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itdoesntmatt 2015-11-21 11:54

NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
Since the conversation on another topic is going really off topic, I think is better to open a new thread just to discuss what is the actually situation of nemo mobile, glacier UI/UX and why there is no as much interest as the one the sailors (me included) have showed for sailfish os,

Jolla is a company, and apart for mistake of having easily promised something (open sourcing silica) for not realizing it in next two years (wich is interesting and polarize community opinions- well for me is only a matter of problem with investors decision as they inject money and they have the right to choose- AND THAT HAS NOT TO BE DISCUSSED HERE) they have to deal between community ideals and economic balances...
So, i would like to understand, since i am new on this world (i joined tmo on march 2015, i' m a kid about it) why there is this lack of interest in nemo mobile;
if i don't get wrong it runs on same components of sailfish, they are brothers/twins, it is open source, and is free from any ( even in honest and sincere like jolla) company's interest.
Why no devs, no sailors, no one or such a little number of them, are interested/involved in nemo mobile? thanks so much for hearing me

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-21 11:56

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
i copy paste the interesting comments of coderus and szopin:
You know, Jolla team itself is not responsible for opensourcing decisions, it's all about investors.
And about Nemomobile, check Asteroid smartwatch project, it's all done by Nemo community. And because it's not a commercial organization (Yet?).

Coders probably did not see this as a venture that would bring them ROI (bashers are usually not coders, armchair CEOs), some got tired of Nokia and never getting there, others probably just went android, as there is at least a possibility of some income there, however slim chance it might be. Open source relies on fanboys in a way and android killed proper linux I'm afraid, people would be angry about things like this: not anymore, it's business as usual in the new linux world nowadays, android is king

thanks to both for ever useful opinions

szopin 2015-11-21 12:07

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
Aside from all gloom and doom, glacier just has no recognizability. When this forum was flourishing 5 years ago there were lots of people who wanted to join and help, now we have 10% of coders still sticking around (with some just around to post a popcorn gif every now and then :P when debates get heated), 90% of jolla users looking for answers about openrepos/whatsapp etc Glacier would need to reach out to a new bunch of users/demographic as it is turning into a dying project. Trying to get it on RPi and stealing some talent from there maybe (I believe locusf got it running on raspberry, not sure), social media like reddits and facebooks? With no new maemo device _maemo_ specific forum is going to die too (jolla was just temporary it seems, what next? endless countdowns?)

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-21 12:20

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
ok, but i guess team of nemomobile doesnt want to impose their UI preferences alone and without hearing community, since i dont think they want to obtain a product used only from 7 people.
So if we have screen and we have different and constructive opinions, why not sharing our impression and suggestion with them? we together can polish it and make it really nice, cant we?
Someone on the other topic said that jolla would have been focalized on main commercial devices already in the market, making only software just like cyanogen. So if it is difficoult since jolla is a company, let's make it with nemo mobile, wich is not a company (yet??). Sailors have made a really good PR and advertising (you attracted me wich i was simple android user) so why not using our enthusiasm for it?
we can also collect found to support developers that join nemo team (as we do for great developers for sfos like coderus, cepi, hhaveri, ancelad, dax etc...); the difference is that, at least for now, we don't need to produced something or paying attention to things that companies have to deal with, so it would be enough a lower money budget. Then we could really find some producer wich are unlike and looking for user base, as puzzlephone, or fairphone. They could have, along with mass commercial android user base, another branch of open os (faithfull)user base... maybe i am just stupid or making things easier than they are, but i am at least open to understand other point of view and being corrected if wrong. this is the real spirit of community, not something when everyone has to show that his opinion are the best and others have to learn from him, but a place where we can exchange ideas and opinion, not fight, not in order to blame someone or bash everything who tries, but to give suggestion and keep on enthusiasm.

For example i think that a lot of sailors here would be happy to give a monthly fee to a team of developers that mantein and develop their preferred OS. sure, who can't code, like me, have to give some fee to support efforts by who are able to code, but i dont thing that, if is it real a community where people want to join and not to use and throw away, it wouldnt be a problem

PS: jolla with dillon passion and sailors users enthusiasm have obtained great free advertising in different ways.

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-21 12:28

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
szopin, i mean that it would be leaded by a team of devs/designer, but hearing opinions of others member of community in a way similar (but better) than jolla have done. not a completely anarchic way, i have to specify. I think that if we are here is that, in first place, we like gestures and hate tiny buttons, or am i wrong? if i am right, this could be a really great point to start.

i know it is impossible to satisfy everyone, but with patches system that our great developers have used it would be possible to satisfy as much as possible users, if they get along with the basis philosophy and design language..

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-21 12:33

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?

Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1489012)
Settle the status bar debate, you have almost 50/50 split here, so what do? Either you have a guy with a vision on top, or gnome/android

in the team that leads the developing you mean?
In such a situation, community can make difference.
if 50-50 is only on community, well, it would be like anyone had voted.

ps: TAKE JOLLA AS EXAMPLE: a lot of things about ui divided community, but at the end i guess people who went out for UI disapproval were not so much, sure a minorance.

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-21 12:40

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
sure, as i said, i guess that community trust the ui team as long as possibile. For sailfish os, this thing has worked, and is not only a matter of i give you founds so i have to choose- you invest your money you can decide by yourself. We start from an important point of agreement, a simple UI with trasparency, with no tiny button, and gestures based,
other things could be important but never will corrupt common assumptions suggested above.

PS: for status bar, i dont know anyone that have abandoned sailfish os only for status bar. Some things could be patched, others have to be tollerated, as clever people knows that we cant agree on anything, but if we have a common paradigm, it would be realtively easy to get along. For example, i know a lot of people using android that don't like every single design object/ interaction of android, but they are still happily using it.

(i ask myself how can you be happy to run an ugly resources eater like it, but thats another story)

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-21 12:47

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
so you think that a community driven thing is not a really option. we start from different thoughts

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-21 12:51

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
I would bet on good intention,common sense, being smart of most community's member. is it so crazy?

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-21 13:04

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
from what i read, it seems the problem is that some guys consider themselves smartER than the others and that they disappoint/disapprove choice and decision taken by someone without proposing any constructive alternative. The fact they sing the same melody for ages, suggest they are not discussing or exchanging opinions, they are just shouting and expressing their ideas without listen others' ones. I have seen too much critics and too little proposals here.
there is no place for one man show here, since is a community. we all have to deal with the fact we all can go wrong, and that making joke of anyone, or anything in wich someone believe, is simply unuseful. So you can discuss and argument your pov, and if the truth is so much evident and people are not so self centred, they at least can admit their fault, but on the other side it is needed there is no one making jokes of others fault or bad consideration. And to conclude, guys, to much negativism...we need to be not in the cloud but at least positive, no one have climbed even an hill saying it would have been impossible.

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-21 13:12

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
i think you are looking it from a bad prospective.
In that case users would have to trust "leaders" they choose to support when they join project. Like most of us trust(ed-for someone) Jolla's devs.
It is the basis way of indirect democratic system. they have been given the role of representing a group. Is not a matter of one man show that no one trust taking all decision on his own

MartinK 2015-11-21 13:52

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
I went there to read something about the direction of the Nemo project but the only thing I found is a one-one-one chat session...

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-21 14:01

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
martink feel free to join in this between two chat,lets make a threesome and then an orgy of ideas.. :) the more, the better

locusf 2015-11-21 16:12

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
Hey guys,

Nemo has been quite quiet for a long time now, sorry about that. Glacier is still close to my heart but I haven't been able to find time to develop it further. Also since its introduction in 2013, the progress has halted after I finished my masters thesis with Glacier as my practical demonstration of its UX capabilities.

Nemo/Glacier sure does run everywhere SailfishOS runs, even further though. Just as long as Mer/Nemo merge finishes without major showstoppers, I can see Glacier UI being deployed to eg. Minnowboard Max, Raspberry Pi 1/2, all HADK devices, N9 and of course AsteroidOS as fork.

But the work to do this is quite monumental, but doable. I, however, have to cut back some adaptation projects if I get a job at some point, which is unfortunate.

SailPi project has proven to be a valuable source of feedback from the Sailfish community. Glacier was first used to run on Raspberry Pi 2, as it was the only one, which source code was freely modifiable. This made sure that Silica/Glacier applications used a correct shader or screen orientation for example.

I did try Nemo Mobile briefly last week on Raspberry Pi 2 tablet version but something has changed in either lipstick or Qt middleware so the touch screen didn't work properly :/

Anyways, thanks for the interest on this. A FOSS DIY tablet sure sounds like a quite good idea, for example. Only Nemo Mobile can do this right now, with correct rigor, aside from the nonfree blobs that are required to boot the Raspberry Pi 2 board.

- locusf (Aleksi Suomalainen)

locusf 2015-11-21 16:28

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
Also, of course Nemo does run on Jolla as well:

Word of warning though, the process is quite convoluted and has not been tested in a year.

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-21 16:37

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
but are you the only to develop glacier ui? is there place for discussion about it and suggestions? maybe some othere devs could join with you

locusf 2015-11-21 16:40

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
Apparently I am the only one doing it on the mobile landscape at least. Florent Revest has his fork to take care of the smartwatch UX.

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-21 16:41

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
ok so it would be a problem if some sailor give you an hand?

locusf 2015-11-21 16:42

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
I've been helped before by Sailors of Jolla. Its possible that I'd get help at some point, but its probably not likely at this stage.

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-21 16:43

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
ps : where i can see some screen shot of nemo running on jolla device?

locusf 2015-11-21 16:45

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-21 16:45

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?

Originally Posted by locusf (Post 1489062)
I've been helped before by Sailors of Jolla. Its possible that I'd get help at some point, but its probably not likely at this stage.

well i dont refer only to jolla employeers (that have done so much, loving you guys) but also other developers on the scene. there were some of them who take off the boat just for sailfish being not opensource,so here it can be built an alternative and maybe they would be glad to join

locusf 2015-11-21 16:51

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?

Originally Posted by itdoesntmatt (Post 1489065)
well i dont refer only to jolla employeers (that have done so much, loving you guys) but also other developers on the scene. there were some of them who take off the boat just for sailfish being not opensource,so here it can be built an alternative and maybe they would be glad to join

We shall see, but unless word gets out more, its not likely that I'll be getting help (+ the code of the homescreen needs love). Mer is eg. funded by lbt and Stskeeps alone, so our core of our implementation is hanging on two guys frantically trying to keep things together.

Lets first help Mer survive, then lets focus on UI.

Android_808 2015-11-21 16:53

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
The one thing that has annoyed me with Nemo/Mer in recent weeks is the switch in git host. Where I was using the github repos as a basis for everything in my GTK3 Hildon work, they now just tell you repo has moved.

As a beginner to git, this is a real PITA now having forks that need local fixes to pull in upstream changes for all projects I had already forked. The github links will also be invalid for tracing upstream information.

szopin 2015-11-21 16:54

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?

Originally Posted by locusf (Post 1489066)
We shall see, but unless word gets out more, its not likely that I'll be getting help (+ the code of the homescreen needs love). Mer is eg. funded by lbt and Stskeeps alone, so our core of our implementation is hanging on two guys frantically trying to keep things together.

Lets first help Mer survive, then lets focus on UI.

Is there a paypal donation account, or bitcoin, or?

locusf 2015-11-21 16:55

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?

Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1489068)
Is there a paypal donation account, or bitcoin, or?

Don't know yet, follow this thread as I've pinged both lbt and Stskeeps :)

szopin 2015-11-21 16:55

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?

Originally Posted by Android_808 (Post 1489067)
The one thing that has annoyed me with Nemo/Mer in recent weeks is the switch in git host. Where I was using the github repos as a basis for everything in my GTK3 Hildon work, they now just tell you repo has moved.

As a beginner to git, this is a real PITA now having forks that need local fixes to pull in upstream changes for all projects I had already forked. The github links will also be invalid for tracing upstream information.

They moved to non-git infra? (lots of options like gitlab etc, github's been going in a strange direction so not unexpected)

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-21 17:02

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
so i guess we can make donations to them..and a big thanks
now , lets make this thread useful. while we are waiting for two guys to reply, i invite if someone knows someone who took off the boat for that matters to inform them of this possibility. and sure, i have to invited users that have been complaining about jolla not opensourcing their great creature to join in this aim. if they are able to code, they would be happy to contribute, if they arent they would be happy to share at least some donation...coding require efforts and time, working to get money needs the same, so whoever want,in his way,can contribute.lets see how many we are

i expect that we will be an interesting number, at least as much as crowd of complaining people that i have heard until this moment. So come on guys!

Android_808 2015-11-21 17:07

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?

Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1489070)
They moved to non-git infra? (lots of options like gitlab etc, github's been going in a strange direction so not unexpected)

Still git, but now using gitlabs. Just need to do some more reading up/learning of git to fetch from new upstream.

MartinK 2015-11-21 17:09

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?

Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1489070)
They moved to non-git infra? (lots of options like gitlab etc, github's been going in a strange direction so not unexpected)

They moved to a self-hosted GitLab instance.

I think the main issue was GitHub being blocked in China and thus preventing some people from contributing, but I might be wrong.

szopin 2015-11-21 17:18

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?

Originally Posted by Android_808 (Post 1489074)
Still git, but now using gitlabs. Just need to do some more reading up/learning of git to fetch from new upstream.

If it's still git based should be an easy switch

szopin 2015-11-21 17:20

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?

Originally Posted by itdoesntmatt (Post 1489072)
so i guess we can make donations to them..and a big thanks
now , lets make this thread useful. while we are waiting for two guys to reply, i invite if someone knows someone who took off the boat for that matters to inform them of this possibility. and sure, i have to invited users that have been complaining about jolla not opensourcing their great creature to join in this aim. if they are able to code, they would be happy to contribute, if they arent they would be happy to share at least some donation...coding require efforts and time, working to get money needs the same, so whoever want,in his way,can contribute.lets see how many we are

i expect that we will be an interesting number, at least as much as crowd of complaining people that i have heard until this moment. So come on guys!

The non-coders can also participate, like translations (transifex?), spreading the word etc (which seems to be badly needed, tmo is slowly drying up), sending a few quid is the least anyone can do

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-22 15:02

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
guys lets make this great thing together and give to great coders what deserved..

tealc 2015-11-22 18:35

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?

Originally Posted by itdoesntmatt (Post 1489187)

I'd love to donate to keep Mer/Sailfish going. Unfortunately the only available option is bank account which is a major PITA if you don't live in the same country. I think they would get more donations if they added more alternatives like bitcoin, flattr etc.

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-22 18:40

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
now i will refer it to them =) thank you so much for join ;)

sicelo 2015-11-22 20:13

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
what device is the target/goal/aim here? N900? or N9?

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-22 21:26

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
i dont know,i think they are flexible about it. of course,a well known device like n9,jolla,nexus 5

sicelo 2015-11-23 10:20

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
ok. well-known device :D

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-23 11:42

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
what do u mean? well known for community,not for commercial share

pagis 2015-11-23 17:53

Re: NEMO MOBILE, why such a little interest from sailors?
it seems my next phone will run mer/nemo + apps most likely on a nexus 5? hopefully with SF UI on top(?)

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