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Khertan 2012-07-24 14:32

[Announce]KhtNote : A note taking apps with owncloud sync
1 Attachment(s)

I've just released a first public beta of KhtNotes.

Please keep in mind that it s a beta, and so strange things can occurs, losing notes, losing notes during sync, losing notes while daemon appear through a hellgate vortex.

Anyway i ll be happy if some can test it, specially because i devel it on an n950 and this device is stuck on pr1.2.

fpp 2012-07-24 19:14

Re: [Announce]KhtNote : A note taking apps with owncloud sync
Pssstttt, Benoît... un seul "k", dans "taking" :-) 2012-07-24 19:36

Re: [Announce]KhtNote : A note taking apps with owncloud sync
Congratz !

I also imported your package to shared repo too until it is accepted into afm . i guess it is on your plans too ...

I guess it works with any webdav server ?

Khertan 2012-07-24 21:15

Re: [Announce]KhtNote : A note taking apps with owncloud sync
writting post on an small screen didn't help for checking typos :)

Rzr yep it s planned to be in apps for meego, i ven t push it yet as it s still an alpha. Version 1.3 is already release but can t upload it yet to cobs (bloodyhell harmattan navigator that didn t let uploading file, and stupid firefox that take the decision to let only upload some type of file png, jpg, ...)

Yet it s tested with owncloud, use webdav (and without versionning extension that owncloud 4 didn t include yet while last sabredav release do)

Khertan 2012-07-24 21:16

Re: [Announce]KhtNote : A note taking apps with owncloud sync
Official webpage and last deb release on

Khertan 2012-07-30 16:15

Re: [Announce]KhtNote : A note taking apps with owncloud sync
Release 1.5 available :

* Improved startup time
* Improved sync
* New search feature
* Improved time traveling feature

Khertan 2012-08-01 12:40

Re: [Announce]KhtNote : A note taking apps with owncloud sync
Release 1.6 Available :

* Add Conboy/Tomboy Import
* some minor fixes.

Do not forget to vote on

Khertan 2012-09-17 19:02

Re: [Announce]KhtNote : A note taking apps with owncloud sync
KhtNotes 2.9 available

Improved sync, more stable, and tested.
Ready for end user use !

MetalGearSolid 2012-09-18 02:23

Re: [Announce]KhtNote : A note taking apps with owncloud sync
Any chances of it working on the N900 ?

Khertan 2012-09-18 08:47

Re: [Announce]KhtNote : A note taking apps with owncloud sync
If there is any chances that Harmattan Qt Components works on n900 yes, but last time i've try, this was full of problems.

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