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janilan 2018-06-02 13:08

HELP N900 - "Unable to use this SIM card in device"
Hi everyone,
I've recently got 2 n900 from a friend that didn't know nothing about the "power" of maemo and n900. When I saw them, I felt some "nostalgic happiness" and I am willing to came back to maemo. Unfortunately both are showing errors and you may help me to solve them:

1º N900:
- If we have any SIM Card in place it always came up with the message "Unable to use this SIM card in device".
- I've tried several different SIM cards and the message always appear on boot
- If no sim card is inserted, the N900 boot up with no errors at all, and all seems working just fine.

2º N900:
- It boots perfectly, sim cart is correctly detected but no storage appear
- If I try to flash new rom, it don't recognize the phone correctly.

Does anyone faced any of these issues? Can them be solved?

Thank you in advance!

aspergerguy 2018-06-02 14:15

Re: HELP N900 - "Unable to use this SIM card in device"
With regards to "Unable to use this SIM card in device" can't ever remember seeing this, you don't get "red line" across SIM icon?

You are trying to flash using sequence(s) in this resource?

Grab any firmware files you need from here:

hardy_magnus 2018-06-02 16:36

Re: HELP N900 - "Unable to use this SIM card in device"
update the devices with newer versions.

endsormeans 2018-06-02 17:08

Re: HELP N900 - "Unable to use this SIM card in device"
Let me get this straight...

You got NIT device from a guy who really knows nothing about them...
(It doesn't matter which model of nXX0 you got...)

and the first thing you DIDN'T do...
( after receiving them from someone who is completely unaware of how to use them...)
was ...
reflash them?

you expect them to run properly?
with whatever the last guy did to them?

It doesn't matter if you got NIT devices from the Great Pumpkin himself ....

First thing one must always do when receiving a new (unused) or used NIT ...
is reflash the firmware....

and then check how the device performs...
then you know that you are starting from a clean fresh slate...

Not wasting your time trying to fix someone else's screw-ups...
that are easily wiped clean with a fresh install.

janilan 2018-06-02 17:52

Re: HELP N900 - "Unable to use this SIM card in device"
Thank you for all your answers!

Here you have a few additional information and answers about your comments:
1. @aspergerguy
a. I've already flashed the first device and the problem persist. "Unable to use this SIM card in device"
b. On the second device the flasher won't recognize the phone (probably just the storage of the phone)

2. @hardy_magnus
a. Already tried to flsh them, still the same issues

3. @endsormeans
a. A lot of persons got the n900 and others because it was nokia, but they only got these terminals by that simple reason. This guy had 2 of them because several years ago he and his brother made that choice, use them for a couple years and then put them in a drawer. When I saw them he gave them to me for free!
b. Already tried to flsh them, still the same issues

Is there any other thing to do besides re-fhash them?


endsormeans 2018-06-02 18:35

Re: HELP N900 - "Unable to use this SIM card in device"
first thing is to confirm...

you did make sure to use the latest and correct firmware version for your n900's ...right?

and you did flash them correctly with no issues in the flashing procedure...

Those are the very 1st 2 issues that are the beginning of most common problems...

If flashing was done correctly and with the proper firmware version...
the issues are not with proper installation...
Flashing essentially erases the device to start fresh...
meaning the problems that the previous user did to them ...should be nullified.
I say "should"...
since it is possible that the previous owners damaged them in ways that most aware NIT users would not consider to do...

as far as "Unable to use this SIM card in device"...
Personally I have never run into that specific output statement before...
telephony issues ...yes...
telephony disabled issues ...etc...yes....

But if the self same sim was put into the 2nd N900 and it worked ...
then there is definitely an issue with the 1st and one I have not encountered yet...

possibly another n900 user here has had this issue ...and will comment.

and the 2nd device has no internal storage??
is that what you meant?

If you flashed both correctly....

I see why your friend put them in a drawer ....
and forgot about them...
and then gave them to you...

I would imagine that enough parties throwing their experience at the 2 issues on the n900's will give an answer that will help...

Gotta think about this for a bit...

(hahahaha...just saw a user here...must not come around often...or I would remember that name..."Feedme" ...great username... :D)

hardy_magnus 2018-06-03 01:42

Re: HELP N900 - "Unable to use this SIM card in device"
you flashed them and now update them using wifi and see if everything works. i am a noob , can't tell you anything better. there's something wrong with the partitions , hardware fault it could be anything.

endsormeans 2018-06-03 08:42

Re: HELP N900 - "Unable to use this SIM card in device"
Sim issues on the 1st n900 ...let us deal with later...

I have a few thoughts...

I think perhaps the 2nd n900 may have an issue related to a cssu testing version..

I would suggest reading here
as well refer to the cssu testing thread as well..

It is possible that the previous user mucked about with a testing variant ...
Possibly the issue has had some deeper effect...that simply reflashing will not fix...
the cssu testing thread and internal storage issues are a good place to start.

Although you're reflashing should (one would figure..) wipe it all clean and fresh... :(


open terminal and execute this :

ls /dev/mmcblk0*

and tell me what happens...
(God only knows what your n900 will spit out in response... :D)

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