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Leonardo Cardoso 2008-02-24 11:51

Stella - Atari port
Hi guys,

I was wondering if there is | someone is working on | is it possible a stella port for the N810. Since I'm an old-school games guy, this would be very interesting. :D

I also thing the port is very possible. I would try it myself if I wasnt so busy... :(


Leonardo Cardoso 2008-02-24 11:54

Re: Stella - Atari port
Its seems I'm not alone here:


tobiasj 2008-02-24 12:37

Re: Stella - Atari port
Also being a LONG time atari user (I still have a Mega2 set up that I use to config switches and routers etc...) I would like to see it as well. I have not tried loading it since I upgraded to OS2008 but there is a port of Hatari available for Maemo that works great.

I think I am going to try installing that today and see if it works in 2008...

Hatari is available at:


OSEmuTech 2008-02-24 13:37

Re: Stella - Atari port
I tried a quick and dirty build of Stella from the latest CVS sources using Scratchbox and the Maemo SDK.

The source configures O.K. (./configure --enable-static) and the make process gets pretty far advanced, but eventually errors on the following:

src/emucore/OSystem.cxx: In member function `virtual void OSystem::queryVideoHardware()':
src/emucore/OSystem.cxx:772: error: 'const struct SDL_VideoInfo' has no member named 'current_w'
src/emucore/OSystem.cxx:773: error: 'const struct SDL_VideoInfo' has no member named 'current_h'
make: *** [src/emucore/OSystem.o] Error 1

salomc 2008-02-24 15:14

Re: Stella - Atari port
Atari... I'd love to play it in my N800. I guess much more people would...

C'mon, Atari belongs to us :)

ArnimS 2008-02-24 21:15

Re: Stella - Atari port

Originally Posted by OSEmuTech (Post 147021)
SDL_VideoInfo' has no member named 'current_h'
make: *** [src/emucore/OSystem.o] Error 1

These structures were added to SDL 1.2.10. OS2008 only has 1.2.8/

diff OSystem.cxx OSystem.cxx.orig

<  /*
<  */
<      ostringstream buf;
<      Resolution r;
<      r.width  = 800;
<      r.height = 480;
<      buf.str("");
<      buf << r.width << "x" << r.height;
<      myResolutions.insert_at(0, r);  // insert fixed Nokia res (device specific hack)

OSEmuTech 2008-02-24 21:27

Re: Stella - Atari port
Thanks for the heads up Arnim!

I'll remove the SDL from CVS in Scratchbox (make uninstall) and use the SDL 1.2.8 source for future messing around with compiling emulators.

I'm just a little more advanced than a "Hello World" development n00b, but am currently reading books on Bash scripting and GTK+ development. Maybe in a couple more years I'll know what I'm doing.

Ah ... and the Stella source had to be edited. I did it manually as I'm uncertain how to do it from diff => patch.

Bundyo 2008-02-24 21:33

Re: Stella - Atari port
There's libsdl-something1.2-dev packages in some repos if you prefer not to compile it.

OSEmuTech 2008-02-24 21:45

Re: Stella - Atari port
Hum. I haven't added any repositories to the Scratchbox Maemo testing environment. Can standard repositories be added using the Application Manager in Scratchbox? :o

ArnimS 2008-02-25 02:50

Re: Stella - Atari port
Please do not rely-upon features added since 1.2.8.

If you install a more recent libSDL into scratchbox, you will need to link statically or use a LD_INCLUDE for your upgraded version at runtime.

Either way, you'll add a few hundred kilobytes to the install size. Unless stella makes extensive use of new features, I'd advise modifying stella to be compatible with maemo, not substituting maemo components to be compatible with stella.

Btw fixing that error leads to more problems further down:

/usr/lib/libpthread.a(unwind.o): In function `unwind_stop': undefined reference to `_Unwind_GetCFA'
/usr/lib/libpthread.a(unwind.o): In function `unwind_stop': undefined reference to `_Unwind_GetCFA'
/usr/lib/libX11.a(ConnDis.o): In function `GetAuthorization':../../src/ConnDis.c:1251: undefined reference to `XauDisposeAuth'
/usr/lib/libX11.a(ConnDis.o): In function `_X11TransConnectDisplay':../../src/ConnDis.c:1056: undefined reference to `XauGetBestAuthByAddr'
:../../src/ConnDis.c:1195: undefined reference to `XdmcpWrap'
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/3.4.4/libstdc++.a(eh_personality.o): In function `base_of_encoded_value(unsigned char, _Unwind_Context*)': undefined reference to `_Unwind_GetDataRelBase'
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/3.4.4/libstdc++.a(eh_personality.o): In function `base_of_encoded_value(unsigned char, _Unwind_Context*)': undefined reference to `_Unwind_GetTextRelBase'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [stella] Error 1

OSEmuTech 2008-02-25 03:36

Re: Stella - Atari port
Thanks. Yes, those were the errors I was receiving earlier. After doing some Google searching, I gave up.

I've been getting familiar with running Scratchbox and the Maemo testing environment via andLinux. I even made a rough debian package (for the first time) of xkbd that installed in Scratchbox, but I hadn't created an icon for the menu in order to start it, then I noticed your debian of xkbd appears to be of the same source version, so installed it.

I guess all packages must be installed via the Scratchbox terminal, not the Application Manager? (Maybe I need to be in Red Pill Mode ...)

I'm just going to be playing around while you real developers make magic. ;)

Addison 2008-02-25 04:26

Re: Stella - Atari port
Greetings OSEmuTech!

Hey, I was wondering if you could look over a post that I made here...

I really would like to see my vertical keyboard launch much easier than the hassle that's currently needed to get it going.

Any chance you would be willing to make Xkbd launch on the left side of the screen or recompile it so that it will accept +0+0 geometry arguments?

That would be incredibly awesome if you can figure this one out! :)

I know that my vertical keyboard isn't the greatest, but if it were to be airbrushed a little, possibly have some nicer coloring, I think it's probably the best way to have it launch within the tool bar side of the screen so it's not in the way of anything.

Well, tell me what you're thinking when you have the chance.

Cheers buddy!

OSEmuTech 2008-02-25 04:47

Re: Stella - Atari port
Certainly Addison! I'll spend time tomorrow seeing if I can build upon your keyboard layout.

Though I think the Xlibs, libxpm4, and/or libxau0 packages need to be brought up to date for OS 2008 before xkbd will work decently for most users.

I'm NIT-ed out tonight. :D

Addison 2008-02-25 05:04

Re: Stella - Atari port
Sweetness dude!

Looking forward to hearing back from you either on Monday or Tuesday.

OSEmuTech 2008-02-26 00:05

Re: Stella - Atari port

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 147337)
Sweetness dude!

Looking forward to hearing back from you either on Monday or Tuesday.

It's taken me hours to get this far. It looks like the -geometry switch has to be made via a terminal prompt (I was hoping maybe it could be done in the keyboard map). But I'm still messing with it ...

Addison 2008-02-26 01:34

Re: Stella - Atari port

It's taken me hours to get this far. It looks like the -geometry switch has to be made via a terminal prompt (I was hoping maybe it could be done in the keyboard map). But I'm still messing with it ...
Well, that was disappointing to hear... Weep. Sob.

I thought there would be at least one line of coding where it's offsetting the X and Y axis to display at the bottom right side of the screen. I was hoping that someone, like yourself, could null that coding out so it would start at the top left edge of the screen.

But keep working at it! You can do it!!! :D

Oh, and hey, um, you're custom keyboard that you just posted, that, well, ... that's really a horrible looking turd.

No, I mean it! Too many columns don't line up correctly.

But no worries dude, you should have seen my first attempt. It was one gawdy looking horrible searing nightmare of unimaginable dilapidated disgust and seizure inducing grewsomeness.

Also, for any games and such that requires number inputs for direction, you probably should have those keys lined up correctly like that of the numpad on your home computer.

Anyway, I didn't mean to hijack this thread, but hey, I wasn't the first to go off topic here.

*Points at OSEmuTech* :)

OSEmuTech 2008-02-26 01:44

Re: Stella - Atari port
I just updated the image after fixing the alignment and adding a caps lock since the last image update.

I'm not much of a developer, but I'm sure the code xkbd can be hardcoded for a set geometry arguement. Just that it would always launch and reside on the left side.

So now I'm looking at creating a shell script that would launch osso-xterm full screen and then run

xkbd -geometry -1-1 | dosbox

Addison 2008-02-26 01:58

Re: Stella - Atari port
Wow, good to hear that you're still at it! I trust and respect your judgment, so don't screw this up! :D


xkbd -geometry -1-1 | dosbox
Even though that's the only way to get it to line up correctly on the left and top side of the screen, you know that it completely breaks the minimize and maximize buttons. So once you minimize your custom keyboard, the only thing that can be done from that point is to kill it in Xterm and relaunch it once again. Very frustrating, so I'm wishing you the best of luck on this.

Well, gotta go for the rest of the night. Hope to hear back from you again tomorrow.

Cheers dude!

Leonardo Cardoso 2008-03-01 10:33

Re: Stella - Atari port
Humm... I've seen you guys have made some progress on the stella atari port since I left the first message. Well, seeing so much enthusiasm left me also enthusiastic and I will try to get my hans dirty too. Can any of you guys point me to a good guide on developping for maemo?


ArnimS 2008-03-01 20:47

Re: Stella - Atari port
That's the first time i've heard it called 'a hans'. ;)

If you're interested in SDL programming, has good references and sample programs you can compile on linux and windows. To get started with maemo in general, look to for howtos. To get a pre-made development environment, search for "maemo vmware appliance".

For ppl really starting from scratch, i'd suggest first learning to compile already written programs on linux, Then sit down with something like Sam's "learning C in 21 days". Then find a simple, small program that interests you and start looking into the source to see how it works, make small changes, and go from there.

(edit) some good sdl game tutorials

Leonardo Cardoso 2008-03-03 11:05

Re: Stella - Atari port
Oops, little type there... I meant "hands". hehehehehe

I have good knowledge in C(++) for unix systems so I guess that the "learning C in 21 days" wont be needed. I also am familiar with the development environment under linux. I just want a simple kickoff tutorial to give my first steps.

Thanks for the pointers. I'll look into that this week.

fms 2008-03-03 11:26

Re: Stella - Atari port

Originally Posted by Leonardo Cardoso (Post 150334)
I just want a simple kickoff tutorial to give my first steps.

Maemo uses a standard Linux OS with GTK/X11 for user interface and ESound for audio. The display is 16bpp, the audio appears to be fixed at 44.1kHz, but you can change the other parameters.

As far as development tools go, your best bet will be to install Ubuntu7 ("Gutsy Gibbon") and Maemo SDK+ (based on ScratchBox2 that will be installed automatically). After that, you should be able to use Maemo GCC and packaging tools by prepending their names with "sb2":

gcc hello.c - your local Ubuntu gcc
sb2 gcc hello.c - Maemo gcc

To transfer your application to the tablet, install SSH server on the tablet and use standard scp/ssh tools from Ubuntu7 to copy files to the tablet and run them there.


Writing a new application:

Porting existing application:

Installing Maemo SDK+:

Leonardo Cardoso 2008-03-04 09:54

Re: Stella - Atari port

Originally Posted by fms (Post 150337)
Maemo uses a standard Linux OS with GTK/X11 for user interface and ESound for audio. The display is 16bpp, the audio appears to be fixed at 44.1kHz, but you can change the other parameters.

As far as development tools go, your best bet will be to install Ubuntu7 ("Gutsy Gibbon") and Maemo SDK+ (based on ScratchBox2 that will be installed automatically). After that, you should be able to use Maemo GCC and packaging tools by prepending their names with "sb2":

gcc hello.c - your local Ubuntu gcc
sb2 gcc hello.c - Maemo gcc

To transfer your application to the tablet, install SSH server on the tablet and use standard scp/ssh tools from Ubuntu7 to copy files to the tablet and run them there.


Writing a new application:

Porting existing application:

Installing Maemo SDK+:

Thanks fms. That was very usefull. I already have Gutsy Gibbon installed so I guess this will be a breeze. It seems Stella bases itself on SDL, so I should look into that too. Lets see how I progress...


fanoush 2008-03-04 12:13

Re: Stella - Atari port

Originally Posted by Leonardo Cardoso (Post 150670)
It seems Stella bases itself on SDL, so I should look into that too. Lets see how I progress...


SDL is installed on device, preinstalled games (tetris,chess,..) use SDL too. You will miss virtual keyboard input but otherwise SDL is good choice too.

ArnimS 2008-03-12 03:24

Re: Stella - Atari port
New emu 'port': Stella Atari 2600 emulator. :)
Port page:
OS2007 .deb:
OS2008 .deb:

Taking you back 30 years in console gaming history, Stella moves! It bleeps! It bloops! It goes 'CHRRRRR' when you crash!

I added some button mappings and default options to ~/.stella.
Stella can have multiple key/button bindings defined per action. To assign buttons to actions, select Options->Input and then click on an action, then click 'map' to your preferred button.

More info at the Stella Homepage:

Should install on OS2007/2008 from a click on the link and be launchable from menu. Holler if it gives you any trouble. Cheers.

Leonardo Cardoso 2008-03-12 09:33

Re: Stella - Atari port
Wow! Impressive! Good job!

Its the full Stella port, no limitations os restriction! Way to go, Arnims!


Ill keep trying it. Anything should happen, I'll let you know.


Pushwall 2008-03-12 16:55

Re: Stella - Atari port
Very nice to see this working. I still have my Atari 2600 sitting in my basement with a whole slew of cartridges. I can't wait to try this out and see how it runs. Thanks ArnimS for another cool port! :cool:

Addison 2008-03-12 20:38

Re: Stella - Atari port
Wow, an Atari 2600 port!

This should be more fun than playing with an empty pop can! :D

So what was everyone's favorite games back in the day?

Hopefully, Pushwall and me aren't the only dust farting turds around here that was alive back then. :(

For me, I'll have to say it was H.E.R.O., Pitfall, Demon Attack, and River Raid.

spirytsick 2008-03-12 20:42

Re: Stella - Atari port
Just so you know, atari++ emulator compiles cleanly in scratchbox and works on the tablet. I am not a coder/programmer so I only compiled a version which can be used with btkeyboard/n810 but it works. Perhaps someone more skilled could look at fully hildonizing the emulator. I think it's worth it.

Pushwall 2008-03-12 23:47

Re: Stella - Atari port

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 154124)
So what was everyone's favorite games back in the day?

Hopefully, Pushwall and me aren't the only dust farting turds around here that was alive back then. :(

For me, I'll have to say it was H.E.R.O., Pitfall, Demon Attack, and River Raid.

Haha Addison you've gotta way with words! :D

Gee I never played H.E.R.O. I'll have to check it out. My favorites are similar. I loved River Raid, probably the one I played the most. I also liked Pitfall, Demon Attack, Atlantis, and Defender. I've got so many I can't remember them all.

I just tried Atlantis and Defender and oh my my what mindless fun. Looks like I'll be taking a 10 minute Atari break at noon every day to relieve some of that daily work stress! :)

OSEmuTech 2008-03-13 00:36

Re: Stella - Atari port
Damn. (OS 2007)

ArnimS 2008-03-13 15:00

Re: Stella - Atari port
Thanks for the heads-up. Building an OS2007 version now.
Please try the OS2007 .deb:

Leonardo Cardoso 2008-03-13 15:14

Re: Stella - Atari port

Originally Posted by Pushwall (Post 154198)
Haha Addison you've gotta way with words! :D

Gee I never played H.E.R.O. I'll have to check it out. My favorites are similar. I loved River Raid, probably the one I played the most. I also liked Pitfall, Demon Attack, Atlantis, and Defender. I've got so many I can't remember them all.

I just tried Atlantis and Defender and oh my my what mindless fun. Looks like I'll be taking a 10 minute Atari break at noon every day to relieve some of that daily work stress! :)

Hey guys, I'm over 30!!

My all time faves were enduro, river raid, pacman, space invaders and pitfall.

By the way, stella is running fine! I've been doing some "intensive" testing and so far no problems! I'll just have to get used to the N810 keyboard.

Great job ArnimS!


tobiasj 2008-03-13 16:53

Re: Stella - Atari port

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 154124)
Wow, an Atari 2600 port!

This should be more fun than playing with an empty pop can! :D

So what was everyone's favorite games back in the day?

Hopefully, Pushwall and me aren't the only dust farting turds around here that was alive back then. :(

For me, I'll have to say it was H.E.R.O., Pitfall, Demon Attack, and River Raid.

I was a big fan of Venture and River Raid, Pitfall was another one I loved. Star Raiders was great, but I dont think it would work well in the N800 emulator (not enough keys)

The Atari Flashback 2.0 is a big hit in my house as well as my original 7800 system still ticking over..


OSEmuTech 2008-03-13 21:25

Re: Stella - Atari port

Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 154426)
Thanks for the heads-up. Building an OS2007 version now.
Please try the OS2007 .deb:

Many thanks Arnim! I played a number of different games like the original Asteroids, Space Invaders, and Pac Man. Wow, I'm rusty after close to 30 years of not playing. :D

famdango 2010-02-17 22:48

Re: Stella - Atari port

Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 149926)
That's the first time i've heard it called 'a hans'. ;)

If you're interested in SDL programming, has good references and sample programs you can compile on linux and windows. To get started with maemo in general, look to for howtos. To get a pre-made development environment, search for "maemo vmware appliance".

For ppl really starting from scratch, i'd suggest first learning to compile already written programs on linux, Then sit down with something like Sam's "learning C in 21 days". Then find a simple, small program that interests you and start looking into the source to see how it works, make small changes, and go from there.

(edit) some good sdl game tutorials

I am such a n00b. this is good advice methinks. The reason i started looking through this thread was because i have just got an n900 and i want an Atari 800 XL emulator with all the games that i had when i was a kid! I remember typing out the basic programs from the programming manual for hours! hehehehe, syntax error....

ArnimS 2011-04-01 01:31

Re: Stella - Atari port
Hi, ds3 requested a stella that worked with "chording keys"

This is my april 1,2011 build of Stella - the atari 2600 emu.
It is unmodified, except for configuration settings in ~/.stella.
Source is at

It should work, but no guarantees.

As root, run the script, or type the following

1) cp -r .stella /home/user
2) [as root] cp -r opt/stella /opt && chown -R user:users /opt/stella
3) [as root] cp usr/bin/stella /usr/bin

start game by typing stella
quit by typing ctrl-q

q: Select
w: Reset
e: Color TV
r: Black / White TV
t: P0 Difficulty A
y: P0 Difficulty B
u: P1 Difficulty A
i: P1 Difficulty B
o: Save State
p: Load State
Arrows Move Joystick
a: Fire
ctrl-q Quit

Have fun!

bingomion 2011-11-23 22:14

Re: Stella - Atari port
hmm i'm surprised there's no stella for N900 :(
oh well.. i'll try out this one first

bingomion 2011-11-23 22:38

Re: Stella - Atari port
Many thanks :)
works very well on N900.. GUI is a bit fiddly with the buttons at the bottom, but still very usable :)
The controls are up vol for start.
space to fire, arrows as control.

Thanks again! :D :D


Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 154426)
Thanks for the heads-up. Building an OS2007 version now.
Please try the OS2007 .deb:

elcaito 2015-09-02 05:29

Re: Stella - Atari port
Wow. This works! Awesome. Thank you so much for the N900 port

EDIT: I spoke too soon. It starts and starts a game, but the keyboard does not work. All I can do is CTRL-Q to quit the app or BACKSPACE which seems to crash the app entirely. Will the other ATARI800 port load 2600 ROMS? I can't get that to work either. It just crashes.
I am running all these under Kernel-Power 53, and no overclocking

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