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heartbreakdoctor 2011-02-23 20:47

support n900 if you care.
I know what am gonna say is old and maybe silly for some of you.but what i want is to keep bothering nokia every now and then,make them feel we are alive we want our rights we want:
1-Any new update for ovi maps.
2-Flash 10.
3-shazam and others.
i send them email(s) now and hope you do same,and i thank people who are trying to upgrade ovi maps themselves.

Ken-Young 2011-02-23 20:54

Re: support n900 if you care.
There is not the slightest chance that Nokia will do any of these things.

Have you tried Instinctiv? It will identify songs like Shazam does.

heartbreakdoctor 2011-02-23 20:58

Re: support n900 if you care.
unfortunatly i did and it sucks,my friend has HTC with shazam it identified everything and instinctiv just embarced me and identified nothing,all am asking for that we try and not give up

gerbick 2011-02-23 21:01

Re: support n900 if you care.
Nokia should hear this from you (and us) directly. Every day. All day.

lucas777 2011-02-23 21:04

Re: support n900 if you care.
Nokia dont give a crap about you OP or your thread, Mods may awswell close it now. Good Day

heartbreakdoctor 2011-02-23 21:06

Re: support n900 if you care.
:D:D:D COULDNT AGREE MORE WITH YOU MR.GERBICK MADE ME HAPPY NOW CAUSE THERES SOMEONE WHO IS SHARING SAME THING,am from Egypt and am proud we kept saying we will not be able to change the whole corrupted system and the president who was stick to presidential chair for 30 years but we did it,and i feel we can do the same to a company and change the fact that our rights as nokia customers are lost.

heartbreakdoctor 2011-02-23 21:08

Re: support n900 if you care.
cant you be optimistic and at least try,and if you tried then try again and never give up,if they dont care about their OWN CUSTOMERS we should make them care.

Frappacino 2011-02-23 21:15

Re: support n900 if you care.
1. they have your money
2. they know with MS deal, they have lost the FOSS customer segment
3. Why would they spend more money to satisfy a customer who is not going to buy more Nokia phones ?

spend your time supporting the devs here instead - offer donations and testing services which will get concrete results instead

heartbreakdoctor 2011-02-23 21:26

Re: support n900 if you care.
Frappacino,am doing both(send emails and supporting new ideas and devs) and i lost my ovi maps today cause was trying the ovi maps extra features.but its ok i will propably flash or try to find ovi loader to install it back.

Kajko 2011-02-23 22:59

Re: support n900 if you care.
Idiotic idea. Why should Nokia care about a few Linux geeks? The N900 is over a year old and it's outdated. Move on man.

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