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StickYY 2012-04-11 08:40

N900 kills every call after 10 minutes.
Hello Community,

(not native english speaking)
i have a big big big Problem with the N900 of a friend.
Every Call is killed after max. 10 minutes.
i flashed Vanilla and Combined, but the bug is still there.

i looked in Conky which process is started at this time. The process "tonegend" starts, the call ends, "tonegend" disappears.

I searched a lot. Nobody could help me.
i asked in forums, searched google,.......

you are my last hope!
If you need aditional inforation just ask for it.

raandoom 2012-04-11 16:37

Re: N900 kills every call after 10 minutes.
Hmm, maybe it is your operator kill your call? :)
For example, my operator kills my call every 30 minutes.

StickYY 2012-04-11 16:50

Re: N900 kills every call after 10 minutes.
Hey, that could be a Problem
Tomorrow i ask my Operator.

BTW: another Process is beeing started at the "end of call", it called "ohmd"
i found out it is Open Hardware Manager. it manages for example, that you can get calls with full cpu capacity, and the temperature.

MINKIN2 2012-04-11 16:50

Re: N900 kills every call after 10 minutes.
Could be the operator, perhaps? Can you be sure that the phone will cut of at exactly 9:59?

StickYY 2012-04-12 05:30

Re: N900 kills every call after 10 minutes.
just testet it.

if I call back right after a killed call, it goes 9,59.
if i wait 30 seconds bevor calling back, it goes 9,29.
if i wait 2 minutes, it goes 8 minutes.

after that, i don't think it's the operator, but however, i'll ask my operator today.

Estel 2012-04-12 05:40

Re: N900 kills every call after 10 minutes.
Have same thing with T-Mobile here in Poland, except, that it kills call after exactly 1 hour.


fffffred 2012-04-12 06:04

Re: N900 kills every call after 10 minutes.
i get free 5 minute calls to my missus, this would be a handy feature to have

reinob 2012-04-12 07:47

Re: N900 kills every call after 10 minutes.

Originally Posted by StickYY (Post 1191023)
just testet it.

if I call back right after a killed call, it goes 9,59.
if i wait 30 seconds bevor calling back, it goes 9,29.
if i wait 2 minutes, it goes 8 minutes.

after that, i don't think it's the operator, but however, i'll ask my operator today.

Which operator is that?
AFAIK you're in Germany (I think I've read your post in

I have (E-Plus network) and have never noticed this problem, although my calls are usually much shorter than that.

StickYY 2012-04-12 08:18

Re: N900 kills every call after 10 minutes.

Originally Posted by reinob (Post 1191077)
Which operator is that?
AFAIK you're in Germany (I think I've read your post in

I have (E-Plus network) and have never noticed this problem, although my calls are usually much shorter than that.

Yes, i've written in
This is an o2-Pre-paid card.
I know a lot of people with o2, but no one with this

reinob 2012-04-12 08:53

Re: N900 kills every call after 10 minutes.

Maybe this is not relevant, but which kernel are you using? are you overclocking? Is SmartReflex enabled? Have you installed speedpatch and/or batterypatch (even if you later uninstalled it), are you using CSSU?

Any other "mods" or "tweaks" that might be worth mentioning?

I realize that if this is not your N900 you may not have an answer to all of that..

I also realize that you state that you have flashed your N900. Are you 100% you flashed it completely? Did you install *anything* after flashing?

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