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Dave999 2014-02-03 21:20

Sailfish absorb Mer?
People working with Mer working at Jolla for obvious reasons. But why keep Mer as Mer and not Mer as part of sailfish.

Almost everything you read about Mer involves sailfish. And I know Mer is so that everyone who wants to build a mobile can use Mer but in the end. Mer get stonger and stronger connections to jolla and sailfish, what is the reason not to scape the name Mer and call it sailfish foundation?

I might be in deep water here but what happens to Mer if jolla fails it's ones in a life time for Mer to break big. They should take the chance and support the brand.

Sailfish core even.

shmerl 2014-02-04 00:22

Re: Sailfish absorb Mer?
No, because Mer is not limited to Sailfish. And it shouldn't be.

jcharpak 2014-02-04 15:42

Re: Sailfish absorb Mer?
My understanding is that Mer is most used as the basis for an OS for in car entertainment systems. The smartphone part is actually much more of a sideline.

Dave999 2014-02-04 18:19

Re: Sailfish absorb Mer?

Originally Posted by shmerl (Post 1410762)
No, because Mer is not limited to Sailfish. And it shouldn't be.

Never said it will be or should be.


Originally Posted by jcharpak (Post 1410892)
My understanding is that Mer is most used as the basis for an OS for in car entertainment systems. The smartphone part is actually much more of a sideline.


maluka 2014-02-04 20:16

Re: Sailfish absorb Mer?
Mer is a 100% open source project, Sailfish OS is not. Mer is Mer and Mer is part of Sailfish. Read this

It explains a bit about what Mer is in relation to Jolla and check this to see what changes have been made to Mer and by who.

Dave999 2014-02-05 06:00

Re: Sailfish absorb Mer?

Originally Posted by maluka (Post 1410967)
Mer is a 100% open source project, Sailfish OS is not. Mer is Mer and Mer is part of Sailfish. Read this

It explains a bit about what Mer is in relation to Jolla and check this to see what changes have been made to Mer and by who.

Mer can still be the same with a new name.

maluka 2014-02-05 06:48

Re: Sailfish absorb Mer?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1411050)
Mer can still be the same with a new name.

Imagine someone suggest you rename your baby. How would you react? :p

Estel 2014-02-05 09:10

Re: Sailfish absorb Mer?
Yea, let's rename Linux to Android, but let it remain the same! After all, Linux is used by some crappy backwater company to produce closed source OS for phones. Why not?


Nah, rather not.

aegis 2014-02-05 10:21

Re: Sailfish absorb Mer?

Originally Posted by maluka (Post 1411053)
Imagine someone suggest you rename your baby. How would you react? :p

Dave999 is allowed to breed?:eek:

Dave999 2014-02-05 10:43

Re: Sailfish absorb Mer?
Compare it with a kids name is not the same thing, and if you think so all parents get suggestions from friends and family but their choice is their own. Same with mer. It's not a demand it's more a question on my limited view of the mer project from customers perspective..

What happens with Nemo? Only Sailfish left or do we have anyone else building cool stuff on mer?

Estel... Android and Linux? Worst example by far... It's probably illegal too.

Either way I think it's a great move and I'm sure it will happen sooner or later or jolla will fork it and run their own branch. (if the two entities survives)

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