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eson 2016-09-01 17:15

Turing Phone Cadenza
Well, here's the next imaginary unit to dissect, discuss or just neglect... :)

chenliangchen 2016-09-01 17:26

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
Swordfish OS...... lol, they should change to Angler Fish OS...

Dave999 2016-09-01 17:46

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza

Originally Posted by chenliangchen (Post 1514041)
Swordfish OS...... lol, they should change to Angler Fish OS...

Scamfish OS would fit perfect...

eson 2016-09-01 18:24

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1514042)
Scamfish OS would fit perfect...

Scamfish sounds like that small piece of cod that I bought from my local fish dealer yesterday. I'm sure it was at least one week since that fish saw some fresh salt water. :(

Android_808 2016-09-01 19:07

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
If something with specs like that actually comes out...

nthn 2016-09-01 19:13

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
Such a highly advanced and futuristic device yet they are still stuck using monospace fonts.

cvp 2016-09-01 19:26

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
omg, the specs (4xSim? lol) ..os name....size....what will it cost? 2000$ ?sorry, but if there dont release the first turing phone official, than is the next phone for sure a next ******** scam phone ever.

gerbick 2016-09-01 19:34

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
Dual Qualcomm 830's eh? Better come with integrated liquid* cooling...

*Unicorn tears

Jozz 2016-09-01 20:55

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
I also received the email today...

1TB of storage is quite a lot.
60MP and 20MP camera's :cool:

It all sounds to good to be true.

MartinK 2016-09-01 21:35

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
Forget about the dreamed out hardware specs - check the software section - that some serious software buzzword bingo! :)

Yeah, just stick any piece of software that is the current hype to the device! No need to worry if it would even work out of a HPC compute cluster, about software dependencies, security/vulnerability handling or even integrating it with other buzz-soft and parts of the software - it will be so advanced that all this will happen by itself for sure! :D

Many smartphone/smartphone OS vendors have big issues keeping their basic software even remotely up to date and secure, but I'm sure TRI can do all that and also include deep learning AI, NLP, CNN, LSTM and Differential Privacy (whatever that is). ;-)

mrsellout 2016-09-01 21:50

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
Reminds me of the Ubuntu Edge.

pichlo 2016-09-01 22:11

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza

Originally Posted by mrsellout (Post 1514064)
Reminds me of the Ubuntu Edge.

Exactly my first thought too!

clovis86 2016-09-01 22:23

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza

Zeta 2016-09-01 22:53

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
I don't remember any April's fools dream device having specs that high !
That should have taken serious imagination to write :D

I would be interested by the thickness of the device. Probably around 5 or 6 centimeters. :p

tommo 2016-09-01 23:29

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza

Originally Posted by clovis86 (Post 1514068)

I saw Nicholas Cage at Tesco ATM, maybe he was getting out money to buy a turing!

robthebold 2016-09-02 01:05

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
I really like the "warp nacelle" design. Just give me that mockup and I'll pretend to text people in public. When they ask what it is, I'll hide it in my pocket and tell them it's top secret. Imagine the buzz!

Feathers McGraw 2016-09-02 07:33

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
Are they serious?!

That whole article reads like a parody.

At least Ubuntu edge was a product that could have worked if they had found the cash (yes I know it was mostly a massive PR campaign)... specs were high but not "this is going to heat up so much it will burn your hand off and then run out of battery" stupid, and the SW goal of docking your phone and having it run a full DE is realistic and something people might actually have used!

AI on a phone...WEW!

Maybe what they mean is that all devices will be part of a massive botnet :p

Feathers McGraw 2016-09-02 08:08

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
What Turing should do is create a phone like what they have now, but with physically separate RAM for the modem and CPU like the neo900 guys are doing, and then write a small program to monitor the modem's power consumption etc.

That would give them a serious unique selling point, it's achievable, and it fits their stated privacy/security aims. It might also gain them some much needed credibility.

juiceme 2016-09-02 08:36

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
This Cadenza thing is sure a right move for them, I mean consider the target segment; anyone who swallows the bait and has money enough to go for it is such a prize customer!
I would pay for customers like this, and still make a killing!

Tsippaduida 2016-09-02 08:57

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
That Swordfish OS is interesting:
Assembly, visual-basic. I wonder is it easily portable to J1?

This outer blueprint stuff is really out there.

You can even have conference call with yourself. Quad nano SIM! Where's the "Shut up and take my money" button?

clovis86 2016-09-02 09:03

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza

r0kk3rz 2016-09-02 10:01

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza

Originally Posted by clovis86 (Post 1514088)

This was my thoughts, they have been burned quite hard with the Turing Phone and had to refund lots of pre-orders.

So to fund the existing Turing Phone project, they need a new outlandish headline grabbing kickstarter with an obviously short release date.

Que new kickstarter in 2020 with a phone made of unobtanium with quantum communication and dark matter powercell to finish off the Cadenza project.

xanderx 2016-09-02 12:28

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
Still missing the real world proof of the phone existence, they already start scamming for more. DeCadenza

aegis 2016-09-02 13:05

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
I was hoping the family of Alan Turing intervened at some point. He has a great niece & nephew IIRC.

It's pretty disgusting that they're using his name for this and now quoting him on their spiel too.

pichlo 2016-09-02 14:55

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza

Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw (Post 1514082)
That whole article reads like a parody.

Spoilsport! ;)

robthebold 2016-09-02 15:40

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
Google alerts found a few stories around the web:

Firstpost plays it pretty straight, but allows for the possibility it's vaporware.

iGyaan (who?) gushes about it being a "rocket ship" -- can't tell if they're sarcastic.

Softpedia says Turing is "Pushing the market boundaries"

phonearena calls the specs "too ridiculous to believe" -- in the headline, no less.

Android Headlines -- which I'd never of heard before -- is a little more blunt: "A Smartphone Full of Lies".

Android Police is a little more charitable -- if being mentally ill is preferable to being a liar -- saying: "[Clinically insane] Turing announces phone with dual Snapdragon 830s, triple batteries, hydrogen fuel cell, other insane specs"

robthebold 2016-09-02 15:55

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
Looks like some smart commenter at Android Police knows that there really is something called a "T-Stop" and therefore "Triplet lens/T1.2" isn't a typo/malaprop.

Yes, there is such a thing as "T-Stop" and yes it's a typo, because who the hell lists that as a figure of merit of a lens without mentioning F-stop or anything else?

Zeta 2016-09-02 17:03

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1514121)
And yes it's a typo, because who the hell lists that as a figure of merit of a lens without mentioning F-stop or anything else?

Isn't the whole article a typo ? :D

NokiaFanatic 2016-09-02 21:47

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
12GB of RAM? Pathetic, won't run 890 simultaneous instances of Opera on Alien Dalvik. I am out.

theonelaw 2016-09-03 03:01

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1514086)
This Cadenza thing is sure a right move for them, I mean consider the target segment; anyone who swallows the bait and has money enough to go for it is such a prize customer!
I would pay for customers like this, and still make a killing!

This probably sums up an entire "reason to exist"
justifying anything in the marketing of such devices:

Simply collect the names and contact information
of people who respond to such high prices
knowing now these are real people who have money
they are willing to part with.

That immediately implies this market audience
probably has more money under the mattress
they can be persuaded to spend in other markets.

Selling expensive vaporware builds an email list
worth Billion$.

ssahla 2016-09-06 20:46

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
And then some more...

ka9yhd 2016-09-06 22:44

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
Amazing they still do not have their first phone on the market and already they are dreaming about a next phone....

NokiaFanatic 2016-09-06 23:14

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza

HWKB, hurry up and take my money!

ste-phan 2016-09-07 02:18

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
To call any specs list overblown would be denying the fact that since the past half decade the development of mobile phones has come to a complete halt.
Somewhere some company must be dreaming, hopefully preparing to get the train into motion again with one device to rule all previous, but then it will need to be something you can also replace your laptop and desktop PC with without pushing you into madness.
Take all current top specs and multiply by x is certainly not the way to move any further than a big yawn from my side...

who again is/was Turing?

HtheB 2016-09-07 08:55

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza
Where is Dave999 when you need him?

Dave999 2016-09-07 08:57

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1514479)
Where is Dave999 when you need him?

I'm right here.

Hacker 2016-09-07 12:39

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza

Originally Posted by NokiaFanatic (Post 1514465)

It looks like a super-duper Nokia E7!! I’m in!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

mikecomputing 2016-09-07 16:40

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza

Go get an Fairphone II instead it is real not some random ******** marketing.

I do think FP2 will have official sailfishos support before Turing release their phone (if they ever will)

pichlo 2016-09-07 21:41

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza

Originally Posted by Hacker (Post 1514499)
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Someone calling him/herself Hacker and reading/posting to TMO using an iPhone?
Am I the only one seeing an irony in that?

gerbick 2016-09-07 23:34

Re: Turing Phone Cadenza

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1514548)
Someone calling him/herself Hacker and reading/posting to TMO using an iPhone?
Am I the only one seeing an irony in that?

only if you invest a lot into usernames equating into real life preferences and abilities.

*goes off to create Emperor General of the Universe username

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