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vivmak 2011-06-24 11:57

So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

uppercase 2011-06-24 12:17

Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this
Wow 20000 apps ! can't wait to install all of them !
and congrats to elope for cutting thousands of jobs and giving the money to m$ instead !
Nice save man !
Yeh Nokia sure can pull. Pull trash from the dumpster.

momcilo 2011-06-24 12:26

Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

Originally Posted by uppercase (Post 1038031)
Wow 20000 apps ! can't wait to install all of them !
and congrats to elope for cutting thousands of jobs and giving the money to m$ instead !
Nice save man !
Yeh Nokia sure can pull. Pull trash from the dumpster.

I'll write a bash script that creates 20000 differentiated fart-apps, so everybody will have almost unique fart.

That will convince people. :D

Numbers don't mean anything, if the quality is low.
Small number of good apps is always preferred. Marketing likes big numbers, to express how powerful their eco$i$tem is.

tissot 2011-06-24 12:30

Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this
Or you can have the most apps and most quality apps like on ios...

Though i have no idea of WP app situation, neither am i interested.

onethreealpha 2011-06-24 12:35

Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this
Define apps.
Apple apps? Where a vast amount are nothing more than links to rss feeds or are books, but are classified as apps because they can be downloaded?

Frappacino 2011-06-24 12:42

Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

would ppl please stop using hyperbole and straw man arguments ?

fart apps ? yea there are a shitload, but there are also many, like games, that have no equivalent in say, the N900 sphere (the N900 has to pirate its games from another platform... lol)

So yes, there are benefits to having a popular ecosystem...

uppercase 2011-06-24 12:44

Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this
I have two computers with puppy linux 431 on them. Installed about two years ago, from a 100Mb live cd. That 100Mb contains all the apps I'll ever want. I never installed a single package except updating libflashplayer. You only need a lot of apps when your base system is lacking.

afaq 2011-06-24 12:46

Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this
I'd rather pirate games that are worth it then have to navigate through a thousand to find one good one. If you browse the extras on the N900 (even extras devel) almost every single app is unique and adds value in many different ways.

Sure there are Apps I wish n900 had but that is life. You trade off one thing for another. We have a device that is ours for the taking. With all this noise around the N9, i'm contemplating switching to Android (waited too long for the N9 and not for me). But whats my biggest fear? I will miss some quality apps that Android will not have (cuteTube by marxian).

erendorn 2011-06-24 12:53

Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this
Seriously? The app store has 380 000 apps that are most quality apps??
Can I doubt it?

giorgosmit 2011-06-24 12:54

Re: So, seems like Nokia still has some pull , MS mobile app increased 300% as per this

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 1038040)
Or you can have the most apps and most quality apps like on ios...

Though i have no idea of WP app situation, neither am i interested.

When you have 300.000 or so apps and a (somewhat arbitrarily) curated market, then yes, you have the most quality apps in terms of sheer numbers. After a point, though, it becomes meaningless. What is the practical difference between having 25.000 and 300.000 apps?

It's gotten ridiculous. Recently I read an article in gizmodo lambasting the blackberry appworld that it has "only" 25,000 apps, calling it an arid desert or something similar. O RLY?

Personally, I'd prefer to have a naturally capable and well-rounded platform than having a metric ****ton of apps to supplement missing functionality. Maemo, Meego/ Harmattan and WebOS are very good examples of these. We don't need skype/ im apps, they are built right in. We don't need facebook/twitter clients, the browsers are fine (at least it was when I still had a FB account; no idea how bloated the site has now become). The same goes for all the apps that function as fronts for websites. The same, of course, goes for office/ acrobat reader compatibility. The only things I personally need are a good note-taker, a voice recorder, organising apps, and a few more rather easy to find stuff. My greatest worry about the N9 was built-in office support; now that I know it has it, I'm golden.

As for games... well, I don't really play games, at least not the high powered ones that require dual-core phones. I love mahjong on the N900, and similar mind games: sudoku, chess, freeciv, open TTD, etcetera, etcetera ;)

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