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nthn 2016-11-21 16:08

"First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"
Well well, what do we have here...

r0kk3rz 2016-11-21 16:21

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by MJ Technology
Risks & Challenges:

1. Failed past Linux/Ubuntu Projects - We totally understand everyone’s apprehensions since the Jolla and Ubutab incidents and the fact it has made everyone very cautious is something we take very seriously here at MJ Technology.

Jolla just needed to be upfront: the money and development focus was on the Sailfish OS and the hardware was an afterthought, not a priority for their campaign here on Indiegogo.

Heh, looks like they promise to do better than Jolla.

gerbick 2016-11-21 16:25

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"
And what do we know about Mark and Jay and MJ Technologies? Those specs read like a standard OEM machine though.

rolh 2016-11-21 17:05

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"
IIRC this is the company that also promised an Ubuntu tablet some time ago... In fact, you can still find traces of that on their website (at least the URL hints at it):

michaaa62 2016-11-21 17:52

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"
The first???
I do not think so!

Anyone remembering the wetab tablet Even the community forum is still existing.
You could install any linux distro .

It was heavy, huge and loud, because of the fan to lower temperatures of the Atom based system.

Also many of the early Stylus-based Siemens-Fujitsu tablet could run linux. I remember doctoring an LT C500 to run Debian. You had to extract the harddrive to install linux to the first, then install via a similar laptop and the linux kernel would pick the modules for the tablet hardware.

MINKIN2 2016-11-21 18:46

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"
$0 USD raised by 0 backers
Estimated February 2017

Ehhh, no.

HtheB 2016-11-21 19:30

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"
Please, someone summon Dave999

mscion 2016-11-21 19:43

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"
I think the most wonderful aspect of this device is you have the option to boot up Windows 10!

maegon9y00 2016-11-21 19:59

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"
It seems they made MJ7HDTV 7" Android Tablet with Built-in HDTV Tuner

Before they planned this tablet with Ubuntu in mind.
and collected nearly 9999

In this indiegogo campaign they have at this moment:
$3,429 USD raised by 16 backers 27-nov
$4,064 USD raised by 19 backers 29-nov
$4,539 USD raised by 21 backers 30-nov

If they get $1,000USD each day, they will get only $USD34000 USD in a month. So they will need at least $3,000USD daily to obtain fixed goal of $100,000 USD

mikecomputing 2016-11-21 20:16

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"
8hours work time? come back when they have a tablet with a week of usage without recharge. F.F.S. a new laptop holds better battery time even if screen is huge and Quad core CPU.

Also it will fail, why the f.. do you want to run a Linux desktop on a tablet without keyboard?

Seriously I have realized Tablets still are a toy for teenagers/kids and only for use with games. Sent my Android tablet back after 2 days of use.

Still use my laptop.

nthn 2016-11-21 23:55

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1519161)
8hours work time? come back when they have a tablet with a week of usage without recharge. F.F.S. a new laptop holds better battery time even if screen is huge and Quad core CPU.

Also it will fail, why the f.. do you want to run a Linux desktop on a tablet without keyboard?

Seriously I have realized Tablets still are a toy for teenagers/kids and only for use with games. Sent my Android tablet back after 2 days of use.

Still use my laptop.

Could you please consider not posting anything from now on when you have no clue what you're talking about? Every single time you post you pretend to be superior to everyone and everything, and it's becoming duller by the day.

pichlo 2016-11-22 06:41

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by nthn (Post 1519168)
Could you please consider not posting anything from now on when you have no clue what you're talking about? Every single time you post you pretend to be superior to everyone and everything, and it's becoming duller by the day.

Whilst I agree that mikecomputing's writing style could be annoying at times, would you care to point out which part of his post do you disagree with? 8 hours battery life is pathetic. A desktop OS on a device without a keyboard is a guaranteed fail. Tablets are toys.

ibrakalifa 2016-11-22 09:09

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"
different view, different character, i think mike just try to deliver his idea, nothings wrong with that, and he's speak the truth btw, imho.

Can we expect another maemo family from nokia next year? sorry for oot cause i miss fremantle or harmattan so much, and hey it's linux!

HtheB 2016-11-22 10:44

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"
I hope you guys haven't forgotten about UbuTab :rolleyes:

bandora 2016-11-22 17:38

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1519176)
Whilst I agree that mikecomputing's writing style could be annoying at times, would you care to point out which part of his post do you disagree with? 8 hours battery life is pathetic. A desktop OS on a device without a keyboard is a guaranteed fail. Tablets are toys.

Well, I'll point out the parts that I disagree with if you don't mind. 8 hours of battery life isn't bad when you keep in mind that tablets are NOT a replacement for desktops. Also, you can always buy a bluetooth keyboard to use with the tablet! Tablets are useful if you're on the go. I personally got saved by my tablets many times because I didn't have my laptop or desktop around me and had to SSH into a server and fix something that went terribly wrong (which at one point took me several hours to pin-point the issue and correct it).

Again, that's just a small example. But enough to point out that the statement "Tablets are toys" is false.

juiceme 2016-11-22 18:28

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by bandora (Post 1519198)
Again, that's just a small example. But enough to point out that the statement "Tablets are toys" is false.

No, tablets are toys, you cannot get around that.
However I consider toys good and useful things. :D

taixzo 2016-11-22 18:58

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"
It might be pointed out that Maemo devices were initally "Nokia Internet Tablets".

bandora 2016-11-22 18:58

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1519201)
No, tablets are toys, you cannot get around that.
However I consider toys good and useful things. :D

Definition of toy:

: something a child plays with
: something that an adult buys or uses for enjoyment or entertainment

Although the tablet can be used as a toy.. There are many other examples of uses (like the one I mentioned above) that does not make it a toy exclusively. ;)

mscion 2016-11-22 19:00

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1519201)
No, tablets are toys, you cannot get around that.
However I consider toys good and useful things. :D

I agree. Tablets are toys. So are smart phones and pcs...

pichlo 2016-11-22 20:00

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by bandora (Post 1519198)
8 hours of battery life isn't bad when you keep in mind that tablets are NOT a replacement for desktops.

I do not quite follow that line of reasoning. If you had said that 8 hours is fine for a desktop replacement then I would understand. That is pretty much where laptops fit. But 8 hours for something that, by your own emphasis, is NOT aiming to replace a desktop? For something that, by its very nature, is meant to be mobile? :confused:

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the portable counterparts of the desktop computers of the same era had a battery life counted in weeks or months (Sharp PC 1500, HP 95LX...). Similar counterparts in 2010s barely manage through the day. What went wrong?

pichlo 2016-11-22 20:02

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1519205)
I agree. Tablets are toys. So are smart phones and pcs...

Not entirely. Tablet, yes. Smartphones, yes. PCs, no. PCs are for work.
Of course, work can be fun. Sadly, I am not that lucky.

feedme 2016-11-22 20:18

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1519207)

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the portable counterparts of the desktop computers of the same era had a battery life counted in weeks or months (Sharp PC 1500, HP 95LX...). Similar counterparts in 2010s barely manage through the day. What went wrong?

People accepted/ preferred light and thin vs. thick and heavier with longer battery life. The thing here I can not understand is to integrate battery inside, so that no bigger battery is possible even if wanted. " People use different shoes in weddings and when hiking" but same battery for every occasion.:confused:

lancewex 2016-11-22 21:15

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by michaaa62 (Post 1519155)
The first???
I do not think so! .

There was also the Pengpod. I got one. It was awful.

bandora 2016-11-22 21:48

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1519207)
I do not quite follow that line of reasoning. If you had said that 8 hours is fine for a desktop replacement then I would understand. That is pretty much where laptops fit. But 8 hours for something that, by your own emphasis, is NOT aiming to replace a desktop? For something that, by its very nature, is meant to be mobile? :confused:

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the portable counterparts of the desktop computers of the same era had a battery life counted in weeks or months (Sharp PC 1500, HP 95LX...). Similar counterparts in 2010s barely manage through the day. What went wrong?

Although I fully agree that battery life should be improved drastically, I do believe that 8 hours of work is sufficient for many things in which makes it not classified as only a toy.

For example, I have a Surface Pro 3, and when I first bought it (I was going to university at the time), I used it for literally everything and it lasted me the whole day at school.. And I did everything on it. (I had my books, notes, code.. etc). So my point here is that it really depends on how you use the tablet that classifies it, you cannot go ahead and generalise all tablets as toys. :)

gerbick 2016-11-22 23:24

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"
All of these arguments perhaps point to the true reason no Linux device has really sold in massive numbers. There's an argument over even the minute of details or capability and compared to something mythical.

8 hours of device time, in full-blown use is not a bad metric. Not the best, but a 2kg laptop barely beats that. Most phones state high numbers, but use them for hours with screens turned own. You'll rarely get more than 5.

What's being called a toy, I use professionally. I use both the iPad Pro and a Surface Pro 4 in the creative industry. Both get more than 8 hours actually, if I'm being smart that is.

What's being touted as a solution; I don't think it exists. And this product won't address what you guys consider a solution either. Not sure what would - I didn't get 8 hours+ on my N810. Pretty darn close, but it's no longer supported - community or otherwise.

maegon9y00 2016-11-22 23:28

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"
My Kobo Touch n905c ereader is the only device {I have, and know} whose 1000mAh battery last 8 days actually.
It's been said it is possible turn it a debian tablet. When I got time I'll do the try

That's the benefit of e-Ink displays.

Dave999 2016-11-25 18:41

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1519157)
Please, someone summon Dave999

sorry I couldn't attend. :D apparently I was banned by Win because I used the word scam 26 times this year. Seems to be a TMO limit at 25/per year or something.

So I cant say that this is a ****. But if you planning to invest I would get some kind of **** insurance first.

HtheB 2016-11-25 21:38

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1519391)
sorry I couldn't attend. :D apparently I was banned by Win because I used the word scam 26 times this year. Seems to be a TMO limit at 25/per year or something.

So I cant say that this is a ****. But if you planning to invest I would get some kind of **** insurance first.

You just made it 27 :p

maegon9y00 2016-12-09 13:15

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by maegon9y00 (Post 1519160)
It seems they made MJ7HDTV 7" Android Tablet with Built-in HDTV Tuner

Before they planned this tablet with Ubuntu in mind.
and collected nearly 9999

In this indiegogo campaign they have at this moment:
$3,429 USD raised by 16 backers 27-nov
$4,064 USD raised by 19 backers 29-nov
$4,539 USD raised by 21 backers 30-nov

If they get $1,000USD each day, they will get only $USD34000 USD in a month. So they will need at least $3,000USD daily to obtain fixed goal of $100,000 USD

It seems it is actually in frozen state from 30 nov
$4,539 USD raised by 21 backers 9-dec
5% of $100,000
fixed goal
17 days left

gerbick 2016-12-09 15:11

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by maegon9y00 (Post 1520302)
It seems it is actually in frozen state from 30 nov
$4,539 USD raised by 21 backers 9-dec
5% of $100,000
fixed goal
17 days left

Can't say that I'm surprised.

maegon9y00 2017-01-01 02:24

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"
Perhaps this is the end line.
$6,009 USD raised by 28 backers
6% of $100,000
fixed goal
6 hours left

linuxunux 2017-01-01 05:33

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"

Originally Posted by maegon9y00 (Post 1521255)
Perhaps this is the end line.
$6,009 USD raised by 28 backers
6% of $100,000
fixed goal
6 hours left

Maybe post on They are 3 of us over there...
Edit: someone already did.

endsormeans 2017-01-01 09:26

Re: "First True Linux x86 and x64 Tablet"
I wondered myself why this never took off in people supporting and backing it...

I watched the video...
the "mortal kombat-esque " intro page was the beginning of the two part end I saw coming.
the second part being the "pitcher" ..
attempted : too smooth and slick a pitch.

Sadly he came across too thick.
Regardless of the specs, and all that he was saying...

If Vince Shlomi [shudder] and Joel Osteen [shudder] had a love child [huge shudder] ...
it would have been the pitcher in the video...

Slap chop meets Salvation if you send money now.

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