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Rugoz 2011-09-28 05:36

and I thought meego is a stupid name.

larux 2011-09-28 05:41

Re: Tizen?
I don't care about name. This tizen is HOT.

"Today both the Linux Foundation and Limo Foundation Announced a new Operating System – “Tizen”. This Operating System is a combination of Limo and MeeGo that will eventually replace MeeGo. The project will be hosted by the Linux Foundation and led by a technical steering team composed of Intel and Samsung."


larux 2011-09-28 05:48

Re: Tizen?

Originally Posted by larux (Post 1097778)
I don't care about name. This tizen is HOT.

"Today both the Linux Foundation and Limo Foundation Announced a new Operating System – “Tizen”. This Operating System is a combination of Limo and MeeGo that will eventually replace MeeGo. The project will be hosted by the Linux Foundation and led by a technical steering team composed of Intel and Samsung."


Hmmm.. Tizen seems to rely on html5 as app framework. How about Qt? ...

shmerl 2011-09-28 06:05

Re: Tizen?
Yes, I hope Qt won't get sacrificed in the process.

wire-less 2011-09-28 06:38

Re: Tizen?
If I would like to kill open source on Phones I would exactly follow
this strategy:

Invent Maemo, swap to Meego and then before it's known/working
go to the next. We should change between yup, apt, and so on
on the way. Maybe qt to something other and back again.

It should have been named Minix and should stay on universities
and schools as playground.

Seems like devils have better strategies than world savers.
Waiting for October 4th ...

leomax 2011-09-28 06:40

Re: Tizen?
Hope this one builds on the predecessors than throw everything to bin and start all over again.

larux 2011-09-28 06:44

Re: Tizen?
I wouldn't be very surprised if they bought WebOS in order to get HTML5 platform ASAP. Let's see.

lma 2011-09-28 06:51

Re: Tizen?
Plus ça change...

bbin 2011-09-28 07:03

Re: Tizen?
Qt is left out? LOL this will change everything again? :)

Willem Liu 2011-09-28 07:15

Re: Tizen?
This is like the official end of Maemo and Meego. Maybe Nokia did see this coming and switched to WP7 just in time...

ste-phan 2011-09-28 07:16

Re: Tizen?

Originally Posted by Rugoz (Post 1097777)
and I thought meego is a stupid name.

It's not the name that counts, its the strategy.

After crippling or at least delaying further development of Maemo / Harmattan in 2009 / 2010 Intel repacks and transfers the MeeGo virus into Tizen project and releases it on Samsung.

Samsung was on the verge of adopting WebOS but MS and Intel decided to weaken another competitor by the same successful MeeGo strategy. Samsung has swallowed the bait.

The real intel deal with Nokia was not in MeeGo but a long term strategy to bring Wintel to the Phone Area for good under the Nokia brand by end of 2012 ;)

Hence the delay of the Nokia Windows Phone of course, they need to ready the hardware , it has still some power consumption issues :D

-Tyler- 2011-09-28 07:29

Re: Tizen?
Tizen is not hot... is extremely HOT!!

Linux foundation, Intel and Samsung...come on guys this is what we waiting for since Nokia kick our *** off

Rugoz 2011-09-28 07:34

Re: Tizen?

Tizen will provide a robust and flexible environment for application developers, based on HTML5 and Wholesale Applications Community (WAC).
Actually the WAC looks interesting:

Its the right direction. I doubt web apps can replace native apps in the near future tough.

ivgalvez 2011-09-28 07:35

Re: Tizen?
Reinventing the wheel again ...

Delaying again ...

Changing the APIs and frameworks again ...

I only want a Debian/Ubuntu mobile computer. Today the only choice is the N900.

Milhouse 2011-09-28 07:35

Re: Tizen?

Originally Posted by shmerl (Post 1097794)
Yes, I hope Qt won't get sacrificed in the process.

No Qt in Tizen. Documentation on transitioning Qt applications will be published in due course, according to Dawn Foster on IRC.

Not good news IMHO - Qt was what made MeeGo interesting. HTML5 as the only development frameworks is going to be a disaster for several years to come, it may (MAY) be the future in several more years, by which time nobody will give a rats @rse about Tizen.

bbin 2011-09-28 07:35

Re: Tizen?

Originally Posted by -Tyler- (Post 1097836)
Tizen is not hot... is extremely HOT!!

Linux foundation, Intel and Samsung...come on guys this is what we waiting for since Nokia kick our *** off

Yeah right. At the speed of Intel's development it will be released in 2016 and first device ships 2019.

marrat 2011-09-28 07:43

Re: Tizen?
Nokia did good not advertising the N9 as MeeGo phone, but as the first one in the new generation of Swipe phones.

Rauha 2011-09-28 07:45

Re: Tizen?

Originally Posted by Willem Liu (Post 1097829)
Maybe Nokia did see this coming and switched to WP7 just in time...

Nokia saw that Nokia was going to kill Meego and switched to WP7 just in time before Nokia killed Meego.

The Oracle of Espoo.

cy8aer 2011-09-28 08:02

Re: Tizen?
IMHO Tizen is a stillbirth. I wonder how many "professional" distributions else the community should support? Maybe it is time to fork what we have (maybe meegotouch) and build something really working without the help of a commercial friend.

(Maybe build the (!) meegotouch-compositor plugin for swiping and a new meegotouch-home thingie working with it).

Rugoz 2011-09-28 08:04

Re: Tizen?
Samsung and co. obviously don't want Qt, too much nokia in it.

Anyway, I've given up on the hope that "open" really works. Companies don't trust each other, they cooperate and develop in the "open" as long as they benefit from it, which is obviously never the case for market leaders, only for followers.

-Tyler- 2011-09-28 08:04

Re: Tizen?

Originally Posted by bbin (Post 1097844)
Yeah right. At the speed of Intel's development it will be released in 2016 and first device ships 2019.

Come on this is better than nothing, days ago everyone is blaming and crying: Is the end of the comunity, Maemo is Dead, WebOS is dead, MeeGo is dead, no more linux mobile devices after the N9 ever, and now we have Samsumg on our team, this is really good news!! I am sorry for the QT thing but now we have HOPE when before we had only desesperation.

Jedibeeftrix 2011-09-28 08:33

Re: Tizen?
as a day to day user of the KDE desktop one of the key things that made nokia/meego interesting was its use and promotion of QT, if Tizen doesn't use that then it lessens my interest in exactly the same way as Nokia downplaying "linux" in its QT marketed handsets.

i also doubt the capability of Tizen to be anything more than still-born if it doesn't use a decent mobile focussed UI toolkit like Qt.

i have seen too many of these mobile linux partnerships come and go to no real effect, at the end of the day nokia is on its fifth generation of mobile linux products, that is at least a real track record to place some trust in.

i'm all for meego being folded into Tizen, and wishing it every success, but without nokia and Qt i remain skeptical, and quite happy to continue with an N9 for the next couple of years.

Bernard 2011-09-28 08:40

Re: Tizen?
HTML5 applications, isn't that similar to the the original LiMo devices?
That would explain that they intend to release early in 2012. Could it just be the open-sourcing of the LiMo base?

anyhow, sounds like a management decision, taking very hastily, just like the moblin/maemo merger.
lets see if they actually release a mobile device based on the codebase from this new project. intel doesn't have a good track record on this (no Moblin on the LG phone, no MeeGo (non-harmattan) phone etc.)

tkatchev 2011-09-28 08:40

Re: Tizen?
Here's a quote from the official Intel statement:


We also encourage MeeGo developers to consider a common development framework of HTML5 to bridge development between MeeGo and Tizen devices. And on the netbook side the MeeGo neetbook apps in the Intel AppUp center will be compatible and will run unchanged with Tizen netbook. So for those developers who invested in MeeGo for netbooks your apps will continue on Tizen netbooks.
This seems to imply that Tizen is a regular Linux distribution at its core, with the proper native toolkits.

However, the message on paints a different picture. There, the message is more along the lines of "MeeGo is dead, sucks to be you if you don't migrate to HTML5 soon".

I sense conflicting messages coming from Intel.

tkatchev 2011-09-28 08:41

Re: Tizen?
Sounds like that's exactly what it is...

I don't know why they chose to have yet another rebranding, though.


Originally Posted by Bernard (Post 1097896)
Could it just be the open-sourcing of the LiMo base?

maakoi 2011-09-28 09:23

Actually isn´t html5 cross-platform? No gtk, qt, proprietary bs, works (hopefully) on every platform?
Maybe some day we can choose whether we want a M$ kernel or linux, and all the apps will work. Those who want a slower device with more crashes and that costs and that cripples your freedom, can choose the monopoly/mafia os :D and the rest can choose Linux.

Maybe the desktop distros should start thinking about html5? The sofware companies could finally make really crossplatform games and other apps. Don't worry, it will never happen...

mishmich 2011-09-28 09:24

Re: Tizen?
Don't look in here these days, don't use my n900 often now I have a Xoom, but this caught my eye in an e-mail from MeeGo community. Yawn. So, another unfinished product without any marketed commercial application... Moblin, Maemo, LiMo, WebOS, MeeGo, now this? How long will these guys keep up this smoke-and-Mirrors routine? I don't think any of them - Intel, HP, Nokia, etc.- are capable of bringing a functional mobile OS to market. The future is a three-horse race between Apple, Microsoft and Google, and the future is not open, it is closed. But, they had fun playing with our time and money - "never give a sucker an even break" (W.C. Fields). Now I am sure I am wrong, ignorant, and so on - but it doesn't matter, because I doubt I'll read any responses to this.

ivgalvez 2011-09-28 09:30

Re: Tizen?
Intel merges to sink.

Bernard 2011-09-28 09:55

Re: Tizen?

Originally Posted by mishmich (Post 1097934)
...The future is a three-horse race between Apple, Microsoft and Google, and the future is not open, it is closed.

If you mean "the future" of mobile phone operating systems, you may be right about the three horse race. But Windows Phone hasn't proven itself yet. For now I would say a two-horse race.
Microsoft has a terrible track-record in mobile. Just because the marketing hype talks about a three-horse race, doesn't make it so.

In tablets it is even less clear. iPad is the only really successful tablet device today. Will Google and/or Microsoft introduce an equally successful tablet? Far from certain. This definitely isn't a three horse race yet.

And in laptop/desktop computers? Apple is making big inroads in the high-end segments and among students and youth, but it is still over 90% Windows. Chrome OS or Android for netbooks look ok, but isn't big at all. Other linux distributions like Ubuntu are making impressive progress, but still have a relatively small user base. A three horse race?? Really?

Also "the future is closed", really? Today everybody uses some sort of open-source software product in one way or the other. That wasn't the case ten years ago. The fact that people don't use an open OS, doesn't mean they don't use open-source software on it. At least not today, so why in the future?

Estel 2011-09-28 09:55

Re: Tizen?
Thats yet another proof, that if we want to have something done right, we must do it ourself. Fortunatelly, we have quite good software base, but judging after Cordia fail, we should start designing device from "scratch" as soon as we can. It's not easy process, but very rewarding (see Open Pandora).

Bernard 2011-09-28 10:11

Re: Tizen?

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1097961)
Thats yet another proof, that if we want to have something done right, we must do it ourself. Fortunatelly, we have quite good software base, but judging after Cordia fail, we should start designing device from "scratch" as soon as we can. It's not easy process, but very rewarding (see Open Pandora).

open hardware projects are still in its infancy. Open Pandora had a good reason: there were no open handheld gaming devices with specs close to the desired product.

In tablets it currently is difficult to get a open ARM based tablet, but we could use a netbook with touchscreen based on atom, and develop a software stack based on Debian or similar on such a device. An ARM build could be maintained by testing on a beagle board, waiting for an open ARM tablet alternative to come to market. With the new flock of Android and Windows tablet in 2012, we have a good chance to get just that.
Atom based touchscreen netbooks, are available, open and relatively cheap. Beagle board also: open, cheap and easily available.

Edit: Also open Pandora also had a lot of problems with manufacturers of the parts. it is REALLY difficult to make custom hardware for small businesses.

Tesno 2011-09-28 10:27

Re: Tizen?
How come there always has to be a new name, new tools, new firms? For media attention or what? Why not just continue some long term process that others have already started? Shouldn't Linux Foundation control this kind of stuff? How come the current linux projects are not compatible?

zappa 2011-09-28 10:59

Re: Tizen?

Originally Posted by Milhouse (Post 1097843)
No Qt in Tizen. Documentation on transitioning Qt applications will be published in due course, according to Dawn Foster on IRC.

Not good news IMHO - Qt was what made MeeGo interesting. HTML5 as the only development frameworks is going to be a disaster for several years to come, it may (MAY) be the future in several more years, by which time nobody will give a rats @rse about Tizen.

Nomovok provides Tizen with integrated Qt

Estel 2011-09-28 11:07

Re: Tizen?
Personally, i would prefer waiting 2 years for custom-build, good device, than waiting n years until someone really release new open device (or not). Also, Pandora guys did have problems, but they resolved it.

As for device niche - there is currently *no* device in the market, that is portable (screen not bigger than 5 inches) 100% open linux computer, with additional benefit of acting as 100% funcional phone. Besides N900, of course (but as we already know too good, thanks to Nokia bullsh|t, it's also not 100% open).

One with decent hardware would be really overkill.

marxian 2011-09-28 11:48

Re: Tizen?
If Nokia are really going to push Qt and S40, then I may well end up going down that route. I'm too old and too broke to chase another FOSS rainbow. Give me a call when somebody finally lives up to their promises.

volt 2011-09-28 11:52

Re: Tizen?
Everybody saw the MeeGo demise coming when Intel recently downscaled their resources, and with Maemo, MeeGo@Nokia, and WebOS ending, I was starting to fear that we would not see another Linux on smartphones for several years to come.

Then I read about this and got my hopes up. Till I stumbled over the word "HTML5". That's not a smartphone, that's a browser.

Well, I took another look to see what they say over at MeeGo, and in the suicide note comments, I noticed that somebody have already announced Qt on Tizen. (As Zappa said)

If Qt support can be announced by a third party immediately after OS announcement, that means the platform isn't so closed down. If it's open for the Qt framework, it's open for other frameworks.

This, gentlemen, sounds like we'll have a real Linux phone again. Eventually. I heard Q1 2012.

JohnLF 2011-09-28 11:56

Re: Tizen?
ahaha, love that drinks can :D

marxian 2011-09-28 12:01

Re: Tizen?

Originally Posted by volt (Post 1098054)
This, gentlemen, sounds like we'll have a real Linux phone again. Eventually. I heard Q1 2012.

We've heard this same sh1t before with MeeGo. I'm tired of the same old broken promises being rehashed. If they manage to get a device out early next year, I imagine it will be a netbook. I doubt they'll have a handset ready by then.

joelsk 2011-09-28 12:15

Re: Tizen?
I went from windows/symbian to linux/maemo5 because of the N900. Been a year plus, still a noob and loving it. Lived thru the disappointing Maemo/Moblin merger. Learned to love Meego.. Now this... Almost heartbroken enough to go Android... Almost... Looks like Maemo6/Harmattan till it falls apart then on to feature phones... Sad bloody day...

mscion 2011-09-28 12:27

Re: Tizen?

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1098048)
If Nokia are really going to push Qt and S40, then I may well end up going down that route. I'm too old and too broke to chase another FOSS rainbow. Give me a call when somebody finally lives up to their promises.

Well, I guess you could argue that there are a bunch of empty calories there, but I think it is a good thing in the long run. I'm tired of nokia with the n950/n9 fiasco. I'm delighted to see other players involved in a linux based platform. When you consider the rate Samsung can push out new phones I think they have a chance to succeed. Although I will probably get an android phone in the near future, I look forward to more options down the road.

I agree the name is not so good.. How about Tease... or better yet, how about Tizzy? That is more reflective of the state of mind of many on these threads...

I also have a suggestion to Nokia in regards to the 92k N9s. Divide them evenly between the developers that got the N950. They'll need the money...

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