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kpblxa 2013-12-02 12:01

Jolla tracking numbers
anyone got their shipment confirmation? is "we are shipping from 27th November" a lie?

as requested: link to Jolla Shipping Status

chenliangchen 2013-12-02 12:14

Re: Jolla tracking numbers
No, and maybe, No.

Am I the only one realised that the head title has no relation with the content. Guess you may want to see the tracking number if anyone receives confirmation?

seiichiro0185 2013-12-02 12:24

Re: Jolla tracking numbers
This was also asked in other threads, 'till now it seems no one on the forums got any shipment notice / tracking info yet.

From their last tweets they changed from "starting on the 27th" to more vague statements regarding the shipping process...

There is hope that we will see the start of the shipping this week after the deadline for the payment (which is today for a shipment in December) has passed.

szymeczek34 2013-12-02 12:34

Re: Jolla tracking numbers
They said the phone would be delivered in 3-4 weeks so given that shipment in the EU should take no more than a week I guess that tracking numbers will be out in two weeks.

Khertan 2013-12-02 12:39

Re: Jolla tracking numbers
no more than a week .... hum hum (specially during december)... u didn't live in france :p

Kabouik 2013-12-02 13:21

Re: Jolla tracking numbers
It seems* that Finnish people will get their device first, no matter whether there are EU peole who preordered and ordered before.

For the invites to Helsinki, it did not matter whether you were Finnish or not, you were invited depending on when you preordered. It is not the same for shipments and deliveries, regardless of what had been said about priority being served in order the initial orders were placed.

It's really frustrating, especially given Finnish orders are ~30% of all orders.

* I said it "seems". It's from discussions and emails from, but nothing clear so it might be less simple than that, or totally wrong. Actually I hope it is not that simple, because being among the first preorders (invited to the event) but being pushed behind all Finnish people who preorderd later is really frustrating in the "people will be served in the priority order they have placed their original orders" context.

ggabriel 2013-12-02 13:26

Re: Jolla tracking numbers
I think they did say that they would start with Finland anyway. In fact, DNA may do that for them, as they signed an exclusive contract to sell the device in that country.

Hopefully, the latter means that Jolla just delivers X devices to DNA and they package them and all that, and in parallel Jolla looks after the rest of EU. Multitasking shipping :-)

I believe we should start seeing people with a tracking number this week, unless the devices are not finished just yet.

nieldk 2013-12-02 13:37

Re: Jolla tracking numbers

Originally Posted by szymeczek34 (Post 1391668)
They said the phone would be delivered in 3-4 weeks so given that shipment in the EU should take no more than a week I guess that tracking numbers will be out in two weeks.

Well, they said the device will be shipped on 3-4 weeks, after order was placed, and paid.

txus 2013-12-02 13:45

Re: Jolla tracking numbers

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1391686)
Well, they said the device will be delivered on 3-4 weeks, after order was placed, and paid.

Small fix, with maybe big implications ;)

Edit: source


Originally Posted by JollaHQ
After completing the pre-order purchase delivery within the EU takes 3-4 weeks.

Larswad 2013-12-02 14:23

Re: Jolla tracking numbers
Not even a week in after my payment, and I'm starting to get crazy already. By the time the device arrives I will by in a mental institution already writing Jolla Unlike all over the madrassed walls.

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