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Bundyo 2019-04-24 16:28

Sailfish 3.0.3 Hossa
Hossa has been released in Early Access with many fixes, including WiFi drain and proximity sensor. Most notable feature for me is Gecko upgrade to ESR 45 - not much but still something for now.

Release notes

EDIT: now released to all subscribers

Jedibeeftrix 2019-04-24 16:32

Re: Sailfish 3.0.3 Hossa EA
dear lord, the browser needs some fixes! fingers crossed.

peterleinchen 2019-04-24 16:43

Re: Sailfish 3.0.3 Hossa EA

the first thing coming to my mind :D

wolke 2019-04-24 18:54

Re: Sailfish 3.0.3 Hossa EA
maybe one day they'll fix ofono so that the phone doesnt mysteriously stop getting calls or texts for hours, every single day

carlosgonz 2019-04-24 19:43

Re: Sailfish 3.0.3 Hossa EA
ultra slow the sailfish server updates :mad: i just need to forget the 38 gecko nightmare.
also i do not care what features is adding to x.a.2; i will never buy a x.a.2 to using sf-os if jolla not complete the features promised to sony-xperia-x including the nest of bug :mad:

chilango 2019-04-24 19:51

Re: Sailfish 3.0.3 Hossa EA
And still no VoIP Sip integrated in OS :(

pichlo 2019-04-24 19:57

Re: Sailfish 3.0.3 Hossa EA

Originally Posted by wolke (Post 1556309)
maybe one day they'll fix ofono so that the phone doesnt mysteriously stop getting calls or texts for hours, every single day

That has honestly never happened to me.

What has happened was that the phone rebooted in my pocket about 20 times in one day in Legoland. It could not handle the public WiFi provided there that required going through a login portal each time the signal was lost and found again, presumably as I was moving between access points. I do not know what exactly prompted the reboot. Whether it was the browser window timing out or too many browser windows open. I never saw it happening, only that it rebooted again.

wolke 2019-04-24 20:18

Re: Sailfish 3.0.3 Hossa EA
the random disconnect bug affects a lot of people. i think it has to do with me working at home, because it only happens after about 12 hours in the same spot.
i have to remember to toggle airplane mode on/off every half hour or so to find out that i have text messages waiting. its the worst, stupidest bug ive ever had with any cellphone or mobile os

pichlo 2019-04-24 20:25

Re: Sailfish 3.0.3 Hossa EA
Wow. That sounds bad indeed. A "modern" "smart" phone not capable of what my first mobile could some 25 years ago, that is really shameful. I guess I am lucky I have never observed this.

robthebold 2019-04-24 21:28

Re: Sailfish 3.0.3 Hossa EA

Originally Posted by Jedibeeftrix (Post 1556301)
dear lord, the browser needs some fixes! fingers crossed.

This is my hope as well. Browser compatibility is monotonically degrading. I can no longer load the web page generated by my Home Assistant device with Sailfish browser. And a local TV news station's website regularly locks up the browser and sometimes the phone to the point that I've blacklisted the URL in hosts just so I don't jack up my phone when I don't have time to get everything reset and working again. Or the indiegogo page that shows up blank, but that's probably saved me some money . . . so it's not all bad.

BTW, did everybody notice last month that Python was upgraded to ver 3.7 in Ooolalaka? I did read the release notes but must have blown right by that part.

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