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CommunityCouncil 2017-11-07 21:10

[Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
Dear Maemoans and fellow humans. The time has come again to elect a new Community Council for Q1/2018. The schedule for the voting process is as follows, according to the election rules: The nomination period of at least 2 weeks starts tomorrow, on the 8th of November 2017 and will continue until the 3rd of December 2017. The one week election starts on Friday, the 8th of December 2017 and will continue until the 14th of December 2017. In order for us to keep the community strong, it would be great to have new people with fresh ideas to carry on the torch. Please consider volunteering for the position of Maemo Council. On behalf of the outgoing Community Council, mosen

Link: Original article.

sicelo 2017-11-19 13:29

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
i nominate all three members of the current council, plus t-b, FeathersMcGraw, mike727, warfare, and kotczarny.

sicelo 2017-11-19 13:35

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
for my self-nomination, my initial candidacy declaration, still largely applies.

mosen 2017-11-23 14:48

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
Thank you sicelo for the re-nomination!

I accept with pleasure and also would love to see the current council run again so we can advance with the work we started and definatly will not "complete" in Q2/17 ;)

My nominees in no particular order are Jakibaki, lantern, endsormeans, m4r0v3r, elastic and Ancelad.

Please concider to accept, it would be great to have a bigger council again.

juiceme 2017-11-28 18:46

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
Thank you for nomination, @sicelo!

I accept candidacy and in my turn nominate @wikiwide, @peterleinchen, @eekkelund and @reinob :D

Here's my candidacy deldaration;

Feathers McGraw 2017-11-28 21:02

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
Thanks for the nomination, but I think I will sit this one out, we've got a baby on the way in the new year so things will likely be a bit too hectic for me to be useful!

mosen 2017-11-28 21:30

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw (Post 1538880)
Thanks for the nomination, but I think I will sit this one out, we've got a baby on the way in the new year so things will likely be a bit too hectic for me to be useful!

Congratulations and best of luck to your family :)

m4r0v3r 2017-11-28 22:52

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
Id be happy to accept :)

endsormeans 2017-11-29 00:23

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
I , endso ..
with a great amount of shock, bemusement and astonishment ...
accept the nomination.
My nomination acceptance speech is as follows:
" A vote for me is a vote for kindly rule with the velvet touch of the crushing metal gauntlet of tyranny.
Smush-ing spammers and setting fire to the flamers are my secondary priorities..

My primary priorities being ..
-needed cold showers of clarity for everyone to get them out of their collective lethargy, bitterness, wistful wishing for the "good old days", and / or their unrealistic demands of startups...
and to get everyone properly mobilised and fired-up with some seriously directed conviction.
(not to "plug" anyone...but take for example ...a guy whose name rhymes with "Benliangben" is definitely headed on the right track ..people..)

-(of course) promoting the salvage and proper storage of disappearing 3rd party maemo 4 apps...

-being the voice and the advocate on council for those members who still use the older devices..

-and lastly... fully endorse and support the R&D into outfitting cats with either Lasers...or tiny Rail guns..

A vote for me is a vote for "INSERT IDEOLOGY HERE"

(In all seriousness though...all know I am an odd vocal individual with a penchant for even more odd humour ..but when the crunch comes and seriousness is required to solve something...I am ALL business...and then afterwards is back to working on the harness prototypes for the cat lasers...)

I do hope I can meet the needed meetings...
(between the odd hours I work...and the time difference the meetings are usually held does make things rather awkward say the least...)

As far as nominat-ING goes...
I throw the following compatriots into the arena of certain peril..

(though doubtless some are far too busy to take on the chairs that need to be filled.)

elastic 2017-11-29 06:18

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
Thanks for the nomination, but I've to step aside. My awaited workload for q1 jzst doesn't leave time for being any help to the council or the community
Thanks again

pichlo 2017-11-29 06:22

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
endso for the president! Hip hip hurray!

jakibaki 2017-11-29 08:22

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by mosen (Post 1538725)
Thank you sicelo for the re-nomination!

I accept with pleasure and also would love to see the current council run again so we can advance with the work we started and definatly will not "complete" in Q2/17 ;)

My nominees in no particular order are Jakibaki, lantern, endsormeans, m4r0v3r, elastic and Ancelad.

Please concider to accept, it would be great to have a bigger council again.

Thanks for the nomination, but right now I don't have nearly as much time for sfos+this forum as when I was most active a few weeks ago so I think I'll pass.

Feathers McGraw 2017-11-29 08:25

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1538885)
" A vote for me is a vote for kindly rule with the velvet touch of the crushing metal gauntlet of tyranny.

Sounds like something Bender from Futurama would say!

endsormeans 2017-11-29 08:47

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1538892)
endso for the president! Hip hip hurray!

ahh....thanks pichlo...
a mention for president is a humbling thing...
that being said...
I prefer the traditional realistic Machiavellian titles of the choice being between either..
a malevolent dictator ...
or ..
(my favourite ..)
a benevolent kindly tyrannical despot for life...

all that aside...
(and speaking of presidents...)
elect me as supreme overlord ..
and I promise as my first order of business..
is to build a wall out of Trumps ...
(please note ...I said "out of" ...not "for" ...or "around"...)

I believe that once the entire Trump family has been held to account ..and has been pureed in a giant blender...
they would make an excellent fat "putty" ...a good rich "filler" for the mortar for the blocks of the needed walls and dykes to keep at bay the rising ocean levels to protect inhabited low-lying areas of the world...
fitting that they should ultimately "help" deal with the climate change issue that this consuming and destructive family of "flat earthers" are currently ignoring and actively promoting against the detriment of all.
I think the Kardashian family as well may be able to "help" in the building of this wall..
since ...their usefulness and contribution to humanity about on par with the Trump family ...
I am positive in fact...that there are MANY such people on this planet...who are of greater or lesser calibre...who would be fitting "contributors" to the needed wall...
I believe the benefit of their "help" ...and the absence of their current form of "physical manifestation" ...would be not only a huge saving in expenses in material costs for the wall...
But that also they will contribute greatly to the betterment of humanity their absence....

(didn't even mention my laser mounted cats in this missive...see! ...better and better ...every day...)

endsormeans 2017-11-29 08:53

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw (Post 1538898)
Sounds like something Bender from Futurama would say!

Thanks Feathers...that is a mighty impressive comparison...
sadly ...
Groening steals all the futurama ideas from me on a daily basis...
he just sits remotely with his notepad jotting down what I say...
since he just listens in on the radio frequency that the fillings in my teeth output ...

gerbick 2017-11-29 16:50

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
I nominate (in no particular order)
  • wikiwide
  • endsormeans
  • pichlo
  • juiceme
  • m4r0v3r

endsormeans 2017-11-29 17:19

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
Enough is enough...
2 nomination mentions and a vote for ..
is taking me far more seriously ....
than I do ...

Please vote for for the safe ..
stable ...
and consistent ...
bowls of porridge to the left and right of me...

(not that I am calling my fellow nominees "bowls of porridge"...I mean you are all far safer voting LITERALLY for the bowls of porridge to the left and right of me...I made too much porridge this morning...and so have 2 bowls more of it to is my first lie in (almost) isn't actually porridge is a step up...Red River Cereal...)

pichlo 2017-11-29 20:03

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1538911)
I nominate (in no particular order)
  • ...
  • pichlo
  • ...

Flattering as it is, I have to warn you. I have been a Councillor once and that was not a big success. I would even go as far as calling it a total fiasco. My membership was completely pointless, I did not contribute anything useful. At all. Not a sausage. Zilch. Nada.

Nevertheless, I have considered it and guess what? I am willing to accept the nomination onder one condition. That gerbick accepts mine.

I have spoken. Howgh!

pichlo 2017-11-29 20:11

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1538912)
Please vote for for the safe ..
stable ...
and consistent ...

That sound familiar ;)

t-b 2017-11-29 22:09

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
Thanks for the nomination sicelo and sorry but I have to decline. No worries though, a fine list of candidates already accepted :)

Ancelad 2017-11-30 00:00

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
The same as @t-b. Thanks.

Ken-Young 2017-11-30 01:08

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw (Post 1538880)
[...] we've got a baby on the way [...]

Where are your priorities?!?!?!


endsormeans 2017-11-30 02:27

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
Double that Feathers!


Is THAT all it takes ...a baby???

geez if I'd known...I wouldn't have gone on about my excesses in porridge ...
(dammit! ....which probably make me a perfect candidate for office ...not the porridge...but my problem with excesses.... ...look how I am with too much porridge and no power...give me power and I truly truly promise not to abuse it on cocaine.....)

completely unrelated in any way whatsoever to Feathers announcement ..
I just realised I may not be able to take office...
I completely forgot to mention...
just by happenstance ..
I too am having a baby!

Endsormeans ! : "Ruining appetites since 1967.."

Vote today!...
Vote often..
(Multiple times on a ballot if possible...)

peterleinchen 2017-11-30 06:59

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
Thanks for the nomination (and confidence :)).
I do appreciate that.

But unfortunately I also have lots of excuses to not candidate :(
And there are already good ol' friends and hopefully some new (?) on their way.

this (coming) time is the easier time, even it may not feel like it ;) but it will allow you enough time slices on the day :D

gerbick 2017-12-02 11:49

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1538917)
Nevertheless, I have considered it and guess what? I am willing to accept the nomination onder one condition. That gerbick accepts mine.

Thank you; however no thanks. When I was elected once, my schedule at work exploded. After a few title changes, my schedule has stayed unfortunately slammed.

pichlo 2017-12-03 07:34

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
^^^ Oh well, what a shame.

eekkelund 2017-12-03 20:50

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1538874)
Thank you for nomination, @sicelo!

I accept candidacy and in my turn nominate @wikiwide, @peterleinchen, @eekkelund and @reinob :D

Here's my candidacy deldaration;

Thanks @juiceme for trusting and nominating me. :)
I have decided to accept nomination and posted my candidacy declaration to maemo-community mailing list. (Others who have accepted, remember to send official declaration to mailing list!)

mosen 2017-12-03 22:43

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
me 2 :D

endsormeans 2017-12-03 23:35

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
Well ..
It has been a lark and all...
now time for serious verbiage.

I too feel it is important I abstain from the nomination running.

A few know here that I just bought and moved to my chalet on my island acreage last February ...
Fewer still know how much free time I have at the moment..
growing up a farm boy ..rural life is not only the way to live... in my opinion...but very full an enriching way...that is...

I am still trying to get my studio and workshop fully unpacked and set up in between work..
renovations..on the lower floor ...
making new storm windows...
chainsawing and cutting trees and chopping wood for the wood stove for the winter...
putting up deer fencing...
rebuilding and reinforcing the pond dam...
setting up a pelton wheel for the stream that runs down the mountain to pull me "off the grid" either partially or fully, sell the excess electricity back to the provincial government hydro company..
get the chicken hutch repaired and stocked...(I like the clucking :D) ...with "layers" ..for fresh eggs daily ...
a hutch as well for some ducks..
and repair the goat shed for a couple of goats...

So it is a little full for me the next year or two...
just in getting everything done..
once done...
well its done..
and maintenance is a piece of cake after that...
for now though days after work...and my days off ...are consumed with the above...

Of course when I do find myself sitting still..
I am puttering away on the new maemo development distro.
or one of the other little side projects I have...

So ...
Considering all the above...

I think that my best contribution to the community at this point is helping when and where I can...and finishing the projects I am working on...

I highly appreciate the lunatic faith in me by those who feel that I would make a good bit of filler on the council though ...
I would hope that in the future when I have my finished all my needed work...those who nominated me would do so again ..then.

yours -
Endso 2017-12-05 01:07

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
I nominate everyone who already applied to council but was never elected

juiceme 2017-12-05 08:03

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by (Post 1539145)
I nominate everyone who already applied to council but was never elected

That's a bold suggestion, thanks!

juiceme 2017-12-08 13:38

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
Hey ho!

The voting engine has been triggered and about half of the token emails sent already.
It is expected that the last mails are sent in about 5...6 hours, nicely before the voting booth opens at midnight UTC!

If you have not received your voting token yet, don't be alarmed...
Be alarmed only tomorrow, and be sure to check your spam folderia etc :D

If, after doublechecking you still have not found the email, contact me and I'll fix it for you.

nieldk 2017-12-08 13:54

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1539229)
Hey ho!

The voting engine has been triggered and about half of the token emails sent already.
It is expected that the last mails are sent in about 5...6 hours, nicely before the voting booth opens at midnight UTC!

If you have not received your voting token yet, don't be alarmed...
Be alarmed only tomorrow, and be sure to check your spam folderia etc :D

If, after doublechecking you still have not found the email, contact me and I'll fix it for you.

Eeh, minor mistake on the voting page ;)


Starting 2018-12-08 23:59:59 UTC: Community Council Election Q1 2018

juiceme 2017-12-08 15:53

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1539230)
Eeh, minor mistake on the voting page ;)

Indeed, good catch!

It's fixed now;


Community Council Election Q1 2018
The voting period for the specified election starts on 2017-12-08 23:59:59 (UTC) and ends on 2017-12-17 23:59:59 (UTC). It is not possible to vote now.

If you don't understand the error, you should probably contact the Maemo Community mailing list, which can be reached at

peterleinchen 2017-12-08 16:51

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

btw.: I know the rules. But do we need to cut the council down to 3 as only 5 peeps available?
3 is so easy to miss a meeting and decisions. Work load is heavier and cannit be distributed.
So maybe a redesign of Vereinssatzung?

juiceme 2017-12-08 21:19

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
All voting tokens have been mailed now!

juiceme 2017-12-08 21:22

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1539232)

btw.: I know the rules. But do we need to cut the council down to 3 as only 5 peeps available?
3 is so easy to miss a meeting and decisions. Work load is heavier and cannit be distributed.
So maybe a redesign of Vereinssatzung?

Hmm yes, the thing is we can change the council rules if we desire to do so.
All it takes, is a referendum and notarizing and registering the new rules in court.

However there is a simpler solution; all we ever need is 7 candidates and then 5 can be elected...

pichlo 2017-12-08 22:29

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement
In court? Really? Why would a court need to be involved in internal business of a dwindling group of old geezers?

If two more candidates is all that takes, I can volunteer to run as long as I do not get elected.

sicelo 2017-12-09 09:09

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1539242)
In court? Really? Why would a court need to be involved in internal business of a dwindling group of old geezers?

Because Council rules are included in the Maemo Community e.V. rules, and e.V. is a legal instrument.

It is really desirable to have a larger Council. Many think that council work can take a large chunk of their time. They are mistaken!

It may be that in the past, there was a lot that needed doing, etc. However, having served the current term, I can attest to the fact that there really isn't a lot of work now. Also even if something could come up now and then, it would most likely not be an issue needing immediate attention - meaning that it could be handled at another time.

Finally, of course Council is team work. Even if one is assigned to do something, and situations come up that mean he/she no longer has the time to do it, it could be delegated to someone else in council. All it would take is a brief notification via email or IRC :)

pichlo 2017-12-09 16:31

Re: [Council] Q1 2018 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by sicelo (Post 1539244)
It is really desirable to have a larger Council. Many think that council work can take a large chunk of their time. They are mistaken!

As a former Council member, I too can confirm.

The reason I did not run this time was not for the lack of time, or too much work, or anything like that. It was purely because I did not feel I was being useful and I do not have a reason to believe that changing this time around. But as I say, if you want more members and all that is standing in the way is a shortage of candidates, I would be happy to pose as a dummy candidate. It would be the one useful thing I could do, even though it would make a mockery out of the whole process.

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