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endsormeans 2013-07-03 23:45

BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
4 Attachment(s)
I give you the storage monsters the corp.s can't touch yet. The best smartphone storage cap to date is the "hope" for 128gb. A samsung device. The projection is it will possibly be a decade before there are 1TB smartphones. People want that much and industry is trying to provide, demand is obviously there.
So until rainbows sprout out of everyone's palms, THIS is the "new" standard in monster storage capacity.

Affordable Adata 128 GB Class 10 SDHC SD Cards. They work fine, up to CSSU, not Diablo-Turbo, at least not yet anyway, haven't puzzled it out yet.
The average price now on ebay is $40 auction possibly $20. I have 5 myself. Paid around that 40 mark for a couple, couple round the 20ish mark and picked up one for $5 :D (not bad eh?).

So even over the next few years as prices go down and 256 GB SDXC cards become more realistically affordable and the industry plays catch up storage-wise, we could leap past them again in capacity from our current max 240GB to theoretically 510GB .

To recap and shake you out of the shock.
Right now the n800 has a max storage cap of 1/4 of a Terabyte with the future potential of 1/2 TB .

It means at the least the monetary value of n800's just went up on ebay from $20 or $40 or $60 ...that is saying "IF" anyone is paying attention here of course.
If not snag a few them up before sellers see it or here it and hike their prices.

My beasts in order are "LEVIATHAN" I call her LEVI for short.
I almost have "everything" installed and she isn't balking at all.

And "BEHEMOTH" BEMI for short. Haven't had time to pack him up yet.

I'll fin here for now any questions just hit me up.

Addison 2013-07-05 23:08

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at)
To have that much device memory, here are some heavy install applications you can now have on your tablet.

Quackle. An excellent Scrabble game. I think it's like a 110 meg download. I've made a touchscreen keyboard for this if you need it.

Kchmviewer. The best book reader on the N800 by far. I think it's a 70 meg download.

Scid. A super rich chess app with an insane amount of options that can be customized. I believe it's around a 60 meg install.

The best that I can think of though is to decompress Qole's Easy Debian image onto your flash memory.

Anyway, thanks for sharing this.

Oh, and change your icons chief. The default graphics for them are so 2007. :)

nokiabot 2013-07-06 05:25

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at)
this is awsome::)keep on

Addison 2013-07-06 08:10

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at)

Believe me...the real work involved here is figuring out how to organize everything categorically that you install a way that makes sense to you...
I completely agree and that is why I use the following system for my tablet.

nokiabot 2013-07-06 08:26

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at)
lol it looks like an alien piece... good job

LiLo 2013-11-19 07:51

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
I've just come across your post on this website because I searched "how much is the nokia n800 going tobe in the future" (How much will it be worth?). I have had two of these 'internet tablets' in my closet for years now. I'm moving out so I've decided to sell some of my stuff.-Enter the tablets.- I'm not a very tech savvy girl so I have a few questions that may seem dumb. I don't know if this is the right place to be asking them but, what do I have to loose?
Here goes:
How much should I sell these tablets for now?

Am I better off keeping them because they'll be worth more in the future? Worth something to someone that collects tech stuff, for example.

I've already searched online and I've found websites selling used ones starting at $70.00. Some sell it for like 25 bucks. Some websites sell it new for $100 some for $129.00. I even found one website selling it in the $200.00 range (which I thought was a bit much).
So, with all the varying prices, I thought I'd do more research and came across this website and decided to ask a human being. Sorry to bug.
Thank you for your time

endsormeans 2013-11-19 09:16

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
Honestly the value of them seems to ebb and flow in value with how many are available at that particular moment well I have noticed that whenever someone writes an article lauding the n800 ...EVERYONE has to try to get one then.... the fickle mob eh :D

My best suggestion would be to wait until there is a real lull in listings on ebay...say a few (3 to 6) months ...and don't bother trying to sell over Christmas or after for a while...Sell them individually and you "may" just luck out...otherwise...25-75 a piece....tops...sans shipping costs will probably be your profit....I personally have enough n800's but I keep a close eye on how much the n770/800/810/900 go for depending on the time of year...available auctions....etc. That would be my best guess.
Way back in the day I knew nothing about the nokia tablets...let alone linux...2007 came one and started lurnin :D
Tech lifespan-wise that is forever...but that is also based on "disposable" garbage tech in my opinion...the n800 when it came out wasn't cheap....bloody expensive....for now.... most people want exploding graphics and such rather than truly cool ability in a device.
you could do worse than keep them...remote desktop pc manipulation via wifi regardless of your pc gtalk...vid-chat...multiple operating systems...heck ...universal home remote....list goes still is a great device to truly learn on and really do stuff with.

There aren't too many devices historically that the manufacturers allowed and encouraged people to experiment. Mostly devices "seem" really cool nowadays...but the corps. have locked down the devices so you have less options and must use what they provide...and/or there are increasingly obvious private and personal security issues where people don't know if the phone makers aren't spying on their own consumers anymore even...let alone psychos, terrorists, malevolent or benevolent governments. For my own peace of mind I like to have some control over the devices I "own"....however minimal that control may be....

Bonus for you is.... you have a 2nd one as a back-up in case you brick the 1st....playing around with it.

Anyway...want to get rid of them quick..possibly the buy and sell of the forums here may help....good luck whatever you decide.

LiLo 2013-11-22 07:59

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
I've just now read ur reply-thought u hadn't replied because I didn't get any email notifications, sorry. Thank u so much for ur ideas. I kind of wanted to get rid of them quick because I'm moving but u've tempted me with waiting after Christmas...u've also tempted me to actually check the thing out...don't know yet....25-75 a piece.. u mean pounds or dollars? If u meant pounds, then that's about 40-120 dolla a holla ..?? ...I only thought u were talking pounds because of the "bloody" adjective u used...Plz say u were talking pounds! lol...Thanks for ur time. Have a beautiful day!

pichlo 2013-11-22 11:10

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb

Originally Posted by LiLo (Post 1388068)
...I only thought u were talking pounds because of the "bloody" adjective u used...Plz say u were talking pounds!

If I were you I would hope he did not mean Canadian dollars ;) --->
Posts: 58 | Thanked: 176 times | Joined on Feb 2013 @ Supa Natural Vancouver Island
Oh, and if I were you, I would also abandon the silly teen gangsta spelling. It may look cool on some games forum if you are 15 but not here.

LiLo 2013-11-22 14:28

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
I don't exactly know why anyone would try to look cool here or in any online forum...I certainly wasn't trying to. Wasn't trying to have my "spelling" or the way I choose to express myself criticized either. Was simply trying to get informed on the tablet. Just signed up a few days ago to see if I could get my questions answered...that was it. This seemed like a chill place where one can be a bit informal. I don't know of any "teen gangstas" that talk like that. Maybe you do. But, hey, who cares? We are not teens. I talk how I want to talk and write how I want to as long as I'm not disrespecting anyone. But, hey, pardon my jargon. Thank you for your answers man and have a beautiful day.

nokiabot 2013-11-22 15:43

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
what phone you use currently @lilo

maluka 2013-11-22 16:39

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
My N800 won't connect to any wifi networks anymore so it's pretty useless to me now. The flashing tools also don't work on more modern operating systems otherwise I would have gone that route.

lancewex 2013-11-22 17:55

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
I agree that the comment was childish, irrelevant and uncalled for.
I don't exactly know why anyone would try to look cool here or in any online forum...I certainly wasn't trying to. Wasn't trying to have my "spelling" or the way I choose to express myself criticized either. Was simply trying to get informed on the tablet. Just signed up a few days ago to see if I could get my questions answered...that was it. This seemed like a chill place where one can be a bit informal. I don't know of any "teen gangstas" that talk like that. Maybe you do. But, hey, who cares? We are not teens. I talk how I want to talk and write how I want to as long as I'm not disrespecting anyone. But, hey, pardon my jargon. Thank you for your answers man and have a beautiful day.

endsormeans 2013-11-22 19:37

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
Hahaha XD "teen-gangsta" heheee ....Ach don't mind pichlo...he's just ribbin ya...with his "Durn'-Blasted Youngin's ...Get-Off My Lawn!" senior humour...You aren't on Ensure are you pichlo? hehe ....OH lilo.... oh pichlo! you Are actually funny! "Hope he didn't mean Canadian Dollars!" hehe...Actually I did! XD ......But hey now....We've been on par with the States - or + 5 or 10 cents for the last decade almost now...unfortunately we aren't as overinflated an economy as the E.U but things change eh?....THE WHOLE WORLD'LL BE LAFFIN OUT THE OTHER SET O' CHEEKS when the poo-storm hits the fan. Long-range forecast thinktank that gauges in hundreds of yrs. came out with the study that the top powers on the planet for the future will be...from least to greatest projected for the next 150 yrs.
1- the States will still be a power but diminished (diminishing)
2-India (Of Course) - telecom/electronics and manufacturing
3-Russian Federation (Of Course) - Natural Resource powerhouse for Europe
4-China (Of Course) For the obvious economic powerhouse of the planet she is
5- BUT Lastly.....and most importantly...FOR THE NEXT 500 yrs....CANADA will be the ascending star ...we got it all people...the agricultural land (plus pristine untouched permafrost now melting thanks to global warming) the lumber, oil, nuclear power, hydroelectric plants galore, in the 50 and 60's we laid millions of miles of fibre optic across the country knowing we'd put it to good use....more comm satelites than you can shake a stick at...metals, minerals, more fresh water than anywhere...list goes on.
And for those who think the States may try to annex us...never happen....the rest of the world wants their chunk too..
Sooooo :D joke now...Soooon....soooon it shall be "ALL HAIL THE GREAT AND MIGHTY CANUCK EMPIRE!!!" XD

Spreading the message of good beer....maple syrup..tim horton's to mention lacrosse ...or basketball (Canadian invention amongst other great things) ...and home reno shows.....spreading the message that multiculturalism and tolerance for one another really does work...that terrorism and violence in the streets doesn't....generally we like to get along with everybody
Don't worry :D as the future master-superpower ....the planet will be in the best hands ...with everybody singing the Bob and Doug anthem.....kooo-roookookookoo-koo-koo-koo!

Ach! It won't be so bad! We aren't swaggerers or like to lord it over fact.... It'll be fun ..people!

Could do (and frankly have done over the centuries) alot worse than having us Canadians running the show. :D

LiLo 2013-11-22 19:42

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
HTC ..why?

I'll play w it later today and see if mine connects...


endsormeans 2013-11-22 19:46

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb

Originally Posted by maluka (Post 1388203)
My N800 won't connect to any wifi networks anymore so it's pretty useless to me now. The flashing tools also don't work on more modern operating systems otherwise I would have gone that route.

Hey maluka just use the nokia tablet flasher program...not the 3.5 flasher or any of that stuff....make sure you just give it fine on win7 vista or xp. I use it all the time currently.

endsormeans 2013-11-22 19:52

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb

Originally Posted by LiLo (Post 1388272)
HTC ..why?

I'll play w it later today and see if mine connects...


Honestly lilo I would keep the devices if I were in your shoes....Great have two...If you brick one....pretty hard in my opinion...and easily have the other to play with till you fix the 1st......sell them if you want/need won't get a fortune for them since everyone wants quad core crap.."melts in your hands...not in the store" should be the motto.......really tho'..You won't stumble across an opportunity like this again.
Who finds gold in their closet?.... Cause that's what you found.

LiLo 2013-11-22 20:01

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
Ay ay ay ...I'm actually funny too???...yeah, um, great info piece dude, especially the " tolerance for others and generally getting along w ppl" bit...already thought Canadians were very nice ppl..was a bit surprised with the lame comments from before (once I actually noticed Ur 'Vancouver Island' thing) I actually already liked Canada coz of all those other things u mentioned too....I'm assuming there's not many gangstas over there ...

LiLo 2013-11-22 20:11

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
I doubt they're gonna fly out of my hands once I post them the meantime, ill take some time to get acquainted w em. Can't they work as GPS as well or is it a different model I'm thinking of?..I found a car stand looking thingie in the box as well and I might ve read something about GPS somewhere online ..I could b wrong....As I said before, not very tech savvy, that's why I considered selling

LiLo 2013-11-22 20:18

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
Thought that "teen gangsta" bit was u...not pichlo...I've just noticed that first part of Ur comment where u say don't mind pichlo..did u just edit/add that? bad...dunno where pichlo is from but I'm guessing their gangstas don't stay gangstas for long... :)...must've gotten confused when I saw Ur name in his comment...signed up days ago..sorry..

pichlo 2013-11-22 20:47

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb

I did not mean to be disrespectful. My comment was a well meant advice, please take it as it is. I don't know anything about you except how you present yourself. If u rite lik diz, then you come accross as someone who
a) doesn't know better; or
b) thinks it's cool to write like that.
Your "about me" line suggests that English is your first language, which should eliminate a), leaving only b).

Sorry about the off-topic diversion, I'll shut up now.

maluka 2013-11-22 21:04

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1388277)
Hey maluka just use the nokia tablet flasher program...not the 3.5 flasher or any of that stuff....make sure you just give it fine on win7 vista or xp. I use it all the time currently.

Wish I still had a machine with Win7, Vista or XP. All I have are machines running OSX, Ubuntu and Win8. I'll see if I can pick up a cheapo XP laptop at the local recycle center.

endsormeans 2013-11-22 21:09

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
bacchh! don't give it a second thought's all good.
And ya...the n800 "is all that" can do a lot of stuff with it. Gotta start somewhere....and if you want to learn how to have more control over the devices corps. want you to have an opportunity. If you want the have more choice than than narrow options and being fed what corps have an opportunity with the n800.
For me...wayyy back in the day was before the commodore 64...tape cassette drives and having to write code !...
Left the computer world there...came back in freakin rip-van-winkle ...saw the writing on the wall...Had to learn everything quick...Stupid me I pick windows....2007 discovered Nokia tablets...2008 realized I REALLY should have learned mah lurnin and edumacation proper done :D
So I think of my self more as the crazy-spagetti-sieve-on-the-head-mad-scientist-steampunker-yet-with-cooler-clothes-and-gadgets-that-ACTUALLY-do-things kinda-guy
but it wasn't so long ago that I knew absolutely nothing.
In my own field of work (not maemo oriented at all) I think I am something pretty good....but here ...with these gurus and magicians...I still think I know very little compared to them...and I'm no slouch...frankly all you need is time and curiosity and you will quickly become fascinated with what you can do with these devices.

endsormeans 2013-11-22 21:15

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
OSX, 'Buntu, and WIN8 ....Wow man ...well 2 and 1/2 out of 3 ain't bad... :D (I give buntu 1/2) ....ooops!!! got that backwards
I MEANT 1/2 out of three isn't bad XD
Ya I'd just use xp...least hassle compared to vist/win7/win8.

BTW I'm not M$ hatin'..... I got a serious softspot for 98SE of the finest M$ platforms ever...and I LOVE XP Tablet edition for doing my graphic work of the best things ever M$ will do is when they finally cut XP lot more fun then.
I'm grudgingly coming around to almost liking win7...but I draw the line at what win8 is...don't like it at all

endsormeans 2013-11-22 21:26

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
Ach pichlo don't be like that's all cool....this topic seems to have become a general chat..discussion on a variety of topics from buy and what devices can do geo-politico haha's to proper grammar (which I must admit I highly appreciate and do (for the most part) hold standards and expect them from others as well) flashing probs on the poke-poking in the ribs 'bout operating systems :D ...Heck the original post is about storage cap. on the n800....but I don't care...It's just good to see chatter at this end of the pool again :D
So ...honest pichlo ......don't shut's all good
And lilo...(finger-wagging tsk-tsk time) I do admit... I did have to pull out my modern-abbreviated-slang dictionary there at first :D

LiLo 2013-11-23 01:47

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
I appreciate u explaining that u didn't mean to be disrespectful, pichlo. I just don't go telling strangers how to conduct themselves online or in any other scenario..especially if I'm about to bring a new topic ( a person's choice to abbreviate and use slang while on their phone or tablet) to an online forum about tech stuff...Your first comment certainly didn't have the same amiable tone our Canadian friend's comments have. There's ways to be assertive without being perceived as arrogant. However, u simply cannot expect everyone to meet ur parlance standards in here. If this were a job interview or the dinner table at my parent's, u can rest assured that I would conduct myself adequately. But it ain't foo! (joking) Nah, I'm just chillin here trying to get some info. So, I think ur comment was, as someone else said earlier, unnecessary. But, hey, the whole thing proved to be entertaining for ...Sorry about the slang dictionary, endsormeans...don't think it was too heavy
Just out of curiosity, pichlo: What part of the UK r u from? :) peace & love man

LiLo 2013-11-23 01:50

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
So I can actually phone a friend on Skype from that tablet...even if they r on skype on their phone or on a kindle fire tablet?

endsormeans 2013-11-23 03:20

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
Welllll...normal free skype is comp to comp....and instead of just perpetually putting money into your account to call friends....I suggest spending the 30$ a yr for unlimited North America wide....or around 100$ a yr for unlimited Worldwide....then you can not only call computers, but cell and homephone numbers too. Great in a pinch..with skypeout ....yup you can call your buds :) ...if you are lucky enough to live in an area that enables a skypein phone# even better....that means you can receive PHONE calls or have em go to voice mail...for about 10 or so bucks a month...I think...may be a little more or less.......

BTW.....should check out the solio with the 3 cell fold great with on ebay too....built in battery holds a full charge for a yr. and can charge a n800 from an exhausted battery state...and it solar charges to suction-cup-it to a (car)window or stand it up...and fully charged solio hooked up to a fully charged n800 running during the day means that even though you are draining the solio battery it is also charging off sun/day light during use...then after a day of use with daylight diminishing it starts draining the solio battery to feed the n800 battery and finally you are running on n800 battery alone...looong playtime :) ...and you can charge the solio via usb quick too in a pinch to ready for emergency or travel prep......been around for yrs. I got 2 great...So say power goes out...calamity strikes...its all got music, movies, books, games, and connectivity...while everyone else is still sitting in the dark.

You can also vidchat with the n800 :)

And gps ..yup
THESE are the least of the things you can do with it.

rdesktop..check it out.....REMOTE computer access in many options of Operating Systems
Best...other than maemo... is Easy can play with nitdroid (Nokia Internet Tablet Android OS)
And lotsa others. of (many) the most important thing to remember is this.
The Maemo operating system and the devices n770/n800/n810/n900 and the software was handed by Nokia over to OUR community....No corp. controls us anymore :D ...this means that we maintain the stuff....enhance...write programs...etc. We help one another. If software becomes screwwy with the ever changing members work on fixes....not like corps that tend to start abandoning device support not long after they release it.

LiLo 2013-11-23 08:15

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
Interesting...Thank u so much for all this info. You are awesome....About Skype, yea, I use it every day...Good to know I'll be able to use it with those two tablets as well. ;)

endsormeans 2013-11-23 12:15

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
No prob lilo....There is just way too much to say about how good the n800 is....better for you to read and try stuff and find out.
The n800 is a good affordable practice model....since once you really dive deep and experiment with'll love what it can do.... ps - check out the neo900 thread too... ....alot of reading for you this page is a concise summary

..big things picked a good time to join the community

hectoralex 2014-02-26 13:39

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb
I've had an n800 since 2008 and just starting to use it out of the skype only mode... What should I do to it?

endsormeans 2014-02-26 16:58

Re: BLAMMO!!! (Worth looking at) 2 n800's with clone/dual boot 140gb and 242gb

Originally Posted by hectoralex (Post 1414432)
I've had an n800 since 2008 and just starting to use it out of the skype only mode... What should I do to it?

Hey Man!
hmmm... what should you do to it?...
hmmm ...only do good things to it...that will make it happy :D
hehee ...I'm not sure in what way you mean the question ...there are tons of things you can do to it. It just depends on your interests and direction you wish to take.

If what you mean is all you originally used your n800 for was pretty much skype only....then there is a whole world of fun for you to do

for starters... check this out

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