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NJCristiano 2011-02-16 18:58

[Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
I'm requesting to any Devs out there - I'm willing to donate $100 to anyone who can port Syncterm to Maemo 5 (Fremantle) for the N900 device.

I recently picked up a N900 and LOVE it, but we really need a true BBS client for Maemo 5. Since I unfortunately can't program my way out of a paper bag... I figured I would put my money where my mouth is, so to speak. User "Qwerty" was able to port it to the OS2008 version of Maemo... this shouldn't be impossible.

I've been hunting for a larger screened phone with a hardware keyboard to replace my aging WinMo X1, and the N900 does everything I need it to, minus having a BBS client. I've tried TinyFugue and PCMAN X, and neither offer the proper ANSI colors and IBM Extended Character Set needed for an actual BBS. PCMan also adds some weird characters after every letter entered... and TinyFugue doesn't do local echo...

I used to run a Worldgroup BBS during college, and have spent the last 6 months setting everything back up to bring the system online again. I would love to have a way to Sysop it from my phone.

I couldn't find any previous examples of how others have structured a donation system before, would a Mod care to post and explain how? I understand this is my first post, and would like to follow whatever system is in place.

Anyone else care to sweeten the pot? Any Devs who would like a system to test this out on, feel free to log into my BBS at, using the standard telnet port of 23.

cddiede 2011-02-16 19:05

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
I thought almost any OS2008 application could have it's .deb file installed on the N900. You'll probably see error messages associated with the install but these are mostly just the notation of missing OS2008 desktop packages and nothing that actually keeps you from executing the application.

What happens when you try to install the OS2008 Syncterm on your N900?

NJCristiano 2011-02-16 23:10

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
I downloaded and followed the instructions in the following post:


I've installed gainroot, but no matter what I try, it always tells me "permission denied." I'll spend a couple hours tonight looking around to see if I can find another .deb file.

I would consider myself very much a beginner when it comes to Maemo and Linux based OS's in general... which is half the fun of the N900. It would be nice to have an actual port in the N900 repositories.

Reffyyyy 2011-02-16 23:57

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Works for me (don't think keyboard is working though). Put it into a Linux filesystem and then execute it.


Addison 2011-02-17 00:06

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Yeah, I've had it on my older N800.

Except for a really buggy launch, once the screen displayed properly, it worked pretty good.

I ended up prefering Xterm with bash2, konwert filters, a cp434 special font, and libvte to remove the invisble pixel border so I had a true 800x480 screen instead of a 798x478 screen.

I have a really nice 80x25 full screen display which is much nicer on the eyes.

If you want, I can find some older pictures I took of it. :)

xur17 2011-02-17 00:10

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
I got it to work for me.

Download the file (here's a copy already unziped: ), and save it to your device (listed as 'Nokia N900' in your device's browser).

Then do this in terminal:


mv MyDocs/ .
chmod +x
./ -iX

Run that last command whenever you want to start syncterm.

Addison 2011-02-17 00:12

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle

Originally Posted by Reffyyyy (Post 948502)
Works for me (don't think keyboard is working though). Put it into a Linux filesystem and then execute it.


This is how I get it full screen and correctly centered but it doesn't immediately launch quite as fast.

wmctrl -r syncterm -b add,fullscreen
/home/user/MyDocs/ -iSF &
sleep 2
xkbd -geometry +722+65536 -k /media/mmc2/Keyboards/Rightfull.xkbd & wmctrl -r syncterm -b add,fullscreen

I use Xkbd since I don't have a keyboard.

NJCristiano 2011-02-17 00:37

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Thanks for all the help so far! Syncterm will start up, although as stated above, the keyboard doesn't work. I noticed any keystrokes I entered were sent to the xterm window in the background instead of Syncterm. Any way around this?

Addison 2011-02-17 00:58

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
I would guess that you need to refocus the Syncterm window.

Try whatever out.

Tap on the Syncterm screen, refocus screen from Xterm and back, lock device and then unlock it, etc.

NJCristiano 2011-02-17 02:38

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
No dice, I've gotten xterm to stop receiving the keyboard button info... but Syncterm just won't register them. Hopefully someone will take on the porting challenge.

Addison 2011-02-17 10:23

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
If you look at my previous post, I'm also using Syncterm with "wmctrl".

"wmctrl" makes an application full screen and I believe it also focuses input to that program as well.

Could be worth a shot I guess.

NJCristiano 2011-02-17 18:14

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Thanks Addison - I'll give it a try tonight.

BryanLunduke 2011-02-21 16:19

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
I'm having trouble with keyboard input also. Played around endlessly trying to get SyncTerm to take focus with no luck.

I have installed wmctrl, but can't seem to get that to work either with physical keyboard input. But, then again, I'm new to using wmctrl.

Any advice on how to use that in a way that might help the keyboard function?

Addison 2011-02-22 05:02

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Yeah, I remember there was such a trick but it's been so long, I seem to have forgotten.

Besides, I prefer RoxTerm now since I can get a much larger visual screen with this instead.

But still, SyncTerm is prety cool. :)

BryanLunduke 2011-02-22 06:04

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
RoxTerm, eh? Is this on an N900 or one of the earlier tablets? (I wasn't seeing a package for N900 out there.)

Addison 2011-02-22 06:18

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
I have it for my older N800.

Sorry, I don't have an N900 or know anything about it.

I would imagine that RoxTerm can be installed on yours as well though.

Joseph9560 2011-02-22 07:30

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Looks like we need some community fund where such bets can be made.
-Donor will give money to the fund for such ports which he will get back if the port didn't took place else the money will go to one who will port.

Venemo 2011-02-22 08:14

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Hey guys,

I wanted to do this for you.
I downloaded the latest sources for Syncterm and tried to compile it, but it seems that the source of Cryptlib (one of the dependencies), is currently unavilable. It is supposed to be downloadable from, which is unavailable, and I haven't found a mirror.


Addison 2011-02-22 08:24

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
That file has to be somewhere.

Keep looking? :)

nicolai 2011-02-22 08:24

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
This is the download link from the site:

Addison 2011-02-22 08:26

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle

Thank you nic! :D

BryanLunduke 2011-02-22 14:30

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Thanks Venemo! SyncTerm is definitely the top app I wish I had on my N900... so this would rock the kasbah.

BryanLunduke 2011-02-24 04:30

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Anyone have any luck building for Maemo 5? I gave it a quick stab, but I ran into some issues myself.

If you get a chance to give it another swing, Venemo, you'll by my hero of the week.

Addison 2011-02-24 16:02

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle

N800 user here.

This is what I've done to have it run on my older tablet.

Installed libxmu6_1.0.3-1osso2_armel.deb
Then installed wmctrl_1.07-6_armel.deb

To start Syncterm:

wmctrl -r syncterm -b add,fullscreen
/usr/bin/ -iSF &
sleep 2
xkbd -geometry +722+65536 -k /media/mmc2/Keyboards/Rightfull.xkbd & wmctrl -r syncterm -b add,fullscreen

It takes up to two minutes for the display to stop twitching.

Once it settles though, it works perfect.

To focus input into Syncterm, I bring up the Task Navigator, and then I click anywhere on the screen outside of the pop-up, Diablo application menu.

It also flakes again when logging on to a site, but once the screen settles, Syncterm is rock solid. :)

This is pretty much the extent that I can offer in giving any suggestions for you guys. :)

BryanLunduke 2011-02-25 18:46

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Thanks for the help Addison. SyncTerm works great on my N810...just not the N900.

I suspect we'll need an N900/Maemo 5 build of SyncTerm to allow it to actually take keyboard input.

AapoRantalainen 2011-02-25 21:55

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Hi, I'm working with syncterm for N900.

I got it compiled and running, but it is not still useful.
(I have not used syncterm before so tell me what else is missing)

There are couple of different 'interfaces' (gui-modes), and they are behaving differently wrongly, so which is most used/important?

-iS (SDL): Screen is flickering many times per second and it is not ending within 5 minutes (but keyboard focus is working)
-iX (X11): Can't get focus. (minor issue: screen is only 640 width)
-iC (curse): Doesn't even try to start. (But can be started and used over ssh, so all functionality can be tested)
-iA (ansi): menu is buggy, but then it can be used.

I logged in on my N900 (I quit login when it asks address).

I got libcrypt compiled and there are no (easy) way to compile syncterm without it. But because libcrypt is not needed on phone, maybe it is compiled statically inside of syncterm. (I have never even heart that libcrypt).

This is sneak preview:
(2.8 Mega)

Code modifications so far (confirming gpl)
-seticon(syncterm_icon.pixel_data,syncterm_icon.wid th);
(I think this helps SDL-focus)

+typedef unsigned long long uint_64t;
(There are "Please define uint_64t as an unsigned 64 bit type in brg_types.h"
According this: , it means long long on 32bit machine.)

What are requirements for collecting this bounty?
*Installable from repository
*start-able from menu icon
*one truly working interface, which one (or more?)

Addison 2011-02-26 00:31

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
-iSF I would imagine is the most preferred.

And yeah, once the screen stops to flicker, Syncterm is definitely awesome.

Sometimes it stops flickering after just 5 seconds, and like you said, it might even be 5 minutes.

That's really the only thing that ever bugged me about this.

Addison 2011-02-27 03:21

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
I would love to see a new build of this for Diablo as well if it's at all possible.

Were you able to include SSH support?

In my version, Qwerty123 had left that out of the build.

Also, the author of Syncterm is like super awesome.

He'll straight up take the time to answer any questions you might have. :)

AapoRantalainen 2011-02-27 07:16

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
I do not have Diablo toolchain installed (anymore), but I will make instructions how Fremantle version is done, so it can be starting point for Diablo.

Yes, SSH is supported and working. It needs I will make package for it too. Tested it with -iA (even screen is somehow messed).

Addison 2011-02-27 08:55

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
What is causing the initial screen to flicker using -iSF mode?

Any clue on this?

It's such an odd behavior that I've never seen before in another app.

AapoRantalainen 2011-02-27 09:02

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 956328)
What is causing the initial screen to flicker using -iSF mode?

I'm just solving that. It is using SDL, so it can be any SDL flickering issue (e.g. it can be better if using double buffering). Very same code (with same flags) compiled for Ubuntu laptop is not flickering at all.

Addison 2011-02-27 09:04

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Ooh! So you have a good theory for the screen twitching like it does?

Joy! :D

AapoRantalainen 2011-02-28 10:45

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
I have not figured out what is causing flickering on SDL. Using delay() it is possible to see actual screen longer, but it is still flickering. It is also mystery why it stops flickering by itself sometimes.

I have contacted to upstream if they have any ideas.

Mean while I solved X11 keyboard-focus problem, so syncterm is usable.

If you want SSH-support: Install 'libcrypt' from extras-devel
(fetch sourcecode with apt-get source libcrypt)

Load syncterm binary from:

Set execution permission and start with:

./syncterm.bin -iX
X11 interface: fullscreen, but only 640x400px used, keyboard works, no mouse (I think it behaves same way on Ubuntu)


./syncterm.bin -iSF
SDL-test. Not yet usable.
Screen flickers. Sometimes flickering stops. Keyboard focus works. Mouse works (but it is hard to use because click must happen inside one 'flicker'-cycle).

Check Maemo-specific modifications from:

NJCristiano 2011-03-10 18:59

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
For the Donation part, here's what I would consider a finished request:

- Syncterm compiled for the N900, with working keyboard, no flicker at startup, and full screen support. By using different strings at startup, I was able to get the original version from the N8X0 series running with keyboard support. I was also able to get around the flickering by tapping the crap out of the screen for around 10 seconds. I was never able to get it to truly go "full screen" on the N900. It would center, but not stretch out to fill the screen.

- Packaged .deb installer with menu shortcut, and uploaded to one of the repos. Basically, make it as easy as possible for someone to get syncterm, and install it. Without needing to enter x-term.


- repo based package, with menu shortcut
- includes all dependencies needed to allow full keyboard use, and true full screen support.
- Doesn't flicker on startup

My offer for $100 still stands. I sorta figured that the idea was dead, but I think I need to start checking this topic again! Good luck devs! :-)

AapoRantalainen 2011-03-10 19:28

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
I think syncterm doesn't have 'truly fullscreen' at all. Even running on Ubuntu there are black marginals.

When running with X-interface screen is not even centered. So running with maemo-statusbar doesn't shrink effective application size.

Flickering is indeed very bad issue. It happens only with SDL-interface. If mouse-support is not needed then SDL might not needed.

Installation from repository and menu shortcuts are coming when I know which interface to use. (Or package can put two icons to the menu.)

Addison 2011-03-11 01:56

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Yeah. There is no font and setting for a 800x480 screen.

I do have the perfect custom font for such a thing if it's possible to insert it inside Syncterm though. :)

Addison 2011-03-24 22:42

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Any progress on this?

AapoRantalainen 2011-03-26 20:29

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
If you have extras-testing enabled, you can install syncterm via graphical installer. It is under 'network' and package name is 'syncterm'.
It installs libcrypt dependency so you can use syncterm with SSH too.

After installing you will have menu shortcut. Shortcut points to /usr/bin/syncterm, which is starting script, and starts syncterm from /opt/ with parameter -iX.

It is not fullscreen, because fullscreen doesn't add any usable screen area.

If you want test other parameters, use e.g. /opt/syncterm/syncterm -iS

casketizer 2011-03-26 21:46

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle
Thanks for your work on syncterm Aapo!

I have one request. Can you please optify libcrypt? It eats a lot of precious rootfs space.


Addison 2011-03-26 21:48

Re: [Request w/ Donation] Syncterm for Fremantle

I only have an N800 though.

Is it possible to just grab the executable file and see if it works on my tablet as well?

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