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qgil 2012-08-27 16:21

Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Dear Maemo community,

I will leave Nokia in a couple of weeks. With this, I will also leave my official and unofficial responsibilities in The main reason is that I'm getting a new job in a new area (for me) that will require plenty of learning and extra time: the Wikimedia community. More details here:

Moving up in the freedom stack

I will connect the council with the right people in charge of the hosting and the distribution of devices. As far as I know these are the only areas where Nokia and myself have still some items open.

I also want to advance here my Big Thank You to this community. I have learned a lot with you and I have enjoyed the fun in the good times, and also in the other ones. When I joined Nokia my goal was to convert the official site in an authentic community made of passionate contributors. We've got our ups and downs but I believe the core mission has been accomplished.

My address will still work during a couple of weeks. I'm subscribing to this thread and you can use it to reach me out even after that. In any case it's easy to find me.

thedead1440 2012-08-27 16:25

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Qgil thanks for all your help over the past few years at this site [even though unofficially you won't be around I'm sure the pull of this community will always bring you back]...

Unfortunately, s*** has happened and we lose yet another valuable member of the community...

However, we stay strong and this community will not go off easily...

Dave999 2012-08-27 16:28

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Thank you and hope you staying around to the end of the end of Tmo(as a real user ;)).

Let's hope you have a few great inside stories to tell after you left. Love to take a beer and read a great nokia inside story :D

ivgalvez 2012-08-27 16:35

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Congratulations for your new job. You deserved to work in a company where openness and freedom is a must instead of a curse.

I really hope we will see you here, now as part of the community and a very valuable contributor.

ibrakalifa 2012-08-27 17:30

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Thx you sir, and goodluck with your new adventure, gbu

im newbie here, but i know who you are, :)

AMD 2012-08-27 17:36

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 1256328)
Dear Maemo community,

I will leave Nokia in a couple of weeks. With this, I will also leave my official and unofficial responsibilities in The main reason is that I'm getting a new job in a new area (for me) that will require plenty of learning and extra time: the Wikimedia community. More details here:

Moving up in the freedom stack

I will connect the council with the right people in charge of the hosting and the distribution of devices. As far as I know these are the only areas where Nokia and myself have still some items open.

I also want to advance here my Big Thank You to this community. I have learned a lot with you and I have enjoyed the fun in the good times, and also in the other ones. When I joined Nokia my goal was to convert the official site in an authentic community made of passionate contributors. We've got our ups and downs but I believe the core mission has been accomplished.

My address will still work during a couple of weeks. I'm subscribing to this thread and you can use it to reach me out even after that. In any case it's easy to find me.

I actually don't know you since I am a newbie, but I bet you have done great things and changed the way everything worked here :) So thank you for everything you have done and congratulations for your new job, we hope you enjoy it to the max :) Bye :)

ajalkane 2012-08-27 17:55

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Big thanks Quim for all you did for this community. It's a big loss for us, but no doubt an inevitable outcome after June incident.

Hopefully fun times ahead for you in the new job - it is at least a great and important place to be for fans of free information.

jalyst 2012-08-27 17:56

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Quim thank-you for the *huge amount* you've done over the years.
I hope the new community entity currently being built, can somehow work with Wikimedia in a mutually beneficial manner in the future!
More importantly I wish you absolute happiness & fulfilment in life!

fw190 2012-08-27 18:41

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
thank you for your time and work and I hope that you will stay with mameo as a regular user :) 2012-08-27 18:51

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting

I guess that video is last quim's public talk as qt/nokia spoke person :

I am wondering if we'll get some nokia news now

else let's wait for the digia/jolla erra ...

trayhoper 2012-08-27 18:58

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Thank you for every effort that you give for us and good luck on your new job.You're still supporting open sourced things with joining Wiki foundation , don't forget that :)

Daneel 2012-08-27 19:04

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Fare thee well friend and good luck in your future endevours.

amandalam 2012-08-27 19:07

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Good luck for your next career, Quim. We always welcome you back to the Maemo/MeeGo community! :D

nicolai 2012-08-28 10:34

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Good luck!
And thank you for all your work on Maemo.

HtheB 2012-08-28 10:56

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Thank you Quim for all your effort on Maemo.

Although you can just hang on from time to time on TMO even if you have a different job.... :)

Good luck with your next career!

praveenchand 2012-08-28 11:22

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Good luck & Thanks.....

don.edri 2012-08-28 11:27

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Good luck with your future work! :)

rash.m2k 2012-08-28 12:30

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Good luck sad to see you go!

(Nab a N950 on your way out will ya?)

Hurrian 2012-08-28 13:29

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
It's always sad to see someone from go, especially those that have stuck with it through thick and thin to make it what it is today.

However, you have done way, way, way more for the community than a lot of people on here (and I dare say you've done more for the community in general than anyone on here), with impact of those contributions echoing forever in the community.

Wish you luck on your future open-source endeavors, and I hope you'll stick around in the OSS community ;)

MFaroTusino 2012-08-28 14:15

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Best of luck, and thanks for everything you have done for the community. I am sure we are all in-debted to you in one way or another. You will be missed

qgil 2012-08-28 15:44

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting

Originally Posted by Hurrian (Post 1256726)
I hope you'll stick around in the OSS community ;)

That's the whole point of moving "up in the freedom stack". :)

Thank you for all the comments!

Dave999 2012-08-28 15:58

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
What phone will you be using after leaving nokia and joining the freedom stack?

Arie 2012-08-28 16:13

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Thank you for everything... I'll never forget the first morning of the Meego Conference in 2011, when you stood there and told me about phone gap and about the suppose existence of the N9.

I saw a passion in your eyes that I rarely see in others.

Thank you for all of your contributions to the maemo community. Nokia, and the Qt project.

Good Luck in your future endeavors and we all appreciate what you have done for us :)

qgil 2012-08-28 17:01

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1256809)
What phone will you be using after leaving nokia and joining the freedom stack?

I haven't heard any rumors about a Wikipedia phone, so I'll keep my N9 for now.

pycage 2012-08-28 17:09

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Thank you for your great work at Nokia and I wish you good luck and fun with your future job!

You wrote history as the brave person from the open source community who entered a big company to successfully make them a true part of the community. Too bad that the circumstances don't allow Nokia to pursuit this path anymore.
It was a great time with Maemo/MeeGo. I still remember GUADEC 2005 where it all started. ;)

qgil 2012-08-28 18:26

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 1256837)
I still remember GUADEC 2005 where it all started. ;)


As a matter of fact, the moment where it all started for me was accidentally captured and published:

PS: about writing history, there were many that tried that mission. We almost made it. We all learned a lot, and I'm sure that we provided good lessons to others that are now at the top of the ranks. This community had its key role in the writing as well.

gerbick 2012-08-28 18:39

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
The talent that Nokia has lost is nothing short of amazing. But to lose a public facing voice of their opensource strategies, that's huge.

We've not usually seen eye to eye, but the fact we could discuss publicly about what a fan like myself and a Nokia employee like yourself thought really made me feel like I was part of a bigger something. That's what kept me around. The fact that my words, thoughts, ideas and concerns might be seen and addressed by a representative of that company is rather empowering.

Quim, good luck on all of your endeavors going forward.

ukki 2012-08-28 18:45

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Thank you Quim. Too bad it went this way, but maybe your future will be brighter now. Maemo really hit the spot for me and I really loved the community we once had. Still using the N900 you guys gave me and I probably will until it dies. Still hate the terrible battery life and the fact it's sometimes impossible to answer a freaking phone call, but there hasn't been anything I could replace the N900 with.

But anyways, good luck.

rcolistete 2012-08-29 19:18

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting

Originally Posted by ukki (Post 1256881)
Still using the N900 you guys gave me and I probably will until it dies. Still hate the terrible battery life and the fact it's sometimes impossible to answer a freaking phone call, but there hasn't been anything I could replace the N900 with.

Off-topic, about N900's optimizations.

My opinion, N900 can be a lot better if you apply some optimizations over the stock Maemo 5 : kernel power v50 (my N900 battery lasts 4-5 days, GSM, Bluetooth/WiFi/GPS off), over-clocking (with SmartReflex On & 850 MHz), Swappolube (or other config optimizations), etc. It is not as fast and smooth as N9, but I have never had any problem to answer a phone call.

rcolistete 2012-08-29 19:24

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Thank you Quim Gil for helping create the community, defend FOSS inside Nokia and be in contact with us here, by email, conferences, etc. You and the Maemo/MeeGo community are reasons that make Maemo, MeeGo Harmattan, Nokia N8x0, N900, N9, N950 so better than other competitors. You and the community that allow us to do impossible things with our great pocket Linux machines.

48GX 2012-08-29 20:16

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Grącies per la teva dedicació!

Thank you for all your dedication!


Jordi 2012-08-29 20:31

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Que vagi bé tot!

misterc 2012-08-29 20:34

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting

thank you for making this site and the whole Maemo world happen!
tomorrow is a mystery, but i guess the moment came where "all mystery was gone" :eek:

good luck with your new job!

qgil 2012-09-18 18:13

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
fyi I'm not a Nokia employee anymore and my former email address has been deleted.

I was thinking of writing a blog post about the whole thing before joining the Wikimedia Foundation but the incredible weather is not really helping... ;)

I also wonder what people is interested in reading at this point. Anyway, hopefully I'll post something before the end of the month.

Dave999 2012-09-18 20:33

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Hi, welcome back as a true member! I'm intressting reading everything related to mobiles, data or information. Also a still want some real or made secrets from you time at Nokia.

You could also write something nice about jolla. They need all the words they can get. I'm sure you have some great content to share!

leon.anavi 2012-09-18 21:32

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 1268635)
I was thinking of writing a blog post about the whole thing

Hey, Quim, write it! Sharing your experience will be interesting not only to our community but to the whole mobile industry.

qgil 2012-09-19 06:24

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
A line or two for Jolla and Firefox OS, indeed.

I wish I could write a post interesting for the whole mobile industry. There is an excess of posts already. I don't envy those having to write something like a weekly column.

Secrets are secrets.

BJoe 2012-09-21 17:45

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Why didn't you join Jolla by the way?

qgil 2012-09-22 04:15

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
I was looking for options allowing me to stay in San Francisco Bay Area.

Texrat 2012-09-23 04:34

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Quim, you should run for a Hildon Foundation board seat. ;)

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