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jonnenau 2010-07-21 11:33

[Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
DropN900 - Python based DropBox client for the Nokia N900 mobile device

Present features
  • Login with your DropBox email and password, one time authentication. An oauth access token is used on later sessions. You can remove auth when you like and re-login with same or another DropBox account.
  • Full DropBox access. Read/write to everything in your dropbox account.
  • Synchronizing a DropBox path both ways (upload/download)
  • Create new folder, rename file/folder, upload file, download file, remove file/folder.
  • Image file thumbnail preview, loading animations and showing results for actions.
  • Threaded networking (non-bloking) so you'll have a smooth user experience while network I/O is happening. Threaded file writing for same reason.
  • Monitoring and requesting network connections from device.
  • App settings for various things.
  • Transfer Manager for monitoring active transfers and transfer history.


You'll need to have extras-devel enabled in your device repos. App Manager Just search 'dropn900' category is 'network', its the only thing you need to install. This package depends on many other that are listed below but they come automatically with this main package. Terminal sudo gainroot; apt-get update; apt-get install dropn900;


dropn900-0.1.9-1 - 24.11.2010
dropn900-0.1.8-1 - 23.11.2010
  • Sync upload/publish N900 camera folder content to dropbox path /N900Media/Photos and /N900Media/Videos
  • -> Confirmation options to sync both videos and photos or just photos or videos.
  • -> .mp4 files are sorted to videos, everything else goes to photos. Subfolders in /home/user/MyDocs/DCIM are ignored.
  • -> Will ask to create n900 media folders if not present. Hard coded to /N900Media/Photos and /N900Media/Videos paths so if you dont accept you cant use this feature.
  • Fixed treeview column resizing bugs. Now auto resizes to content width every time treeview content changes.
  • Fixed line edits being black with black text, now white bg with black text as normal.
  • Made right side buttons a bit smaller with a bit smaller text, more space for horizontally long treeview item names.
  • Some style changes to make things looks normal again after PR 1.3
  • NOTE: Settings Sync Path selection button paint bug is known. Most likely wont show anything so you have trust what you insert in the popup when you press it. I guess QMaemo5ValueButton got twisted in PR 1.3, custom style sheets does not seem to do anything for this subclass of QPushButton.

dropn900-0.1.7-2 - 02.11.2010
  • Fix PR 1.3 introduced bug: segfaults when initializing out QApplication instance.
  • Removed false import left when debugging the issue on build 1.

dropn900-0.1.6-1 - 24.10.2010
  • Separate confirm dialogs for upload and download
  • Options in confirmation dialogs: Download/Upload Files, Cancel, Ignore Files and for upload dialog Delete Local Files.
  • -> Delete Local Files: will remove all files that are marked as NEW FILE in known dropbox paths. If uploads still available after deletion, updates UI and reconfirms what to do. This will happen only if you have added new folders and files that are not present in the server, these you still have to delete manually if you dont want to sync them. Or just click ignore to not act on them.
  • Transfers widgets cleaned up. Sync wont create widget per sync dl/ul, but a reporting widget that will track the progress of the sync. Showing stats: time spent on upload and download, how many files uploaded/downloaded and how many left and total size of uploads/downloads. Hopefully this will bring speed to the transfers view as there are alot less items in it now.
  • Added small 'Sync Now' button to main views lower right corner. This same space will also show when a sync is in progress and the button goes away for that time.
  • Made main tree view items a little bigger with bigger font so its easier to use without stylus.
  • Internals: Much cleaner code all around for the sync ui part.

dropn900-0.1.5-3 - 13.09.2010
  • Synchronization now goes both ways as follows
  • --- Upload sync updates existing files that have newer timestamp and is different size compared to server file.
  • --- Upload sync sends new files in existing dropbox paths
  • --- Upload sync sends new local folders and files that do not exist in corresponding dropbox paths
  • --- Upload sync will skip local paths that have non-ascii chars: my code would support this but dropbox python client does not however. It fails to open file objects that non-ascii chars.
  • --- Upload sync will skip temp files that end with ~
  • Sync reporting/confirmation dialog got a facelift
  • Transfers manager updated to support sync uploads
  • Removed python2.5-qt4-network and python2.5-qt4-webkit dependencies
  • Created a new about dialog with more information on the app and paypal donate link

dropn900-0.1.4-1 - 05.08.2010
  • Bug fix: Certain themes had column width problems, so you could not see the item names without manual resize.
  • Bug fix: Upload goes through, but fails on internal callback after thread finishes. This resulted in not fetching the new metadata automatically for parent folder after upload.
  • App now uses unicode internally and for networking encodes to utf-8.
  • --- Scandic letter now work and have been tested, any chars in utf-8 should work also of course.
  • --- Tested files/paths with scandic chars: rename, new folder, download, remove, but on upload with scandics in file name dropbox refuses with "forbidden" response. This seems to be the only limitation.
  • --- Errors on upload should show in transfers widget, and the transfer is set to failed state.
  • --- Login email/password can now have non-ascii chars also.

dropn900-0.1.3-1 - 02.08.2010
  • Bug fix: QTimers were not polling active threads due to gmainloopcontext.iteration() was blocking it.
  • Bug fix: Download code was saying too early that file was ready, even 30mb files seemed to come in ~few seconds. This lead multiple downloads to be going at the same time, now only one at a time as intended from the beginning.
  • New Feature: Recursive sync. Searches all subfolders for out of date or missing files and syncs them also
  • Confirmation dialog of sync download. Lists total file count and size and for every folder separately.
  • More checking on sync start, wont start if existing active transfers or data writing to disk
  • UI updates to transfer widget to show total sync stats
  • When you sync for example /Photos, it now goes to <default_dl_dir>/Photos

dropn900-0.1.2-2 - 30.07.2010
  • Fixed fatal bug: app crashed and burned on start up for users that did not have /home/user/.dropn900 config dir.

dropn900-0.1.2-1 - 30.07.2010

User interface
  • New: Tranfers widget that shows download/uplaod/sync progress and history
  • New: Settings UI where all DropN900 settings can be tweaked by the user. Stored to a config.
  • Qt style sheet and graphic updates
  • Utilizing more maemo banners and notes
  • Authentication UI shows more error information and requests connection when device has no networking
  • When waiting for a connection added the spinner animation
  • UI title and button name changes to be more descriptive
  • Console pretty printing via new
  • Download, upload and browse default dl location dialogs remember last traveled location
  • Expanding folders from the arrow icon in the tree view will now invoke a metadata fetch, previously only double cliking items did this.

New functionality
  • You can now access the 'Public' folders public links. You can open them directly with the OS browser or copy to OS clipboard for pasting to eg. sms/chat/email.
  • Threaded non blocking file I/O. Fixes spinner animation and whole app freeze after download completed.
  • Application settings: set default download folder, toggle store location dialog on/off when downloading, store auth to file on/off, defining dropbox sync path and other sync settings.
  • Sync and Tranfer managers to handle transfers and UI updating.
  • More error checking and handling for everything that might fail. Informing user more about warnings and errors to log.
  • Restore default settings. Found from Settings menu bar.
  • Clear transfer history. Confirmation if active tranfers. Found from Transfers menu bar.

dropn900-0.1.1-2 - 26.07.2010
  • Implemented network monitoring and reqeusting a connection from the device. Done with python-conic, python-gobject and python-dbus that are now new dependencies.
  • If there is no connection present or it is lost during browsing, dropn900 will connect to a saved connection or pop the maemo connection dialog up.
  • Implemented MaemoDataHandler that will make sure files are accessed from correct places.
  • Default download location changed to /home/user/MyDocs/DropN900
  • Package now creates .pyc files as a post-install step. This will make the app start up faster.
  • Implemented new logger that make color coded prints with log categories.
  • Console widget is no a Qt.WA_Maemo5StackedWindow with the nice animations and maemo back button.
  • Console widget log can be saved to a file.
  • Fixed typos in prints and removed unnecessary prints.

dropn900-0.1.0-6 - 21.07.2010
  • Fixed PyQt4 network and webkit dependencies to package

dropn900-0.1.0-5 - 21.07.2010
  • First release with basic functionality

Unbeliever 2010-07-21 11:59

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
The Dropn900 does not start :(

jonnenau 2010-07-21 12:09

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client

Originally Posted by Unbeliever (Post 759081)
The Dropn900 does not start :(

You'll have to be more specific in order for me to help you. As said in the tips see console and if no UI is coming up I suspect PyQt4 is not present. Try going to /opt/dropn900 and start with ./ and see what errors python prints. The package should have PyQt as dependency correctly, at least for me it got it.


Edit. Aha I am missing PyQt4.QtNetwork/QtWebkit that I previously to use in my in app web browser. Basically dead code before the public links functionality.

Well there is a easy fix for this before i can update the package. So this is needed if you dont have the Full PyQt4 installed.

sudo gainroot

dscobsct 2010-07-21 12:09

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
simply awsome.
uploading and downloading works well, and cpu stays very low.
interface is really lush.
login was fine.
only thing i can find so far is when uploading a file, the upload gets cancelled when you double click on a file in ur online dropbox, single click on a file doesnt seem to cancel it.
also lovin the previews for photos.
really quick and easy app, great work mate

eothred 2010-07-21 12:19

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
Thank you thank you thank you thank you!
A dropbox client was one of my main missing features of the N900, this looks like a very good start. Is there any daemon that syncs folders automatically as well, or is it manual download/upload only (which is already a very good start btw!)?

Unbeliever 2010-07-21 12:23

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
I`ve installed python2.5-qt4-network and python2.5-qt4-webkit. So it`s ok now. Thank you for work!

dscobsct 2010-07-21 12:25

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
wait hold on, just tested over 3g, wifi worked fine but over 3g, it connects so i can see my online dropbox, but when i go to download a file it i get the progress indicator for a while then it says error, are you connected to the internet.

weißelstone 2010-07-21 12:31

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
Small bug:
On first login when you enter the mail address it starts with a big letter (W instead of w), I see this in many apps but it's still not the right way I think, it doesn't matter for mail addresses anyway but it looks strange with a big first letter.

jonnenau 2010-07-21 12:34

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
eothred: Currently the API from DropBoxes side is limited to single dl/ul. I could abuse the API and do some hacks but I believe they will ban you very quickly. Synching the whole content of dropbox to your mobile does not make much sense anyways when people have 2-100GB plans on dropbox. We could maybe later see the sandbox "DropN900" folder synched with some sensible max file size limit or something.

dscobsct: Yes the networking checks are still a bit of an issues. I dont have adequate checks in place and just pushed this kind of banner when the dropbox lib throws me httplib exceptions. I will work on this in the future. Mine work nicely with 3G tought. Also for the double click while uploading, I will have to check it out later. Might be good to hold on when you are uploading with this version :)

weißelstone: Yes this is very stupid thing, but fortunately only cosmetic :) I think I can later push a input mask or a validator object into the line edits to make everything small.

Thanks for the fast feedback. Hopefully we can make this better togerther. I pushed a new dropn900 0.1.0-6 version to the maemo builder. This should fix the dependency issues once it gets trough the build process, seems there are lot more queue now than in the night time :)

filologen 2010-07-21 12:45

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
Thanks a lot jonnenau. I just installed the program and it seems to work fine, also on 3g.

Your work is _really_ appreciated.

philheaton 2010-07-21 13:08

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
This is exactly the type of functional application the N900 needs. I for one, am very grateful for your 14hrs of hard work!


AlMehdi 2010-07-21 13:10

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
Awesome! Works fine for me.

mornage 2010-07-21 13:23

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
I seem to have an issue when downloading a file. The progress indicator spins for a few seconds then freezes. The software then becomes completely unresponsive and can only be forcefully closed.

It is a very large file that I was downloading (400+mb) and I'm connected over 3G.

Joschi 2010-07-21 13:27

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client

It works fine for me!

But when I try to rename a folder or file, I get an "network error".
Network error 404 - renaming failed.
>> Reason: {"error": "Path 'path/newfilename' not found"}

nikolajhendel 2010-07-21 13:32

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
Just installed this baby. very impressive - snappy and intuitive interface. thanks a lot for this!

dscobsct 2010-07-21 13:59

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
uploading and downloading over 3g working fine now strangely, maybe just one of them things.

HoustonKV 2010-07-21 15:10

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
ya!!!!!! works great over wifi

minty95 2010-07-21 15:33

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
Hi i'm getting a depencies error / conflit so that I am unable to install it, : python 2.5-qt4-gui (4.7.3-maemo5) when trying to up date thru the dependencies catalogues

How do I get arround this ?


Update Sussed it : did a Terminal sudo gainroot; apt-get update; apt-get install dropn900, this worked

poka64 2010-07-21 15:35

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
I'm going to install this client when you get public link support :)

evad 2010-07-21 15:54

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
Apart from the awkward UI this app currently has (due to improve I believe), it would be super-duper-ultra-cool to have Dropbox account integrated within standard File Manager and visible as additional drive. Or at least seamlessly symlinked to some directory within N900's filesystem. :)

Nonetheless, this is better than nothing and finally getting/uploading Dropbox files is possible directly from N900. :) MANY THANKS!

Ok, I didn't think it through, I guess. Having direct integration with filesystem would mean all files stored in Dropbox account would need to be in constant sync, which isn't always ideal, ie. when I drop hunderds-of-megabytes-heavy files into my account from PC, I wouldn't like to have them synced to mobile over 3G, for example. :) So please scratch out my first paragraph here. :)

gerrymoth 2010-07-21 16:18

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
I can download files, delete files and create new folders, but I can't upload files or rename files?

Upload files looks like it works, but when I check the folder I see nothing?

When I try to rename a file I get a message "Renaming of <filename> failed, network error".

Using N900 PR1.2 over 02 3G Network

jonnenau 2010-07-21 17:20

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
gerrymoth: Are you having rename trouble inside the DropN900 sandbox folder. I just noticed that there is some path bug there when renaming, happens to me especially in the DropN900 app folder when renaming.

About uploading/downloading in general. I have not tested very big uploads or downloads im afraid. Biggest might be few megs. The uploading is done via the python-poster lib that should handle big and long streaming uploads well, I suppose the lib was made for this kind of thing. I am still unsure if my threaded networking will give this a performance downgrade tough, I would hope not. I will have to start testing with bigger files on both upload and download. I read at some point from dropbox forums that uploading via the dropbox api would have had a 300mb size limit, I am not sure if this is correct though.

You should also understand that the dropbox servers replying to these requests might be jammed at some points in time. The api is just beginning to shape up and they are developing it all the time. Sometimes you might not get any responses from the servers in minutes. Be patient 0.1 software under construction :)

I'll update the first posts goals a bit.

minty95 2010-07-21 19:20

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
Dropbox now installed and working fine, the Icon is just a stand mameo blue box, Is there a icon that mine is not showing ?

eothred 2010-07-21 20:33

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
Thank you for your answer. Any syncing from dropbox to mobile obviously needs to implement ability to select which folders to sync, or have one named folder which is synced against the mobile.

I tried your app now, extremely responsive and fast, wonderful work! If I should point out some UI improvements, I think the folder list was slightly small. Nitpick though, just see a lot of applications do things too small in Maemo.

middleda 2010-07-21 20:45

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
Thanks for your work on this app! I installed and successfully uploaded and downloaded image files from my N900.

I noticed when I tried to upload that I couldn't access my SD card, or upload multiple files at once. Do you plan to add these functions in future versions?

Thanks again for your work!

RogerTHAcctant 2010-07-21 20:50

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
I'm having prolems would anyone care to help?

When i try to install via apt manager, I get:
Applictions packages missing: python2.5-qt4-core (=4.7.3-maemo5)
Conflict with applications packages: python2.5-qt4-maemo5(4.7.3-maemo5)

Then I try typing in xterminal:
sudo gainroot
apt-get install python2.5-qt4-network
I get:
E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11Resouces temporaril unavailable
E: Unable to lock the adminisrator directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), i another process using it?

Same deal when i type: apt-get install python2.5-qt4-webkit

i don't know if it's relevant, but i usually have a problem with wget in xterminal too, sorry if this is a real noob question, but plllzzz help, I have these problems installing other applications too.

eothred 2010-07-21 20:54

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
@RogerTHAcctant You need to close the application manager before you start using apt-get through terminal. Hence the question in your output; " another process using it?"

RogerTHAcctant 2010-07-21 22:24

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client

Originally Posted by eothred (Post 759896)
@RogerTHAcctant You need to close the application manager before you start using apt-get through terminal. Hence the question in your output; " another process using it?"

Thanks, I Think I got it down, but i'm still havig a problem with wget, every time i try to install network and the webkit i get a message like this:
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

however I did succeed in installing DropN900, haven't tested it yet since I don't have a drop box account haha, but thanks for the help

Frank Banul 2010-07-21 23:13

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
The /home/user/DropN900 folder isn't available to the user from the file manager, why default to that spot?


Laughing Man 2010-07-21 23:43

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
I think /home/user/ is on the 2 GB partition instead of the 27 GB partition. So maybe to preserve file permissions?

DaveQB 2010-07-21 23:44

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
1 Attachment(s)
Thank you for your efforts on this much needed application! :)

What is the best resolution for the attached? Which package does dropn900 need?
It might break another app but I will see what it is and evaluate.

DaveQB 2010-07-22 01:18

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
Ok, I installed it using apt-get and it upgraded those packages and a few other Python2.5 QT packages.

I hope it doesn't break any other programs.

Thanks again for your work on this.

jonnenau 2010-07-22 02:27

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client

Originally Posted by minty95 (Post 759784)
Dropbox now installed and working fine, the Icon is just a stand mameo blue box, Is there a icon that mine is not showing ?

You are seeing it right, pulled that out from some site. Due to legal stuff as I am not working for dropbox I cannot really use their brand name or their logo directly. I can use it when I am referring to their service like in the login screen, that UI may change in the future though.


Originally Posted by eothred (Post 759870)
... I tried your app now, extremely responsive and fast, wonderful work! If I should point out some UI improvements, I think the folder list was slightly small. Nitpick though, just see a lot of applications do things too small in Maemo.

Yes this was a constant battle on how much stuff I can show at once and still keep the items clickable. I can make the single tree entrys a bit higher and increase the font. This will then just make the item text wider and you will start losing text on long file names and start scrolling horizontally. I'd like to get all the buttons away to a context menu at some point so the tree could be almost full screen a bit like the dropbox client for iPhone.


Originally Posted by middleda (Post 759884)
... I noticed when I tried to upload that I couldn't access my SD card, or upload multiple files at once. Do you plan to add these functions in future versions? ...

I don't have a SD card on mine so I would not know :) Will have to get one if this becomes important to people. The multiple files upload/download I think I can cook up easily, I will but it to upcoming features list. Thanks for the suggestion.


Originally Posted by Frank Banul (Post 760028)
The /home/user/DropN900 folder isn't available to the user from the file manager, why default to that spot?


Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 760047)
I think /home/user/ is on the 2 GB partition instead of the 27 GB partition. So maybe to preserve file permissions?

There is no particular reason, just a place that came to my mind first. If people want I can change the default to /home/user/MyDocs/DropN900, would this be better?

DaveQB and RogerTHAcctant: I am unsure what conflicts those might be. 4.7.x makes me think its some experimental 4.7 Qt packaging but I think that versioning is just a coincidence. My app needs Qt 4.6.x. Nothing should not break with other apps even if you update PyQt4 along with DropN900 due Qt is backwards compatible. Only when we go to 4.7 later you might get some problems, I don't have the 4.7 experimental snapshot on my device. I will wait for the real Qt 4.7 release and PyQt4 (or might change to PySide) to follow.

For roger it seems some things are broken and/or conflicting packages. I'm not sure if my install process can do anything to avoid these kind of issues on certain users. DaveQB I don't think it can break anything, it may be that you had full pyqt4 installed with a old version and now my app wanted to update just gui/core/network/webkit with the latest ones? Maybe the solution for both of you is to get the latest Full PyQt4 package from the app manager and then do a full update for your N900.

RogerTHAcctant 2010-07-22 06:00

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client

Originally Posted by jonnenau (Post 760151)
For roger it seems some things are broken and/or conflicting packages. I'm not sure if my install process can do anything to avoid these kind of issues on certain users.

Thanks allot jonnenau, as I already edited in a previous post, i fixed the issues. I think it's my on fault on my part of being clueless (maemo is my first linux os). All i had to do was enable the extra-devel repository, close the app manager, and run the commands that i said previously and i got the updated qt-network and webkit installed. then i went back into the app manager to install dropN900 and it installed perfectly. Thanks for your hard work.

I didn't even use dropbox previously, but i think i might start now (I use gladinet on my desktop pc).

The actually looks pretty good, i was wondering if you could implement a feature where instead of downloading files individually if we could check the ones we want, or download an entire directory as a folder or in a zip file.

naabi 2010-07-22 06:22

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
Noticed a minor issue. If you don't have an active network connection ( e.g. using AutoDisconnect), application doesn't make the phone to connect to network.

gerrymoth 2010-07-22 06:29

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client

Originally Posted by jonnenau (Post 759578)
gerrymoth: Are you having rename trouble inside the DropN900 sandbox folder. I just noticed that there is some path bug there when renaming, happens to me especially in the DropN900 app folder when renaming.

About uploading/downloading in general. I have not tested very big uploads or downloads im afraid. Biggest might be few megs. The uploading is done via the python-poster lib that should handle big and long streaming uploads well, I suppose the lib was made for this kind of thing. I am still unsure if my threaded networking will give this a performance downgrade tough, I would hope not. I will have to start testing with bigger files on both upload and download. I read at some point from dropbox forums that uploading via the dropbox api would have had a 300mb size limit, I am not sure if this is correct though.

You should also understand that the dropbox servers replying to these requests might be jammed at some points in time. The api is just beginning to shape up and they are developing it all the time. Sometimes you might not get any responses from the servers in minutes. Be patient 0.1 software under construction :)

I'll update the first posts goals a bit.

Thanks for the reply, it was any file sized file that wasn't being uploaded, was trying small files less than 1MB only.

I look forward to your new update(s), just having download capability is great at the moment.

Keep up the great work!

cjp 2010-07-22 06:33

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
Bravo! This thing looks great!



filologen 2010-07-22 06:51

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client

Originally Posted by jonnenau (Post 760151)
There is no particular reason, just a place that came to my mind first. If people want I can change the default to /home/user/MyDocs/DropN900, would this be better?

I definitely think so. My 2GB partition is almost full, so I would much approve of this.

Btw: does the app also create a /home/user/Download (can't remember if I already had it on my system)? If it does, it should probably also be moved (or just use the default download folder).

Thanks again for your great work!

aeo 2010-07-22 07:05

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
If the password contains not ascii characters, we get an UnicodeEncodeError.

jamiefuller 2010-07-22 07:11

Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client
awesome work!!! any chance you could add amazon S3 support? =)

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