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endsormeans 2018-01-01 01:56

What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 2117?
For us Hume's it's 2117 ...
(for those just waking from cryo-sleep..a lot has happened in the last 100 years ..)
But for our alien overlord taskmasters ..It is the Year of our Gourd 60 A.F.L. (After Flora Liberation) ...
The long documented ravings of one known as "Dave" ..weren't ravings after all.
Aliens did come....there was a was brutally short...
Now an alien race of bipedal super-hyper intelligent gourds walk and dominate the Earth and keep us "Hume's" (short for humans..) for amusement...
Ever since our overlords found youtube and watched the ridiculous antics of our species...and the absolutely stupid and idiotic videos posted...that make the "Jackass" movie franchise look good...
Humans have been kept for the amusement we used to afford to cats...
Likewise all civilization has been propped up and maintained for this circus of the bizarre and the audience of our conquerors to enjoy...
So much has stayed the same...
Naturally some things have changed...
Maemo Talk is still here (obviously..)...since they REALLY find us amusing..
We haven't done a "what is the best gnu linux .." for the last 2 decades...
There hasn't been a point really...
...the nokia n810 became the dominant gnu-linux device on the planet...and maemo 4 the standard OS.
Not surprising .... since it was up against AOL OS, Carl's Jr. OS,
and Mattel's Barbie OS.

Soooo...I'll just wind up this years posting ...

All hail our Gourdian overseers...may their seeds be many and plentiful!

KylliOrvokki 2018-01-05 09:02

Re: What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 2117?
Maybe before 2117 we see:

- Librem 5 phone
- !! "Release the much-awaited Librem tablet" !!


- "the to-be-announced"
* my prediction = Sony Tablet! :)


endsormeans 2018-01-05 09:51

Re: What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 2117?
I think before that lovely thought happens ...

we will unfortunately get instead...

the long anticipated "Ikea phone" ..
that you have to run through a maze to get ..
and the requisite need to assemble it when you get home...
naturally running the highly desired upcoming "Taco Bell OS " ...
purported to have lots of toppings and options...
but according to substantiated reports..
has no "actual" meat in their product..


pichlo 2018-01-05 10:51

Re: What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 2117?

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1539954)
the long anticipated "Ikea phone" ..
that you have to run through a maze to get ..
and the requisite need to assemble it when you get home...

Sounds like anything with Sailfish on except the First One.

railroadmaster 2018-01-06 02:47

Re: What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 2117?
The GPD Win 2 can run Linux well.

juiceme 2018-01-06 07:36

Re: What's the best Handheld gnu/linux machine for 2117?

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 1539989)
The GPD Win 2 can run Linux well.

Is that still available in 2117?

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