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peterleinchen 2014-04-10 19:59

[FIX] fMMS - MMS on the N900, cannot receive
1 Attachment(s)
Here is the fix (I desperately wanted) for my environment.

The fix is so easy, but do not ask me how much time I spent then and now debugging, understanding/changing/learning code, trying to understand MMS protocol, ...

I am sure frals would have solved within a few minutes (less than hour).:rolleyes:

Nevertheless here we go:
get root
open /opt/fmms/mms/ with leafpad/nano/vi
and add following line

                  0x19 : ('WTF', 'BooleanValue'),
Attached is the modified python script, but this sed command will do the trick also (as.root):

sed -e s/"                  0x18 : ('Transaction-Id', 'TextString'),"/"           
    0x18 : ('Transaction-Id', 'TextString'),\n                  0x19 : ('WTF', 'BooleanValue'), #peterleinchen"/ -i /opt/fmms/mms/

freemangordon 2014-04-10 21:08

Re: [FIX] fMMS - MMS on the N900, cannot receive
What about gaining maintainership and uploading a fixed version in extras?

peterleinchen 2014-04-10 21:21

Re: [FIX] fMMS - MMS on the N900, cannot receive

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1420753)
What about gaining maintainership and uploading a fixed version in extras?

Done (at least first part ;)).
But please do not expect new features :D

One question: you wrote 'extras'? Did you mean 'extras-devel', sure! Or 'extras-testing, also understood! But 'extras'?

sixwheeledbeast 2014-04-10 21:29

Re: [FIX] fMMS - MMS on the N900, cannot receive

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1420755)
One question: you wrote 'extras'? Did you mean 'extras-devel', sure! Or 'extras-testing, also understood! But 'extras'?

I don't see why not. After all the whole point of -devel and -testing is to QA before extras.

freemangordon 2014-04-10 21:55

Re: [FIX] fMMS - MMS on the N900, cannot receive

Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast (Post 1420758)
I don't see why not. After all the whole point of -devel and -testing is to QA before extras.

exactly :)

peterleinchen 2014-04-17 20:29

Re: [FIX] fMMS - MMS on the N900, cannot receive
Just sent it to extras-devel. (as I used the devel sources)
Please check it to be the 'same' package (used py2deb).

BUT after one week there is not a single feedback at all :(
Not that I expected hundreds/thousands of hoorays, but a bit more enthusiasm.
I really really do not use this MMS service myself or did/do receive a lot of MMS, but to have a device not capable of receiving those one/two messages a year really made me angry (hence my efforts)!

misiak 2014-04-17 21:03

Re: [FIX] fMMS - MMS on the N900, cannot receive

for(int i=0; i<=9999; i++) {
  printf("hooray peterleinchen!\n");

There you go ;) Just one question - what if mms receiving was perfectly working for me all the time (i received my last mms ~1 week ago)? Can this change break something? Should I test? What exactly is this "WTF" boolean value, what is it used for?

Edit: Well... I just looked at my mms list nad saw some small glitches... There are some messages which seem to be incorrectly decoded somehow. There is html-like code in the end. Let's say the message should end with "haha :D" and instead there's "haha :D<smil><head><layout>[...and so on...]" (smil.xml content?). Is it a known issue (maybe even connected to this fix?) or should I debug it further and try to fix it myself? ;) It's not really annoying... And seems to be very rare and random - I have only 3 or 4 messages with it (one with non-alphanumeric characters, one with letters which are present only in my country's national charset and one with only english letters and spaces), while my complete mms list has >=100 items.

peterleinchen 2014-04-17 21:15

Re: [FIX] fMMS - MMS on the N900, cannot receive
Okay, as I got now my 10000 hoorays I open up the Pandora box ;)

Yep, for some it was working fine, for others not!
Up to now no one (I know of) had a clue why. Even 'rumors' about IMEI databases, blocking by operator on purpose, ...
But it is all due to my operator(s) decided to send MMS according to specification 1.1 (fmms sends and receives only 1.0). So the header parsing went berserk and screwed everything.

This fix only adds one specific 1.1 header (X-MMS-Retrieve-Status), but that was sufficient for me (there are of course more and even spec.1.2).
So what I would like to get is some feedback from users who suffered non-ability-of-receiving.
[i.e. for you it does not matter atm and NO it will NOT break anything]

edit to misiak's edit
Yes that is the layout code of the message. And should not be in the message text itself. You are lucky that the text of message (or was it subject?) seems to be in front of smil info. Other way round message would have been unreadable possibly. And I assume that some length has not been read correct or text was not-Null terminated (which is only normal at the end) or some special characters (unicode?) screwed it up.
But as you say only a few are borked.
And no I am sure my fix has nothing to do with it.

misiak 2014-04-17 21:25

Re: [FIX] fMMS - MMS on the N900, cannot receive

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1421753)
This fix only adds one specific 1.1 header (X-MMS-Retrieve-Status), but that was sufficient for me (there are of course more and even spec.1.2).
So what I would like to get is some feedback from users who suffered non-ability-of-receiving.
[i.e. for you it does not matter atm and NO it will NOT break anything]

Wouldn't it be proper to call it "Retrieve-Status" instead of "WTF" then (following the naming convention for other fields in the file)? ;)

Edit: and, following page 42 of , add Retrieve-Text, Read-Status, Reply-Charging and Reply-Charging-Deadline too? (although I'm not sure which version of the specification this pdf describes...)

Edit2: oh, there are also: Reply-Charging-ID, Reply-Charging-Size, Previously-Sent-By and Previously-Sent-Date fields on next page, I missed them earlier...

peterleinchen 2014-04-17 21:33

Re: [FIX] fMMS - MMS on the N900, cannot receive
Yep, exactly.
Please see the deb coming to extras-devel! :D
(Except the others ;) I am a lazy bastard and for me it is sufficient, hence the desired feedbacks to know I need to invest more work.)

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