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testtuc 2007-03-15 20:37

[Maemo 5] Amiga UAE Port
Moderator edit: A large commercial pack of Amiga games and $30 offered as bounty to a developer who makes meaningful improvements in the emulator for Maemo.

is it possible to port UAE on maemo ?

does wthe n800 is capable of good 2D and 3D performance ?

ArnimS 2007-04-05 07:59

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
I just compiled and ran UAE on Nokia 770


SeRi@lDiE 2007-04-05 09:03

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
So whats with the HUMONGUS letters?

Karel Jansens 2007-04-05 09:51

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

Originally Posted by SeRi@lDiE (Post 42902)
So whats with the HUMONGUS letters?

Amiga users can only read in VGA. :D

ArnimS 2007-04-05 10:54

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

Originally Posted by SeRi@lDiE (Post 42902)
So whats with the HUMONGUS letters?


Getting about 10fps in Arkanoid. It's much prettier than the Atari ST version.

The config menu kinda almost works. Keyboard works. Mouse works, but absolute positioning with touchscreen not so much. Sound still not working.

Here's a temp. link to the binary for 770 / it2006.

It obviously needs a kickstart ROM image, and some disk image to boot (e.g. a game).

Untar the tgz to /home/user or some other directory (not on MMC1), edit uaerc to point to your kickstart ROM and boot disk image. Then run the ./amiga script.

Give it a try, and let me know how it works. See if you can find uaerc options to speed up the emulation. Im applying for a garage page now.

(edit) Setting cpu_speed=max gives a roughly 30-50% improvement in framerate

jethro.itt 2007-04-05 16:39

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 42915)
Here's a temp. link to the binary for 770 / it2006.

Seems to work OK on an N800, IT2007 (version 3.2007.10-7) as well...

I'm currently running Spaceballs' State of the Art. About 1/2 to 1/4 speed of nominal (when rendering every third frame) and no sound. This demo is quite challenging for an emulator, so the emulation is probably perfectly useful for something lighter.

testtuc 2007-04-11 08:33

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
can we use the entire large screen of tablet without drop frame ?

does game work fine with 30fps and sound or not ?

does the system can be optimize for using power video of n770 or n800 ?

can you make benchmark of the emu beetwen table / pc ... with game for example : lionheart ? (on my palm E2 the system work without sound at 5/10 fps :() ) ...

a video of ingame emulation ??

ArnimS 2007-04-25 20:48

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

Originally Posted by testtuc (Post 43737)
can we use the entire large screen of tablet without drop frame ?

does game work fine with 30fps and sound or not ?

does the system can be optimize for using power video of n770 or n800 ?

can you make benchmark of the emu beetwen table / pc ... with game for example : lionheart ? (on my palm E2 the system work without sound at 5/10 fps :() ) ...

a video of ingame emulation ??

Speeds are averaging 8-10 fps in various demos. No 30fps+sound. Hah. Maybe with the cyclone core someday. A good place to start would be with gp2x sources, but they require some reworking to be adapted to nokia.s.

The 'power video' would be xsp pixel-doubling and it's possible this might work, or not. Since xsp doubling is somewhat buggy in current implementation.

Right now i'm focusing on my exult port for 770 / 800 tablets, as it's very close to playable now.

I'm not giving up on the emulators just yet, but they require some serious work to get the speed up to usable.

Cheers! :)

ErrorEmpire 2007-06-28 10:48

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
I already tried E-UAE ( in February 2006 on a Nokia 770.
I had similar problems with that port: Stuttering sound and nearly not possible to use the stylus because of the absolute positioning.
Because I would like to work on that again, I have some questions to your work: Which version of UAE have you used? Have you made already some changes to the source code?


ArnimS 2007-06-30 12:22

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

Originally Posted by ErrorEmpire (Post 54490)
I already tried E-UAE ( in February 2006 on a Nokia 770.
your work: Which version of UAE have you used? Have you made already some changes to the source code?


I just tested uae-0.8.25 from the deb source.

I started implementing pixel-doubling and integrating achurch's optimized ARM core, but it's not working yet.

I'll look into E-Uae, but i'm busy with RL and other projects. The mouse issue is likely due to relative positioning. It should be a simple change to get absolute positioning.

ArnimS 2007-09-17 18:53

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

New version - with .deb package and GTK gui.

I've been tweaking the gtkui.c to get it to fit and function.

Rendering is currently a scanline 2x scaler. Running lemmings about 5 fps.

Currently working on mapping buttons to pause emu, set fullscreen mode, and run the hardware scaler only when appropriate :/

Sound doesn't work at all - using /dev/dsp

Munk 2007-12-27 16:46

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

Kudos on what you have done with porting UAE to the NIT. Man, this is awesome to have it on the Nokia where I had it already on my VGA PPC.

I was wondering if there were any advancements in the following areas:

1) Absolute pointer positioning versus relative?
2) Sound emulation?
3) Right, left click options maybe using the menu and undo buttons?

Beyond that, it's really cool getting the hard-disk file working and booting from that. But the most frustrating thing is the pointer tapping makes it very hard to use as each tap is a click as well. Maybe by using the hardware buttons of menu and undo/esc would make all the difference?

Anyways, a million thanks to you for getting this to work. :D

ArnimS 2007-12-28 15:22

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
I'm fed up with emu/gaming performance on 770. Will work on new ports and uae when i get the N810.

There is *no* way to get absolute mouse positioning in something like dosbox. On UAE it might be possible to hack the OS to get absolute position from SDL, but this would require an amige OS hacker to implement.

*edit* so the way to get some kind of usable mouse would be to use screen like a trackpad, and implement click with a hardware button.

Choosing a button for this is difficult, since the tablet has few free buttons. Possibly the +/- buttons could be mapped to left click and right click. Would you like this?

spirytsick 2008-01-06 21:00

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
1 Attachment(s)
I have just managed to run it on n800 with os2008. It works, very slow but works.
There is a strange issue with screen though as the display is moved down a little, I have attached a screenshot. Also, imho, it is probably not worth taking alook at e-uae as it is x86 optimized version of uae based on winuae. It certainly has a lot of x86 asm customizations. I suggest perhaps having a look at cyclone core as it is already highly optimized for arm (picodrive which is based on the cyclone core, works beautifully on Nokia n95 which happens to have exactly the same cpu as N8x0)
Btw. Kudos to the author of Kerez, it makes launching command line only apps so much easier.

Attachment 741

ArnimS 2008-01-10 08:33

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

Originally Posted by spirytsick (Post 122068)
I have just managed to run it on n800 with os2008. It works, very slow but works.
There is a strange issue with screen though as the display is moved down a little, I have attached a screenshot.

Yeah UAE doesn't scale/position screens in the various modes properly.

Thanks for the Kerez pointer - i was using load-applet-run on it2006.

N810 obviously is a much nicer device for the computer emulators, and i'll spend a few days doing chinook builds for each.

Obviously x86 optimizations are out. I'm aware of the cyclone cpu emulator but there are incompatibilities between the cores which require a lot of work to iron-out. It's all do-able though.

spirytsick 2008-01-10 10:11

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
Thanks for the info. If you ever need a tester please do not hesitate to contact me. I'd love to have uae working. I think it should be possible to emulate a500 at full speed as the gp2x emulators are doing just that with much slower cpu. I realise AGA will probably have to wait until time when the tablets are much more powerfull.

btw. I have noticed you are releasing a lot of stuff. There many other emulators you might have a look at if you haven't got anything more important to do, such us the 8-bit machines like spectrum or atari ?

ArnimS 2008-01-14 10:30

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
I need to focus on doing a better job on less ports. I hope my ports page shows which apps are easy to port encourages others to pick up projects they are interested-in.

Off the top of my head, the first things the UAE port needs is a sdl-games frontend, os2007 and 2008 builds, support for relative mouse positioning (dragging stylus over streen like with a touchpad).

Following that, one could look into better screen placement and integration of optimized ARM assembly modules (cyclone core, etc).

unique311 2008-01-14 10:53

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

OSEmuTech 2008-02-29 03:38

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

Originally Posted by unique311 (Post 127294)

I compiled E-UAE in Scratchbox tonight and have it running on OS 2008. The GUI is rather nice. But I don't have AmiSys running quite yet (Ich spreka Deutch nitch) despite several hours of messing with it. I can boot off a WorkBench 3.1 disk image though. The mouse is "sticky". :p

mscdex 2008-02-29 04:50

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

Originally Posted by OSEmuTech (Post 149309)
I compiled E-UAE in Scratchbox tonight and have it running on OS 2008. The GUI is rather nice. But I don't have AmiSys running quite yet (Ich spreka Deutch nitch) despite several hours of messing with it. I can boot off a WorkBench 3.1 disk image though. The mouse is "sticky". :p

How's the performance?

spirytsick 2008-02-29 10:11

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 76062)

New version - with .deb package and GTK gui.

I've been tweaking the gtkui.c to get it to fit and function.

Rendering is currently a scanline 2x scaler. Running lemmings about 5 fps.

Currently working on mapping buttons to pause emu, set fullscreen mode, and run the hardware scaler only when appropriate :/

Sound doesn't work at all - using /dev/dsp

Hi Pupnik,

I can't seem to find the link to this version on your page? Any chance of you to host it on your website? Thanks in advance.

OSEmuTech 2008-02-29 10:59

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

Originally Posted by mscdex (Post 149327)
How's the performance?

There are lots of RAM settings to try out. I didn't have a chance to actually run anything yet.

sgfx 2008-02-29 14:35

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
the ideal of holding an Amiga in my hand.. i can't wait to try it on my n800 (os2008)...
i used to live and breath Amiga. I still have a a500 and a2500 tucked away in my closet.
speaking of.. dose anyone have a clue about how i could attempt to transfer files off of a Amiga HD or floppies over to my pc ?

ArnimS 2008-02-29 17:16

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
Thanks for the interest.

I do have a modified frontend to fit on the 800x480 screen. Trying to cobble-together a runnable deb now.

Unfortunately OS2006 needs changes to register app with services - dbus/hildon and stuff. And the gui is crashing on me. Argh.

Anybody with some hildon/gtk skillz want to pick this up? I'll post debs and source in a bit.

Aight. the chinook now actually can launch from menu. with gregale ya need to do the services bit that i never really learned.
The gtk still needs some cleanup. The uae prog itself still draws crap to the right, doesn't scale properly, has useless borders, needs mouse calibration. But i tested a few games, and they run at semi-decent speed on N8x0. 438270 2008-02-29 OS2007/2008 N8x0 binary 441080 2008-02-29 OS2006 / 770 binary 1458931 2008-02-29 Modified source, with chinook makefile

I used ./configure --with-x and --with-alsa .. the sdl backend doesn't build and appears unmaintained. Much to do here.. I have to work on other things.


spirytsick 2008-02-29 17:56

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

Originally Posted by sgfx (Post 149456)
the ideal of holding an Amiga in my hand.. i can't wait to try it on my n800 (os2008)...
i used to live and breath Amiga. I still have a a500 and a2500 tucked away in my closet.
speaking of.. dose anyone have a clue about how i could attempt to transfer files off of a Amiga HD or floppies over to my pc ?

What i did in the past (and I am talking here about IDE drives from Amiga 1200) was to take the HD and under linux create a bit by bit copy of it. Then I would cut the file so the partitions become separate files and then used those in UAE as hardfiles and it worked (even if the partitions are in AFS/MUFS or PFS you can still get the data back, all you need is the apropriate handlers and fs files on your starting disc). It worked for me. I would however have no idea how to transfer files (other than through serial/parrallel/ethernet cables) from the old xt hard drives such as A590). But I suppose if your drive is scsi then you might follow the same procedure with apropriate controller on the pc.
Or perhaps you even can use the drive in uae directly (it should be possible if I remember correctly).

mscdex 2008-03-02 21:50

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

Originally Posted by OSEmuTech (Post 149409)
There are lots of RAM settings to try out. I didn't have a chance to actually run anything yet.

If it's usable, could you upload the compiled version somewhere? I'd love to try it out

OSEmuTech 2008-03-02 21:58

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
Sure. I uploaded it this morning (along with a now uncorrupt minivmac tarball): http://cid-de1b8fbb27739ebd.skydrive...x/Public/files

I can mount the AmiSys hard drive file and directory, but can't figure out how to get things going from Workbench 3.1.

Doh! Now I find the English page for AmiSys:

ensonic 2008-07-21 19:02

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
I've tried on diablo/N810. It installs fine, but starting it from the menu does not work. It says "UAE loading" and thats it. I can start it from the terminal though.
I also have the feeling that it does not remeber the settings. Now I have to find some adf/adz where something happens. So far I just got a black screen after un-pausing.

ensonic 2008-07-21 19:21

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
Yeah, Turrican (I) loads. Seem that adz files don't work. I also did not got any sound. @ArnimS: are you still working on it? I could help you a bit with the gtk-ui and also add full-screen mode. Do you have the sources in a repository? What about

astuermer 2008-10-23 11:26

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
any updates so far?
it loads a few seconds... - thats it. it wont start.

tried on diablo and chinook.

ensonic 2008-10-23 13:15

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
How have you started it? It does not work from the menu for me too, but it works from the terminal. To bad that ArnimS seems too busy. Having the latests sources would be great to improve it.

spirytsick 2008-10-23 16:38

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
there was a version of gp32 uae which was adapted to run on maemo floating around the #maemo irc channel a while ago. It was very speedy (nearly native A500 speeds and could run games full screen. Sadly nothing ever came out of it...

astuermer 2008-10-26 20:15

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

Originally Posted by ensonic (Post 235985)
How have you started it? It does not work from the menu for me too, but it works from the terminal. To bad that ArnimS seems too busy. Having the latests sources would be great to improve it.

i started from menu.
how to start it from terminal?

nikolajhendel 2008-10-30 20:50

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
damn - that version spirytsick talks about does sound interesting. Forget all other games, a full working uae emulator would be heaven.
speedball 2
fade to black

qole 2008-10-31 17:17

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
Anyone tried E-UAE or vanilla UAE with Easy Debian? Do they have all the problems of the Maemo ports?

hordeman 2009-10-16 23:29

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

Originally Posted by spirytsick (Post 236070)
there was a version of gp32 uae which was adapted to run on maemo floating around the #maemo irc channel a while ago. It was very speedy (nearly native A500 speeds and could run games full screen. Sadly nothing ever came out of it...

Did this ever resurface? I'm interested in checking it out. Thanks!

is this the one you were talking about?

nikolajhendel 2009-10-18 07:50

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

Originally Posted by hordeman (Post 349168)
Did this ever resurface? I'm interested in checking it out. Thanks!

is this the one you were talking about?

Hi - the link refers to the same as this thread (at least it's the same author).
Hopefully there should be no problem in getting an Amiga emulator up and running on the N900, as it has been/is being developed for the Pandora:

(link taken from this thread:

hordeman 2009-10-19 22:25

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
cool. i'm interested in getting one working for the n810... the one i linked to was for the 770, and didn't seem quite as ready as the i read about on the thread. :)

testarc 2009-12-02 19:42

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?

i am a amiga fan , and do you know if the UAE is ported on N900 today ?? can anybody make a port of this ?

i want to buy an N900 if amiga emulator is possible :D

Walsted 2009-12-03 09:00

Re: Amiga UAE Port ?
YES!!! Pls make an Amiga Emulator work on my N900 :)

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