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Dave999 2017-05-09 19:38

What's your thoughts about googles new OS. Is it just for fun or will it find some audience.

If you have no clue what I'm talking about, this is a read:

And yeah, It's not Linux, that is correct ;)

Fuzzillogic 2017-05-09 21:55

Re: Fuchsia
Just another attempt to gain total control over the ecosystem. There are too many stakeholders in Linux for their taste (i.e. more than just Google). They put up a "open source" smokescreen, but all they want is control.

gerbick 2017-05-09 22:56

Re: Fuchsia

Originally Posted by Fuzzillogic (Post 1527833)
Just another attempt to gain total control over the ecosystem. There are too many stakeholders in Linux for their taste (i.e. more than just Google). They put up a "open source" smokescreen, but all they want is control.

I actually was thinking that they might be trying to get rid of Oracle due to the Java portions.

I actually welcome that part. But you do bring an interesting point.

theonelaw 2017-05-10 01:09

Re: Fuchsia

Originally Posted by Fuzzillogic (Post 1527833)
Just another attempt to gain total control over the ecosystem. There are too many stakeholders in Linux for their taste (i.e. more than just Google). They put up a "open source" smokescreen, but all they want is control.

The first indicators are very interesting indeed.


Looks like an heir being groomed for 2020,
Open source, perhaps - if that lasts -
but it is an internal project,
community participation will be at arms link,
behind a chain-linked fence,
in a 'designated "free-speech" security containment'.

Good luck with that.

from an interesting handful of words:


Fuschia is the future of both platforms but only when the two platforms exceed their potential and get stale, then in order to increase performance, visuals, and portability they would need to write a new OS with more modern technology.

juiceme 2017-05-10 05:08

Re: Fuchsia

Originally Posted by Fuzzillogic (Post 1527833)
Just another attempt to gain total control over the ecosystem. There are too many stakeholders in Linux for their taste (i.e. more than just Google). They put up a "open source" smokescreen, but all they want is control.

I agree with the above; this is just attempt to create fragmentation and gain control.

deprecated, I hope the project is dumped.

r0kk3rz 2017-05-10 08:20

Re: Fuchsia
Wow, some serious hostility here.

I'm interested to see how it pans out simply because its been quite a while since anyone has written a whole OS from scratch, kernel and all.

Their new homescreen has some interesting ideas, it will be good to see how this 'stories' concept develops I think.

nthn 2017-05-10 10:28

Re: Fuchsia

Originally Posted by r0kk3rz (Post 1527846)
I'm interested to see how it pans out simply because its been quite a while since anyone has written a whole OS from scratch, kernel and all.

Computer science students do that all the time! The hostility comes not because it's new (or because it isn't Linux-based), but because Google always comes up with these sorts of things that offer no substantial benefit over the old established ways of doing it, not just springing from the misguided idea that if something is old it must be bad (more than enough examples in technology of others being guilty of these thoughts), but in an attempt to gain absolute control. There may not even be any particularly evil intentions behind that as they might truly believe that if only everyone followed the Google way, the world would be a better place. The problem is, for most people, no way is the best way. They don't need an advertising company in control of every aspect of their lives.

Or maybe they just have far too much money building up in the great Silicon Valley bubble (which will hopefully burst any minute now) and they've run out of islands to buy and politicians to lobby.

Dave999 2017-05-10 12:50

Re: Fuchsia

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