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gryvn 2012-03-15 20:23

Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
I'm truly desperate here. Trying to get the n810 set up as a VoIP phone, preferably using Google Voice and preferably free.

I've read a hundred posts and pages that imply the onboard Nokia SIP client ONCE worked, that Skype ONCE worked, that Fring ONCE worked, that a free SIP account can be used, and that everything up to and including major mucking about in root and an Asterisk server is a required part of the solution. And plenty of indications that it's possible and actually functional enough to walk into a public hot spot and make and receive a VoIP call over wireless.

I can find my way around a tech problem but I'm not a Linux user. I've made a decent effort to find the solution on the boards, but most of the posts date from pre-2008 and the proposed solutions therein, especially the straightforward ones like Skype, seem to have abandoned the Maemo platform.

I'm sure I'm missing something obvious but I've been on this for a week with absolutely no traction. Have mercy and let me know if I can do this, and how to set it up. Thanks. You're a God. 2012-03-15 20:36

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
I think sip is ok I've been using for a while using

I am unsure how jingle was good ... video worked more or less...

skype should be supported because someone released lately a "skypeonboot" package but it's unfree !


gryvn 2012-03-15 20:53

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Thanks for replying. I may be badly overthinking this but I'm finding so many different solutions, most of which seem to be obsolete, that I'm thoroughly confused.

Just found Skype in the repositories via App Manager. Efforts to find a Maemo version on skype's site were fruitless, so maybe this version will work.


Originally Posted by (Post 1179972)
I think sip is ok I've been using for a while using

I am unsure how jingle was good ... video worked more or less...

skype should be supported because someone released lately a "skypeonboot" package but it's unfree !


gryvn 2012-03-15 21:23

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Let me clarify what exactly I'm trying to do. I want to use DialCentral accessing Google Voice. It appears that I need a SIP service that provides a virtual phone number so I can assign it as a callback number in Google Voice, which will then forward calls to my n810.

Originally I thought Google Voice was a complete solution, but it won't direct calls to the n810 without an assignable virtual callback number.

Anybody know a service that will permit this setup?

Addison 2012-03-15 21:32

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
For me, I signed up on this site, and so far it's been completely free.

jmart 2012-03-16 14:46

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
I followed the instructions in this post, except used a free sipgate account instead of gizmo, and it works fine. It was pretty easy, and I'm not much of a Linux user either.

gryvn 2012-03-16 18:37

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Saw that one, thanks. (I think I read every web page one can find using keywords "n810" and "VoIP". Felt that way, at least.)

I don't have my log of all the free SIP providers I tried, but a lot of them have closed signup or are out of local numbers.

Imma try the one Addison recommended today. I think I am creeping up on this one. Thanks to all.


Originally Posted by jmart (Post 1180276)
I followed the instructions in this post, except used a free sipgate account instead of gizmo, and it works fine. It was pretty easy, and I'm not much of a Linux user either.

Addison 2012-03-16 21:51

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Once you've registered on that site, make sure to do a print screen and save it somewhere.

As for me, I no longer use DialCentral.

Instead I use Modest with one minute checks for new emails and go to with 180% zoom with Bundyo's excellent Tear web browser.

If you need any help, I can walk you through any questions you might have. 2012-03-16 22:38

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
fyi, gizmo5 has been killed last year i think ...
do you know some way to recycle this g5 app ?
does it worth to reimplement a protocol to provide an alternate server ?


gryvn 2012-03-17 00:31

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Thanks for the offer. Right now I'm struggling with the gateway. I get a "can't log in" no matter what settings I enter, although I can log into my GV account with no problem.

Per Bill's directions, I first connected my GV account to GMail and made a call out through the chat dial widget first, then assigned Google Chat as a forward for the calls.

Bill confirmed the server is up, and guessed it may be a password issue, but I have no odd characters in my PW that could confuse it, just letters and numbers. I am about to try changing it just in case. Any ideas?


Originally Posted by Addison (Post 1180445)
If you need any help, I can walk you through any questions you might have.

Addison 2012-03-17 00:38

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
This worked for me.

Good luck.. :)

gryvn 2012-03-17 02:07

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Noted with thanks. However, I'm not there quite yet, although I will be needing that info.

Current issue is that I can't get the simonics server to generate a SIP connection. It says it can't log into my GV account. Logging in directly works fine so it doesn't seem to be my credentials. I'm continuing to work on it...

Addison 2012-03-17 02:22

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
I'm confused.

Exactly what step are you on?

It really shouldn't be this hard.

Addison 2012-03-17 02:55

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Oh, by the way, there was a small typo I just found in that post I gave you.

Here's the correct method:

Use for Telephone calls: On
Username: GV[insert your number here]
Password: [as provided] (secret)
Username: GV[insert your number here] or Username (ex.GV1234567891)
Transport: UDP
Outbound proxy:
Port: 5060
Discover public address: On
Loose rouing: On
Keep-alive period: Automatic
Auto-detect STUN: On

In that link, it had
Outbound proxy:
not simonics like it should be.

Sorry about that.

gryvn 2012-03-17 04:54

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
I am signing up for the simonics SIP gateway. There seems to be a problem with the server. Although my GV credentials are correct and I can log in normally to my account via a browser, the SIP gateway server reports "can't connect to GV account" and won't create a SIP account . I've contacted Bill Simons and he is investigating.

I certainly wish it wasn't this hard, but I've wrestled with this VoIP thing every step of the way. It's quickly moving up on the list of "all-time worst setups ever". I think it's passed into Murphy's territory.

Addison 2012-03-17 06:41

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Well that stinks.

I got a spam email from Bill a few months back stating that around 64 people in the entire world signed up for his service.

I haven't heard anything from him since then.

Anyway, once you get a SIP number, don't settle for anything that isn't free, you should be good to go in about 3 minutes.

But knowing your luck, I'll just say you'll probably be good by next week. :)

simonics 2012-03-17 15:41

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Hey Nokia users,

The gateway is still alive and doing well. There are about 340 users up and running on the gateway as of now. You won't get spammed by me--one e-mail every three or four months isn't too bad, is it?

I would encourage anyone who is struggling with the sign-up process to first log in to Google Talk from another IM client:

I found with one other person this morning that this seems to "unstick" the login process (he used iChat). I don't believe it has to do with the gateway but with Google. "Beta, experimental, unsupported" are all correct terms to use with Google services in general! (including this gateway, which is my service and not Google's, but I'll support you the best I can)

A new feature added since you signed up, Addison: dial 1186 to connect to the Google Voice menu. If you wish to listen to your voicemail rather than read it, or turn on Do Not Disturb, you can do it here.

Good luck everyone and enjoy the gateway service. If you love the Google Voice Gateway, donations are accepted to offset operating costs. (The biggest costs are actually the caller ID name [CNAM] database queries, and hosting bandwidth.)

Bill Simon

ps: if you need help from me, please use the e-mail address on as I won't be checking this forum very often.

gryvn 2012-03-17 18:11

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
I'm just sending in regular reports on my progress and I see that Bill jumped in. He is da Man! Helped me along until we got a successful registration just now so I'm off to set it up in the n810. Wish me luck.

Breadcrumbs for any future travelers here: confirming Bill's suggestion to log into Google chat with a third-party client before trying to register on the Simonics gateway to "limber up" the Google machinery. It seems to want to see a login via XMPP before it will respond correctly. Not 100% sure that was it but it's the only clue as why I was having trouble.

REALLY appreciate your concern and help, Bill. Many thanks.

gryvn 2012-03-17 19:43

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Final report! It works! Calls in and out on my n810! There's a lag, of course, but as long as you can't hear it in actual time from another source you'll never notice it. I'm not sure about the ultimate practicality of the thing as a cell phone replacement because of having to have the wireless radio on all the time/battery life, but now that the frustrating part is done I'm in geek heaven, as always when I can actually manage to make something work.

I'm wondering if anyone has tried using a wireless mobile hot spot as the ultimate step in this exercise, to remove the need for public hot spots from the equation and have full-time coverage? And if there's any actual financial or practical advantage, since one could just tether to a cell phone anyway? How do data minutes compare to voice minutes? Or is it all metered as data volume and time has nothing to do with it?

Thanks to all who replied. Addison's setup directions worked perfectly. If anyone else stumbles on this thread looking to set this up, I'd be happy to share my experiences.

Addison 2012-03-17 21:26

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Try to kill any ongoing CPU junk before your call, meta-crawler, Modest, apps, etc.

Nifty new little feature on checking voice mails. Thank you Bill! :)

As for me, I don't want to be connected and available 24/7, tracking minutes, worrying about roaming charges, staying within a data plan, etc.

It also gives me a great excuse for not calling people back right away. :)

gryvn 2012-03-17 22:25

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Addison, now that I've got it working I can pay some closer attention to tweaking the functionality. Can you give me some details on your use of Modest and Tear? I haven't tried I right in thinking you use Tear to just go directly to the GV page and work from there?

Do you use the OEM Nokia app for calls? And how about SMS? I've been using DialCentral for texting, which I do a lot of, but at the moment it's locking up because I can't see how to change the GV password which I had to do as part of the SIP setup. DialCentral says I can't access settings offline but I can't get online to change the settings!

Addison 2012-03-17 22:36

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Ever hear of just asking one question at a time? *lol*

Give me a few minutes while I get on my computer to type up a few responses for you. :)

gryvn 2012-03-17 22:47

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
"Ever hear of just asking one question at a time? *lol*"

Now where's the fun in that? :)

And just think, your work will be immortal as you post it here for the benefit of everyone in the future who wants to rig up their n810s as phones. Fame is such a power trip.

Addison 2012-03-17 23:00

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!


So Modest is the default email app for the tablet.

Applications --> Communication --> Email

I have all of my text messages forwarded to my Gmail account and I also use IMAP.

This can be found under "Settings" in "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" .

With Modest, the lowest setting to have it scan for new messages is once every 5 minutes.

I have a hack where I have it scan once every minute. If you would like this, I can upload it to you.

There's also an app called Claws Mail that you can install which I've heard good things about but have yet to try it.

I prefer this way better since it will even give you a ring tone which is something DialCentral cannot do.

In usr/share/sounds/

I changed ui-new_email to this sound instead

I also deleted the two sound files that are used for opening and closing a new window since those were somewhat annoying.

This only works if you go to Applications --> Control panel --> Sounds --> System sounds--> Level 1 or Level 2

And yeah, I use Tear.

Menu --> Tools --> Options --> Zoom_step --> string 0.8.

So when I go to in Tear, I just click on the Zoom in key just once.

To me, this is super zippy and I think it's probably the best and quickest way to keep in touch with others.

Those commercials you see on TV, about how that was so 24 seconds ago, yeah, that would be us. *lol*

But hey, it's all free so how can we lose? :)

gryvn 2012-03-17 23:13

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Sweet. Thanks.

I will load up the stuff you mention and see what I can do with it. Again, appreciate all your help.

Addison 2012-03-17 23:15

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Also, with the setup I have, you can subscribe to this thread and receive an instant notification if anyone posts in here.

This way, you don't have to constantly check the forums on this site. :)

auouymous 2012-03-18 04:30

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!

Originally Posted by simonics (Post 1180702)
You won't get spammed by me--one e-mail every three or four months isn't too bad, is it? If you love the Google Voice Gateway, donations are accepted to offset operating costs.

I'm sure they wouldn't mind one Viiiiiaaaagra spam per week to help offset the costs for their free service. ;)


Originally Posted by Addison (Post 1180833)
Also, with the setup I have, you can subscribe to this thread and receive an instant notification if anyone posts in here.

Do you know how to auto-subscribe to threads you post in? Manually subscribing to every thread is a pain.


Originally Posted by Addison (Post 1180829)
Menu --> Tools --> Options --> Zoom_step --> string 0.8.

An 80% zoom step would make Tear useless for other pages that require zoom.

Addison 2012-03-18 04:39

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!

An 80% zoom step would make Tear useless for other pages that require zoom.
I usually have two Tear browsers open at a time.

The super zoom one for Google Voice or YouTube mobile sites and another one at normal 100% for everything else.

lauhon 2013-03-17 22:34

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Just recently purchased Nokia N810

(yes i'm a bit behind the times, and have no clue on Linux OS)

But i'm glad i found this thread... VOIP working great now!

I've tried Callcentric, Express Talk, with no success.

This with GV works like a charm!

Thanks for this!

Addison 2013-03-18 02:43

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
Just a couple of things to add.

If you're not receiving incoming calls, simply go here and do the following:

Click on "Google Chat".

This worked for me.

As for contacts on your tablet, make the images exactly 384 x 384 pixels in size if you don't want the pictures distorted.

Also, you might want to change the notification graphics on your tablet since they are a gaudy looking eyesore. :)

lauhon 2013-04-15 01:23

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
I did find this thread and it did help me greatly.

But, (here's the but part)...

Now I cannot hear incoming calls.

My tablet rings, i can answer incoming, and speak and the people on the other end can hear me, but i cannot hear them.

This only happens with incoming calls. Outgoing calls work perfect.

So now with simonics SIP GV gateway, I can make calls no probs...

Just receiveing calls, i can talk.. and all is good.. just can't hear the incoming audio.

I did go to Google Voice and clicked on google chat and also (DISABLED the check box for mobile phone), but this did not fix the incoming audio issue.

Any ideas?

Addison 2013-04-15 02:12

Re: Current state of VoIP on n810? HELP!
There's a small little bug that happens sometimes when using VOIP on the tablet.

The fix is to slightly adjust the phone's volume either up or down.

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