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Sveles 2009-09-07 09:09

Can someone help me whit Untaring
I,m still newesh here.After looong trying and error i simply cant untar the wifizoo.tar from B1ackdeath Blog site.I tryed awrything tar xvzf wifizoo.tar...followed the insruction on other sites but its useless...
I own a Nokia N810 and i saved it in the Games section on the device...
not on the internal mmc2 or extreneal mmc1 cards...Just on the device.
Please someone help...Thank you kindly.

nowave7 2009-09-07 09:13

Re: Can someone help me whit Untaring
Try tar -xf wifizoo.tar ?

deadmalc 2009-09-07 09:13

Re: Can someone help me whit Untaring
z - if file is compressed in gzip format
x - eXtract tar
v - verbose
f - use filename

if it's .tar chances are tar xvf <filename> will do it
A good way to tell is to run "file <filename>" this will let linux guess the file type.

Sveles 2009-09-07 09:19

Re: Can someone help me whit Untaring
I tryed all that.
i wet tar xvzf wifizoo.tar or tar xzvf wifizoo.tar.gz and other combinations.
i go the wifizoo from B1ackdeath Blog.
I got kismet,scapy and awrything...all i need is this wifizoo.tar.but its been almost 4 days now that continusly wreck my Brains out...
Btw,,,Thkx you guys for trying to help.

Sveles 2009-09-07 09:21

Re: Can someone help me whit Untaring
ween i try that it just stands there saying tar -xf wifizoo.tar...dosent doo anything else on the screan.


Originally Posted by nowave7 (Post 323037)
Try tar -xf wifizoo.tar ?

Sveles 2009-09-07 09:28

Re: Can someone help me whit Untaring
now i tryed tar zxvf wifizoo.tar
and it sayd
tar:no such file or directory

Sveles 2009-09-07 09:42

Re: Can someone help me whit Untaring
it always tells me no such file or directory

nowave7 2009-09-07 09:46

Re: Can someone help me whit Untaring

Originally Posted by Sveles (Post 323043)
ween i try that it just stands there saying tar -xf wifizoo.tar...dosent doo anything else on the screan.

Are you sure about that?! What OS are trying this on?

deadmalc 2009-09-07 09:48

Re: Can someone help me whit Untaring
if it is saying no such file then you haven't cd'ed into the right directory. Do an "ls" to see if the file is there.

file <filename>

Then you know whether it is compressed or not!

for gzip compressed tar zxvf <filename>
for bzip compressed tar jxvf <filename>
for uncompressed tar xvf <filename>

nowave7 2009-09-07 09:49

Re: Can someone help me whit Untaring
This is definitely just a tar archive. It has not been gzipped, so you should be able to untar it with just tar xf wifizoo.tar.

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