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Maemish 2019-01-22 15:19

Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
I'm interested to know which apps are usable and are in use with members. I'm new here so I haven't got a clue which apps have problems and can't be used because of this or that and which can with some unknown secret tweaks. So I hope if people list on this thread under different headers the apps in use and if they have been tweaked put a description of the tweak in () after the app. I will make another thread about asking usable and neccessary tweaks and patches but if there would be another member who knows how to make a list of them with links to download and instructions how to install or make to work I would really appreciate that. I use this as my main phone and have been spreading the word of N900 and trying to get my friends to use too so any help to make this magical device more usable would be great. I take is as a default that CSSU is installed but if not I would like to here benefits of not using.

My apps:

Browsers: Opera 12 testing, Fennec for email, not using micro-b as haven't been able to make it open pages or be as fast as opera.

Camera: BlessN900 (probably installed some driver for it to work)

Email: I use startmail and haven't yet found a good email app with imap support. Tried claws or something but was a buggy. Using email through Fennec browser.

RSS feed: Haven't found a working solution. Only some feeds gave a feed to a widget and could not open the plain text. Solution was when it starts to download the page instead of feed that I halt the downloading, change the address to http instead of https to get the page open. Too difficult and cybersecurityfeeds not working.

Mediaplayer: Default (is there any benefit of using other?)

Youtube: Cutetube2 testing. Can't open anything to stream and haven't learned how to able that but works through downloading to N900 first. A bit annoying.

Map: ??? Would like to have.

Internetradio: Soma. Are there other good ones?

Internet tv/podcasts: ??? Would be nice.

Whatsapp: No go. Haven't yet tried with easy debbie + netsurf browser.

Telegram: Used a while through Pidgin but was buggy and slowslowslow and other problems too. Tried through browser and I think I even managed to make it work and sent a message but browser did not remember the configure key and it takes 10 minutes to make a new key so a no go for now. Hope to find a solutions to telegeramweb. Maybe easy debbie + netsurf.

Instagram: Maybe could work through easy debbie + netsurf.

Multimedia messages: FMMS works.

Hotspot: MobileHotspot works with usb.

Kernel: PowerKernel with CSSU + overclocked to 900 with powerpatch installed.

Swap: Would like to learn to make the machine more usable by tweaking the swap but not sure how or which have real benefits. I do not like to have to shutdown the device to free memory.

Easy debbie: There are updated instructions of how to install latest debian with netsurf 3.8 but not yet tried it. Any other distros in use with members? An if why and what are benefits?

Macros 2019-01-22 16:08

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
I only use my N900 as backup phone by now, even with its nostalgic bonus the system is a bit to old and slow for a daily driver. With Leste this might change, although I hope for Leste on a more modern device.

Still I have some apps on my N900 which I deem useful:

Chromium Browser: When others don't work

mBarcode: Barcode reading, fast and reliable.

Leafpad: Texteditor, as simple as it gets and just as useful.

PenPen: Quickly draw something to show it.
Or hand it to kids/grilfriends for doodling.

TimerJinni: All your simple timekeeping needs

Speedcruch: When you have to do real calculations

Pierogi: To mess with many TVs

Evopedia: Wiki at your hands even without network. useful when travelling, less useful year by year as the wiki images are severely outdated by now.

ScummVM: For Monkey Island and other Lucasart Gems
Puzzles: Many little logic puzzles.
Wagic: Magic the gathering game which works for a limited number of cards up to the year 2011.

VNC Viewer: Well... for VNC

GPSjinni: To give you hope when the GPS takes to long to get a fix

And many others which I do not use anymore.
Marble Maps (unreliable), AGTL(broken), Cleven(WEP is rare now), Evilalarm(Teenager me needed it), FBReader(N9's OLED defeats the n900 by miles), Meecast, Modrana, Mypaint, Navit, Netstory, nQaap, Orechiette(808 Pureviews recording Quality is so much better), qMetro, SleepAnalyzer, Transmission

Edit: Forgot your map comment.

As said, marble (sometimes) works with Openstreetmap.
otherwise you can get Nokia Maps from here, they should work on the N900 too. However the last update for them was 2015.

sulu 2019-01-22 16:19

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
Netsurf (fast, mostly up to date, but limited web features), Midori (slow but acceptable, pretty complete feature-wise, outdated)
Both via Easy Debian, but I try to avoid web browsing on the N900 wherever I can.

mixed Nokia's original app (what was its name?) and BlessN900.
But always having a pretty decent compact camera never made me actually consider the N900 for that task. Actually, whenever I look at pictures I took with it, I regret not having had my actual camera with me at that time.

Claws mail via ED or web interface via Midori (depending on account)

moc via ED. There's no actual reason for that. I just use moc wherever I can and it works well on the N900 too. The one thing moc does better than Nokia's player is that it doesn't slow down with lots of files.

mainly Marble (mostly via ED, some via Fremantle)
Fremantle's version is too old to create tracks (but still can import them) but it's easier accessible than in ED.

Kernel: PowerKernel with CSSU + overclocked to 900 with powerpatch installed.
Um, yeah, 900MHz give or take and something with "power" sounds about right. I haven't checked for too long.

2GB on µSD card. My previous 64GB card died around Xmas so I just got a new one. (Wow, 200GB have really become cheap!)

Really, this has always been my main reason for getting and having the N900 in the first place. And it still works. Everything else besides phoning is really just for fun, because I can.


Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1553054)
Easy debbie: There are updated instructions of how to install latest debian with netsurf 3.8 but not yet tried it. Any other distros in use with members? An if why and what are benefits?

There's basically two groups of distros out there:
A: Those based on glibc, like ED, Debian derivatives (e.g. Kali) or basically any major Linus distro
B: Those based on anything else, e.g. musl, like Alpine

Group A has been in a coma for two years (Debian Stretch release) and is currently dying for good (Jessie fades into oblivion) because glibc doesn't like Fremantles ancient kernel anymore.
Anyone who still uses these is basically riding a dead horse. I'm just hoping my zombie horse still gets me far enough to find a living one in the form of an N900 successor.

Group B is not affected because musl doesn't care for the kernel version. But this group is largely unexplored, I guess because it doesn't promise easy accessibility of vast amounts of popular desktop software.

justmemory 2019-01-22 20:51

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

for me my n900 is in everyday use so I tried to make it to fit my needs. I'm on CSSU Testing.

I. On my SD card I have:
1. Full maemo sdk development environment,
2. Fully usable kali linux distro - 1.1.0 (armhf) with i3 - it provides everything that kali has :) For basic stuff it is enough; not for metasploit or such... But also have rawtherapee, youtube-dl and many-many others that maemo doesn't and won't have...
II. On the device:
1. Widgets:
- one for weather data,
- one for calendar. Both is written by me in python for my needs.
2. Maps:
- Nokia Maps - tweaked version to have voice navigation and POI-s (voice navigation is not working for me though...). I have some *not too old map tiles* of my country so for me it is quite usable when I'm totally offline.
- Modrana. I install it from M4rtinK's github repo every time he releases a new version :) So it isn't from maemo repos... I mainly use it for hiking because I can set my country's hiking map server to to download the tiles from (in db format so uses less space!!!) but it is fairly good for everything. It was a big help 3 years ago that it measures the distance from poi - we could do some filed work easier :)
3. Multimedia:
- cutetube - I do have streams so I do not have to download them only some streams cannot be played...
- cutenews for rss - for me it is working fine.
- replaced the stock media player with openmediaplayer
- mplayer - sweet :)
4. Games:
- only the stock ones. Oh, and Bounce :) Earlier I had assassin's creed, monopoly but... mahjong is far enough nowadays :)
5. Browsing:
- Opera 12.1beta - best...
- Have fennec 17 but soooooo slow...
- chromium - it is good when it not crashes :)
- on kali I have midori, links2, xlinks and chromium too (latter is with tor of course) - quite good :)
6. Email:
- Stock. Modest is doing a great job, it is enough for me as I only use gmail.
7. Photography:
- Stock camera (derived from camera-ui2); using dng raw most of the times as I like working with the images in rawtherapee and I find them quite good. At least for my taste :)
- Fcamera and blessn900 and good too but with my version of libc6 thy stopped working and now I'm on the way of hunting the problem now :)
- Panorama - it is quite good when you can hold and turn the n900 on the proper way.
- Classicprint - use to for modifying the images.
- Rawtherapee (as said earlier)
- Mypaint - not photography but sooooooo cool :)
8. Other:
- Stellarium 0.10.6
- iPython and other python stuffs (scipy, matplotlib, numpy, etc.)
- FBReader for reading books - working quite well in portrait mode too
- docstogo to open or edit documents, excel sheets - only for basic stuff.
- fcron. must have :)
9. Tweaked stuff...:
- custom lbc6 - maemo has 2.5.1; based on Aapo's idea and experiment I have version 2.10.
- neovim (depends on libc6 > 2.7) - for programming, editing text/files
- kernel-power 53 - my device can be overclocked to 1150 MHz - I use kali that way (so far so good).
- phone-control script; I added some other switches (like set cpumax, brightness, number of desktops (up to 9), etc.) so it fit my needs.
- wget version 1.19.5
- libssl1.1.0h
- custom python script to replace operator's name with the date and nameday
- maemoneypot - my own app for tracking my financial stuffs; it uses an "updated" version of sqlite with sql-cipher so you can set a password for your sql databases...
- fingerterm - not used too much but it can be handy
- under kali weechat is working (client to
- backupmenu - essential!!! (I tweaked it to use libc6 library not 2.5.1)
- maybe some others but I don't remember every tweak I made :)

sulu 2019-01-22 21:34

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by justmemory (Post 1553065)
- Stellarium 0.10.6

Seriously?! :eek:

Stellarium brings my Core2Duo notebook to its limits and is close to unusable on my EEE 901.
Granted, this is the current version from the stretch-backports (0.18.3), but I can't remember this being any better with earlier versions down to 0.12, so I wouldn't imagine 0.10 would be any lighter (especially on the graphics part).

justmemory 2019-01-22 21:56

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by sulu (Post 1553066)
I wouldn't imagine

why don't you try it...? :) ;)

Macros 2019-01-22 22:10

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
I am using Stellarium N9 0.3.6 on the N9, which is not faster than an overclocked N900. Its based on Stellarium version 0.11.4.

It works flawlessly and with the OLED screen its totally awesome. In night mode you can point it to the stars and see their name on the display without any disturbance to your night vision.

robthebold 2019-01-23 03:35

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
Gnumeric: because a real (and really usable) spreadsheet can be super-useful, e.g. when buying and financing a car.

Sunvox: On a phone-sized screen, using a stylus with resistive screen is essential.

Xterminal, with keyboard because of course.

fbnccst 2019-01-23 05:45

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by justmemory (Post 1553065)
- Stock. Modest is doing a great job, it is enough for me as I only use gmail.

could you write a foolproof way to set up gmail on modest? because i can't seem to be able to have the stock email client to work with gmail

sulu 2019-01-23 06:45

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by justmemory (Post 1553067)
why don't you try it...? :) ;)

I did, and it's speed is really impressive. So, thanks for the tip!
However, there are some features missing to make it actually useful for me.


Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1553072)
Xterminal, with keyboard because of course.

Of course! I use it so much that I don't even consider it an app anymore. For me, "terminal" equals "N900". Everything else is just superimposed on it.

peterleinchen 2019-01-23 06:49

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by fbnccst (Post 1553073)
could you write a foolproof way to set up gmail on modest? because i can't seem to be able to have the stock email client to work with gmail

Read this
and that
Found via search box with 'setup modest gmail'.

If it is about configuration (manual setup!) you will also find all info.

justmemory 2019-01-23 08:54

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by sulu (Post 1553074)
I did, and it's speed is really impressive. So, thanks for the tip!
However, there are some features missing to make it actually useful for me.

Yeah, it is not fully featured but enough for my kids or for me to see what is on the sky so we can pull out our little telescope :)


Originally Posted by sulu (Post 1553074)
Of course! I use it so much that I don't even consider it an app anymore. For me, "terminal" equals "N900". Everything else is just superimposed on it.

How true that is! :) +1

justmemory 2019-01-23 08:55

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by fbnccst (Post 1553073)
could you write a foolproof way to set up gmail on modest? because i can't seem to be able to have the stock email client to work with gmail

I think peterleinchen wrote everything so now you can try it :)

biketool 2019-01-23 11:50

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
when driving:
- sygic maps (osm maps for backup on Lineage tablet for new construction areas, and/or modRana)
- Maebbled(Pebble Watch)- control music & see first sentence of SMS
- Open Music Player - tunes, skip and volume controlled by Pebble watch, car's aux cable music connected by BH-214 headset clipped to visor so I can answer the phone too
- Panucci - audio books

on foot/bus/train:
- Panucci - audio books
- OMP - music
- Cutetube2 - get new music from youtube (not working for those right now)
- Nokia email, phone, SMS
- BH-214 bt headset

on bicycle:
- HXMtracker - view heart rate(I need to take output and pipe it to the Pebble watch display; someday... someday...)
- Sygic maps
- Open Music Player or Panucci music & audiobooks
- BH-214 bt headset

Flying:(not lately, with what money)
I might stick earbuds in under my headset and play music or take a phone call with the aircraft radio volume way higher to always hear tower/ATC.
Android apps beat anything Maemo has ever had(such a small screen) and a tablet is easier to use in a cockpit strapped to one leg, ipad and apps are actually better but I wont own one unless it was ONLY for flight and otherwise offline.
- (formerly) Flight Computer - compute wind drift

Browsing and video when out I use my Lineage Nexus 7 (flo) tablet bt tethered to my N900 if I think I will need that or use my wife's Lineage +microg one+1 phone. That said I wish I could get those same services and all hardware drivers on a real gnu linux tablet/phone distro. In real life though I do most stuff with an Ubuntu Mate laptop with a big screen, mechanical kb, and trackball if I am in the office.

Maemish 2019-01-23 15:46

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
Already now I thank you all for the information I have got. I used to be nonstop iPhone user since 3gs to 4s. Nonstop social media photo and video shooting with all kinds of apps with filters and effect making all the time new videos to youtube and facebook and doing my own music to videos/short films with nanostudio combined with garage band and downloading youtube videos making own speech audits and writing writing and watching watching and listening listening and being nonstop connected brain adapted to virtual reality. Changing to N900 was a life saver. I don't think or want to be able to achieve the same situation so not getting everyhing work with a phone is a benefit for me. But from here I have already found many things useful. Thanks to ya all.

biketool 2019-01-23 16:11

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
the photo and video quality is adequate and you can email the photos to yourself.
If you have linux at home just apt install openshot and audacity for a great video and audio edit/splicer. I don't think a N900 could handle these under chrooted debian.
The pwnage the social media companies and Google take from you when they sell your data to everyone is a pretty good motivation to take back your life too. If you want to see how bad it is ask a private investigator or someone with the right kind of LexisNexis account access.

Maemish 2019-01-23 18:47

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
Just because of that I'm away from social media, have paid secure email provider with alias emails, use vpn on my home computer and have a prepaid on my linux phone. Not thinking to be anyway under the radar, just giving less than before.

endsormeans 2019-01-24 22:07

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
At the moment...(year after year it changes subtly )
for the n8x0's and n900's
(and past the obvious "givens" like term, vim etc etc..)
for my n8x0's currently (especially my n800s with extra card storage slots in the leather n800 case)
a ton of varied music on one card, with my library of esoteric ebooks, my portfolio of work and some work in progress, and some devel work , so I can listen to music while reading or working...
a ton of video on another favourite films of all time,
and in the external slot filled with the entire collected works of shakespeare performed, and all the classic operas.
So I just change out the card I need from the slot ...
and the internal slot is a modest 32gb with turbo on it all the bells and whistles and a few other partitions with other interesting alt os's to play with.
SO THAT is my "Shipwrecked on a desert island nokia"
No matter what it always goes with me, with 5 extra batteries and a solio solar charger and batt storage....just in case...not that I am paranoid...
Just a good nxx0 boy scout...

So my given progs for the n800 (and similarly the n810) are lean and functional
- fbreader
-all the best image / photo viewing and rendering progs
-kmplayer is my staple as well as a couple other vid progs

Those are currently the progs I use most at the moment...and for the last year or so with the n8x0

For the n900...
I have recently (this last year) ceased using my n900's as a devoted "daily driver"

And now only use it daily for the following
-stellariium so i can sit out on a hill at night near the house or at work and enjoy using it.
- back and forth every day to work I play the entire playlist from CEU Past Perfect Medieval Radio of the best stations I have ever found.....that I streamtuned and copied. (which is about 12 gb so far..)....for those who like truly ancient music predating the dark ages ...
great site...
-oscp for said tunes
and naturally
-gtkgep ..
I have one of my smaller harps at work sitting in the corner...
So when I get to work...
I play my part mainly as "the Watcher who Watches the Watchers"
I watch everything, everyone, everywhere on over 100 camera (soon to become over 160 with the new additions) views and make sure everyone on sites are safe. That is my primary job as well as thwarting evil doers, preventing crimes from occurring, preventing fires, preventing all kinds of nastiness and assist in Heli- MEDEVAC's once or twice a week..
So it is a pretty cool exciting as it sounds..yet I am left to my best judgement concerning crises and have not yet failed my superiors in that.
So I am left to my own devices all night...and only see a few humans on my way to work, the person I am relieving, and my relief come the morning and some few people in the morning onn the way back home...
I see every sunset, every sunrise and all the stars in between ...
nap through parts of the day, and wake to enjoy a beer or drink and then back to a nap ...while others work inside during the best time of the day....
It is a surprisingly peaceful and fulfilling gig...
For now.....
for the time being..

For most of my shift (9/10 ths of it ) I sit back in my chair, plug my work harp into my n900, spark up gtkgep, out it to the office sound system ...
and jam every night while watching the cameras...
sometimes work on an illustration or carving design to break the tedium of just playing tunes...
the very odd time listen to audio books of ancient philosophers...
Not too shabby a way to spend a night..

(So yeah...
For a while now...I have been fixated on gtkgep on my n900 when not near one of my home laps running linux with more profound and comprehensive rt progs.)

Boemien 2019-01-25 01:07

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
Hi all, thanks for your help! who knows a good link/website (which you trust) where I could buy N900 Batteries (good and/or cheap) to be delivered in Belgium...

biketool 2019-01-25 10:49

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1553133)
and assist in Heli- MEDEVAC's once or twice a week..

Nice, I was a standby paramedic for the area air ambulance back before I became my own broken body version of All Might オールマイト.

biketool 2019-01-25 10:54

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by Boemien (Post 1553139)
Hi all, thanks for your help! who knows a good link/website (which you trust) where I could buy N900 Batteries (good and/or cheap) to be delivered in Belgium...

Look for Polarcell they are in Germany so local area shipping even, don't they favor the Ardennes route?
But seriously I just bought one and while I once got a dud pair for a Mugen Double-cell pack this one I received last week is reading at 1647ma/h capacity after the second charge&drain cycle.

Maemish 2019-02-20 22:54

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
Have been using netsurf 3.8 for a while and finally able to read maemo leste news with N900. Was so annoying not to be able. Have tried install kali 1.1 on sdcard without success so far. Tried rawtherapee but could not figure it out and it froze my device. Should probably first learn with pc. Still to do is to get telegram working, a decent map and instagram access. That is my only social media where I only post myself and follow only one person, so not being really social there. At the moment maemo forum is the only social site I use. After I got my startmail working on the mail app I have become very satisfied with N900. First thought I would try to get youube stream work but then I would watch it too much so better stick on downloading what I really want to watch. Gonna probably tear down one of my N900 which does not have a working 3g and try the external antenna hack on that. To have a real antenna and big bulky battery mod would be visually appealing to me.

sulu 2019-02-21 09:19

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1554218)
Tried rawtherapee but could not figure it out and it froze my device.

Are you aware that there is a watchdog on the N900 that will reboot the device unless it gets an "I'm alive" signal from the OS in regular intervals (1 minute?)?
Running programs that create high CPU usage or load often prevent this signal from reaching the watchdog.

Running programs with high CPU demands on lower processing or I/O priorities alleviates this problem, although it doesn't solve it entirely:

nice -n 19 ionice -c 3 rawtherapee

juiceme 2019-02-21 09:28

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
Good catch, indeed it is the watchdog that could cause some trouble.
@maemish, you could try disabling the dogs in R&D-mode and see if tht helps...

peterleinchen 2019-02-21 09:39

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
But you are aware that we have a simple version of nice on N900: ;)


~ $ nice --help
BusyBox v1.23.1 (Debian 1.23.1power2) multi-call binary.

Usage: nice [-n ADJUST] [PROG ARGS]

Change scheduling priority, run PROG

        -n ADJUST        Adjust priority by ADJUST

So try only
nice -n 19 rawtherapee

sulu 2019-02-21 09:56

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1554233)
But you are aware that we have a simple version of nice on N900: ;)

ionice is a seperate command, that manipulates I/O priority (should help if the watchdog bites due to CPU load), while nice manipulates processing priority (should help if it bites due to CPU usage).
I'm not sure, if ionice is available in Fremantle.

peterleinchen 2019-02-21 10:49

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
It is.
And I remembered having used it in some startup scripts but had to change train and struggling with WiFiOnICE (due to N900 not popping up the login page :rolleyes:)

So, then
ionice -c 3 nice -n 19 rawtherapee
nice -n 19 ionice -c 3 rawtherapee

Maemish 2019-02-21 12:18

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
It's nice to see when people talk linux with each other. I do not travel abroad at all but this way I always get the experience of being in a foreign land and my mind get's satisfied. Don't really undedrstand what you are talking about but it doesn't matter and no need to explain cause things do not stick to my mind (at least on this subject). Gonna try this linux buongiorno and see if it helps. But first gonna try rawtherapee on a pc. It loads all the pictures there as default and I haven't made any swap mods so that may cause it too that the memory is fully in use. My plan is to get first the kali on sdcard to work as justmemory has described so it can be used as chrooted from fremantle without neede to boot into it, then to make partition for swap. Would like to start learning python with this N900 but not sure yet what would be best way. Gonna watch some courses online but what programs should I install on N900? For now only use of having jessie is netsurf. The maps could be another but juiceme have some working on fremantle and i think those mods could be enough for me. Thanks for these instructions.

claypikes 2020-03-01 15:15

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1553054)
I'm interested to know which apps are usable and are in use with members. I'm new here so I haven't got a clue which apps have problems and can't be used because of this or that and which can with some unknown secret tweaks. So I hope if people list on this thread under different headers the apps in use and if they have been tweaked put a description of the tweak in () after the app. I will make another thread about asking usable and neccessary tweaks and patches but if there would be another member who knows how to make a list of them with links to download and instructions how to install or make to work I would really appreciate that. I use this as my main phone and have been spreading the word of N900 and trying to get my friends to use too so any help to make this magical device more usable would be great. I take is as a default that CSSU is installed but if not I would like to here benefits of not using.

My apps:

Browsers: Opera 12 testing, Fennec for email, not using micro-b as haven't been able to make it open pages or be as fast as opera.

Camera: BlessN900 (probably installed some driver for it to work)

Email: I use startmail and haven't yet found a good email app with imap support. Tried claws or something but was a buggy. Using email through Fennec browser.

RSS feed: Haven't found a working solution. Only some feeds gave a feed to a widget and could not open the plain text. Solution was when it starts to download the page instead of feed that I halt the downloading, change the address to http instead of https to get the page open. Too difficult and cybersecurityfeeds not working.

Mediaplayer: Default (is there any benefit of using other?)

Youtube: Cutetube2 testing. Can't open anything to stream and haven't learned how to able that but works through downloading to N900 first. A bit annoying.

Map: ??? Would like to have.

Internetradio: Soma. Are there other good ones?

Internet tv/podcasts: ??? Would be nice.

Whatsapp: No go. Haven't yet tried with easy debbie + netsurf browser.

Telegram: Used a while through Pidgin but was buggy and slowslowslow and other problems too. Tried through browser and I think I even managed to make it work and sent a message but browser did not remember the configure key and it takes 10 minutes to make a new key so a no go for now. Hope to find a solutions to telegeramweb. Maybe easy debbie + netsurf.

Instagram: Maybe could work through easy debbie + netsurf.

Multimedia messages: FMMS works.

Hotspot: MobileHotspot works with usb.

Kernel: PowerKernel with CSSU + overclocked to 900 with powerpatch installed.

Swap: Would like to learn to make the machine more usable by tweaking the swap but not sure how or which have real benefits. I do not like to have to shutdown the device to free memory.

Easy debbie: There are updated instructions of how to install latest debian with netsurf 3.8 but not yet tried it. Any other distros in use with members? An if why and what are benefits?

Hi all members , i used this app working in my N900 :
Sygic MM10 Mobile Maps
FM Radio
Maemo Recorder
Faster Application Manager
MeeCast only YR.NO working
Qt Mobile HotSpot
HomeScreen selector manager
Faster application manager
GTranslate not working
StockThis not working for me much intetessant
I wanted a app or widget for weather working 100% in N900.
my N900 is 21.2011.38.1 TMaemo12

claypikes 2020-03-01 15:21

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
Hi everyone members , i used this app working on my N900 :
Sygic MM10 Mobile Maps
FM Radio
Maemo Recorder
Faster Application Manager
MeeCast only YR.NO working
Qt Mobile HotSpot
HomeScreen selector manager
Faster application manager
GTranslate not working
StockThis not working for me much intetessant
I wanted a app or widget for weather working 100% on N900.
my N900 is 21.2011.38.1 TMaemo12

rootytooty 2020-03-31 04:23

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
I just dug mine back out. The reason I didn't use it much was because it was hard knowing what distros would equate to something I might use in Android. I would like to be able to switch this over to Android to make it more usuable.

Great little phone and keyboard.


endsormeans 2020-03-31 04:34

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Maemish 2020-03-31 06:12

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
Made even you endso almost speachless.

Halftux 2020-03-31 11:32

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by rootytooty (Post 1566385)
I would like to be able to switch this over to Android to make it more usuable.

It is a shame to use the N900 to generate a paperweight it has more value than that.
I suggest get a stone and write android on it.:)

hardy_magnus 2020-03-31 12:03

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
i was using n900 for the last 2 days and then my mom told me to do a DTH recharge, then maemo off n Android on. seriously, how are you guys still using n900! everything feels so slow. these two days felt like the days of maemo5 are over. now im using Android now, oh crap :mad:

Halftux 2020-03-31 13:13

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by hardy_magnus (Post 1566410)
now im using Android now, oh crap :mad:

Everybody can do what they like to do but I guess you are not using Android on N900 or? I think this will be waste of time. So buying a new phone which is capable for newer versions of Android is recommended.

juiceme 2020-03-31 13:40

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by hardy_magnus (Post 1566410)
i was using n900 for the last 2 days and then my mom told me to do a DTH recharge, then maemo off n Android on.

What is a DHT recharge, I have never needed to do that so no need for android.

hardy_magnus 2020-03-31 14:42

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1566412)
Everybody can do what they like to do but I guess you are not using Android on N900 or? I think this will be waste of time. So buying a new phone which is capable for newer versions of Android is recommended.

yuk. android on n900 is an insult to our beloved beast. i would never do that. its like someone giving a lemon to an infant and when he feels that on his taste buds, wtf. i used my n900 for years and i am just like many of you here Halftux, open-source and Linux loving, no facebook whatsapp kind of a guy. smart to be precise.
and sorry to say i am using unrooted redmi note 8 because it was gift to me from my younger brother. i am always worried about my security when i am around Android devices.
i started using n900 because some days ago my android was connected to office wifi and i was in toilet taking a leak, suddenly i sang a song, then after that i opened YouTube and the first video on YouTube was the song i singing. i am sharing too much detail right, sorry once again. :rolleyes:

hardy_magnus 2020-03-31 15:11

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1566414)
What is a DHT recharge, I have never needed to do that so no need for android.

its not DHT, its DTH Direct to home (satellite tv service) recharge. i use Google pay to do that.

Maemish 2020-03-31 15:29

Re: Which apps in use 2019 in N900?
If your N900 felt too slow, have you tried these:

1. Install CSSU-thumb

2. Overclock kernel to limits 250 900

3. Move swap to fast sdcard and make it bigger

4. Disable watchdog

5. Install swappolube and use proposed settings

6. Install ssu tuner and put transitions to zero

Should not be that slow anymore.

But even with these it is slower than new phones which open web pages straight and can do hard processing stuff fast. But what can you do, really? N900 is the best device ever made. To give up with N900 is also a compromise as is using N900. This is my main phone but I use some other devices for things I can't do with N900. It is still my main phone.

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