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Reggie 2008-12-02 07:26

Internet Tablet Talk to become

Let me first preface this announcement by first thanking everyone who has been supporting Internet Tablet Talk (itT) and making it the best resource for discussing the Nokia Internet Tablet and anything Maemo related.

Since the Maemo Summit, I have been discussing with Quim Gil and Jussi Makinen of Nokia as well as some of the council members on ways that itT could work more closely with The idea of bringing itT under the umbrella came up, and I think it's a good one. I've agreed with the council and the folks from Nokia to move itT to, and Nokia has agreed to become the primary sponsor of the site.
Read the full article.

Peter@Maemo Marketing 2008-12-02 08:01

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
I'm very exited about this move. It will help the the community to come again a bit closer under the same roof. Maemo Marketing will recommend as the discussion forum on Maemo. We will link it also to the planned consumer web site of Looking forward to see this come alive...

ragnar 2008-12-02 08:16

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
Congrats Reggie, it's a very nice move for both parties. ITT has clearly had the most open and vibrant discussions, bringing that to and extending the capabilities will be cool. Plus the new name will make sense. :)

benny1967 2008-12-02 08:33

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
Great! Seems like ITT gets the official recognition it deserves.

hhedberg 2008-12-02 08:36

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
Congratulations, Reggie! Also I see this as an important movement for maemo and itT community.

Thesandlord 2008-12-02 09:10

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
Finally. This site should have been official since day one, its just so great.

Personal Note: Hate the name. Internettablettalk just had a cool ring to it., well, seems boring.

Peter@Maemo Marketing 2008-12-02 09:34

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become

Originally Posted by Thesandlord (Post 246143)
Finally. This site should have been official since day one, its just so great.

Personal Note: Hate the name. Internettablettalk just had a cool ring to it., well, seems boring.

Do you really think the name is boring? We like it because it is contemporary. It also allows us to talk about other things than InternetTablets built on Maemo: like mobile computers as Nokia just announced the N97 being in the same category. While that one is built on S60 5th Edition, Maemo 5 is designed also for mobile computers.

Nokia has the intent to put one day video messages or podcasts from experts, partners, developers, and product managers to allowing us to talk about a wide range of things in context of Maemo.

bergie 2008-12-02 09:44

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become

Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 246127)


And don't hesitate to contact me when you want to start working on integration between talk and downloads :cool:

iamthewalrus 2008-12-02 09:54

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
It will be much clearer to newcomers when all Tablets related information can be found in one place. I do hope however that the forums will stay a place to openly criticize and discuss Nokia and the Internet Tablets despite being funded by Nokia.

fpp 2008-12-02 09:59

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
Finally ! An end to the "it's no use ranting here" meme :-)
Thanks Reggie !

benny1967 2008-12-02 10:01

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become

Originally Posted by iamthewalrus (Post 246152)
I do hope however that the forums will stay a place to openly criticize and discuss Nokia and the Internet Tablets despite being funded by Nokia.

I guess they will.
I browse every now and then, trying to get help concerning my S60 phone. The overall attitude there is much more negative towards Nokia than it is here. Still, it's on a domain. Therefore I doubt we'll see any change here.

(BTW: I hardly ever get help over at, while it's a pleasure to be here at ITT. Interesting to compare the two.)

flareup 2008-12-02 10:57

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
As a long term user I don't have any constructive ideas - obviously I'm pleased for the people involved whose efforts and work so far are now being rewarded with income and, I take it, salaries.

But for the forum itself, "sell out" springs to mind. The important thing about it to date has been the fact that it WAS NOT official. In fact I remember the excitement around when it became obvious that certain Nokia people were getting involved in posting.

With admins, mods etc how can it continue to be perceived as an "honest" refelection?

For once, I'm actually looking forward to a post from Karel!

qgil 2008-12-02 11:03

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
Let's have in mind that will be the new official Maemo site, while * is moving as we speak to a 100% independent and community driven site.

Sponsored by Nokia (funding the hosting, the independent team and some special projects requested by the community) but without Nokia's ownership or decision.

flareup 2008-12-02 11:09

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
funding IS de facto ownership ;)

lma 2008-12-02 11:42

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
Could the domain remain active and point (or redirect) to the same place? There are lots of links in bugzilla, mailing list archives, blogs etc that will break otherwise.

Aisu 2008-12-02 12:03

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
Great work, Reg! I am really looking forward to this.

Good luck, I hope all goes well. :D

andrewfblack 2008-12-02 12:28

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
I"m happy for Reggie and the site. I'm also happy to see some improvements coming like more admins and moderators. I just hope we keep a minimal theme in the new look.

eiffel 2008-12-02 12:50

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
I suppose since Nokia is not calling the next device an Internet Tablet, a forum called Internet Tablet Talk doesn't make so much sense anymore.

EIPI 2008-12-02 12:53

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
The addition of moderators is a welcome addition, and is long overdue. What process will be employed to appoint moderators? The coalescence of the community aspect within, and its backing by Nokia is positive in my books. Support from Nokia means that Maemo has a future within the giant Nokia machine. Thanks Nokia, Maemo and Reggie/Roger for this exciting development.

qgil 2008-12-02 12:58

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become

Originally Posted by flareup (Post 246169)
funding IS de facto ownership ;)

If you have an alternative model we are all ears. :)

allnameswereout 2008-12-02 13:02

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
Seems like a good decision to me, I wish you the best in your new position.

I like the name You can abbreviate it as TMO or TMo or something. It looks professional, too. Its short to type. The name is descriptive.

Will the new forum also be more newbie friendly?


Originally Posted by lma (Post 246174)
Could the domain remain active and point (or redirect) to the same place? There are lots of links in bugzilla, mailing list archives, blogs etc that will break otherwise.

It is registered till at least 13 june 2009. It would be wise to extend the registration against domain squating. A HTTP redirect or some simple mod_rewrite rules should take care of your point. The ItT Wiki will have to be merged completely by that time though.

Moderators was suggested on the Suggestions forum with useful discussions, and several ideas on how to implement were discussed.

Pushwall 2008-12-02 13:11

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
Pretty exciting news! It's good to see that this site won't stagnate but will move on to even better things. I'm looking forward to the new coolness and I know you guys won't let me down. Change is good! :cool:

GeneralAntilles 2008-12-02 13:34

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become

Originally Posted by flareup (Post 246166)
With admins, mods etc how can it continue to be perceived as an "honest" refelection?

Just look at the mailing lists, bugzilla or Planet . . . do you see any censorship there? is not a Nokia domain, it is a community domain under community control and with community rules, which do not include 'must be positive towards Nokia'.

Really, though, who do you think these new mods and admin(s) will be? Random Nokia employees? It wont be anybody you're not already familiar with--this isn't a hostile takeover from Nokia. ;) It's the Maemo Community becoming truly unified with the nice side effect of Nokia paying to get rid of the advertisements, nothing more.

I'll say again: is not a domain. :)

Red 2008-12-02 13:46

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
It isn't a domain, but it does make it easier to fold the whole lot in one go when maemo is dumped.

... only joking! I think this is a positive move, and one that can only serve to legitimise the position of Maemo as an OS.

namtastic 2008-12-02 16:01

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
Huzzahs are in order! HUZZAH

qole 2008-12-02 19:41

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
Will still have a section for Alternatives? I mean, we're talking about KDE, Android, Debian and Ubuntu running on the tablets, but it really isn't maemo related... This is the problem with naming a site after the software rather than the hardware...

andrewfblack 2008-12-02 19:43

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become

Originally Posted by qole (Post 246335)
Will still have a section for Alternatives? I mean, we're talking about KDE, Android, Debian and Ubuntu running on the tablets, but it really isn't maemo related... This is the problem with naming a site after the software rather than the hardware...

That is a good question I would think Maemo wouldn't want information about other OSes on there site.

sjgadsby 2008-12-02 19:49

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become

Originally Posted by andrewfblack (Post 246337)
That is a good question I would think Maemo wouldn't want information about other OSes on there site.

s/Maemo/ and s/there/their

And actually, if you're part of the community: s/their/our already contains information on alternate operating systems and environments. Why shouldn't

qgil 2008-12-02 20:35

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
Note that being the home of the Maemo community is open to any topic interesting for the community. Any.

Old memes of the "official" in the past (e.g. 'discussion about devices is off-topic') need to be revisited now. Following the example, if Nokia followed the discussions on ITt on hardware they will continue doing so in

And if one day there is a and the community wants to open a category to suggest hardware improvements, there will be no Nokia official gatekeeper telling otherwise.

This doesn't mean either that suddenly you will see industrial designers from Nokia discussing about whatever future device. The Maemo SW team will keep digging in its preferred area: open source software development compatible with Maemo. But this won't stop you discussing and working about anything else. Your own initiative and decision.

qole 2008-12-02 20:52

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 246341) already contains information on alternate operating systems and environments. Why shouldn't

hmm, I guess will (still) have the usual flood of posts by people who don't own a Nokia device or who go to the trouble of making an account in order to post about how much better some other device is. And I'm sure the forum will still be lots of fun to read :D

Benson 2008-12-02 22:27

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
Hmm... I'll have to update my vB logo.

  i n t e r n e t  t a b l e t 
T          A          L          K

I know the font's wrong in both, but the itT one did come a lot closer. Also, itT inline is much nicer than, what, tmo I guess? :( But, of course, practicalities (you know, like post/thanks-based karma :D) trump those trivialities, and I really am pleased with this.

Speaking of which, I wonder how the user registrations will be collated. Will the forums keep a separate user db and simply have an association between a account and itT talk account, or will it be a unified database?

GeneralAntilles 2008-12-02 22:35

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 246400)
I know the font's wrong in both, but the itT one did come a lot closer. Also, itT inline is much nicer than, what, tmo I guess? :( But, of course, practicalities (you know, like post/thanks-based karma :D) trump those trivialities, and I really am pleased with this.

I'm thinking "Talk". A bit like "Downloads" or "Planet".


Originally Posted by Benson (Post 246400)
Speaking of which, I wonder how the user registrations will be collated. Will the forums keep a separate user db and simply have an association between a account and itT talk account, or will it be a unified database?

The forums are staying on the same servers, so the registration wont be changing in the short term. Account unification will likely wait until we get a real single-sign-on solution.

gemniii42 2008-12-03 00:14

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 246206)
I like the name You can abbreviate it as TMO or TMo or something. It looks professional, too. Its short to type. The name is descriptive.


Unfortunately TMo sounds a lot like Tmobile.
How about saying "TM dot org"?

GeneralAntilles 2008-12-03 00:29

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become

Originally Posted by gemniii42 (Post 246417)
Unfortunately TMo sounds a lot like Tmobile.
How about saying "TM dot org"?

Or why not just "Talk"? :p

gemniii42 2008-12-03 00:32

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
Talk Talk Talk
that's all you do is talk!!

sjgadsby 2008-12-03 01:02

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
It will be harder for anyone to say those on Internet Tablet Talk aren't part of the community when voting next comes around, eh?

SD69 2008-12-03 03:08

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become

Originally Posted by eiffel (Post 246201)
I suppose since Nokia is not calling the next device an Internet Tablet, a forum called Internet Tablet Talk doesn't make so much sense anymore.

Not really. This forum could continue to talk about internet tablet devices and not let the lexicon be dictated by Nokia. That statement is a rationalization; this decision is a conscious one to join forces to push Maemo.

I am reading this thread after someone asked "aside from maemo, what is distinctive about the NITs?" How ironic. For me, it is unfortunate that the NITs are becoming all about Maemo. And now this forum, which is one of the few that I post in, is becoming a part of Maemo. I have absolutely nothing against Maemo or the Maemo community. In fact, I am a big advocate of the proposition that a mobile touch screen device has to have an OS matched to the device category, and often posted in support of Maemo. But I came into this because I had a soft spot for this new device category, and it just happened that, at the time, Nokia was the ONLY company offering such a device. I now lots of people are pushing Maemo, and that's good because the devices need a good OS. But, for me, the forum was about more than Maemo, and it's hard to believe that will continue once the forum becomes part of

geneven 2008-12-03 04:18

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
Goodbye. (Too short.) Goodbye.

Texrat 2008-12-03 04:51

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become
I hope everyone will give the new direction a chance before reacting drastically...

Benson 2008-12-03 05:15

Re: Internet Tablet Talk to become

Originally Posted by SD69 (Post 246444)
Not really. This forum could continue to talk about internet tablet devices and not let the lexicon be dictated by Nokia. That statement is a rationalization; this decision is a conscious one to join forces to push Maemo.

This forum was, in my understanding, initially established with the 770 launch. It has not covered (except as competitors) Zaurus, Apple, Palm, HTC, Archos, or even other Nokia devices with reasonably equivalent hardware, but differing in OS. While the tablet hardware has been consistently high-end (770 at launch, and N800 and N810 up through the N810 launch, if less so now, and the N9xx at its launch), the hardware has not been hugely differentiated from other devices. Even the screen resolution is no longer different from some competitors, and with Opera, many of them do a passable job as tablets that access the internet. MIDs are coming out now too, and while their x86 architecture does hurt them powerwise, they're also tablets with access to the internet.

Yet (whatever the reasons) these fora are not, in fact, providing primary coverage of them; they're relegated to "competitors". Since these fora are covering Maemo, it's not indicative of any change of direction, much less one dictated by Nokia, that they should merge with

Essentially, your complaint seems to be rather late, as it is actually against the established focus, not the name change.

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