can"t boot the tablet to Sailfish UI, but i can SSH to it.

I solved the problem:


mv /etc/ssu/ssu.ini /etc/ssu/ssu.orig
ssu ur
ssu re
version —dup
zypper ref; zypper up

you can move the old /etc/ssu/ssu.ini back afterwards

abranson 2017-02-09 07:29

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by kaari (Post 1523095)
Also Cutespot don't work. Starts, but don't play music.

I noticed this. The volume control adjusts ringtone volume too, not main volume, which I think means that the system doesn't recognize that CuteSpot is a music player. I thought it might just need a rebuild under Qt5.6, but I can't find the libspotify bundle anywhere - they've removed it. I think CuteSpot is pretty dead until/unless Spotify release their new API :(

abranson 2017-02-09 07:35

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by wormdrummer (Post 1523096)
I guess every new update will have issues.

That's what Early Access is for - it's a beta release for users who want to help track those last remaining issues down, and to give app developers chance to adjust their apps. 2.1 is a big one - the Qt update will cause lots of compatibility problems, especially with 3rd party apps.

I think so many people are on EA these days that this has been lost a bit, but if you need things to be release quality then it would be far less frustrating to simply opt back out of the Early Access programme and wait for the official release. It's not usually a long wait between the two.

nthn 2017-02-09 07:58

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1523104)
Is the 'j' pronounced like in English, then? I would pronounce Iijoki as 'ee-yo-ki'.

ee-yo-ki is a good approximation (with the stress on the first syllable). For more Finnish alphabet lessons:

wrm 2017-02-09 07:59

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
I noticed huge increase in performance / multitasking. Left 15 apps open for an hour, both native and android, like Opera, video on LLs playing in the background, couple of browsers, and still almost no lag, all apps are instantly working after taping on them. Before the update even 3 open apps were causing problems.

crisbort 2017-02-09 09:08

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
hi! yesterday i had a problem with this update..
had appeared in the system update, then when I tried to download it I got an error as "impossible to detect the file size" after which I tried to install another app to see if the connection and credentials worked .. all ok .. but after that operation has disappeared notice of update from system update, when I search for new updates, no longer able to connect, it remains fixed the message "waiting for connection" ..
I have a jolla 1, I checked the login credentials and they are ok, of course i'm an early adopter .. I also tried a refresh .. maybe I should reinstall the settings menu? I did it once from terminal but do not remember how ..
Can someone help me?
thank you! :)

gaelic 2017-02-09 09:11

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
Has anyone tested OKBoard with this new release by any chance?

kaari 2017-02-09 09:30

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
Quick test shows it working.

Feathers McGraw 2017-02-09 10:33

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA

Originally Posted by wrm (Post 1523117)
I noticed huge increase in performance / multitasking...

With the Jolla phone?

That's great news, it's really important for Sailfish uphold its reputation for being lighter on resources - Sailfish can't do the Android thing where manufacturers just double the specs each year, because there aren't as many vendors shipping Sailfish devices - realistically most phones running Sailfish have either mid-range specs when new, or they are devices with flagship specs that used to run Android, which take a long time to develop working ports.

hardy_magnus 2017-02-09 10:44

Re: 2.1.0/Iijoki EA
i am still waiting for whatever update on my int*x aqua fish.

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