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totololo 2009-05-08 09:20

New members say hello !
Hello !

Just registered today and wanted to say Hello.
I got a N800 by chance 3 weeks ago, fallen in "love", bought a n810 1 week later, and I'm very happy with these devices.

I used a lot of PDA in the last years and only needed to discover the NIT and Maemo ... I learnt a lot of things on your website and forums, so THANK YOU everybody !

BTW, i'm french !
Bonjour de Paris !

qgil 2009-05-08 10:23

Re: New members say hello !
Hello totololo! We hope you enjoy your flight. :)

Excellent idea. Thread renamed and moved to General.

YoDude 2009-05-08 15:17

Re: New members say hello !
Salut! dude,

I'm from the USA.
Yo Philly!


BrentDC 2009-05-08 15:37

Re: New members say hello !
Welcome to Talk!

Den in USA 2009-05-08 15:51

Re: New members say hello !
Welcome Totololo!

andrewfblack 2009-05-08 15:54

Re: New members say hello !
Welcome to the community just letting you know make sure you register on as well since we don't have a single login across all parts of the site yet and that way you can vote on next council election.

timsamoff 2009-05-08 16:08

Re: New members say hello !
Welcome, totololo. Glad to have you here!


funpig 2009-05-08 16:13

Re: New members say hello !
Welcome totololo!!

totololo 2009-05-08 16:56

Re: New members say hello !
Thanks for your warm welcome !

qgil 2009-05-09 11:18

Re: New members say hello !

Originally Posted by zyondurex (Post 285820)
Hi, I just joined today, I was thinking of getting the n810
and came across this

Hi Zyondurex! Your post was interesting for a new thread:

(Unbranded?) UMPC 4.3inch with Windows CE

Please let's keep this thread for welcoming hugs only. :) Thanks!

zyondurex 2009-05-10 04:58

Re: New members say hello !
Greetings all, new to linux and the forums.
Anyone living near NJ USA ?

drvoip 2009-05-13 20:04

Hi guys
hi friends

bousch 2009-05-13 21:18

Re: Hi guys
hey hello there

totololo 2009-05-14 06:26

Re: New members say hello !
hello drvoip, welcome !

icbolsh 2009-05-15 16:02

Re: New members say hello !
hi all. from Hawaii. Still loving my NIT. Still finding new things I can do with it. Thanks everyone that helps people in these forums. I have found so much help here over the last year. Thanks again.

Den in USA 2009-05-15 16:22

Re: New members say hello !

Originally Posted by zyondurex (Post 286065)
Greetings all, new to linux and the forums.
Anyone living near NJ USA ?

Welcome! Sorry Southern California.

Den in USA 2009-05-15 16:23

Re: Hi guys

Originally Posted by drvoip (Post 287198)
hi friends

Welcome from Riverside!

Den in USA 2009-05-15 18:41

Re: New members say hello !

Originally Posted by icbolsh (Post 287861)
hi all. from Hawaii. Still loving my NIT. Still finding new things I can do with it. Thanks everyone that helps people in these forums. I have found so much help here over the last year. Thanks again.

Welcome, from California!

sondjata 2009-05-15 20:14

Re: New members say hello !
Sangonini all newbies!

NJ here

Bobbe 2009-05-16 17:38

Re: New members say hello !
Hey guys! Posting from Brazil.

Just got an N800 (a s**tload of ppl did back here, actually, this website had it for something like (converting currency and adapting markets, of course) around $100, $150 tops). The Orkut community for it (Orkut is huge in Brazil) got 500 new members in like a week, they probably sold thousands of these babies.

I admit it, I fell in love with it. I take it freaking EVERYWHERE, and was typing this message in its keyboard before realizing I was right in front of a desktop. Been probably annoying the crap out of people in #maemo on Freenode, asking a billion questions.

My students loved to show off their Iphones and Ipod touches and stuff, and it felt just excellent to show my NIT to them. I made them jealous by doing INCREDIBLE things like... copying / pasting. Oh yeah, and downloading a file too. There's a TUTORIAL for you to be able to download a file to an Iphone. A TUTORIAL!

Anyways, I digress. Just wanted to thank everybody on the forum for all the support I got from it (been helping people in Orkut who don't know English too, translated the tuto on how to clone the sd using the forum links and etc.)

Amazing work!

Take care,


PS: Should I feel really bad that the other day I tried to scroll a page on my desktop box using the stylus?

krisse 2009-05-16 22:40

Re: New members say hello !

Originally Posted by Bobbe (Post 288086)
My students loved to show off their Iphones and Ipod touches and stuff, and it felt just excellent to show my NIT to them. I made them jealous by doing INCREDIBLE things like... copying / pasting. Oh yeah, and downloading a file too. There's a TUTORIAL for you to be able to download a file to an Iphone. A TUTORIAL!

LOL, yeah, I don't really understand why some people talk about other manufacturers having to play catchup with Apple when Apple's devices are clearly lacking some pretty basic features (heck when they launched they didn't even have applications).

Anyway welcome to the forum Bobbe!

Bobbe 2009-05-18 01:30

Re: New members say hello !
Thanks Krisse!

I was caught up in the Iphone crazy till the first time I Googled it. When I saw this article on Wired talking about speculation if the new Firmware for Iphone would allow to copy and paste I was like "who would WANT a phone like that?" Who would pay thousands of dollars on contract for a phone that would look cool but deliver absolutely nothing?

Apparently, a lot of people.

But anyway, glad to be here!

Kelphead 2009-05-26 02:17

Re: New members say hello !
Hello everyone. Just got an n810, they're so cheap now. I'm familiarizing myself with Maemo and I've learned quite a bit here, so I figured I ought to register.


Den in USA 2009-05-26 02:52

Re: New members say hello !

Originally Posted by Kelphead (Post 290272)
Hello everyone. Just got an n810, they're so cheap now. I'm familiarizing myself with Maemo and I've learned quite a bit here, so I figured I ought to register.


Welcome, kelphead, this forum is not only super informative, but is actually better than Talk Radio.

totololo 2009-05-26 09:33

Re: New members say hello !
Welcome !
This forum is fullllllll of everything you need to use your Tablet ... but you may have to digg a little bit ...:D

MISSLE 2009-05-27 01:50

Re: New members say hello !
Hi all ,
Thanks for having me , got an n810 about 2 weeks ago ,
first linux device , still learnig, hope someone will answer my multimedia questions LOL . MISSLE!

jself 2009-05-30 22:39

Re: New members say hello !
I just have to say it's really, really great to have a solid community for this platform. My N800 is still on it's way and I can't freakin' wait. I'm gonna work on some theme designs once I get it!

totololo 2009-05-30 23:52

Re: New members say hello !
Yeh, the community made a lot of godd work to make the limited (at the begining) NIT so usefull ...

Justjoe 2009-05-31 17:10

Re: New members say hello !

Originally Posted by zyondurex (Post 286065)
Greetings all, new to linux and the forums.
Anyone living near NJ USA ?

Welcome! Three weeks later. :p

NB, NJ here.


StrykerMan2009 2009-06-03 03:01

Re: New members say hello !
I just bought a Nokia N810 far it has been a nightmare ! Join in the heck do I ask simple questions on this website is beyond me..Maemo.Talk doesn't tell me anything so I figured I would just randomly pick any subject and send a "Reply" hoping someone/anyone will tell me how to ask the "community" questions??? USB Control is my main interest.but it will not install on my tablet and am trying to figure out why?? And by the way, what is a "thread"???

StrykerMan2009 2009-06-03 03:09

Re: New members say hello !
Am a "Newbie" to Maemo.Org also and simply need to ask occasionnal not interested in TechnoSpeak..just want my tablet to work as well as it was si le mec a Paris veut ecrire en Francais, je suis d'accorde...les utilisateurs Americain connait pas comment parlez sans etre dans une autre monde avec leur tete dans les nuages de "Ethernet" !!!


BrentDC 2009-06-03 03:23

Re: New members say hello !

Try to first see if any of your questions are answered at the wiki:

If you have any additional questions, try posting a new "thread" here at Talk. To do this, go to the forum homepage then navigate to the correct category (called forum) that your question pertains to. Then click "New Thread" (or something similar).

Concerning USBControl, I believe that the maintainer is working on it, and all problems should be resolved soon.

BrentDC 2009-06-03 03:30

Re: New members say hello !
By the way, forum lingo:

A post is a single reply, like what I'm doing right now (and what you've done twice).

A thread is a series of posts concerning a single topic.

A Forum is multiple threads concerning a more general topic.

And the Forums usually refers to the whole website and all the individual fora.

JayOnThaBeat 2009-06-03 03:45

Re: New members say hello !

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 293218)
By the way, forum lingo:

A post is a single reply, like what I'm doing right now (and what you've done twice).

A thread is a series of posts concerning a single topic.

A Forum is multiple threads concerning a more general topic.

And the Forums usually refers to the whole website and all the individual fora.

Brent's a true gentleman and a scholar.

MMarshall 2009-06-03 05:19

Re: New members say hello !
New member, saying Hello as ordered!

Can I be a member if I don't have my 810 yet? UPS-Man is bringing it tomorrow!!! Yay!

Got a Hava TV Streamer first, does anyone else have one? Then read about using it with an 810.....

Love my Hava, and I think I'm gonna love my 810, too!!!

Might also like to go geocaching with it, does anyone do that?

Thanks, all!


totololo 2009-06-03 06:13

Re: New members say hello !

Hi guy, I read your message and will try to double post my answer both in French and English, however, you will need to be able to read English to use this forum.

Salut mec, j'ai lu ton message et vais tenter de poster en français et en anglais, ceci dit, il va falloir que tu puisse lire l'anglais pour utiliser ce forum.

First note :
You seem unfamiliar with technology, Internet, advanced computer stuff ... well, frankly, maybe the NIT is not for you ... I think an iPod touch may have been easier to use (but more limited).
If you know Google, search about internet forums, and learn what it is and how it works, it will help you for the future.
And then : be patient, it seems you have a long way ahead before you will be happy with your tablet.

Première remarque :
Tu n'as pas l'air très habitué à la technologie, Internet, les trucs informatiques un peu compliqués ... Je pense qu'un iPod touch aurait été plus facile à utiliser (mais plus limité)

Si tu sais utiliser Google, commence par chercher ce qu'est un forum internet et comment ça marche, ça t'aidera pour la suite
Ensuite, arme-toi de patience, à mon avis, tu as un long chemin à faire avant d'être satisfait par ta tablette

The most important question is :
What do you want to do with your tablet ?
And then we may answer you what is really, and what is not.

La question la plus importante est :
Que veux-tu faire de ta tablette ?
Alors on pourra te dire ce qui est vraiment possible et ce qui ne l'est pas.

Second note :
I would like to add that your comment about you just wanting your tablet work as advertised ... is not very appropriate.
The tablet is advertised as an Internet device and it do it very well out of the box. however, if you are not familiar with wifi networking, it's not Nokia's fault.
But we will be eager to help you, if we can.

Seconde remarque :
Je voudrais ajouter que ton commentaire à propos du fait que tu veux juste que ta tablette fonctionne comme promis par le constructeur ... n'est pas très approprié.
La tablette est présentée comme un appareil Internet et elle fait ça très bien dès la sortie de carton, si tu n'es pas habitué aux réseaux WIFI, ça n'est pas la faute de Nokia.
Mais on sera ravi de t'aider, dans la mesure du possible.

maedep 2009-06-16 13:58

Re: New members say hello !

Finaly a small linux in my handpalm.. thanks for building that N810 ;-) And thanks for lowering the price tag..
yeah I know im 2 years late..but still that N810 is great...

Currently porting newlisp (, yes finaly a new scripting language on the N810, which already worked on the scratchbox. Sofar all x-compiling went very smooth, too smooth actualy..

Im a linux user since day 1 back in 1992 (that long?) and want something that enables coding reading listening from my pocket
..Missing the Phone options in the N810? Aaahhh hell no...

...Happy hacking...

totololo 2009-06-17 06:02

Re: New members say hello !
Hahaha, welcome Maedep !
And good work !

st_anthony24 2009-06-20 17:23

Re: New members say hello !
Hey fella... is there an application that can run ms office for maemo

totololo 2009-06-20 17:50

Re: New members say hello !
Welcome !

Please take a look at the right section of this forum : software/applications.
You will find all the informations.

And you're welcome to read the section for the newbies, you will learn many many usefull things without asking the same questions that were answered many times before ;)

Enjoy your tablet !

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