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railroadmaster 2018-05-09 22:57

Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Chrome OS will now be able to run Linux Applications. The apps will be run in a VM or container of sorts, apparently the performance is very good and there is very little performance penalty. This makes Chrome OS infinitely more useful. Being able to have true offline music player, gimp or development tools or many other applications makes Chrome OS more useful. The feature will also be available for for Arm based devices. Given that Chrome OS can on tablets, this could provide us with a perfect OS for Linux based tablets. Of course this could also help desktop linux. Unlike other Linux distros Chrome os is much more polished and easier to use and it is preinstalled on much more hardware than other Linux distros.

endsormeans 2018-05-10 04:47

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
Intelligent move on the part of Chrome OS.
All I can say is...
There has always been a long history of either corrupting a good thing or abandoning it ...I have noticed ...
They better not screw it up...
Or all those converts who would use Chrome OS for this new-found ability...
Will walk away from the OS as easily as they may embrace and accept it now...

nthn 2018-05-10 06:59

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 1544126)
Unlike other Linux distros Chrome os is much more polished and easier to use and it is preinstalled on much more hardware than other Linux distros.

[multiple citations needed]

kinggo 2018-05-10 07:57

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
so......... jolla is doing everything just to run android apps on linux while google is now doing the opposite...... Can we get this the right way please :confused:

mscion 2018-05-10 12:13

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by kinggo (Post 1544132)
so......... jolla is doing everything just to run android apps on linux while google is now doing the opposite...... Can we get this the right way please :confused:

Apparently, you can run Android apps (need snapd and Anbox) on many linux distributions. I havn't tried it myself yet.

endsormeans 2018-05-10 14:07

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
Hahaha ...
Kinggo has it right... appears to be all about not pleasing some of the people some of the time...or even trying to please some of the people all of the time...anymore...
Now...there is the attempt to have ones cake and yet eat it too...
Rack up more reasons to get onboard with whomever...

They are attempting to please all the people all the time...
That scenario always seems to just end up ugly in the end....whatever the situation...
Wouldn't want to be in those forums when one side doesn't get the updates or functionality the other side gets...
It'll be like kids that don't get the exact same toy for Christmas...
It'll be like a bag of exploding cats...
Possibly worse ...
On the scale of a catnami...
Or a catnado ...

mscion 2018-05-10 14:27

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1544143)
Hahaha ...
Kinggo has it right... appears to be all about not pleasing some of the people some of the time...or even trying to please some of the people all of the time...anymore...
Now...there is the attempt to have ones cake and yet eat it too...
Rack up more reasons to get onboard with whomever...

They are attempting to please all the people all the time...
That scenario always seems to just end up ugly in the end....whatever the situation...
Wouldn't want to be in those forums when one side doesn't get the updates or functionality the other side gets...
It'll be like kids that don't get the exact same toy for Christmas...
It'll be like a bag of exploding cats...
Possibly worse ...
On the scale of a catnami...
Or a catnado ...

Well, any seasoned veteran on maemo knows you generally please nobody here all of the time! That's what makes it special!
your friendly curmudgeon...

kinggo 2018-05-10 14:29

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1544136)
Apparently, you can run Android apps (need snapd and Anbox) on many linux distributions. I havn't tried it myself yet.

I know. But that was not my point.

mscion 2018-05-10 14:40

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by kinggo (Post 1544146)
I know. But that was not my point.

Yes, thanks. I figure many folks here should know this. But to be clear, cause I can read this many ways, what do you exacly mean by "Can we get this right please."

kinggo 2018-05-10 14:54

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
I mean that we should run either native apps or change the OS.

wicket 2018-05-10 17:54

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by kinggo (Post 1544150)
I mean that we should run either native apps or change the OS.

The thing is, what makes an app native? The kernel running on all of these devices is Linux. It's just different layers in userspace that define whether these apps are native or not. If Google decide they are going to design and build a userspace layer for Chrome OS that is capable of running web apps, Android apps, Qt apps and GTK apps, what's to say that none of those apps aren't running natively or can't work perfectly?

Likewise if Jolla wants an Android layer to be part of Sailfish, what's to say it's not native? There's certainly no software emulation at play here. The quality of that layer compared to your usual Android devices is not related to whether it's native or not. Jolla has limited resources. It just another software problem that's in the process of being solved.

tortoisedoc 2018-05-10 18:13

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by kinggo (Post 1544150)
I mean that we should run either native apps or change the OS.

Did you notice the growth of the mobile market has actually declined / stalled in the last quarter for like, the first time ever?

Clutter clutter clutter clutter.

It *doesnt* matter, wake up! Jolla has been able to run android apps (theoretically) since day one. Blackberry did the same. Did it help them? No. This is the typical BS you feed to coprophagic fanboys, for marketing purpouses.

kinggo 2018-05-10 18:50

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
I am awake. Very much. But I still fail to se the point in "hey, let's make a new OS that nobody gives a #&/($ about because there will be no apps that people use. And then we will make it to run apps for an already existing OS".
I get why people use AD on sailfish but since there's 735678 linux distros why choose chrome OS if you need linux apps????

tortoisedoc 2018-05-10 21:04

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by kinggo (Post 1544162)
I am awake. Very much. But I still fail to se the point in "hey, let's make a new OS that nobody gives a #&/($ about because there will be no apps that people use. And then we will make it to run apps for an already existing OS".
I get why people use AD on sailfish but since there's 735678 linux distros why choose chrome OS if you need linux apps????


This is the variable Nokia, BlackBerry, and (to a certain extent) Jolla seem not to get fully, it seems to me.

But the secret is there. And that's where Android excells, and that's what keeps it afloat even in front of ecosystem dark master apple.

The next one who will grasp this secret, as in manage to whield it as a weapon, will win over mobile.

pichlo 2018-05-11 05:39

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by kinggo (Post 1544162)
I still fail to se the point in "hey, let's make a new OS that nobody gives a #&/($ about because there will be no apps that people use. And then we will make it to run apps for an already existing OS".

Oh, but there is a point. Very much. Not for the users, you understand. For the new OS producer. You see, people could just use the already existing OS if they need the apps written for it so much. But then the new OS producer will not get a penny from them. He needs to lure them somehow.

endsormeans 2018-05-11 05:41

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
Next step up from click-bait

tortoisedoc 2018-05-11 08:41

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1544176)
Oh, but there is a point. Very much. Not for the users, you understand. For the new OS producer. You see, people could just use the already existing OS if they need the apps written for it so much. But then the new OS producer will not get a penny from them. He needs to lure them somehow.


endsormeans 2018-05-11 08:58

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
There is just far far far too much sweat coming outta him...
I think it is the guy "inside" the Elop body suit... that is sweating...

I think he should have been playing opposite Steve Carrel in "the Office" ..instead of the job of bringing good devices to the brink of the abyss.

juiceme 2018-05-11 09:19

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1544195)
There is just far far far too much sweat coming outta him...
I think it is the guy "inside" the Elop body suit... that is sweating...

I think he should have been playing opposite Steve Carrel in "the Office" ..instead of the job of bringing good devices to the brink of the abyss.

You've got your stevies all mixed up; 's not Elop, that's da Ballmer character.

endsormeans 2018-05-11 09:31

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

you are right!
My bad...

pichlo 2018-05-11 09:58

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by tortoisedoc (Post 1544191)

But that is exactly what I said!

An "ecosystem", whatever it is, is an argument for the user to use the already existing OS. There is absolutely no logical reason for the user to use an obscure new OS and then pretend it is the old, existing one. If you want (or "need") to use OS A's ecosystem, use OS A. Simples.

The only player who might benefit is the new OS's producer, by parasiting on the old one's "ecosystem" rather than doing it properly and building its own, thus luring the users who secretly like the existing OS but outwardly act like they are "progressive" by using "an alternative".

Which, if you listened carefully, you might have noticed, was exactly my point!

endsormeans 2018-05-11 10:59

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
It's like "rebranding"
But better!
And ..
Considering that most mobile os's now look suspiciously similar to one another...
It's like taking an orange ...and sticking a labels on it saying "New and improved" and "with additional Vitamin C!"

Little difference to the "old" orange...

"looks fly" now
Gotta have it now!


and only the sane few do a double take ...and say "wait a sec. ..."
but the voice of reason tends to be drowned out in the rush for the cashier's till...

I am not sure there will be any big breakthrough or giant leap in the mobile tech any more..
this is just "the Age of Repackaging"
Far more profitable ...without really changing a thing...

pichlo 2018-05-11 11:07

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1544202)
most mobile os's now look suspiciously similar to one another

I would not necessarily see that in itself as a bad thing. It's called convergent evolution. Dolphins look like fishes too, even though they are completely different animals.


It's like taking an orange ...and sticking a labels on it saying "New and improved" and "with additional Vitamin C!"
Or, in the case of one OS emulating another, like taking an apple and injecting it full of orange juice, to appeal to those who like (or "must have") oranges but pretend that they like apples more :D

endsormeans 2018-05-11 11:31

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
that is a great parallel...
injecting apples with orange juice to appeal to the "orange sector"

I agree with you Dolphins may look like fishes even though they are completely different...
But there are many kinds of dolphins...and they all look and behave differently compared to one another...
THAT is diversity..
What we have going on with mobile os's is FAR from any form of natural or even artificial diversity...
It is more like the mono culture of a wheat field..
Nothing else thrives there...but identical stalks of wheat..
and that isn't natural ...

by that kind of artificial construct...
...all species of ...well...actually ....everything... should eventually meld into a grey goo...of convergence.
It's a load of crap.
It's just a good current term...for a human imposed construct that just isn't the norm in nature...
It's right up there with the 80's term "unconditional love"
(which is another load of nature there are always conditions...the mother of cubs or pups..or kittens..or whatever...kicks their progeny out when it's time...and drives them off to learn how to be an adult...sure there is love...but "unconditional love" ? ...another human construct...)

If convergence were natural ...Nature would have done so a thousand times over the last few billion years ...
I am not saying that convergence doesn't occur...
But really..
Strains of wheat aren't convergent...or there would inevitably be ...naturally ( before even the advent of humanity ...) only 1 single strain of wheat on the planet...
and likewise goes for just about everything else that grows, or gives birth.
There would be no diversity.
The platypus isn't a convergent creature...
Nothing is...
It is pure Darwinian "if gills don't work....chuck 'em and try bigger ears to hear with..or longer legs to run with..."

I used to just shake my head...
But I must admit a lot of words I hear now are creeping in to vocabulary ..that are ridiculous ...
or patently just do NOT belong...

For example...
When the Fcuk did the term "Ecosystem" infiltrate ??
How in hell did something as truly alien from nature as.. talk of mobile devices and operating systems...creep in and try to sound like it was a "natural phenomenon" ?????

Britannica :
Ecosystem: Definition:
"Ecosystem, the complex of living organisms, their physical environment, and all their interrelationships in a particular unit of space."

The only reason I can see for utilizing natural terms for something completely to try to give the unnatural some amount of purpose for existing side by side with what IS actually natural...
In the face of how incredibly destructive the process of making our devices are to the environment and to REAL ecosystems....
In light of that..It makes perfect sense to try to paint over the ugly process and usurp the term. Play up the importance of the artificial construct and try to diminish the scrutiny of the actual real world impact.

Ecosystem eye.

rant concluded.

pichlo 2018-05-11 15:01

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
But convergence is natural, endso. On a very high level. Dolphins are a very good example. They are mammals that left the land and adapted to the aquatic life. A streamlined, fish-like form suits that life better than horns, four legs, hooves and an udder. So they evolved to superficially resemble fish, although under the bonnet they are wired differently.

That is very different from assuming that all living things will eventually converge into the same form. Natural history has shown that the exact opposite is the case. All it means is that different living things adapting to the same lifestyle in the same environment (e.g. chasing fast prey in water) tend to evolve forms best suitable for that lifestyle and environment, to the point that they may superficially resemble each other. Corals or anemones are animals but look more like plants due to their lifestyle adaptation.

Similarly, different OSes may have a similar UI but that is only a superficial resemblance due to adapting to the same lifestyle (common use cases) in the same environment (Joe Public's hands). How they work under the bonnet is what distinguishes one OS from another.

You may consider "app stores" and the like part of "what's under the bonnet" and I would agree with you, but even there the nature has been there before: mimicry. Consider creatures as different as bees and wasps. One, an innocent vegetarian, has evolved to mimic the other, a voracious predator, for its own benefit, namely a protection from other predators. You know what it means. Millions of bees that did not look like wasps have died, as do OSes that dare to stray away from familiar infrastructures. Of course, there are other insects that thrive even though they look nothing like wasps and this is what I expected Sailfish to be, but they have chosen the cheap and easy way out by following the familiar path.

By the way, don't get fooled with monocultures. You get them in the nature too. Isn't that what prairies are? Or birch forests? Or shoals of mackerel? The last ones may be mobile but they are still made up from individuals of the same species.

endsormeans 2018-05-11 15:38

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
The "praries" are not a monoculture. Nor are birch forests..nor shoals of mackerel...
In nature....there are no monocultures...
We enforce monocultures upon nature...

In the isn't a wide expanse of nothing but prarie...there is diversity inside the ecosystem of the praries.
There is diversity inside the ecosystem of a stand of birch trees...
And there is diversity that the shoal of mack thrive on and in and around.

When humanity imposes ...for it's own purposes ...a has ramifications down the chain of diversity ...affecting the ecosystem it is impacting.

The wheat fields NOT have diversity in them...
That is what all the chemicals sprayed ...try to prevent...
Just wheat...nothing else.
No insects...pesticides take care of them.
No other plants...herbicides take care of them..
It makes for a bigger yield with less damage from insects or encroaching plants trying to fight with the wheat for nutrients and water and space......
and no need to separate the wheat from other plants...
Making the process convenient.
THAT is a monoculture.
One culture...One...not multiples...not many...

In a natural stand of birch trees...there will still be other plants..growing..other trees impinging..other animals and insects ...
That is called biodiversity ...
The same with the mack.
They couldn't survive naturally on their own...with nothing but themselves...they need an environment of biodiversity to survive.

There is no such thing in nature as a monoculture.
It is a human imposed construct.
And it has devastating results.
Look at what monocultural agricultural practices have led our species to?
We have broken the viability of ecosystems...
and the yields that could have fed so many are ruined ...possibly for our over harvesting our desire to control and attempt to demand more output from them...from the ideas that if we just make an area pump out a single thing...the system won't fold...
If the fields need to rest for 7 years to regain their nutrient value before farming them again...that isn't good enough...for decades we have been pouring more and more and more fertilizer into the soil and push the land til it breaks...
and if that isn't bad enough...where does all the fertilizer, herbicide and pesticide go?
All those varieties..of chemicals...that haven't really been tested for their interactions with one another ..let alone with the MILLIONS of other chemicals we dump into the environment ...
Where do they all go?
it becomes run-off...that heads straight into the swamps and marshes and bogs...the natural "liver" of ecosystems...meant to purify ...
Oh wait..cancel that...
A good few hundred years of draining and paving over as many marshes as possible has cut their really is only the last couple decades that we have come to understand THAT basic function of marshes...and to slow NOT stop getting rid of the unsightly marshes...
Sooo...where do all the chemicals go?
almost straight into our drinking water...
and there is no purifier that is going to get rid of the chemicals...doesn't matter how many microns you go down to...

It is this idea that the environment is akin to some flat picture...on a sidewalk...that irks me.
The Praries are not a monoculture.
The Praries are a biodiverse ecosystem with all kinds of species thriving inside it.
A stand of birch trees in nature...aren't a monoculture...
they are part of a biodiverse ecosystem...
and the same goes for the mack.

A monoculture is an imposed "crop" of a "resource" meant for "harvesting" for a profit.
To that end...
It is policed and any foreign impacting presence is removed.
Bug, animal "pest", or infiltrating plant ..native or not.

pichlo 2018-05-11 20:13

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1544210)
The "praries" are not a monoculture. Nor are birch forests..nor shoals of mackerel...

That depends on the level at which you are observing them. OK, a prairie may not be a good example. What to me looks like "just a grass" is probably a mixture of dozens of grass species. But there are vast forests with no trees other than birch. That is not to say that there are no other species in there, just no other trees. Similarly, a field of wheat has no other species of grass, but there are species of other things. Soil bacteria, fungi, even other plants, insects, birds, mice... Especially with organic farming, but even chemical treatment is not "perfect" and does not kill everything.


We enforce monocultures upon nature...
I never disputed that. We definitely do. They are many orders of magnitude more prevalent wherever humans are involved. But to say that they do not exist in nature is a bit of a stretch. There is an oxbow lake near where I live. Completely natural. I watched for the past 20 years how it was gradually losing connection to the main stream. Now it's not much more than a shallow bog, completely overtaken (choked) with water lilies. Its banks have similarly been overtaken by stinging nettle. There, two nice monocultures for you :D None of them are as big as a typical wheat field but they are monocultures none the less. It's just a matter of scale.

endsormeans 2018-05-11 23:15

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
Wow man...
No....the Praries aren't even close to being called a monoculture...
They "are" an actual diverse ecosystem...
Mono means "ONE" ....not multiple.
No other plants are growing in the wheat fields here. No insects are tolerated...
THAT is a monoculture...
It is an artificially enforced unnatural construct...upon nature.
By the same reckoning you are using...
concerning the Praries...alone...
The Sahara and Gobi and Amazon Rainforest are monocultures...because they "look" like just one thing..."an endless seeming expanse of the same thing"

May as well call the oceans monocultures ...since a glance at the surface of them ...they look pretty much uniform too...

And as far as your lake drying up...
that is a natural movement to a marsh....and then ultimately...a meadow...and then most likely into a thicket...of trees..
Happens here all the time ...
Lakelets dry up...turn into swamp or marsh...
Got one occurring down at the bottom of my valley fact...
It was...a long time ago...a very big lake...
Over the centuries it has gooten smaller...and is turning into marsh...
But that don't make the process to something monocultural...

As soon as we clear a space and plant only 1 it...and then make sure the yield and quality isn't disturbed by a foreign (to the monoculture) is a monoculture.
The biodiversity of that area is damaged.
Trying to argue the fine point and say fungi and bacteria exist really stretching...
they exist as long as they have no negative impact on the crop.
The moment they do...they are considered a negative impact and are dealt with....

There is a really questionable term...that has been warped for the use of marketing.

pichlo 2018-05-12 07:15

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
We will just have to agree to disagree. You see a monoculture only in a wheat field. Ergo, it is by definition exclusively a human construct. QED.

I see it everywhere where a single species manages to dominate and push out all other species. On whatever scale. A small pond overgrown with duckweed. A demijohn of wort that started off as a full ecosystem with hundreds of species of bacteria, protozoa and fungi including at least half a dozen of yeast but where a single species of yeast has taken over and choked everything else to death.

But whichever way you see it, and to bring us back at least a bit closer to the topic, neither way matches you claim in post 24 that the current mobile OS situation is a monoculture. There is diversity, with OSes coming and going all the time. Some die out young, some grow to dominate but eventually die out too, outcompeted by more successful newcomers, very much like species in the nature. If there is monoculture, it is only localised in both space and time. More akin to my duckweed overgrown pond than your wheat field.

pichlo 2018-05-12 08:04

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
In addition to my post 29...

If anything, I see the mobile OS landscape today more diverse than ever. Do you rremember not so long ago when there was just one mobile OS? Somehow I did not hear anyone at the time moaning how bad it was. Thank God Symbian is no longer with us, I feel absolutely no pity for it. There were others vying for its position (Blackberry, Palm, even Bada) with different levels of success. Eventually thee succeeded. One of them is already in decline, while there are others budding and hoping to take root. That is diversity. That is a dynamic landscape. The duckweed-overgrown pond has dried up and been re-colonized with hogweed. You may be moaning because you wanted it to be re-colonised with tulips instead but that is a matter of personal preference. Diversity exists, the landscape is constantly evolving.

endsormeans 2018-05-12 12:27

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
I must admit I have the advantage of being the descendant of multi generational farmers..
and having spent half my life (the first of course) growing up on a farm, learning first hand, as well as university study in horticulture ..

monoculture : def. by cambridge dictionary:
meaning: the practice of growing only one crop or keeping only one type of animal on an area of farm land.
: an area of farm land on which only one crop is grown or one type of animal is kept, or the crops grown or animals kept there.
: a culture that is the same in many different places.

a monoculture is an imposed human construct.
diversity is not allowed in a monoculture. It defeats the purpose of it.

The lake that is drying up is a natural process...
the invading species which are doing so in the lake bed ..are a natural process...
that is a natural process.
simply because hogweed is beginning to invade invading or has invaded an ecosystem...doesn't make "it" the monocultural ecosystem...nor does not mean it becomes or automatically is a monocultural environment.
It is an oxy***** (really?? this is not a derogatory word to censor..) to call something a moncultural is in fact anathema to one another.

That isn't how nature works.

gerbick 2018-05-12 21:07

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1544221)
...I see the mobile OS landscape today more diverse than ever....

We disagree here. A true duopoly exists over the majority of users and devices whereas prior attempts have mostly been failures, soon to fail, or will fail sooner than later. Such is the case as Maemo, MeeGo, FirefoxOS, Windows Mobile, Ubuntu Touch, PalmOS, WebOS, SavaJe OS, Tizen and so forth. All of those are in a different state of failure if not already in the history books.

ChromeOS running Linux is perhaps a bump on the road to offering something useful to a new generation of users. But for the older folks that's been around for ages - it means perhaps far too little.

Who knows. But I do not think the mobile OS landscape is more diverse at this very moment. No real options have stood the test of time like iOS and Android over the last decade. Before that, Symbian reigned supreme.

pichlo 2018-05-13 05:15

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
A duopoly is better than monopoly, gerbick ;) Which was exactly my point. There was a time when you had a choice between Symbian and, err, nothing. That choice grew and shrunk over time and will no doubt continue doing so.

gerbick 2018-05-13 05:56

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1544250)
A duopoly is better than monopoly, gerbick ;) Which was exactly my point. There was a time when you had a choice between Symbian and, err, nothing. That choice grew and shrunk over time and will no doubt continue doing so.

Too bad this duopoly has the monopoly on not being anywhere where I’d rather be and use. There were better suited past choices that did not garner enough support for continued development.

And I avoided Symbian for as long as I could. I did not like it at all. Still hate saying its name.

pichlo 2018-05-13 06:05

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
That makes two of us, gerbick. I find it infinitely puzzling how some of the same people who now grumble about Apple and Google also worship Nokia. The irony must be utterly lost on them.

juiceme 2018-05-13 19:28

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1544252)
That makes two of us, gerbick. I find it infinitely puzzling how some of the same people who now grumble about Apple and Google also worship Nokia. The irony must be utterly lost on them.

It's called Nostalgia, the golden memories of past era.
No matter the past era was all f****d up and generally everybody was miserable :)

gerbick 2018-05-14 01:53

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1544280)
It's called Nostalgia, the golden memories of past era.
No matter the past era was all f****d up and generally everybody was miserable :)

Nostalgia does seem to paint a rosier picture oftentimes.

You'd think that future iterations of technology would have learned how to accomplish things in a better way.

So far, I'm not seeing it. Personally waiting on the day we all can look at this "app" mentality and see them for the black boxes that they truly have become full of potential data misuse and collecting personal data and selling it to any interested bidder.

Sigh. Perhaps I might be better off with a dumb phone after all.

endsormeans 2018-05-14 03:41

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps
I know that the given is that the past always is remembered to be better than it really was...

But...the alternate spin to it... is that...compared to the ever increasing morass of crap that piles on top of us all with every passing year...
Perhaps the past IS indeed far far far more appealing ...
than the present ...
or heaven forbid...
what nightmare awaits in the near future...

I foresee in the future that everyone will have no option to dine out...except at Taco Bell...because it will be the only survivor of the Great Fast-Food Wars...
No wait..that was "Demolition Man"

I foresee a terrible terrible future...for us all...
Dominated utterly by the mergered monster "MicroAppleDroid"

(ok ...I think I am done my cross-thread-skipping lunacy...time to go back to my hookah....)

mscion 2018-05-14 10:53

Re: Chrome OS Will Run Linux Apps

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1544295)
(ok ...I think I am done my cross-thread-skipping lunacy...time to go back to my hookah....)

Well, that explains everything!

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